Lubtch and Delatich;
in Memory of the Jewish Community

(Lyubcha, Belarus)   (Delyatichi, Belarus)
53°45' / 26°04'   53°47' / 25°59'

Translation of
Lubtsh ve-Delatitsh; sefer zikaron

Edited by: K. Hilel, Haifa, former residents of Lubtsh-Delatitsh in Israel

Published in Israel, 1971



Project Coordinator

Ann Belinsky


Our sincere appreciation to Erica Wiesel
for assembling the graphics appearing in this project


This is a translation from:
Lubtsh ve-Delatitsh; sefer zikaron (Lubtch and Delatich; in memory of the Jewish community);
Editors: K. Hilel, Haifa, former residents of Lubtsh-Delatitsh in Israel, 1971

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Lubcza

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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Notes by the Coordinator Ann Belinsky
Title Author Page
The Map of Lubtch 5
Map of North-East Poland (1939) 6
Preface* [H] K., Hilel 7
Preface [Y] K., Hilel 8
Chronicles of the town of Lubtch [H] B.M.S. 9
Documents relating to Jewish settlement in Lubtch [Y] Kahn, P. 11
Photo caption “3rd of May” celebrations by the “Gemina ” (Local Council) Building [H] 16
Lubtch under Polish Rule [H] Yankelevitch, Chaim 17
There once was a Jewish village called Lubtch [Y] Kroshnitz, Hilel 25
Chronicles of the Jewish community in Lubtch [H] Shmulovitch, Hillel 47
A Jewish town named Delyatichi (Delatitich) [H] Cohen, Dov 51
My hometown [H] Eshed (Asherovsky), Frumka 53
From “HaMelitz”, August 25th, 1898 [H] Bonimovitch Chalpak, Yitzchak 60
A wise son-in-law… [Y] Jankelowitz, Gershon 60
The Hebrew school in Lubtch [H] Dichter, Yitzchak 61
The “Chorev” school in Lubtch [Y] “Dos Wort” 618, 636, Vilna 1937, 1938 74
A “periodical” in Lubtch (reported by M. Tsinovitch) [H] “Hatzfira“#18 (1894) 77
After the event… [Y] Hilel Krosnitz 78
Rabbis of the Lubtch community [H] Tzinovitch, Moshe 79
Reb Itchele's curse [Y] Shlimovitch, Yitzchak 98
That's how we lived… [Y] Jankelowitz, Gershon 99
For the general good… [Y] Leibovitch, Shalom 104
The 1915 fire in Lubtch [Y] Shlimovitch, Yitzchak 105
A comedy [Y] 110
Small Towns of Houses and Trenches [Y] Kaganovitch, Moshe 111
A Red-Headed Bride… [Y] Yankelevitch, Chaim 114
“As is” [Y] Kroshnitz, Hillel 114
The Hidden Light of the Jewish Mother in Lubtch [H] Dichter, Chana 115
My Dear Mother [Y] Manger, Itzik 120
I Remember My Village Delyatichi (Delatitch) [Y] Brenner, Mina 121
No One Leaving and No One Coming [Y] Kroshnitz, Hillel 134
Lubtch Until the First World War [H] Sampson, E. 135
The Pastoral Picture has Vanished and is No More [H] Vilner-Bruk, Chaya 142
The Castle in Lubtch [H] Perkofchik, L. 145
Frosty Weather in the Summer [H] Eliav, E. 147
Captions for 2 photos [H] 148
The Branch of “HaShomer Hatza'ir” in Lubtch [H] Shmulovitch, Hillel 149
Wealth Passes On, one Must Remain a “Mentch…” [Y] Jankelowitz, Gershon 156
The Dream Has Remained… [Y] Kroshnitz (Faivishevitch), Mina 157
Youth Movements in Lubtch [H] Simchoni (Movshovitch), Chemda 163
The Mathematicians… [Y] Jankelowitz, Gershon 166
The Trial [H] Shimshoni, T. 167
Episodes from the Town [H] Sampson, Eliyahu 170
The Request is Heard… [Y] Yankelevitch, Chaim 172
Only the Memories are Left… [H] Avrahami, Sara 173
Educational and Cultural Institutions in Lubtch [H] Boldo, Chanan 175
Wealth… [Y] Jankelowitz, Gershon 178
Photo Caption: The community committee of Lubtch-Karelitz in 1934 (5695) (and names) 179
Memories of My Town [H] Engel, Rachel 180
A Wedding [Y] Yankelevitch, Chaim 181
A letter from the Mendele Library, Lubtch [Y] 182
Remembrances [Y] Balott, Rose (Reiche- Bayla) 184
The National Spirit of the Jews of Lubtch [H] Shavit-Faivoshevitch, Avraham 186
Real Horseradish [Y] Yankelevitch, Chaim 188
Lubtch on the Neiman [H] Kabak, Dov 189
Lubtch Foods [Y] K., Hilel 194
“Lubtch Pigs” [Y] H.K. 199
Days of Activity and Hope [H] Sonenzon, Chaim 200
The Connection of the Family of President of Israel,Yitzchak Ben Tzvi, to Lubtch [H] Alef (collated by), A. 202
An Incident About an Informing Report [Y] Leibovitch, Shalom 205
The Righteous Rabbi R' Shmuel Bakshter [H] Tsinovitch, Moshe 206
Minikes, Chanan Yaakov [Y] Jaffe, Mordechai 211
The Actor Matityahu (Matus) Kowalsky [Y] Tzinovitch, Moshe 214
Expulsion From and Rebuilding of Lubtch [Y] Shulman (Shlimovitch), Nachum 216
Mutual Support in Lubtch [H] Tzur, Mina 223
Cultural Life in Lubtch [H] Levanon, Elka 225
The Town is Engraved in My Heart [H] Spotnitzky, Baruch 226
Days of Joy and Sorrow [Y] Kagan-Sirlis, Chana 229
R' Shmuel Meizel and His Family [H] Tzinovitch, Moshe 234
Lubtch in the 1930's [H] Yankelevitch, Elka 238
The Amateur Club [H] Shimshoni, T. 240
My Town Delyatichi (Delatitch) [H] Shmukler, Avigdor 243
Remember and Do Not Forget! [H] Degani (Litchitzsky), Yona 247
Two Religious Undertakings in Lubtch [Y] Rabinovitch, Shalom 250
A Remark Regarding the Abovementioned Correspondent's Report [Y] Tzinovitch, Moshe 252
Activity of the Branch of the “Board of Yeshivot” in Lubtch [Y] Rabinovitch, Shalom 253
Rabbis Born in Lubtch [H] Tsinovitch, Moshe 254
Rabbi R' Chaim Krasilov z”l [And three other Rabbis] [H] Hacohen Eliav, Avraham 265
No More Wars… [Y] Yankelevitch, Chaim 270
Chaim Bruk, May The Lord Avenge His Blood! [Y] Shalit, Moshe 271
The “Chevra Kaddisha” in Lubtch [H] Shimshoni, T. 272
Remember! [H] Shragai, Yehoshua 274
The Memory of My Town is Kept Safe in My Heart [H] Solominsky, Chaya 277
The Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu-Chaim Meizel, Head of Court of Lodz and His Relationship to Lubtch [H] Tsinovitch, Moshe 280
Between Two World Wars [H] Bruk, Avraham 284
A Chazan (Cantor) in the Town [H] Shimshoni, T. 289
Farewell to the Town [H] Kivelevitch, Shmuel- Yaakov 290
Yehoshua Levinson, Bible Scholar [H] Tzinovitch, Moshe 292
Alter Yosselevitch [H] Tzinovitch, Moshe 292
A Panoramic Gem [H] Kalmanovitch, Meyerim (Meir) 294
The History of the Town (From the Encyclopedia Judaica) [H] 295
My Town (A Poem) [H] Yankelevitch, Chaim 296
(Poem) [H] Amitai (Faivoshevitch), Ayala 299
Memories [H] Degani, Yona 301
My Sister Itka, of Blessed Memory [H] Levanon, Elka 302
To the Memory of My Family [H] Solominsky, Chaya 303
My Father, Avraham-Aharon, of Blessed Memory [Y] Berkovitch, Eliyahu 304
Memories from My Father's House [H] Sivitsky, Aryeh 306
Only Letters Remain… [H] Sonenzon, Chaim 307
My Grandmother Chaya [H] Nashkes, Puah 308
My Rebbe, Rabbi Chaim [Y] Shlimovitch, Yitzchak 309
Tuvya the Sexton [Y] Shulman (Shlimovitch), Nachum 311
My Grandmother Rivka [H] Simchoni (Movshovitch), Chemda 312
My Father Eliezer, of Blessed Memory [H] Aharonovsky, Danny 313
Their Memory Will Remain Forever in My Heart [H] Pintel (Pines), Freda 316
An Eternal Light for My Family [Y] Aronovsky, Shmuel Binyamin- Chaim 317
In Memory of My Brother Avraham, May His Blood be Avenged! [H] Kalmanovitch, Golda 320
Max Shmulevitch, of Blessed Memory [H] Degani, Yona 321
The Holocaust and the Heroism 323
Photo caption: The Memorial Plaque in the Holocaust Cellar in Jerusalem 324
I Won't Forgive! (Poem) [Y] Berliner, Yitzchak 325
One of the Family… [H] Yankelevitch, Natan 327
I Was in the Ghetto [Y] Yankelevitch, Yisrael- Gershon (Yisrol) 331
I Revenged our Innocent Blood [Y] Yanson, Velveke 344
Scrolls from The Flame [H] Slonimsky, Yisrael 364
In the Lubtch Ghetto [Y] Solomiansky, Shifra 380
Rosh Hashana in the Forest [Y] Yankelevitch, Yisrael 388
A Partisan in his Late Years [Y] Leibovitch, Shalom 391
Under the Nazis in France [Y] Zablotzky, Risha 403
(untitled) [Y] Meyerson-Kowalsky, Lyuba 410
Little Pages from the Flame… [Y] Slonimsky, Yisrael 412
(poem) [H] Yankelevitch, Chaim 433
Words spoken by Nachum Shlimovitch at the memorial service for the
Martyrs of Lubtch and Delatitich
Shlimovitch, Nachum 434
Words at the memorial service for the Martyrs of Lubtch and Delatitich [H] Zacharavitch, Yaacov 437
Former Lubtch and Delatitch residents now living in Israel [H] 440
List of Jews from Lubtch and Delatitch who came to Israel, and who have since died [H] 443
Martyrs of Lubtch – List of Lubtcha Jews who were killed in the Holocaust [H] 444
Martyrs of Delatitch – List of Delatitch (Delyatichi) Jews who were killed in the Holocaust [H] 459
Photographs 461
Table of contents 477
Epilogue [H] 480

* This is the same article as that written in Yiddish on Page 8
[H] - Written in Hebrew, [Y] - Written in Yiddish

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