[Page 214 - top]

Jews walking to the ghetto
Jews walking to the ghetto


[Page 214 - lower]

Arrested Jews

Arrested Jews.

They shoot at the German soldiers from their houses. Millions of Jews live in Poland. This scum of mankind has confronted our troops in enemy territory, everywhere. These East European Jews whose sons inundated the whole of Europe and have built up their riches on the economic and moral misery of the people – are in the final stages of their control in Central Europe.”

[Page 217 - top]

Before being sent to the deathcamp. Jewish pray and wait for a miracle
Before being sent to the deathcamp. Jewish pray and wait for a miracle


[Page 217 - lower]

Jews board the death train carrying them to Auschwitz
Jews board the death train carrying them to Auschwitz


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Updated 1 Jan 2003 by LA