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[Page 99 - English]

Management of the Ostrowiec Society in New York
Seated (from right to left): Moshe Fisch, Secretary Shmuel Streitmann, Chairman Josef Glatt, Vice-Chairman B. Bornstein, F. Ehrlich
Standing: H. Rosenblum, Charlie Storn, N. Fachler, Charlie Grossmann, Berish Glatt, Shlomo Grossman, M. Berson - cashier

[Page 100 - English]

Ostrovtser Society in New York commemorates the 28th
tragic anniversary of the annihilation of their beloved in Ostrowiec



Kindling the six memorial candles in remembrance
of six million Jewish martyrs
Eliezer Kuppermann bemoans the martyrs of Ostrowiec

[Page 101 - English]

The attendance standing in honor of the deceased
The Commemoration Committee

Standing: (from left): Mrs. I. Grossmann, Shimon Kempinski, Abraham Bieranski, Yehiel Grossmann, Gloria Gutwill, B. Bornstein, Chana Beckerman (Wurmann), Israel Friedrich and wife
Seated (from left): Rachel Gutholz-Kempinski, Mrs. Biezanski, Shmuel Streitmann, Dora Bornstein, Eliezer Kuppermann, Frank Kursch
The Cantor recites “El Mole Rachamim…”

[Page 102 - English]

Yizkor Book Committee of the Ostrowiec “Landsleit” at a Special
Meeting Convened for Fundraising Purposes during the 6-Day War in Israel

Seated (from right to left): Mrs. Charles Storn, R. Gutholz-Kempinsky, Shmuel Streitmann, Bernard Bornstein, Dora Bornstein, Guta Gutwill-Braun, Mrs. B. Glatt
Standing in the first row: Fanny Bornstein, Rivka Weiss, Moshe Fisch, Hellen Fisch, Jeannette Streitman, Bernard Glatt, Mrs. Winchester, Mrs. Glatt, Josef Glatt
Standing in the last row: Shimon Kempinsky, Charlie Storn, Charlie Grossmann, Neta Pachler, Leon Steinmann, I.M. Birenzweig, S. Birenzweig, David Winchester, Mordechai Topel, Harry Rosenblum

[Page 103 - English]

The Auxiliary Committee of Ostrovtser in New York sending an ambulance for the Red Magen David in Israel during the Liberation War of 1948

[Page 104 - English]

The general conference of the Ostrovtser auxiliary committee in Chicago in 1948, with the participation of delegates from Los Angeles, New York and Toronto


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