51°55' / 22°23'
Translation of
Sefer Lukow; gehelikt der khorev gevorener kehile
Editor: B. Heller
Published in Tel Aviv 1968
Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Lukow
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the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
From the Publisher | 6 |
The Jewish Community in Łuków (Introduction) M. Tsanin [H] | 7 |
The Holy Community of Łuków M. Tsanin [Y] | 10 |
The Jewish Community | |
Jews in Łuków M. Edlboym [Y] | 15 |
Jews in Łuków [H] | 41 |
Memories of the Cultural-Social and Religious Life in Our Town Shloyme Rubinshteyn [Y] | 58 |
Memories of the Cultural-Social and Religious Life in Our Town Shloyme Rubinshteyn [H] | 70 |
Łuków, a Religious Town Shimen Siruke | 78 |
Jewish Łuków Yekhiel Rozenblum [Y] | 83 |
Jewish Łuków Yekhiel Rozenblum [H] | 88 |
In the Łuków Yeshive Elieyzer Likhtnshteyn | 98 |
Synagogues and Study Houses Yekhiel Rozenblum | 95 |
Cultural and Communal Life | |
The Gastman-Liberzon Era Menakhem Zakalik (Z. K. Lik) | 99 |
Sixty Years Ago Avrom Sokol (Skurke) | 103 |
The Bundist Movement in Łuków Sh. Rubinshteyn | 105 |
My Illegal Visit to my Hometown Łuków Yankev Braun | 112 |
Sentenced to Death Khaye Huberman (Sherman) | 114 |
Professional Societies in Łuków Moyshe Peltsman | 123 |
Memoirs of a Łukówer Moyshe Gotesdiner | 125 |
Hashomer Hatsair in Łuków M. Bornshteyn [Y] | 149 |
Hashomer Hatsair in Łuków M. Bornshteyn [H] | 152 |
The Youth Organization ;Farayhayt [Freedom] Noyekh Latovitsh | 155 |
The Medem School in Łuków Alter Vishnia | 159 |
The Jewish Football Team in Łuków Yoysef Hersh Rozenshteyn | 160 |
Memoirs | |
A Stroll through the Market Square | 164 |
1920 in Łuków Yeshiahu Koyen | 168 |
My Early Years Leybish Felhendler | 177 |
Silhouettes from Home, Łuków Menakhem Zubrovitsh | 188 |
The Łuków of my Generation Shmuel Huberman | 190 |
The Jewish Town Morkhe Skurke | 193 |
Łuków in my Memory Khaye Peltsman | 196 |
The Wealthy Paupers of Mezritsher Street Lipe Huberman | 198 |
Well-known Figures Yekhiel Rozenblum | 201 |
A Bundle of Memories Aron Kupiets | 205 |
Perets Markish in Łuków Yoysef Zubrovitsh | 208 |
A Story about the Old Cemetery Leybish Felhendler | 209 |
Outside the Town Yekhiel Rozenblum | 210 |
In the Dreadful Days N. B. | 213 |
My Murdered Town Khaye Fridman-Frishbeyn | 215 |
Zmiros Khaym Yisroel Gotesdiner | 218 |
Itsl Khaym the Khumesh Teacher Moyshe Peltsman | 219 |
Yankele the Teacher Mordkhe Skurke | 220 |
Figures of Religious Łuków Shimen Siroka | 221 |
Reb Yoyne Noy may God avenge his blood Sh. Dukhn | 229 |
Reb Itsik Zov Librakh of blessed memory Sh. Dukhn | 230 |
Elimelekh Lubinski of blessed memory Khaym Lubinski | 231 |
Tsvi Yoysef Astrikh of blessed memory N. B. | 231 |
Borekh Hirsh the [Sportsman or Gambler] S. Vasershtrom | 233 |
In the Mirror of Yiddish Newspapers | |
Writers from Łuków | |
Yankev Zonshayn Dovid Sfard | 270 |
Poems Yankev Zonshayn | 271 |
There Was a Łuków D. Zakalik | 280 |
A. Nakhtumi | 290 |
Motl Hashomayim and Moshomni Haorets | 291 |
Graves of the Ancestors Avrom Nakhtumi | 304 |
The Tomate Khaye Elboym Dorembum | 305 |
Death and Resistance | |
The First Persecutions by the Germans - Gedalia Dzewolecki | 311 |
From the Poem A Tree in Poland | 315 |
In the Struggle for Life Moyshe Graytser [Y] | 316 |
In the Struggle for Life Moshe Graytser [H] | 323 |
The First Campaign in Search of Weapons Motl Feldman | 328 |
My experiences in Lokow Ghetto Leybish Barn | 330 |
To Treblinke (anonymous poem) | 336 |
The Ruins of Home Moyshe Peltsman | 338 |
My Mothers Tears Shloyme Rubinshteyn | 342 |
The First Rescue Campaign (eye witness) | 346 |
A Polish Teacher from Łuków Relates S. Zsheminski | 354 |
Homeless and Pursued Ruzshke Huberman-Ayvan | 365 |
In Days of Spring Eliahu Rodziniak [Y] | 397 |
In Days of Spring Elahu Rodziniak [H] | 406 |
Memoirs of a Survivor Elke Gerekht-Tikotski | 411 |
From My Experiences Leyb Shliterman | 421 |
The First Violence Aba Dishel | 424 |
The Murder of Lipe Kestin V. H. Ayvan | 428 |
The Death of Jewish Łuków Shloyme Prengler | 429 |
From the First Action to Judenrein N. H. | 436 |
A Child Among Murderers Anshl Kats | 443 |
Emigration, War, Occupation Yeshayahu Koen | 448 |
From Paris to Auschwitz Moyshe Tsukerman | 458 |
Between Valor and Annihilation Yankev Keselbrener [Y] | 470 |
Between Valor and Annihilation Yaakov Keselbrener [H] | 477 |
Destruction of Łuków (Testimony) | 481 |
The Heroism and Tragic Annihilation of the Łuków Jews Noyakh Zshelaza | 485 |
Łuków Partisans in the Belorussian Forests Nakhum Goldzak | 492 |
Memoirs from a Jewish Partisan Troop A. M. Rubinshteyn | 502 |
In the Ghetto and in the Forest Iser Last | 505 |
A Visit to Just-liberated Łuków Moyshe Gerekht | 511 |
Lokow Jews Fight Sh. Huberman | 516 |
My Ruined Home Pinkhas Tsheshinski | 521 |
Song of the Valley Moyshe Tsukerman [H] | 524 |
On the Fields of Maltsinov Yehude Burshteyn | 528 |
25 Years of Destruction in Łuków Sh. Huberman [H] | 532 |
Of a Small Town Yisroel Pikrish [H] | 535 |
Concluding Eulogy in the Name of the Łuków Martyrs Avrom Sukhavalski | 562 |
The Łuków Landsmanshaftn in the United States A. Braun | 568 |
In Memory | |
Yisroel Goldgevikht | 592 |
Nakhum Goldzak | 596 |
Ruven Heyblum | 598 |
Shloyme Zakalik | 600 |
Khaym Leyb Yunghoyzer | 601 |
Khaym Leybman | 602 |
Sore Burshteyn-Zubrovitsh | 603 |
Berl Lip | 604 |
Yoysef Pergament | 606 |
Yankl Tsukerman | 607 |
Hersh Karasik | 607 |
The Fate of Tonik Rozenshteyn | 610 |
Miriam Shumik | 611 |
Necrologies | |
Lukower Martyrs and Heroes | 620 |
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