Encyclopaedia of Jewish Communities:
Germany volume 3


51°22' / 08°48'

Translation from Pinkas ha-kehilot Germanyah

Published by Yad Vashem

Published in Jerusalem, 1992



Project Coordinator and Translator


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This is a translation from: Pinkas Hakehillot: Encyclopaedia of Jewish Communities, Germany
Volume 3, page 355, published by Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 1992

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[Page 355]

Adorf, Germany
(a village in the Waldeck District, today a part of the village Diemelsee)


Year Number of
of Jews
1826   45  
1847   41  
1900 1,148 33 2.9
1910 1,112 26 2.4
1925 1,110 14 1.3
1933 1,160 19 1.6
1939 1,137 3 0.3


Religious Affiliation by Percentage in 1925

Jews Catholics Protestants Others
1.3 0.8 95.4 2.5


From the History of the Community

In 1802, four Jewish families lived in Adorf; in 1826, 8 families; and in 1847, six. In 1838, the Jewish cemetery was opened and nearby, at the same time, the community was established. There also was a synagogue there. The community belonged to the rabbinical district of Kassel. On the eve of the Nazi rise to power, Eduard Mosheim was its leader.

In September of 1935, windows of Jewish homes were shattered.

Between the summer of 1936 and the end of 1937, 12 of the Jews of Adorf moved to other cities in Germany, and one emigrated to Brazil. The communal structure disbanded before the Fall of 1938 and its holy objects were taken to Kassel. On Kristallnacht the synagogue was damaged.

With the outbreak of the Second World War, three Jews remained in Adorf. Two of them were brought on Nov. 11, 1941, to Wrexen, and one apparently stayed in the place and passed away in 1947. At least one of the community's members perished in the Holocaust.

Today the cemetery (885 square meters) is part of the municipality of Diemelsee.

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