Out of the Depths
Translation from
Edited by Rabbi Ephraim Oshry
Published in New York, 1959
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Text translations by Yocheved Klausner
A Book of Questions and Answers
Contains questions and answers and other matters that were relevant
during the times of murder and destruction by the Hitler Army of Murderers
in the Kovno Ghetto, in the years 1941-1945
I wrote these things in the days of horror, that they should be kept in memory.
May God see the affliction of His people and may we not suffer sorrow any more
An appendix to the book contains the names of our rabbis and teachers
the heads of the holy Yeshivas and the holy and pure students, from the land of Lithuania,
who were killed on Kiddush Hashem [sanctification of the Holy Name],
May God avenge their blood
Ephraim son of my master and father our teacher the Rav R'Dov zl Oshry
Rav and ABD at the Bet Hamidrash Hagadol synagogue, New-York
Author of the book Divrei Efraim [The Words of Efraim]
5719 [1959], New York
Section of the Table of Contents Containing the Necrologies
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Updated 30 Nov 2012 by LA
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