Book of Lipno, Skepe, Lubicz and Vicinity
(Lipno, Poland)

52°50' / 19°12'

Translation of
Sefer Lipno, Skepe, Lubicz ve-ha-sevivah

Edited by Shmuel Alon (Domb)

Published in Tel Aviv, 1988


Project Coordinator

Meir Zelek-Livneh

This is a translation from Sefer Lipno, Skepe, Lubicz ve-ha-sevivah; Book of Lipno, Skepe, Lubicz and Vicinity
ed. Shmuel Alon (Domb). Tel Aviv: Society of former residents of Lipno and Vicinity, 1988

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Lipno

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Table of Contents

Translated by Sara Mages

Title Author Page
Map of Lipno and the vicinity   5
Lipno city plan   6
List of streets, organizations and other sites   8
Introduction   13
Introduction [Y]   15
A Word from the Editor   17
A Word from the Editor [Y]   19
The City and the Jewish Community    
Lipno, the city and the community S. Alon (Domb) 25
A. Introduction to the History of the city and the community   25
B. The city and the community in the 20th century   40
The Town and the Jewish Community G. Avigdori 104
Memories and Experiences    
Memories from Lipno [Y] M. Shoenberg 117
Yizkor to my hometown Z. Borenshtein 135
Poems Z. Borenshtein 144
A melody of our Lipno [Y] W. Kovadlo 146
Lipno our Hometown [Y] Y. Dobzinski 152
School of Commerce N. Borenshtein 161
My Street S. Alon 163
The Jewish Community of Lipno Y. Klodevski 179
My father my teacher of blessed memory S. Alon 183
Yehezkel Roznovitch of blessed memory S. Alon 187
Avraham Levkovitz of blessed memory S. Alon 190
Arye Gotenberg Y. Levin 193
Parties and Youth Movements    
“Hanoar Hatzioni” A. Klodevski 197
In memory of the members of “Betar” Y. Aharoni 203
“Hashomer Hatzair” G. Avigdori 205
“HeHalutz” P. Adler 207
In the Lipno’s company Y. Herbstman 210
“HeHalutz HaMizrachi” Y. Klodevski 214
War and Holocaust    
A Prayer by the Ark of Ashes Y. Gutterman 222
A Prayer by the Ark of Ashes [Y] Y. Guttermann 225
The Beginning of the Destruction and Holocaust G. Avigdori 228
Letters of Isar Eurbach   234
Letters of Moshe Biederka   241
A word about Moshe Biederka and life in Russia M. Grosman 245
The German rule over our town Y. Klodovsky 249
Chapters of Horror T. Goldblum 251
How I survived hell D. Weiser 255
My brother and I during the war R. Lubelski 257
Did I go though this? M. Kribitzky 261
My experiences during the war Z. Goldberg 275
In the party and the French Army D. Schwartz 281
How was Memorial Day set A. H. Pudder 282
The Poles in Lipno tell about Holocaust S. A. 283
Lipno after the Holocaust S. A. 287
The Lipno Landsmanshaft in Israel S. A. 289
The Lipno Landsmanshaft in the US S. A. 292
In Memory of the Dead    
Names of soldiers who fell in the battle over Poland   295
Necrology – Lipno, Skampe and Kikol   297
Businesses in Lipno    
The English Section    
Table of Contents   I
A word from the editor   II
A prayer at the Ark of Ash Y. Gutterman V

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