Miechov Memorial Book, Charsznica and Ksiaz
(Miechów, Poland) (Charsznica, Poland) (Książ Wielki, Poland)
50°22' / 20°02' 50°25' / 19°26' 50°26' / 20°08'

Translation of
Sefer yizkor Miechow, Charsznica, Ksiaz

Editors: N. Blumenthal, A. Ben-Azar (Broshy)

Published in Tel Aviv 1971



Project Coordinator

William D. Cherny


Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

Our sincere appreciation to Genia Hollander
for typing up the English text to facilitate its addition to this project

This is a translation of: Sefer yizkor Miechow, Charsznica, Ksiaz (Miechov memorial book, Charsznica and Ksiaz),
Editors: N. Blumenthal, A. Ben-Azar (Broshy), Former Residents of Miechov, Charsznica and Ksiaz,
Published: Tel Aviv 1971 (H,Y 314 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Miechow

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/ybip/YBIP_Miechow.html

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Table of Contents translated by Yocheved Klausner


A Word from the Publishers A. Ben–Azar  
Foreword Shmuel Berger  
Waterfalls of time Y.L. Bieler  
Miechow – general view    
The History of our Community
On the Holy Communities of Miechów Charsznica and Ksiaz Eliezer Lavi (Yazkirowitz) 17
History of the Jews of Miechów Nachman Blumenthal 35
From the Past
A. Anecdotes from the Town
Ya'acov Spiegel Recounts Recorded by Moshe Spiegel 55
The First Personalities Ya'acov Levitt 57
March of the Generations Meyer Goldberg 58
The District-City Miechow – Powiat [district] Miechow [Y] Yosl Charif (Astri) 60
High Holidays in My Parents' Home [Y] Getzl Levitt 62
Memories from Before the First World War [Y] Chaim Zalcberg 78
B. Cultural and Educational Establishments
The “Heder” and Teachers in Miechów Moshe Spiegel 80
The “Mizrachi” School Ze'ev Dror (Friedrich) 82
The Gymnasium in our Town Shmuel Berger 86
The “Dror” Youth Library in Miechów Moshe Spiegel 89
The Drama Society Sarah Friedman (Sukenik) 90
The Youth of Miechów Gershon Charig (Katolyk) 91
Cultural Activities Moshe Spiegel 92
Cultural and Social Development of Miechow [Y] Moshe Savitzki 94
C. Organizations and Youth Movements
From my Memories of the Youth Movements in Miechów Yitzhak Polska(?) 96
The “Mizrachi” and “Young Mizrachi” in Miechów Arieh Brukner 99
The Youth Movements in Miechów Ze'ev Dror (Friedrich) 102
The Kadima Sports Club [Y] Mendl Alszewski 106
The Rise, Development and Destruction of the Cooperative Movement in Miechow [Y] M. Sbitcki 109
D. Between the Two World Wars
No. 1 Krakowski Street Sarah Ilan 111
Our House Sarah Wertheim 114
Impressions of the Pogrom of 1920 Moshe Burstein 115
Pogroms against the Jews of Miechów Ya'acov Spiegel 116
How the Jews of Miechów and Charsznica
celebrated the opening of the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus
Shimon Dov Yerushalmi 118
The Foundation Fund for Israel – Miechów's magnificent operation Yehezkiel Dror (Friedrich) 122
The “Miechów Group” in Israel S.D. Yerushalmi 124
Memories of my Birth-Town [Y] Henya Zingerman 126
Of Events in My City [Y] Ruwin Lewit 129
A Monument for Miechow [Y] Shmuel Blum 130
Personalities and Families
My Father's House Shmuel Berger 135
From the “Visionary of Lublin” to the “Grandfather” of Miechów Dov Yerushalmi 139
The Wealthy of the Town Hannia Feigenbaum–Zyngerman 142
A Tombstone for my Family – Like a Thousand Others Meir Goldberg 144
The writer Israel Zarchi S. D. Yerushalmi 146
Shmuel Nahum Chanowsky Moshe Spiegel 149
Berish Frankel (Z”L) Tsvi Frankel 150
Esther Etil Burnstein M. Sukenik 152
Haim Tennenwurcel Raphael Mlinarski 153
Yehuda Zelmanowicz (Z”L) Ze'ev Dror 155
In Memory of Yehuda Zelmanowicz Yitzhak Pulaski 156
Rabbi Yankele Rottenberg Moshe Spiegel 157
In Memory of My Parents Yehuda Burstein 159
Avraham Yama and His Son Shlomo Haim Ze'ev Yama 160
Personalities from among “The Hidden Ones” Y. Pulaski, Y. Grynwald, Y. Goldberg 161
The Mlinarski Family Dov Mlinarski 163
The Vanchadlovski Family Tsvi Vanchadlovski–Vardi 172
A Friend's Wife Who is no More Shimshon–Dov Yerushalmi 175
Zahava Shen (HY”D) Dov Mokri 178
In Memory of my Parents Eta Sherman (Née Horowitz) 180
Yona Friedrich (Z”L) Moshe Spiegel 180
Moshe Sabotka (Z”L) Arieh Sheintal 181
Elimelech Sabotka (HY”D) Arieh Sheintal 184
Childhood Memories Reuven Getzel (Levitt) 185
Shimshon Dov Yerushalmi Shmuel Berger 187
Miechow Types [Y] Shmuel Khazan 190
The Lazar Family Rafael Mlinarski 192
The Holocaust
The Destruction and the Holocaust Yehuda Greenbel 195
The Struggle for Life Pesach Bezerdki 201
Our Family in Miechów Eliezer Dresner 207
The Transport Natan Rosenkrantz 210
Miechów 1939–1943 Yitzhak Weinreb 210
The War Years 1939-1945 [Y] Arya (Leib) Sosnowski 212
Reflections of a Miechow Concentration Camp Survivor [Y] 216
In the Ghetto and Camps [Y] Doba Lewin-Abramowicz 217
Episodes from the Time of War [Y] Yonah Fridrich 218
Charsznica and Ksiaz
A. Charsznica
The Town of Charsznica Yisrael Rogovski 223
A Family that Was Cut Down Israel Rogovski 229
Charsznica N. B. 232
Jewish Life in Charsznica [Y] Y.S. Wajcman 233
The Destruction of Charsznica [Y] Sura (née Grajcer) Rozenberg 234
B. Ksiaz
Yizkor (poem) Avraham Yakov Walbromski 238
Ksiaz Wielki N. B. 239
An Anthology of the Rabbis of Ksiaz 244
High Holydays in Town Avraham Y. Walbromski 250
Friends and Teachers from the Days of My Youth Avraham Y. Walbromski 252
Memories of Ksiaz Yitzhak Silberberg 254
The Town Markets Haim Friedberg 255
From Ksiaz to Charsznica Avraham Zelig Silberberg 257
The Evacuation from Ksiaz Avraham Ya'acov Walbromski 260
Ksiaz under the Nazis Yehoshua Wundersman 266
A Matzeyvah (poem) A. Y. Walbromski 267
Reb Dovid Walbromski – the House of Prayer gabbai A. Y. Walbromski 268
Yosl the Town Shamas [Y] A. Y. Walbromski 271
My Family in the Shtetl Kzias Yitzhak Meir Wyerza 272
The Families in the Bunkers [Y] Mordekhai Herszkowicz and Ahron Matuszinski 273
How I Survived the Germans [Y] Ruchl Wilczkowski 276
The Last Friday (poem) A. Y. Walbromski 280
Miechów Survivors in Israel
Activities of the Miechów–Charsznica Association in Israel from its Inception until its Foundation Shmuel Berger 285
The Process of Publishing the Memorial Book of the Miechów, Charsznica, Ksiaz Communities Shmuel Berger 291
List of the Martyrs (Necrology)
Miechów martyrs 295
Charsznica martyrs 307
Książ Wielki martyrs 309
My Hometown – Miechov [English] 318


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