Nürnberg’s Victims of Shoah
(Nürnberg, Germany)

49 °27' / 11°05'

Published by

Nuremberg City Archives
Marientorgraben 8
90402 Nürnberg, Germany

July 2002




Project Coordinator

Gerhard Jochem

Contributed by

Dr. Michael Diefenbacher
Archives Managing Director

We are grateful to the Nuremberg City Archives for making this list available on the
JewishGen web site. We also express our appreciation to Mr. Gerhard Jochem of the
Nuremberg City Archives, who has written a special Introduction for this web page,
and who has spearheaded this project to fruition.

This list of Nuremberg's Victims of Shoah is from Memorial book for Nuremberg's victims of Shoah (1998)
and its supplemental volume (2002), published by Nuremberg City Archives

This material is made available by JewishGen, Inc. and the Yizkor Book Project for the purpose of
fulfilling our mission of disseminating information about the Holocaust and destroyed Jewish communities.
This material may not be copied, sold or bartered without JewishGen, Inc.'s permission. Rights may be reserved by the copyright holder.

JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.


List of Nuremberg’s Victims of Shoah
Preface, by Joyce Field, Yizkor Book Project
Introduction, by Gerhard Jochem, Nuremberg City Archives
List of victims
Exhibition at the Nuremberg City Archives
Special Internet Presentation on Jewish Emigration 1933 to 1945,
by Gerhard Jochem, Nuremberg City Archives



Joyce Field
Emeritus Project Manager
JewishGen Yizkor Book Project

The Holocaust Museum assisted Nuremberg's City Archives in preparing its memorial book to the victims of the Shoah, which will be published in November 1998.  The City also asked the Holocaust Museum if it would put the database on its web site.  The Museum declined but suggested that the list be offered to JewishGen, which it did. Susan King forwarded the letter from Mr. Gerhard Jochem of the Archives to me and I wrote him that we would be honored to publish this very important and detailed list, which is totally new.

There are more than 2,300 persons in the data bank--native Nuremberg citizens and people who lived in Nuremberg before being murdered or forced to commit suicide during the Holocaust.  Mr. Jochem's introduction is an excellent guide to the database, which provides much information on each individual listed.

Because of the length of the list, we had to create a searchable database search engine.  For this we wish to thank Michael Tobias and Martin Kessel.

 Yizkor Book Project    JewishGen Home Page  

Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Gerhard Jochem
This web page created by Osnat Ramaty

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Updated 29 Aug 2014 by LA