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Translation of
Mlawa Ha-Yehudit; Koroteha, HitpatKhuta, Kilyona
Di Yidishe Mlawe; Geshikte, Oyfshtand , Unkum
Edited by: David Shtokfish
Editorial Board: Jacov Alter, Samuel Grabie, Moshe Peles, David Sharapi
Published in Tel Aviv, Israel 1984
Project Coordinator
Ada Holtzman z”l
This is a translation from:
Mlawa Ha-Yehudit; Koroteha, Hitpathuta, Kilayona --- Di Yidishe Mlawe;
Geshikte, Nyfshtand , Unkum
(Jewish Mlawa; its history, development, destruction), Editors:
Shtokfish, Tel Aviv,
Mlawa Societies in Israel and in the Diaspora, 1984.
H,Y,E, 2 Vol., 1129 pages.
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the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
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Dr. Ze'ev Jonis of blessed memory, wrote his reminiscences about his old town Mlawa in a most unique and breathtaking fashion. He used a panoramic view, to describe the Jewish town of Mlawa. He wrote it in 1949 in Hebrew. It was published in the Yizkor Book of Mlawa, in the original language and with translations to Yiddish and English.
Dr. Jonis describes every street and every house, every road and every site, every corner and every bush of his old home town. He writes with immense love and longings to the Jewish inhabitants of Mlawa. He brushes the Shtetl colorful figures and images; he brings to life the smells of the market and the whispers of silent prayers coming from the direction of the grand synagogue...
He writes about the Jewish Community' institutions and movements, the people' tradition, their believes, their lives, their aspirations, and their dreams. It is the best Memorial to Jewish Mlawa and to all other lost shtetls where once we walked...
It was contributed to my Web Page, by the Landsmanschaften of Mlawa in Israel, headed by Mr. Moshe Peles, July 1998. On December 1999, Mr. Peles and his organization contribute this special monograph to JewishGen.
The project of re-typing and posting this unique and rare piece of literature and history of Jewish Mlawa was accomplished by the joint efforts of Robert Tachna and Ada Holtzman, August 1998.
In November 1999, Mrs. Barbara Goldstein (Olewnik) Bonfield completed the index of the names and I updated, edited and proofread it. I hope it will help the descendants of Mlawers to remember their ancestors and the old hometown where once we walked...
Tel Aviv, 17 December 1999
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