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Survive and Tell (cont.)

I went with her to the “neighborhood clinic” and persuaded the doctor to send her for a series of tests at the “Rothschild” Hospital. My mother was admitted to the hospital and the doctors decided to operate.

During the operation, cancer of the stomach was diagnosed. The doctors claimed that they had perhaps managed to contain it, but were not 100% sure. My mother returned home with mixed feelings, of fear and hope. Then the fear increased, the pain returned, she was operated on again but this time she did not recuperate and died at the age of 69. Sixty-nine years of suffering, lots of love, lots of hope and very little satisfaction.

It may be that had she not undergone the operation, she could have carried on a little longer and enjoyed her new grandchild, Inbal. I do not know if the suffering and pain could have been balanced by her joy from gaining a new grandchild.

Inbal, who was born a few months after my mother's death, carries her name in her memory. We named her Inbal-Haya.

Pictures below cw from top:

Shalom and Arie Singer
Shalom Levy Sitri and Amnon
Rubinstein, Shalom dancing with Yaffa Nakdimon
Shalom the proud officer
Shalom with his cousin and friend Mara Spectorman

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