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[Page 41]

Nowy Dwor Streets
Warsaw Street
The market

Sukene Street

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Jewish livelihoods
Moishe Henoch the cab driver
Esther Burtzok at a stand
Erev Shabbos [Friday] at the fish market

[Page 44]


The shul [synagogue] is empty, the voice of prayer is dead.
The town is destroyed, the community is dead.

Where are the fathers, the mothers, the uncles, the aunts,
The grandfathers, grandmothers, sisters, brothers, and children in cradles?
Dead, brothers, dead, in fields, in rivers they lie.
The impurity trampled across the blood of the martyrs.

Where are the shoemakers, tailors, tinsmiths, bath-keepers, water-carriers, butchers, cantors,
Where are the coopers, locksmiths, rabbis, furriers, teachers, paupers
Where are the wagon drivers, carpenters, teachers, shopkeepers?
Dead, brothers, dead, slaughtered like lambs.

Over the devastation the top of the chimney struts out
A mournful guard over ash and ruins
A tombstone over lives, over people's dreams.
A door, a hinge, a picture frame,
Signs of a life snuffed out in flames.
A chunk of wall, a piece of gate –
Every grain of sand, each board, filled with sorrow.

World, forever erase the Nazi filth,
Erase its memory, its name –
Remember: The spirit of revenge lives.

The voice comforts and calls out:
No Majdaneks, my nation, will erase your spirit.
On the ash covered ruins
A new dawn will blossom.

[Page 45]

In memory of our brother

Shmuel Brodofsky and his family

Who died at the hands of the Nazi murderers in Poland.

We send thanks to the Nowy Dwor Aid Committee in Los Angeles for their good work for the benefit of the Nowy Dwor surviving Jews.

Compatriots in Europe are asked to write whatever they know of the fate of Basia Brodofsky – send information to

Max Brodofsky
1319 North Harvard Blvd
Los Angeles California, USA.

Motel and Berish Brodofsky and families.
Faige Finkelstein and Chava Krieger (sister)


Basia Brodofsky

Please accept my congratulations upon the splendid work you have been doing on behalf of our townspeople. May you achieve the success this great cause deserves.

Blanch (Yerozolimaska) Klar

Morris and Pessel Rosenberg
(Rabinovitch) Aaron Rabinovitch's daughter, warmly thank the aid committee in Los Angeles for their fine work in providing real help for our surviving sisters and brothers from Nowy Dwor. I acknowledge you for your good work.

Please accept our best wishes for your great success in your work for the benefit of our surviving sisters and brothers on the other side of the ocean.

Leibish and Rochel Goldberg
New York

Please accept our friendly thanks for your noble work in the benefit of our surviving Nowy Dwor Jews in Europe.

Avrum and Dora Wronski
Petaluma, Calif.

Be strong in your work to strengthen the existence of our nation.

Enne, Gustav Wolman
Petaluma, Calif.

Please accept our warmest appreciation for your noble work for the benefit of our surviving Nowy Dwor Jews.

May your work be crowned with success.

Meyer and Henne Liberman
Indianapolis, Indiana

We send our warmest appreciation to the Nowy Dwor Aid Committee in Los Angeles for their tireless work and practical assistance for the surviving Nowy Dwor Jews in Europe.

Your work can be an example for all Landsmannschaft organizations in the United States.

May your hearts be strengthened for your devotion to the survivors of the war from our home town, Nowy Dwor.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Knaster
San Diego, Calif.

[Page 46]

The Hope of Our Survival

One of the first Nowy Dwor Jewish children born in Rykhbakh, [Reichenbach] Lower Silesia. Our heartiest mazel tov to the parents: Yisroel Kirstein and his wife. May you live to raise him in the spirit of a fighter in the ranks of the Jewish nation.

Nowy Dwor Aid Committee
In Los Angeles


A Letter from a Relative
From H. Gevirtz

Received a letter from a relative.

He writes:

Dear friend, do not be upset;
I do not know if my letter will reach you
I have your address from many years ago.

I am now back in the destroyed town –
There are only ten Jews on the notice;
All these who are here now,
Have survived thanks to the partisans.

For four long years they sustained themselves in the forest
Waited for the Nazis and then split open their heads;
Froze in the cold, baked in the summer,
Until the Red Army stormed in.

They chased the Nazis like mad dogs
Snow fell, and the wind blew.
I will always remember that night
When the final slaughter played out.

Now, my friend, at least I survived to avenge,
But how do you keep alive the body and soul
When everything is destroyed, the dearth is terrible,
People are barefoot and naked,
There isn't enough for bread.
This is the letter that my relative writes
A sorrow and a shudder went through my body.
How can I sit today at the set table
When the wounds of the bloody yesterday are still fresh?

I made a holy oath
That as long as I breathe, and as long as I will live,
I will cut my bread into two equal halves
Until the wounds of my nation will be healed.


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 15 Dec 2018 by LA