Lithuanian Jewry from 1918 to 1941
(Volume II)

Translation of Yahadut Lita

Published by The Association of The Lithuanian Jews in Israel, Tel Aviv 1972

Edited by Yaakov Ulaysky, Mordecai Elishiv (Fridman), Leib Garfunkel,
Rafael Hasman, Dov Lipitz, Israel Kaplan, Dr. Yaakov Rabinson

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Translated by Shalom Bronstein

The Political Realm
Chronology 19
The Jews of Independent Lithuania from the Standpoint of Comparative HistoryJacob Robinson26
A General Overview of the Political History of the Jews of Independent LithuaniaLeib Garfunkel28
The Struggle of Lithuania's Jews for National RightsLeib Garfunkel35
Jews in the Lithuanian SejmsLeib Garfunkel73
Vilnius Between Lithuania and PolandMoshe Cohen84
The Economic Realm
The Economy and Demography of Lithuanian JewryJacob Lestschinsky91
Agriculture and Gardening among the Jews of LithuaniaJacob Reisen101
Jewish Credit Cooperatives in LithuaniaZvi Fort103
Education and Culture
Education in Hebrew and the Hebrew Movement in Independent LithuaniaDov Lipetz113
The Growth of Hebrew High Schools [Gymnasium] in LithuaniaDr. Joseph Harari-Berger132
The Reali High School [Gymnasium] in KovnoShimon Zak134
The Hebrew High School [Gymnasium] in KovnoDr. Aaron Berman136
The Hebrew High School [Gymnasium] in MarijampoleAbraham Tory140
The Hebrew High School [Gymnasium] in ShavliDr. Eliezer Yerushalmi145
The Hebrew High School [Gymnasium] in PanevezysDr. Israel Mehlman147
Virbaln and Its High School [Gymnasium]Dr. Eliezer Yerushalmi149
The Hebrew High School [Gymnasium] in VilkovishkM. I. Mendelsohn-Mishkotz151
The “OR” Hebrew High School [Gymnasium] in VilkomirDr. Tuvia Leibowitz-Arieli152
The Hebrew High School [Gymnasium] in RaseinDr. Zemach Tzimrion155
Teacher Training for Hebrew SchoolsDr. Raphael Rabinowitz158
The “Yavne” Educational Trend in LithuaniaDr. Isaac Raphael Halevi Etzion (Holtzberg)160
The Yiddish School in Independent LithuaniaYudel Mark166
The Hebrew High School [Gymnasium] in VilkomirYudel Mark170
The Commercial Hebrew High School [Gymnasium] in KovnoJoseph Gar172
ORT in LithuaniaJacob Oleiski174
The Kovno Children's HomeAkiva Yishai (Vanhotzker)180
From Kovno to Ben ShemenMordecai Elyashiv (Friedman)184
The Jewish Students in LithuaniaA. Ben-Efraim (Efraimchik)185
Political Parties and Movements
The General Zionists – 'A' and 'B'Abraham Tory (Golub)189
The Eretz Yisrael Workers MovmentDr. Shmuel Eliyashiv-Friedman198
“Hashomer Hatzair”Ya'akov Amit (Gottlieb)203
“Poalei Zion” LeftL. Shimoni207
“Mizrachi” and the “Torah v'Avoda” Movement in LithuaniaDavid Reznik215
The Revisionist Movement in LithuaniaMordecai Katz218
The “Statists”Dr. Herzl Rosenblum226
The “Brit Kanaim” [Covenant of Militants] (Bara”k)A. Klaus228
“Folkspartie”Yudel Mark229
“Agudath Israel”Eliyahu-Meir Bloch234
The “Hehalutz”[Pioneer] Movement in LithuaniaMordecai Elyashiv (Friedman)236
With the Pioneers in LithuaniaDavid Cohen240
The “Kibush” Kibbutz in PladnogiShabtiel Deutsch245
Literature – Journalism – Art
Jewish Literature and Journalism in LithuaniaRafael Chasman249
Representatives of Hebrew Literature in LithuaniaNathan Greenblatt-Goren258
The Hebrew Book – A Bibliographical SurveyM. Blosher260
The Historical and Ethnographical Society of Lithuanian JewsIsrael Kaplan268
The Jewish Theater in LithuaniaIsrael Segal271
The Hebrew Theater in LithuaniaNathan Shapira280
Jewish Artists in LithuaniaArieh Margoshilski283
SportsBeno Zang285
The Eretz Yisrael Office [of the Zionist Movement] in LithuaniaZvi Barak (Brik)291
Jewish Social Institutions in LithuaniaY. Bolel305
Dr. Max (Menahem) Soleveitchik (Soliali)L. Garfunkel311
Samson RosenbaumGershon Alimor (Valkovski)314
Dr. Benjamin BergerProfessor Aaron Peretz320
Reuben RubensteinRafael Chasman322
“Ba'al Machshavos” [Dr. Isidor-Israel Elyashiv]Dr. Samuel Elyashiv-Friedman326
Dr. Mendel SudarskyJacob Oleiski328
Rabbi Joseph-Shlomo KahanamannSh. Daniel330
Rabbi Abraham-Aaron BorsteinDr. Shlomo-Shraga Bialovlotzki336
Leah GoldbergYa'akov Amit338
On the Slope
The Last Year of Jewish Existence in LithuaniaShmuel Greenhouse343
Lithuania Jewry on the Verge of AnnihilationDr. L. Cheselson346
In the Hallow of the SlingshotDov Levin349
Polish Refugees in Lithuania between 1939-1941Zvi Barak (Brik)353
Under the Yoke of Soviet OccupationJoseph Gar371
Lithuanian Jewry in the World
Lithuanian Jews in Eretz YisraelDr. Hanokh Savironi-Drutz379
Lithuanian Jews in South AfricaJonathan Batnitzki399
Lithuanian Jews in CanadaB. G. Zak403

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