50°57' / 20°15'
Translation of
Sztetl Łopuszno – pamięć przetrwała
Edited by: Marek Maciągowski, Yaacov Kotlicki
Published in Kielce, 2004
Project Coordinator
This is a translation from: Sztetl Łopuszno – pamięć przetrwała (Shtetl Łopuszno - the memory survived),
Editors: Marek Maciągowski, Yaacov Kotlicki, Published by Firma Usługowo-Handlowa Galeria in Kielce, 2004 (Pol 217 pages).
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the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
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my great-grandmother Lea Goldszajd; my grandmother Chaya Kotlicki (nee Garfinkel) and grandparents Jacub & Rywka Goldszajd; my uncles and aunts Haim Goldszajd, Chana Goldszajd, Chana Kotlicki, Israel Kotlicki, and their families; my family members Izrael Kapitulnik, Fishel & Brandl Wikinski, Jankel & Sura Kalmowitz and their families; and our relatives of families Goldszajd, Goldszajder, Kotlicki, Wikinski, Garfinkel, Weltman, Kenigstein and Sosnowski who lived in Lopuszno and were murdered in the Holocaust and In honor of my parents
and Zwi (Hershel) Kotlicki (survivor of the Kielce Pogrom of 1946)
about 60 years ago and in honor of our ancestors, the Jewish founders and inhabitants of Lopuszno.
Yaacov Kotlicki
{great-grandson of Abraham Kotlicki , Berek Goldszajd and Aba Wikinski who lived in Lopuszno during the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century; great-grandson of two of Izrael Zajwel Weltman's daughters the administrator of Lopuszno during the first half of the 19th century; grandson of Jacub & Rywka Goldszajd (nee Wikinski) and Moshe Kotlicki; son of Sara ( Sura) Kotlicki (nee Goldszajd)- all born and lived in Lopuszno during the 19th and 20th century.} |
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Przetrwała Pamięć |
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