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To the Association of Polish Jews in America

Rychbach [Germany] , April 29, 1946

We request that this letter be sent to the landsmanshaft of Nowy Dwor in Warsaw

Dear Landslayt:

First, thank you for $1250 you sent which we received from Dr. Tenenboym. It was very useful especially for the people newly arrived from Russia. Regrettably, it was difficult to distribute, because Nowy Dworers are now widely scattered. Only three Jews live in Nowy Dwor itself. They are: Aron Matushok, Yosef Klaynman and Khane Lubelska from Man Kovalkso. Living in Warsaw are: Meyer Mundlak with his wife and child; Zefel Goldshteyn with his wife and mother; L. Berman; Yankl Evenzon; Avrom Kartsovitsh; Wolf Altshteyn; Moyshe Ravitski ; and several others, in total about 20 people. In Lodz there are also 20-odd Nowy Dworer. The largest number, about 100 people, are now concentrated in Lower Silesia, the new province of Poland [formerly Germany], where the Jews returning from Russia are being settled. Their numbers will grow, probably to 150, because not all Nowy Dworers have yet come back from Russian.

In connection with this, it would be very desirable if your future aid would be sent to three addresses: Warsaw, Lodz and Rychbach, proportionate to the numbers of Nowy Dworers. That would make it easier to receive and disburse the funds; we wouldn't have to travel to Warsaw as we did the last time, which entails difficulties and expenses.

We have created here an expanded committee for all of Lower Silesia, headquartered in Rychbach. The following have become members: Gedalye Turkltaub, Shaye Gutman, Yisroel Kirshteyn, Shmuel Grinvortsl and Leybl Levkovitsh.

Now a few details about our material living conditions and our morale. On the free market a kilo of bread costs 30 zlotys, sugar 250 zlotys, butter 700 zlotys. A suit costs 6,000 to 15,000 zlotys. The wages of a factory worker are about 2000 zlotys a month, supplemented with food coupons, but that isn't sufficient and there is nothing available to buy. As to morale, we feel very bad here. No one intends to stay. People are eager to move on to other places, but that is not so easy. We believe that you will do everything possible to help us here and also to help us emigrate.


A heartfelt greeting on behalf of the survivors,
Shaye Gutman


  Paris, 7th January, 1947

Paris, 7th January, 1947


At the occasion of your second banquet, we send you our most sincere salutations.

In addition to this, we must thank you for what one of your members, Mr. Samuel Bernstein, has allowed to obtain an advance of 85,000 francs to buy a machine which helps us in our work.

In ending, we wish you the important success in your beneficient work.

neé Lonia Abramovicz


A letter of thanks from Lonia Abramovicz Shtarkier, who survived the Nazi beasts along with her husband and only son. Through the efforts of the Nowy Dwor Relief Committee in Los Angeles they received a loan from the Joint Distribution Committee in Paris in the amount of 85,000 francs, which enabled them to purchase a machine for their work, helping them to re-establish themselves.

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In memory of our deceased mother Beyle (Blakharik) we send greetings to the Jewish survivors in the concentration camps and wherever they are and we wish them that they will soon be freed in a liberated Eretz Yisroel. This was also the wish of our dear mother.

The Blake (Blakharik) family

In memory of our sisters and brothers who were so tragically killed by the Nazi murder methods. May the activists of the Nowy Dwor Relief Committee be granted strength for their untiring efforts.

Aron and Khane Karts (Kartsovitsh)
Manny, Beyle and Clay Singer

Cordial greetings to the activists and members of the Nowy Dwor Relief Committee in Los Angeles for their tireless work on behalf of the survivors of the Nowy Dwor Jewish population.

Esther Zakheym, the daughter –in- law of Freydl di Shenkerins [Freydl, the daughter of the innkeeper's wife]

Greetings from Khaim Dovid Rozental

  Avrom Goldberg “Sime Ite's” [son of Sime Ite] sends friendly greetings to the Nowy Dwor Relief Committee in Los Angeles and also requests that Nowy Dworers in Europe inform him about the fate of his relatives: Hene Feyge Zeydenberg, Khaye Rivke Goldberg and Berl Goldberg her son; children and grandchildren of Sime Ite, the “zogerin.”*

Write to Nelson Avenue
Bronx, New York, U.S.A.

We want to mention that Avrom Goldberg has actively participated in organizing the Relief Committee during his visit to Los Angeles two years ago. The Committee.

Bennie Mikalovski, of 1410 Nelson Avenue, Bronx, N.Y., U.S.A.

Sends heartfelt greetings to the Nowy Dwor Relief Committee in Los Angeles and very warmly thanks them for finding his relative Moyshe in Poland, and for the friendliness of the Nowy Dworers in Los Angeles who sent him the first material aid. Long may you live, Nowy Dwor Jews in Los Angeles.

My best wishes for great success in your endeavors on behalf of the surviving Nowy Dwor landslayt.

Helen Apropa, New York

December 24, 1946

On the yortsayt of Mr. Morris Minsh from Mrs. Ena Minsh

With thanks for your good work.

Eva Silverman

[Page 33]


Sheyndl Krispel, Avrom Gatt's daughter from Nashelsk, seeks family and friends. My married name is Brodofsky. Write to:

Los Angeles, Calif., U.S.A.

In sacred memory of our family killed at the hands of the murderous Nazi criminals we thank our Nowy Dwor Relief Committee in Los Angeles for their fine work on behalf of the surviving Nowy Dwor Jews overseas.

Khayele and Zelig Borenstein,
Los Angeles, California

Avrom Borenstein (“Leyzer Hirshes”) [son of Leyzer Hirsh] sends his friendliest greeting to the Nowy Dwor Relief Committee in Los Angeles

Our most cordial wishes for the Nowy Dwor Relief Committee in Los Angeles

John and Lilly Hecker,


In deep sorrow I remember my wife Leye, 38 years old, and my four young children:

Mates – 15 years old;
Yisroel -13 years old;
Golde – 7 years old;
Yankev- 5 years old

who were killed by the German murderers in Poland. May the mark of shame of the murderers never be washed clean.

In the name of the martyrs I send greetings to the survivors and wish a better future for all Jews

Meyer Blake (Blakharik)

Accept our friendly greetings in honor of the celebration of two years of activity on behalf of the Nowy Dwor Jews. At the same time, we ask the Pultusker landslayt about the fate of our cousin Khaim Leyzer Yerzhombek. Write to Zelig and Elye Bornstein,

Petulama, Calif., U.S.A.

Sime Bornstein

sends friendly greetings to the Relief Committee in Los Angeles and requests information from the Nashelsker landslayt in Europe about the fate of Rikl and Moyshe Kohn and Khaye Sore Gurna, from Nashelsk.

Write to: Celia Bornstein

Los Angeles, Calif., U.S.A.

Jews of our hometown, you inspire the souls of every Nowy Dworer Jew. May your hearts be strong.

Benny and Yetta Bornstein,
Indianapolis, Indiana

* Zogerin – a woman well versed in the Hebrew prayers who interpreted them to women in the synagogue who did not know Hebrew


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