[Page 345]
IN MEMORY OF the holy Admurim of Lechowitz, Rabbi Noach and Rabbi Yochanan and
their descendants who died or were murdered
[Page 346]
IN MEMORY OF Yehudit Berkowitz daughter of Chaim and Tzila, granddaughter of
Yechiel Berkowitz (the driver) of Lechowitz, who died in the fighting at Deganiya aleph in the
midst of battle 9 Iyar 5708
[Page 347]
IN MEMORY OF Henya (Henye-Gisha) Peker daughter of Yosef-David and Devorah
Tzviah Zevelinsky (died in Otvotsk 10 Adar 5695); my mother Clara wife of Gedalia; my brother Yehoshua-Moshe, my sister Liba children of Gedalia and Clara; my daughter Dora (Devora-Tzviah) Peker
Mourner: Yakov Simcha Avidor (Peker), Tel Aviv |
IN MEMORY OF my father Noach ben-Yakov Angilowitz who died 7/8 Tevet 5689 in
Lechowitz; my mother Mira daughter of Gedaliyahu murdered in Lechowitz; my brother Aharon son
of Noach Angilowitz, murdered in Kobrin, Poland; my sister Mikele Ditkovsky and her husband David son of Pesach and their children; my sister Perele-Chaya Neiman
and her husband Max with their children; my brother Berel and his wife Sarah and
their children; my sister Rachel Angilowitz who all met their tragic death in
Mourner: Gedalia Angilowitz, Ramat ha-Kovesh, Israel |
[Page 348]
IN MEMORY OF Aharon son of Zeev Pinchuk; Sarah daughter of Eliezer, wife of Aharon Pinchuk; Bluma, daughter of Aharon and Sarah Pinchuk; Yeshayahu son of Zeev Pinchuk; Ashka daughter of Chaim, wife of Yeshayahu Pinchuk, who were all murdered IN MEMORY OF Dinah daughter of Aharon Pinchuk; Isaac son of Aharon Pinchuk; Yenta daughter of Aharon Pinchuk, who died IN MEMORY OF Avraham-David Zmudziak and his wife Rachel-Leah; Yehudah ben Avraham and his wife Chana Zmudziak; Yosef ben Avraham-David and his wife Reizel Zmudziak
Mourners: Hadassah Izmozik-Zmudziak and her family, Ramat-Gan, Israel |
[Page 349]
IN MEMORY OF Yitzhak son of Eliezer Angilowitz, his wife Bracha and children
Mourner: Ashka Angilowitz, Kibbutz Dan, Israel |
IN MEMORY OF Yekutiel Dzentzelsky and his family who died in Lechowitz
Mourner: Mordecai Epstein from Baranowitz (now in Cuba) |
IN MEMORY OF Alter Epstein
[Page 350]
IN MEMORY OF my father Moshe Begun; my brother Aharon and his wife Penia (of
the family Tukachinsky) my mother Batya; my sister Tzipa, who were all murdered in Krim,
[Page 351]
IN MEMORY OF my father Yitzhak son of Tzvi Chaim Brevda; my mother Freidel
daughter of Shlomo; my sister Bave daughter of Yitzhak and her husband Moshe Raikin and their
Mourner: Shimshon Brevda, Mexico |
[Page 352]
IN MEMORY OF Shmuel son of Yitzhak; Moshe son of David and his wife; their sons
and daughters
IN MEMORY OF Simcha son of Yakov Tsipin IN MEMORY OF Avraham son of Aharon-Leib, his wife and their sons and daughters; Shalom son of Aharon-Leib; Moshe son of Aharon-Leib IN MEMORY OF Yehoshua son of Mikhal Khazanowitz, his wife Chaya daughter of Avraham; Moshe son of Yehoshua Khazanowitz, his wife and their sons and daughters; Yakov son of Yehoshua Khazanowitz, his wife and their sons and daughters IN MEMORY OF David son of Aharon Khazanowitz, his wife Ettel daughter of Mikhal and their sons and daughters; Aharon son of David Khazanowitz who found their death tragically in Israel
Mourner: Shimshon Brevda, Mexico |
[Page 353]
IN MEMORY OF Shalom son of Eliyahu and his wife Bila daughter of Mendel Kirsner
Mourner: Rachel Borzukowsky-Kirsner, Givatayim, Israel |
IN MEMORY OF my husband and our father Alter (Mordecai-Gershon) son of Dov
Brevda who died 18 Shevat 5707 (18.2.47) in our land; my daughter and our sister Ravza Brevda who
ended in Lechowitz
[Page 354]
IN MEMORY OF Yosef son of Gedaliahu Birger; Chaya daughter of Sheindel; their
sons Hillel and Reuven; their daughters Golda and Freidel
Mourner: Aryeh Birger, Givat Adah, Israel |
IN MEMORY OF our mother Bracha Bader daughter of Shmuel Yeshayahu; our brother
Yehoshua Bader son of Yitzhak Yosef; his son Zelig
[Page 355]
IN MEMORY OF Alter son of Shmuel Yeshayahu Gavza; his sons Aharon and Yechiel; their wives and children; his daughters Bave, Chana and Miriam; their husbands and children
[Page 356]
IN MEMORY OF our sister Nechama-Liba Proshchitsky-Bussel daughter of
Noach-Leib; her daughters Sheina, Bila and Rachel'eh; and her son
Noach-Leibele; our brother Mottel
IN MEMORY OF my mother, Chava daughter of Yitzhak, and her daughter, Tsipora
daughter of Chaim Aharon, and her children
Malka Bussel-Kaplan, Rishpon near Hertzlia |
[Page 357]
IN MEMORY OF the family of Shlomo-Ber Bussel
IN MEMORY OF my brother Yakov-David son of Tzvi-Hirsh Mukasei; my brother
Aryeh-Leib son of Tzvi-Hirsh Mukasei
[Page 358]
IN MEMORY OF our father Aharon-Lemel and our mother Bluma Gavza; our brother
Moshe-Pinchas and his wife Rivka and their daughter Daicha and her husband Reuven Khadosh and
their two daughters and son who died as a partisan
IN MEMORY OF Ezriel-Meir and his wife Chaya-Sarah and his son Lippa who fell in the defense of Masada, Land of Israel IN MEMORY OF Avraham Gavza; our sister-in-law Zelda, wife of Yeshaya Gavza, and their two daughters, who fell in the Second World War
IN MEMORY OF Yakov son of Shimon; Itta daughter of Shmuel; Sima and Shmuel
Mordkowsky; Rachel and her children, Leibele and Dovele Glotzer
[Page 359]
IN MEMORY OF my father Mikhal-David son of Zimmel Khavjuk from Ostrowa; my
mother Fruma-Dinah daughter of Meir
IN MEMORY OF my father Moshe-Chaim; my mother Frieda; my brother Yitzhak Lev
and my sisters Chashka, Devorah and their families
[Page 360]
IN MEMORY OF my grandfather Moshe son of Mordecai (the mechanic Moshe Mattes)
Winograd who died in the city of Slutsk 8 Tevet 5677; my father Zissel son of Moshe
Winograd who ended in the city of Baranowitz on Shushan Purim 5702; my mother Golda
daughter of Avraham-Ber (of the family Horwitz) who died in Baranowitz 8 Kislev 5693; my brothers Yisrael, Eliyahu and Yosef Winograd and my sister Leah Minkowitz
and her family who were murdered in Baranowitz
Mourner: Aryeh Birger, Givat Adah, Israel |
IN MEMORY OF our mother Bracha Bader daughter of Shmuel Yeshayahu; our brother
Yehoshua Bader son of Yitzhak Yosef; his son Zelig
[Page 361]
IN MEMORY OF my wife Hinde-Rachel Wenger; my sons Alexander, Tzvi and Yehuda;
my daughter Devusha and her husband Yosef Shevkin; their daughters Esther and Zissa; my
daughter Bila and her husband Avraham son of Shlomo Ber and their three children
[Page 362]
IN MEMORY OF my father Shlomo son of Tzvi-Hirsh who died the third day of Chol ha-Moed Pesach 5707
IN MEMORY OF Shmuel Zablotsky and his wife Leah Zablotsky
[Page 363]
IN MEMORY OF my father Chaim Tzvi; my mother Gruna; my sister Sarah with her
three children; my sister Bila with her husband Banyuk and their two children; my brother Alter
and his wife and their two children; my brother Shlomo
[Page 364]
IN MEMORY OF our father Ephraim-Mikhal son of Moshe Weinstein; our mother
Eshka-Elka daughter of Pesach; our sister Rivka; our brother Avraham-Yitzhak, shochet/tester,
cantor and mohel of Mikasevitz and Lechowitz, and his family
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