Table of Contents

[Page i]

Notes From the Project Coordinator

One of the more important aspects of a Yizkor book translation is to allow the readers to find information about their relatives. This requires that the names in the book are transliterated in such a way as to yield the names that readers are expecting. This is a fairly difficult task because of the way that the Hebrew names are specified and other anomalies within this book.

1) Vowels are not specified within the Hebrew portions of this book;
2) Many Hebrew consonants (e.g. feh/peh beit/veit, etc.) are not distinguishable from one another because the distinguishing characteristics are not specified;
3) The same person listed in the Table of Contents, in a chapter, in the List of Figures and in a Figure Caption will often have their surname spelled several different ways;
4) If five different people were to transliterate the same surname there would probably be at least four different spellings.

This project coordinator felt that it was important to establish some guidelines and transliteration methods that were, at least, consistent and explainable. The first decision was to determine what the “end product” of the transliteration should be. Should the names reflect the period and location, should they be “modernized”, or should they be “westernized”. The following thoughts yielded a final answer:

1) These people all lived under the Russian/Romanian influence and most of them died there;
2) Modernization of names would, at best, be very risky since there is nothing to indicate how names were modernized;
3) Westernization would be unfair to all of the people reading this book that are from Israel, South America and other countries besides North America;
4) It is important in genealogy to understand family names as they changed over time.

It was, therefore, decided that the names should reflect the period and location in which these people lived. The consequence of this is that you will find Yosef not Joseph, Yitzchak not Isaac, Goldshteyn not Goldstein, Veitzman not Weitzman and other such differences. The methods used for transliteration were slightly different for Given names and Surnames, and are described below.

Given Names: In order to establish a consistent method it was decided that a published source (that had both the Hebrew and transliterated equivalent) should be used as a basis. Several sources were investigated and it was decided that “The Complete Dictionary of English and Hebrew First Names” by Alfred J. Kolatch (1984) best met the criteria previously discussed. It proved to be a good source since over 80% of the Hebrew spellings in this Yizkor book were found in Kolatch's book. The other 20% were generated by using the techniques that are discussed in the Surname discussion that follows.

Surnames: Surnames were much more difficult because there was no single source that would satisfy the needs. A transliteration table was generated after examining many sources and transliterated names. The table reflected differences if a Hebrew letter was at the beginning of a name, in the middle or at the end because it's location often had a major effect. There were always exceptions to every rule and there were in this situation. As indicated above, the same surname was often spelled several different ways and in these cases the most “complete” Hebrew spelling (e.g. that which specified the most complete set of letters) was used and the others were made to agree.

The following is the transliteration table that was used. The Hebrew letter is specified followed by the Latin characters used if it was at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a name.

alef a/e/o/u
gimel g
dalet(daleth) d
hehh a/e (a if female, e if male)
vav vv/o/u
zayin z
het ch
tet t
yod yi/y
kaf(khaf) k ch k
lamed l
mem m
nun n
samekh s
ayin a/e
peh(feh) f/p
tzadi ztz
qof(kof) k
resh r
shin(sin) sh
thav(tav) t

Some of the primary exceptions were the following letter combinations:

Letter Sound
tet-shin ch
zayin-shin zh
tzadi-' ch
tzadi-qof-yod sky
zayin -' zh
vav-vav v

Finally, it was decided to standardize on -ovitz as an ending instead of -ovich, no matter which was specified.

When the table and exceptions were applied against all of the given names in the book over 95% of them agreed with the transliteration found in Kolatch's book. For the surnames the hard part was deciding where to place vowels, what ayin should be, whether vav was a v or an o/u and determining whether the feh/peh should be an F or an P. In order to aid in this dilemma three sources were used to determine the possible spellings, the pronunciation and the possible placement of vowels.

1) Jewishgen Family Finder (using the Daitch-Mokotoff soundex)
2) “Jewish Names in the Russian Empire”, by Alexander Beider
3) The transliterated 1906-07 Bessarabia Duma Lists

The transliterated Bessarabia Duma lists were specifically from the town of Orgeyev and were also part of the basis of Beider's book. These two sources were from Russian transliteration, so it was important to use their concepts and not their actual spellings.

The result of all of this is really twofold. First, when searching for a surname the following should be taken into consideration (if you were using the Daitch-Mokotoff system it would be done for you):

1) Also check Z and CH if your surname begins with TZ, TS, KH or CH;
2) Also check SH and Z if your surname begins with S;
3) If it begins with P or F then check both;
4) Remember that a vav can be a V or an O/U (within a name only), so check for alternate spellings within a name;
5) Vowels are very questionable since they are “arbitrary” so expect possible differences in the vowels and their placement.

Secondly, there are many names (especially in the figure captions) that have only initials instead of given names. This only causes a problem if the initial is a feh/peh or an alef (ayin was never found as an initial or it would have also been a problem). In those cases the value was put in brackets (unless the same person was found with a given name elsewhere in the book). You will, therefore, sometimes find “[alef].” or “[feh].” to indicate that the actual initial is not known.

Even after all of this was done sometimes the same surname ended up being spelled different ways. The project coordinator tried to keep this from happening but with 6 or 7 different translators some slipped through during the validation and formatting step.

Terry Lasky
Project Coordinator

[Page ii]

Index of Surnames

Prepared by Terry Lasky

This index is not part of the Yizkor book, it was constructed by the project coordinator to help in locating information about specific surnames. If you haven't read the “Notes from the Project Coordinator” you should read it first - it gives an explanation of the transliteration of the names in this book and some hints for locating family names.

The following codes are used to indicate where the names may be found:

# Means that this surname occurs in the indicated chapter.
A, B, C or D Means that this surname occurs in the indicated Insert.
F# Means that the surname occurs in the indicated Figure.

Surname Chapter/Insert/Figure
Aberman 6
Abramovitz 6, 30, 42, 54, 62, 79, F69
Adam 54
Adesser 24, F5A
Alkushi 19, 105, C, F206
Alterman 6
Altman 26
Arazi 70
Asch 11
Asuskin 79
Averbukh 5, 11, 12, 16, 35, 59, 99, 104, B2, B3, C, F13, F36, F205
Babitz 6
Bakovskaya 24, F72
Bakovsky 28, 55
Balan F60, F63, F69
Barabanchik 25
Barinboym 64, B2, F22, F98
Baru 5, 19, 127
Baudfein F52
Beder 46
Beker 6, B2, F5B
Belfer 6, 33, F8, F52, F82
Belocherkovsky 6
Ben-Asher 4
Bendersky B2
Ben-Shem 12, F29, F36, F38, F45
Ben-Yaakov 15
Ben-Zion 2, 6, F70
Berezovsky 25
Berkovitz 6, 7, 11, 17, 24, 26, 52, 59, 66, B2, F47
Berger 10
Berl 53
Berliand 17
Berman 118
Beyder 6, B2
Beznos 6, 12, 47, 106, C, F37, F39, F58, F207
Bik 23, 25, 46, 129, F69
Bielkovsky 8
Bilinski 41
Bilmosh F82
Birnbaum 105
Bobrik F80
Bogoslavsky 6, 51, F58
Boks 59, B2
Bolochnik 17
Bondovitz 29
Bord 24
Borisovitz 6
Borsutsky 5, 8, 9, 29, 35, 38, 42, 75, 92, 95, 107, 112, 124, C, F208, F234
Bozinyan 10, 11, F13, F32, F60, F62
Bradichansky B2
Brandeis 6
Branover 6, 23, 28
Brem 110
Brezner 49
Brillman 62
Bronshteyn 11, 12, 13, 14, 24, 65, 104, F29, F35, F36, F44, F45, F47, F99, F134, F135, F136, F137, F138
Bronson 11
Brosman B2
Broytman F53
Bursuker F5B
Chaimovitz 6, 59, 109, 115, F5B, F53
Chait 6
Chalyk 6, 11, 12, 89, B2, F30, F48, F124
Chananis F60
Charak B2, C
Cheriyan 6, 33, 73, B2, F52
Chinkis 33, F82
Chokla 6, 22, F44
Cholodenko 25
Chulsky 6, B2
Chusid F80
Chuvis F13, F28
Cohen See Kohan
Cossack 42
Dacha F217
Daskal 6, 11, B2, F42, F52, F143, F145, F165
Davidovitz 6, 10, 11, 24, B2, F14, F22, F28, F44, F72, F141
Davidson 5
Derubitsky F25
Dikler 11, F30
Dinin 29
Dinovitzer 23
Dizengof 8, 10, 14, 95, B2, F27
Dizner F27
Druker 17
Duchovny 6, 11, 19, 37, 38, 50, 125, B2, F14, F25, F29, F144
Dushker F60
Dvorzhetsky 56
Dyukman 6, 10, 11, 12, 70, B2, D2, F22, F30, F32, F33, F38, F44, F58, F104, F105, F106
Elkin 5, 59, B2
Eltzufin B2
Epstein 2
Erlikh F62
Etinger 36
Etlis F36
Etziovny B3
Eydelman 11, F47
Farber F8
Fasir 6, 33, F9
Feigin 10, 17, 36, 39, C, F85
Feinbaron 35
Feingold 17
Feinman 11, 31
Feinsilver 6, 8, 19, 21
Fierman 17
Fikhman 6, 8, 35, 42, 88, 90
Filarsky B2F60, F62, F170, F243
Filderman 61
Filmus F82
Finkel B2, F172
Finkelshteyn 17, 19, 23, B2, F60, F62, F63, F64, F69, F70
Fishelyov B2
Fisher 6, 7, 11, 86, 87, B2, F11, F17, F22, F62, F121, F122
Flahom 5
Fleshler 6, 11, 42, F32
Ford 11
Frank 1, 11, 12, 22, 63, 88, 116, 117, 132, B2, C, D2, F29, F30, F38, F44, F53, F123, F216, F217, F243
Frant 59, F9
Frayman 63
Freiberg 9, F13
Fridman 33, B2
Frimis F5A
Fromberg F25
Fruchtman F80
Fuchis B2, F171
Fudman F60
Furer 11, 19, 33, 34, 37, 38, 112, 113, 127, C, F48, F213
Galperin 6, F14
Garber 12, F36
Gat 39
Gelbrukh 6, 20, 43
Geler 10, 17, 81, F117
Gelfer 35
Gelman F5B
Gendler F52
Gershkovitz B2, C, F139
Gertopan B2
Geynichovitz 6, 11, 15, 22, B2, C, F17, F29, F44, F223, F243
Gildin 43
Gilishenskaya 21
Gilishensky 19, 29, 31, 42, 124
Ginzburg 19, 35
Gisenblat F53
Gitnik 66
Glantz B2
Gleybman 11, B2, F69
Gleyzer B2, F142
Globman 23, 66, 67, 68, 91, 108, 120, C, F100, F102, F209
Gluzgold 6, 22, 59, 63, 82, B2, F42
Goichman F9
Golani 9, C, F20
Goldberg 6, 18
Goldenberg 62, B2, C, F5A, F5B, F225, F226, F227
Goldenshteyn F5A
Goldshtern 44, 50, B2, C, F229, F237
Goldstein 43
Gondelman 111, B2, F52, F60, F63, F82
Gonik B2, F146
Goril B2
Gordon 14
Gorodishtyan F5B
Gotlieb 8, C, F228
Gozshteyn 79
Grabovsky 10
Grechanik B2
Grigoriovna 6, 54
Grinberg 9, 42, F63, F64, F80, F82
Grinblat F63, F64
Grinshteyn F80
Grobokopatel 21, B2, F53, F69
Groisman F33
Groso 35
Groyser 6, 54, 62, 69, B2, F11, F47, F103
Guitnik 39
Gukovsky 17
Guralnik 11, 21
Gutman F5B
Guvrin 107
Guzikov 25
HaAm 12, 13
Halels 6
Hecht 6
Heflech 35
Hentin 12, 112, F36, F45
Herman B2
Hoichman 6, F82
Honik 126, F235
Horovitz F69
Huberman F8, F72
Isakovna 6, 30
Ish-Shalom 110
Israel 5
Kalashnik 23
Kalmanovitz 6, 11, 18, 55, 82
Kamchi 100, 101, C, F202
Kandel B2
Kaner F5B
Kantor F62, F63, F64
Karabelnik 6
Karol 43
Karp 5
Katz 11, 23, 74, B2, F5A, F30, F32, F44, F63, F108, F109
Katzap 55, 118, B2, C, F32, F58, F69, F169, F175, F176, F177, F178, F179
Katzov B2
Katzovman F36
Kavval 42
Kelmaner F44
Kerdik 6
Kestlicher 6, 7, 11, 90, B2, F125
Keyser 21, 22, 30, F8
Kiperchensky 20, B2
Kira 43
Kiro F66
Kisilov F62
Kislyuk F5B
Kleiderman 14
Kleiner 6, 10, 11, B2, F22, F32, F69
Kleinman B2, F36, F184, F186
Klepner 11, F22, F47
Klister 6, 55
Knott 76
Kodryanu 47
Kogan F5B
Kohan 6, 11, 24, 48, 110, B2, C, F22, F211
Kolichman 59
Konstantinescu 47
Kopelnikov F80
Kopelyuk F60
Korenfeld 19, 78, B2
Kornblit 6
Kovadlo 25, B2, F69, F182, F183
Kozhashnyan B2
Krashkovitz 17
Krasilschik 23, 33
Krasner 19, 29, 42, 90, C, F230
Krauthamer B2
Krips 6, 54
Kruglyak 40, 43, 91, B2, F5A, F126, F187, F188, F189
Kuchuk 12, F36, F45
Kulik B2, F60, F63, F64, F159
Kupchik 59, B2, F42
Kupertzansky F60, F63, F64
Landau 7
Lantzman 8
Lashko 6, 66
Lau F64
Laufer 6, F13
Lazinski 29
Lechtman F60, F63, F64
Lederman F35
Legerman F62
Lemberg 10, 17, 78, B2, F13, F60, F63, F64, F111, F112
Lerner 23
Levinson 42, 45, 92, 111, B2, C, F9, F50, F212
Leyderberg 6, 27, 77, F25, F47
Liberovitz B2
Libertov 6
Lidid F5A
Likodrietz F60
Liniveker B2, F52, F152
Lipshin 6, 7, 8, 20, 29, 62, 75, B2, F9, F52, F243
Lipshits 19
Litvak 19
Liva 26
Loshakov 11, 23, 24, 33, 76, B2, F71, F72
Lubarsky F63, F64
Lupatner 11, 37
Machlis F53
Magich 55
Maier 42
Maler 55
Malis 6
Malkovitz 11, F82
Malovatsky 6, 7, 10, 21, 47, B2, F25, F27, F44, F243
Malovchki 80
Man 6, F151
Marinyansky 6, B2
Markovetsky F17
Markovitz 6
Mazlover F5A
Meizler F60
Melamed 26, 29, 39
Menashes 5, 8, 127
Mendelsohn 19
Mikelman B2, F168
Miller 54
Milshteyn 6, 23, 24, 33, 62, 66, 79, B2, F8, F72, F113
Mimis 6
Mineylov 62, B2
Mishkis 19, 29, 33, F58, F159, F160
Mishkov 44
Mnekutza 5
Mohilever 8
Moldavsky B2
Montianu 6
Mordkovitz 33, B2, F32, F154, F155, F156, F157, F158
Mosenzan 9, 42
Moseyovitz D2
Moshkovitz F5A, F5B
Mozhelyan 6, B2, F15
Mozlin 11
Muchnik 6, 14, 84, B2, B3, F53, F153, F241
Munder 15, 17, 62, B2, F36, F44, F58, F60, F63, F64
Mundrian 19, 51, 58, 70, D2, F240
Muntzer 11
Nadel 37
Nairner 12, C, F17
Nakhumtse 5
Naychin 6, 8, 11, 28, 42, 43, 54, 80, 81, B2, D2F11, F14, F28, F29, F36, F114, F115, F116, F117, F161, F162, F163
Naydelman 62
Nayman 7, 20, 23, 24, 32, B2, F13, F145, F165
Nepomnyashcha 30
Nirenberg 6, 10, 58, 82, B2, F118
Nisenblat B2
Nisenboim 6, 47, 124
Nudelman 28, F80
Oberman F80
Odesser See Adesser
Olitsky F62
Osipovna 6, F13
Ostrovsky F33, F72
Ovinu 53
Pagis 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 17, 19, 26, 33, 43, 47, 48, 50, 55, 59, 82, 84, 85, B2, F120
Panush 44
Pasechnik F5A
Pavlov 48
Peker B2
Peretz 55
Perlov 6, 33, F82
Petrushka 14, 115, C, F215
Pinkenzon 68, 128
Pinsker 8
Pinsky 29
Pisarevsky 6, 20, 29
Polinkovsky B2, F62, F200
Polonsky 19, 112, B2, F101
Popesko 44
Portnoy 114, C, F60, F62, F63, F82, F214
Povolski 5
Pruzhinin 105
Rabinovitz 6, 8, 19, 21, 30, 35, 37, 54, B2, C, D2, F11, F28, F47, F69, F86, F232
Rach F60
Radulsky F231
Rapoport 6, 10, 11, 18, 22, 24, 37, 102, B2, C, F5A, F25, F44, F47, F72, F180, F181, F233, F243
Rasco 47
Ravich 6, 8, 20, 23, 29, 32, 33, 35, 45, 62, 79, 82, 92, 124, B2, F9, F92, F127
Rechevsky 6, F13
Rechulsky 6, 47, C, F51, F53
Reinard 5
Rekis 50
Repetur 18
Reznik 5, 55, 59, B2, F5A, F47
Ribokoli 78
Rishtant 59
Roitkov See Rotkov
Roitman 6, 8, 10, 11, 18, 33, 59, 79, 92, 102, B2, B3, F14, F203
Rokovitz 5
Romalis B2
Rosenthal 6
Rotinsky 30, 94, B2, F128, F129
Rotkov 1, 6, 11, 20, 21, 22, 24, 33, 35, 55, 79, 82, 103, 120, 131, 132, B3, C, F9, F14, F22, F69, F80, F204, F219, F243
Rozen 5, 12, 18, 119, B2, F218
Rozenberg B2, F52
Rozenfeld 6, 24, 25, 62, 93, B2, F13, F14, F42, F58, F190, F191A, F191B, F191C, F192, F243
Rubinstein 6
Rybukovsky F8
Samet 17
Sandler B2, F63, F166
Sapozhnik F8, F80
Savitch 6, 20
Savransky B2
Schiff 17
Schwartz See Shvartz
Serebrenik 24, F72
Shachnovitz 6
Shadkhan 19
Shafin 6, 29, 31, 39, 42, 45
Shafran 61
Shaiovitz 6, 49, 60, 61, 97, B2, F25, F131, F132, F133
Shamban 6, 11, 28, 33, C, F29, F30, F38, F224, F243
Shames F5A
Shander 10, 11, 33, 122, C, F8, F22, F221
Shapanik 33
Shapin See Shafin
Shapira 6, 61
Shapirin 6, 11, 95, B2, F130
Shaposhnik 6, 19, 20, 23, 29, 30, 32, 33, 42, 54, B2, F11, F53, F58, F60, F62, F69, F80, F82, F194, F199, F239
Sharer 119
Sharf 6, 12, B2, F36, F38, F140
Shargorodsky B2
Shechtman 7
Shemovny 14, F51, F243
Sherman 6, 11, 30, 54, B2, F10, F11, F47, F48
Sheynkin 42
Shichman B2, F193
Shildkroit 81
Shinder See Shander
Shinman B2, F8, F198
Shistik 62
Shlissel 5, 6
Shnayder 26
Shneurson 6, F14
Shochet 6
Shochtman 107
Shor F32
Shorer 10
Shoyvelenke F5B
Shpilberg 6, F201
Shpiller 33
Shpilman 25, B2
Shpirberg 31
Shpitzberg 123, C, F222
Shprintzak 9, 10, F21, F26
Shrayberman 11, 47, B2, F32, F43, F44, F53
Shtern 19, 119, B2
Shternberg 55
Shteynberg B2
Shteynshalger F60
Shtikon 33, F69
Shuchman F53
Shulman 96, B2
Shustik B2, F58, F195, F196
Shvartsman 53, 59, B2
Shvartz 6, 107, 128, F22, F236
Simes 6, B2, F169
Simon B2, F185
Sinai 12, 57, 129, 131, 133, F30, F36, F38, F43, F45, F243
Sirkis B2
Sirkovitz 6, F47
Skliar C
Slepoy F5B
Snitkovsky 11, 12, 62, B2, F30, F33, F38, F164
Sofer F60
Sokolov 14
Solomon 6
Solomonovitz 6
Soroker 6
Spector 8
Spivak 1, 3, 11, 14, 19, 29, 42, 45, 83, 101, 130, 131, 132, B2, B3, F80, F84, F119, F243
Stachik 6
Steinbach 19, 112
Stiklyar F5B
Stolyar 6, 11, 18, 23, 32, 42, 53, F96
Stotzavsky 45
Stravitz F82
Strol B2, F13, F167
Suslensky 11, 14, F28, F29, F32, F53
Suslik 28, 42, 92
Svavolsky C, F58
Tabachnik 5
Taran 6, B2, F5b, F147
Tartakovsky B2, C, F53
Teitelbaum 46
Tekel 43
Temkin 35
Teytelman F42
Timentzer F5A
Tomaspolski 35
Torkanovsky 75
Trachtenberg 35
Trafzin 17
Trostnitsky B2, F9
Tuberman 29, B2
Turk 35
Tyomkin 42, 53
Udis F80
Ukner 28
Usishkin 124
Vaksman F8, F32, F80
Varda 129
Vardi 41, 129
Vaserman 55
Vasilavsky 2
Vasilovitz 12
Vaynberg 35
Vaynshteyn 6, F62
Vaynshtok 10, 11, 18, 21, 29, 47, 62, 82, F33, F47, F65
Vaysman 7, 10, 17, 25, F60, F63, F80
Veinberg 17, 20, 22
Veitzman 71, B2, F28, F32, F107
Veksler F8
Vernik B2
Vishkotzan 25
Volovitz F47
Volovsky 6, 28, 55, B2, F14
Vurgaft D2, F5A, F69, F238
Vyshkautzan F52
Wachsman 33
Waltuch 6
Warshavsky 6
Weiland 6
Weinberg See Veinberg
Weinshenker 11
Weinstein See Vaynshteyn
Weinstock See Vaynshtok
Weisman See Vaysman
Yadovsky F52
Yagolnitzer 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 17, 47, 84, 109, B2, F9, F24, F51, F149, F210
Yanoshovich 14, 35
Yaroga B2, F148
Yassky B2
Yavsker F5B
Yavzorov 124
Yechieli 121, C, F220
Yochist F62
Yoelit 41, 129
Yonovitz 5, 6, 26, 35, 58, 60, 82, B2, D2, F17, F25, F150
Zadonaisky 6, 47
Zaikovitz 6, F44
Zaltopolsky 124
Zamochovsky 17, F60, F63, F64
Zeevi 101, 129, F52, F243
Zeitz 54, B2, F197
Zelikel 5
Zenzifer 42
Zeylikovich 55
Zhikovich 35
Zigberman F36, F45
Zigeiner 46
Zilberfarb 5, 47
Zimerman 11, F29, F32, F43
Zinger 7, 12
Zinman B2
Ziserman 6, 11, 72, 96, 100, B2, F53
Ziserov 11, 23, 24, B2, D2, F32, F68, F69, F72, F173
Zislis F5A
Zokolov B2, F174, F243
Zubritsky 33, D2, F77
Zusman 35
Zviebak B2

Table of Contents

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