Encyclopaedia of Jewish Communities:
Germany volume 3


49°53' / 08°09'

Translation from Pinkas ha-kehilot Germanyah

Published by Yad Vashem

Published in Jerusalem, 1992



Project Coordinator and Translator


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This is a translation from: Pinkas Hakehillot: Encyclopaedia of Jewish Communities, Germany
Volume 3, page 270, published by Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 1992

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[Page 270]

Nieder-Saulheim, Germany

a village in the district of Mainz-Bingen



Year Number of
Of them Jewish By %
1824   58  
1861 1,910 71 3.7
1880 1,909 64 3.3
1910 2,117 37 1.7
1925 2,258 32 1.4
1933 2,387 29 1.2
1939 2,369 -  


Religious Affiliation by % in the Year 1933

Jews Catholics Protestants Others
1.2 25.3 73.1 0.4


In 1848 14 Jewish families lived in Nieder-Saulheim, and approximately in 1850 the synagogue was established. In 1861 community was comprised of 71 individuals, but since the end of the 19th century the number of Jews constantly decreased. As late as 1894 the new head of the community, Simon Nahman, was forced to take the outmoded and degrading 'Jews' Oath' before the head of the village, which according to the Constitution of the State of Hessen was revoked before the middle of the century. In 1912 the synagogue was renovated, and in 1926 a Jewish cemetery was opened in Nieder-Saulheim (in the past, the deceased were buried in Jugenheim, qv). The community belonged to the rabbinate of Alzey (qv).

On the eve of the civil new year of 1918 the windows of the synagogue were shattered.

In the elections of 19.6.1932 for the Landtag the Nazis won 68.7% of the inhabitants' votes (as opposed to 44% in all of Hessen).

In 1924 regular public prayer was no longer held. The last head of the community was Julius Vogel.

During the Nazi reign the community of Mainz (qv) provided the Jews of

Nieder-Saulheim with spiritual and material aid. In 1936, for example, it sent a cantor and congregants in order to allow public prayer. In August 1938 the Union of Jewish communities of Hessen asked the authorities to arrange providing food to the Jews of Nieder-Saulheim, after the local store owners refused to sell them provisions.

In November 1938 the local Jews decided to dismantle the community. In December 1938 a local farmer demanded to revoke the sale of the field of a local Jew to an inhabitant who was known as a 'friend of the Jews', and to transfer the field to his ownership.

In 1936 one Jew emigrated to the United States, and in the years 1936 to 1941 24 Jews moved to other cities within Germany.

After 1945 one Jewish woman lived in Nieder-Saulheim, apparently married to a non-Jew. Today the local council minds the Jewish cemetery (255 sq. m.)

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