Table of Contents

Subject Index

Translated by Don Shifris and Scott Shifres

A.K. (Armiya Kriyava) - 447
Americans - 68
Arbeiter Ring (Minsk Branch) - 352
Arks of Law (burned by Nazis) - 412
Armband - 389
Association of Nieswiez Jews in Israel - 509-510, 531
Babtists - 158
Balfour Declaration - 64, 105
Baytar - 82, 296, 314-315
Bayt Yaakov - 269
Bikur Cholim - 321
Bnei Yehuda (Hebrew group) - 218
Bnei Zion - (Hebrew group) - 246
Bolshevik Revolution - 61, 348
Bolsheviks - 122, 338
Bris Hachayal - 316
Bund - 89, 101-102, 105, 126, 243, 288, 290, 291-293, 296, 298, 317, 329, 338, 351, 354-355, 412
Bunkers - 383-384, 386
Cantonist Law - 285
Catholic Church - 280, 519
Cavalry Regiment (27th) - 340
Cemetery - 129, 296, 352, 371, 387, 411
Cemetery in the U.S.A. - 511
Central Partisan Movement in Moscow - 402
Chabad - 268
Chalutzim - 295
Cheder - 82, 89, 314, 529
Chevra Kadisha - 344, 463, 523
Chevras Tehillim - 523
Chovevei Zion - 105
Cinema - 347, 477
Circumcision - 354
City Hall - 125
City Neighborhoods - 326
"Cleaning" the Jewish Homes after the Massacre - 392
Communist party - 293
Communists - 103
Communists (Yiddishe) 296
Cooperative Folks Bank - 294-295, 313, 473
Cultural Life - 324
Deportation of Peasants to Germany - 405
Drama Circle - 322
Elections - 297
Enforced military service - 284
Exemption from military for merchants - 283
Exodus (ship) - 439, 444
Family Names - 493
Farmers - 158
Fatach - 266
Fire Brigade - 289, 341
Fire Brigade Orchestra - 343
Fireman’s Union - 340
Fires - 284-286, 343
First of May Celebrations - 345
Folks Library (Tarbut) - 370
Folks School - 69, 104, 125, 254, 291-292, 295, 314-315, 321, 327, 334-335, 338, 370, 388, 471, 480, 527
Forest of Martyrs - 510
Forests - 394, 397
Fryer Scout Organization - 296
Fryhieght Organization - 296-297, 316-318, 338, 481
Funeral - 464
Funeral, workers style - 303
Gardening Cooperative - 337
General Zionists - 315
German Prisoners - 159
Ghetto - 371, 380-382, 392, 413, 427, 433
Ghetto Revolt - Revolt - 139, 163,167, 386, 392-393, 419-420, 430-431, 444, 509
Gmilus Chasadim (Kasa) - 313, 320
Gorodonia - 63, 107, 110, 114-117, 126, 244, 254, 296, 314, 316, 338
Gymnasia (Polish) - 83, 314, 370-371, 520
Gymnasia (White Russian) - 365
Gymnasia (Slutzk) - 378, 469
Gypsies - 414
Hachalutz - 103, 107, 110, 116-117, 262, 273, 314, 316, 338, 475
Hachalutz Hadati - 296
Hachalutz Haklal Tsioni - 296
Hachnosas Orchim - 313, 321
Hachshara - 259
Hanoten Teshua (song) - 354
Haoved - 103-104, 261, 316, 319
Hapoel (Sport Group) - 103, 297, 317
Hapoel Hatsair - 101
Hapoel Hamizrachi - 296
Hashomer Hatsayir - 64, 81, 104-109, 112, 117, 126, 135, 262-263, 265-266, 273, 296, 314, 316, 338, 362
Hashomer Hatsayir - 368, 439, 444, 476
Hebrew School (Dr. Chelenov) - 321-322
Hospital - 286
Hurban Neizveiz (book) - 431
Illegal Immigration - 439, 481
Irgun Tsvai Leumi - 233
Israeli Army - 524-526
Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee in Moscow - 509
Jewish Police - 375
Jewish Workers List - 103
Joint Distribution Committee - 294
Judenrat - 136, 375, 377, 389, 413, 415
Kaddish (Prayer) - 392
Kaiser’s Birthday - 354
Kehila - 313
Keren Hayesod - 219
Keren Kayemet Leyisroel - 63, 102-103, 124, 178, 209, 296, 314, 491
Kiddush Hashem - 416-417
Kindergarten on the name of Chaim Nachman Bialik - 307
King David’s Yahrzeit Candle - 305
Kitchen in Ghetto- 383
Kletzk Yeshiva - 346
Kombund - 338
Komsomol - 293, 368
Korobki Tax - 280, 354
Kolchoz - 365
Kulture League (Yiddishe Shul League") - 339, 459
Lag B'omer - 64, 116
Landsleit in America - 294, 321, 511-514
Landsmanshaft in Argentina - 514-515
League for Eretz Yisroel Labour - 316
Library - 298, 490
Library (Tarbut) - 367, 520
Library for Workers on the name Rivka Galin - 331, 367
Library (Zionist) - 288
Linas Tsedek - 286, 321, 523
Lithuanians - 378, 391, 415, 429
Maccabbee (Sports Organization) - 107, 316-317
Maos Chitim - 287, 333
Market - 82, 289, 377, 391
Martef Hashoah - 371, 373, 426, 432, 510, 522
Mass Grave - 83, 347, 377, 388
Mass Grave (Lupnik) - 161
Mass Murder - 371, 378, 380, 391, 440
Matzo Baking - 330-332, 383
Meir Baal Haness Charity Box - 287
Memorial Meeting (Tel Aviv) - 513
Merchant’s Organization - 324
Messiah - 383
Mikveh - 296
Mikveh Yisroel - 265
Military Barracks - 349
Mir Refugee Group - 442
Mir Yeshiva - 273, 336
Mizrachi- 89, 191, 231, 266,292, 317
Mizrachi Farband (Warsaw) - 102
Napoleanic Wars - 284
Nieswiez Young Men Benevolent Association - 514
Nieswiezer Old Freinds of Brownsville - 512
Nieswieizer Synagogue in the U.S.A. - 511
Nieswiezer Yidden (Book) - 338-339
Nieszwiezer Young Men Association - 511
N.K.V.D - 125-126, 208, 366, 368, 369, 439, 492
Numerous Clausus - 181
Partisans (See Underground Units) - 104, 388, 394, 396-399, 443
Passover - 325-326, 468, 491
Payments to Nazis - 389
Peasants - 289
Peddlers - 477
Peretz Shreiber Verein - 469
Petrograd University - 378
Pinkas of Nieswiez - 281
Pinsker Hebrew Gymnasia - 367
Poaleh Tsedek Handworkers Association - 295, 523
Poaleh Tsedek Synagogue - 89
Poaleh Tsion - 101, 103-105, 243, 288, 291, 293, 316-317, 338, 355, 356
Poaleh Tsion Left - 110, 261, 296, 321
Poaleh Tsion Right - 103, 346
Pogrom in Kishinev - 351
Poles (Expulsion) - 136
Polish Partizans - 407
Polish Police - 390
Polish "Povshachta" School - 314, 370, 433
Population Statistics - 298
Poritz - 91, 98
Post - 492-493
P.P.R (Polish Workers Party-Communist) - 446, 448
Priest’s Quarters - 528
Professional’s Union - 332, 345-346
Progressive Brothers of Nieswiez - 511, 514
Purification Room for the Dead (Taharas Shtiebel) - 286, 321
Purim - 324
Railroad Workers - 378
Recipes - 342
Red Army - 352
Refugees - 350
Repatriation to Poland - 411
Requisition of Jewish Goods - 375-376
Revolution of 1905 - 243
Righteous Gentiles - 417-418, 510
Revisionists - 315
Der Roiter Scout - 103
Rosh Hashona - 407
Russian Prisoners of War - 395, 414
Russian Teacher’s Seminary - 324, 379
Sabbath - 87, 188, 203, 297, 324, 384
Sabbath (desecration of) - 346
School (in the Ghetto) - 137
School for Poor Children - 299-300
Schools - 288
Scouts - 105
Selection of Craftsmen - 379
Selections - 391
"Shabbosofka" School - 370
Shofar Blower - 478
Shulkolt (School) - 103
Skip (Children’s Bund Organization) <Socialiste Kinder Farband> - 315-316, 338, 487
Slaughter House - 296
Solel Boneh - 273
Social Democrats - 291
Soviet Jews - 152, 168
Soviet Withdrawal - 372
Soviets - 121, 125-126
Star of David Badge - 375, 434
Strike - 303
Sukkot - 324
"Talmud Torah" (Religious School) - 104-105, 125, 231, 289, 296, 314-315, 367, 370, 382
"Tarbut" (School) - 76-79, 103-105, 107, 110, 114, 117, 122-123, 125, 199, 208-209, 211
"Tarbut" (School) - 244, 265-266, 274, 295, 307, 309, 314-315, 324, 347, 367, 370, 372, 377, 489
Taverns - 281
"Taz" - 261, 319-320, 323, 334, 338, 349, 350, 368, 387, 394, 398, 424, 480, 487
Teacher’s Seminary (Polish) - 370
Territorialists - 288
Tet Vav Kislev Fast - 344
Three Weeks - 354
Tiferet Bachurim - 73, 218, 231, 290, 292- 293, 348, 352
Tishe B’av - 326
Tikun Chatzot - 354
Tomatoes - 483
Torah Scroll - 412
Torah Scroll Handle - 157
Trade School on name of Vadslav Sirokomla - 347
Tsedakah Gedolah - 289
Tseiray Tsiyon - 115, 219, 243, 248, 273, 275, 290-292, 295, 297, 474, 523
Tsisha (Yiddish School) - 103
Tsukonft (Youth Organization) - 339
Underground Units - See Underground Units in Name List
Ukrainians - 378
Vilna Hebrew Teachers Seminary - 372
Wagon Drivers - 335, 528
War of 1648-49 - 282
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising - 153, 431
Weapons - 138, 142
White Russian Police - 428
White Russians - 378
Witzo - 209, 315-316
Witzo Hatseira - 296, 315, 318
Voloshin Yeshiva - 384
World War One - 289-290
World War One Memorial - 313
Yavneh School - 388
Yehudiya Vilna Girls School - 459
Yeshiva - 305
Yeshiva Ketana - 388
Yeshiva Students - 375
Yiddish Socialist brochures - 298
YIVO - 100, 370
Yizkor Book "Sefer Niezviez" - 510
Yom Kippur War - 524
Zionist Conference in Minsk - 291, 304


Aharon Karliner - 284
Ashkenazi, Dov Berish - 195
"Baal Hatanya" - 451
Bergansky, Aharon (Kuzimir Rebbe) - 62, 191, 229, 231, 292, 351
Bergansky, Chanina (Shochet) - 191, 229
Bergman, Yechiel Yitschak Tsvi - 191
Bergman, Yerachmiel - 73-75, 228, 237, 294 , 292, 296, 346, 348-349
Berlin, Meir - 192
Berlin, Naftali Tsvi - 196, 212, 523
Blazer, Shlomo - 191
Blazer, Yitschak - 196
R’ Binyomin - 462
Broide, Tsvi Hirsh (Salant) - 195
Burak, Aharon Dovid - 192
Butzin - 198, 201
Davidovsky - 89, 196, 226, 228-229, 236-240
Davidovsky, Yitschak - 292
Dilmediga, Yosef Shlomoh - 281
Diskin, Binyamin - 195
Diskin, Yehoshua Leib - 195
Eibeshutz, Yonatan - 193, 195
Einzelbuch, Eliyahu - 191
Eisenshtadt - 233 Rav in Leningrad
Eisenshtadt, Duber - 195
Eisenshtadt, Elimelech - 218
Eisenshtadt, Meir - 192, 194, 196, 212, 218
Eisenshtadt, Meir Moshe - 286
Eisenshtadt, Moshe Elazar - 86, 90, 197, 285, 343
Eisenshtadt, Yitschak (son of Meir) - 193
Eliasberg - 288
Epshtein, Yechiel - 191, 230
Feinstein, Eliyahu - 192
Frumkis, Shmuel - 212
Frumkis, Yosef Dov - 212
Gold, Zev - 191
Gordon, Eliezer - 192
Gorodonsky, Amihud - 196
Gorodonsky, Avinoam - 196
Gorodonsky, Yitschak - 196
Gorodonsky, Yosef - 196, 211-213, 288
Gorodzinsky, Moshe (Rosh Yeshiva in Kiedany) - 233
Grayevsky, Eliezer Zalman - 190
Grodzinsky, Chaim Ozer - 196
Hailperein, Dov Ber (Magid) see Chatzkels, Berel - 70, 73, 202, 231, 235, 323, 494
Halevy, Yaakov - 212
Heller - 230
Heller, Yom Tov Lipman - 451
Horovitz, Dov Ber - 213
Horovitz, Yosef (Yozel) - 229-230
Kagan, Yisroel Meir (Chafetz Chaim) - 192
R' Kalman - 60
Kamai, Avraham Hirsh - 212
Kamai, Boruch - 212
Kamai, Tsvi Hirsh - 191
Kotler, Aharon - 176, 181, 191
Kravtchinsky - 191
Kushner Rebbe - 229
Lampert, Tsvi Hirsh - 233
Landau, Yechezkel - 193
Lazavitzer Rebbe - 323
Lechovitzer Rebbe - 63
Levin, Klonimus Kalman - 194
Levin, Reuven Halevy (Dvinsk) - 190, 192-193
Levin, Shlomo (Dayan) - 243
Liebovitz, Boruch Ber - 191, 229
Lifshitz, Yehuda Yudel - 212
Malovitzky - 292
Mayevsky, Michel - 230
R' Meirka - 60
Meltzer, Mordechai - 191
Mirer, Moshe (Rosh Yeshiva) <Rav Moshe Rambam> - 212, 305
Mirsky, Moshe - 212
Nimerover Tsadik - 203
R’ Nachken dem Lechevitcher Rebbe - 324
Rav Nachum Meir the Neizveizer Rav - 456-457
Nitkin, Shmuel - 211
"Panim Meiros" - 194
Pearlman Y. L. (Minsker Godol) - 211
Piskin, Binyamin (son of Yehuda Leib) - 194
Posvelier, Avraham Avli - 194
Rabinovich, Chaim (Hamishadi) - 191, 229
Rabinovich, Eliyah - 190
Rabinovich, Isaak - 228, 237, 308
Rabinovich, Mordechai - 192
Rabinovich, Yitschak Meir - 191
Radinsky (Radzinsky), Wolf <Piasetchner Rov> - 346
Raizin, Yaakov Zalman - 86, 88
Rappaport, Chaim Hokohen - 193
Rashbam - 451
Rashi - 451
Reisin - 514
Romanover, Leib - 212
Saadya Gaon - 451
Salanter, Yisroel - 191, 229
Segalovitch, Meir - 357
Shabtai - 194
Shachor, Dovid - 193
Shapiro, Arye Leib - 193
Shapiro, Yosef - 212
Sheinfrucht, Chanoch - 197
R' Shiyala - 231-232
Shereshevsky, Eliezer Lipman - 228
Shereshevsky, Yitschak Lipman - 191, 212, 285
Shteinhart, Yosef - 194
Slonimer Rebbe - 478
Soloveitschik, Chaim - 191, 196
Soloveitschik, Yosef Ber - 97, 196, 523
Spector, Yitschak Elchanon - 60, 85, 192, 194-195
Stolvitser, Leib - 192
R' Tsvi Hirsh - 192
Tuketzhinsky, Yechiel Michel - 191
Valentchik, Moshe - 212
Vilna Gaon - 190, 451
Wolfson, Yechiel Michel - 190, 193
Yaavetz-Emden - 193
Yavan, Boruch - 193
R' Yitschak (Dayan) - 213
R' Yosef Hatsadik - 60, 467
Zalavitcher Rebbe - 71


Bais Midrash- 383
Butcher's Synagogue - 88, 289, 317, 383, 386, 388, 392, 425, 429
Chasidic Steibel - 476-477
Cold Synagogue - 96, 317, 319, 336, 353-354-361, 367, 382, 385-386, 420, 429, 436, 489, 519
Daladayer Shteibel - 317
Kahal Steibel - 336, 354, 367, 382
Koidenover Chassidim Synagogue - 289, 317, 484
Kuzimir Synagogue - 62, 289, 314, 317, 367, 461, 485
Ladier Chasidim Synagogue - 289
Market Synagogue - 65, 226, 238, 289, 317, 319, 336, 346, 367, 413, 483, 519
Michalishoker Synagogue - 289, 317, 357
Neustadt Synagogue - 289, 317
New Bais Midrash Synagogue (Neje Szul) - 73, 289, 317, 427-428
Old Bais Midrash - 74, 167, 289, 305, 317, 346, 354-356, 370, 382, 478-479
Prushim Synagogue - 70, 89, 289, 317, 354, 467-468, 519
R’ Sender’s Synagogue - 382
Shoemaker's Synagogue - 218, 288, 317, 383, 461
Synagogues - 86, 88, 122, 128, 324, 412, 436
Tailor’s Synagogue (the Old Shul) - 289, 305, 317, 347, 367, 523


ABC (Newspaper) - 183-184
"Barkai" (N) - 269
"Bicher Velt" - 460
"Daily Jewish Express" - 273
"Einikeit" (Moscow) - 444
"Folks Stimme" (Warsaw) - 371, 459
"Folks Zeitung" (Bund) - 338-339
"Folks Zeitung" (Vilna) - 461
"Der Freund" (N) - 298, 460
"Fryhieght" (N) - 103-104, 107, 261, 274, 298
"Grinika Boimlach" (Newspaper for children) - 460
"Haint" (N) - 307, 460
"Halevanon" (N) - 285
"Hamagid" (N) - 197
"Hamelitz" (N) - 191, 193, 254, 285-286
"Haolom" (N) - 101
"Hashachar" (Newspaper for children) - 288
"Hatzfira" (N) - 196, 254, 285, 355, 459
"Hatsofeh" (N) - 273, 459
"Hayehudi" (N) - 273
"Hazeman" (N) - 273
"Hechaver" (Newspaper for children) - 288
"Hashiloch" (N) - 101, 254
"Ivri Anochi" - 285
"Klasi" (Journal) - 454
"Kneset Yisroel" (N) - 190, 234
"Kuntras" (N) - 102
"Klieine Folk Zeitung" (Bund) - 338
"Dos Leben" - 461
"Leben un Vissenshaft" (Journal) - 460
"Litererishe Bletter "- 460
"Memaamakim" (N) - 124
"Moment" (N) - 307, 461
"Die Neue Shul" (N) - 460
"Olam Katan" (Newspaper for children) - 288
"Razsvet" (N) - 101
"Robotnik" (N) - 184
"Roski Yeiwrai (N) - 286
"Der Tog" (N) - 452
"Tsukonft" (N) - 469
"Der Veg" (Newspaper-Warsaw) - 461
"Der Veker" - 469
"Veschud" (N) - 101, 459
"Vilna Folks Zeitung" (N) - 459
"Vilner Tog" (N) - 460
"Die Voch" (N) - 460
"Vochenblatt" (N) - 461
"Vozroshdianya" (N) - 303
"Yevreyiskaya Zhishin" (N) - 459
"Dos Yiddish Folk" (N) - 459


Argentina - 509, 514
Ayalon - 269, 526
Bad Reichenhall (Displaced Persons Camp) - 481
Baranovici - 147, 151, 357, 372, 376, 392, 428, 480, 531
Barki - 403
Bayt Hashita - 265
Be’r Tuvya - 521
Berezna (village) - 400
Bialystok - 108-110, 136
Bichov - 431
Bobriesk - 373
Bragin - 431
Brisk - 101, 523
Brooklyn, N.Y. - 192, 512
Brownsville, N.Y. - 212, 512
Ben Shemen - 258
Carmiya - 263
Cherebiynya - 408
Chile - 274
Chorol (Stetel) - 458
Caucassia - 110
Deganya Aleph - 275
Deganya Bet - 59, 115, 244, 247
Derevnia - 396
Ekron - 288
Ferenvald - 439
Gorodoy - 376, 381, 384
Givat Chen - 265
Glinishtze - 377, 383
Helbe River - 94, 98
Homel - 431
Hominka - 154
Horodzai (Gorodisce) - 110, 138-139, 321, 323, 345, 392, 414-415, 419, 429, 441, 531
Grodno - 108, 110
Hadar Ramatayim - 270
Ivanovo - 116
Ivia - 408
Jerusalem - 293
Johanesberg - 272
Kapulya - 302
Kletzk - 321, 323, 336, 372, 376-377, 409, 421
Klitzisht (village) - 404-406
Kopyl - 140-141, 153, 155, 157
Krasna Sloboda - 151, 154
Krinitzna (village) - 397, 400
Kvar Masryk - 273
Kvar Rupin - 525
Kvar Sava - 233
Kvar Vitkin - 245
Kfar Yaavetz - 259
Lachovitz - 140, 144, 268-269, 372, 376
Lavi - 140, 149-150
Lida - 109-111, 136
Liepheim - 444
Lipniki - 159
Leninska Street - 389
Lodz - 116, 266, 347
Lublin - 445
Luzha (village) - 400-401
Lubtch (shtetel) - 406-407
Luchtishi - 151
Lugashin - 159
Luninec - 154
Maaleh Hachmisha - 259
Maidenak Camp - 445
Mesilot - 268
Miatchansky Forest - 319-320, 387
Michalishok (Poor Quarter) - 372, 377, 391
Minsk - 96, 102, 141, 402, 406
Mir - 92, 106,140, 318, 336, 376, 384, 388, 395-397, 531
Miranka - 400
Mishkin - 185
Moscow - 124
Motol - 159
Mount of Olives - 287
Mozir - 431
Munich - 439
Narasim (village) - 458
Nir David - 524-525
Novogradik - 406, 410
Orliki - 150-151, 153-154
Pardesiya - 263
Pependorf - 439
Petach Tikva - 247, 265
Pinsk - 91, 176, 431
Polessia - 159
Radziville, Castle - 82, 85, 95, 200, 347, 349, 369, 373, 444, 483, 520, 522
Radziville, Park - 79, 81, 134-135, 380, 415
Ramat Gan - 256-257
Rechovot - 247, 254, 288, 521
Rechitza - 431
Rishafon - 262
Rishon Le Zion - 263, 288
Rosh Pinah - 198
Rostov on Don - 468
Ruzany - 157
Sabitzeh - 160
Sdeh Yaakov - 260
Severshna - 136, 145, 148, 153
Shachariya (Kibbutz in Niezvizh) - 274, 316
Shat - 190
Shelovitzh - 398
Shomriya (Kibbutz Hachshara in Niezvizh) - 316
Shpittal Street - 375
Shul Hoif - 313, 377, 391, 427
Siberia - 352
Sirokalma Street - 377-378
Skaretz (village) - 400
Slonim - 108, 110, 116, 124, 161, 372, 476
Slutzk - 345
Slutzker Street - 521
Snov - 323, 357, 371-372, 392, 419, 428, 441
Stalingrad - 401
Staritzey - 144, 149
Staro-Ksaksa Camp - 445
Stolbcy - 106, 110, 116, 129, 136, 142, 145-147, 318, 323, 439, 480
Stoyvitc - 301, 304, 329. 376, 388
Studentska Street - 378
Tambov - 459
Tel Aviv - 521
Tel Chai - 102, 293
Tel Litvinsky - 262
Timkovici - 140-141
Town Hall - 279
Uzbekastan - 112, 266
Varkota - 110
Vasilishuk - 251
Vilenska Street - 389 Vilenska Street - 378, 464
Vilna - 109-112, 115, 124, 126, 136,156
Vilshin - 142
Vishnika (village) - 458
Woloshin - 439
Woloshin Forest - 433
Warsaw - 100, 102, 104
Yafo - 288
Yanki (village) - 458
Yeremitch - 399
Zadonska Villa - 115, 259
Zalusha (village) - 402
Zalva (village) - 480
Zhetel - 475
Zouostrovitch - 151, 154, 156, 158


Table of Contents

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