Lipcan of Old
(Lipcani, Moldova)

48°16' / 26°48'

Translation of
Lipkan fun amol

Editor: Aaron Shuster

Published in Montreal 1957


This is a translation of: Lipkan fun amol (Lipcan of old),
Editor: Aaron Shuster, Montreal 1957 (Y 217 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Lipkany (1957)

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner

Introduction IX
Lipkany of the Past
Lipkan As I Remember It 13
Yehuda Steinberg 19
Eliezer Steinbarg 20
Yakov (Yokel) Sternberg 24
Moshe Altman 27
Dr. Michael Koifman 29
Eliezer Grinberg 32
Itzik Shkolnik, the Patriarch of Lipkany 34
Berl Stipelman 39
Hersch Gitelman 42
Cantors 45
Lipkany doctors and Zeide the barber-surgeon 51
The Zionist movement 57
The Yehuda Steinberg Library 61
Aid for the poor 68
Courageous Men of the People in Lipkany 72
About Life in Lipkan in the Past and Folk Figures
Military Conscription in Lipkan 80
Fires and Fireworks 86
Zelig the Town Crier 94
Aharon Dray [three, also turn] and Shifre Shtey [stop!] 97
Yosel the Dembener [the oak] 101
Leib Odesser [from Odessa] and the burned-down synagogue 105
Chaye-Feige the firzogern [recites the prayers in the women's section of the synagogue] 109
Hersch-Elye the Chasid 111
A trip with Chone Otiker 115
Moshe-Wolf the baker 119
An episode worth mentioning 123
Yankel Lande and Moshe Kode - two Lipkany heroes 125
Lipkaner tales 129
My arrest because of my straw-hat 139
A story about an inheritance from America 152
My mother and her two kinds of sisters 159
As a guest at my uncle Shmelke 164
A story of a Romanian deserter 179
Lipkany and New-York
Lipkany Landsleit in America 193
Lipkany relief and the Literary Circle 195
Martha Ginsberg Community Center in Kiryat-Lipkany 203
Lipkany and New York 205
Jewish culture 216
Words of Thanks Last page


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