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Memorial Candles (cont.)

[Page 389]

In memory of our beloved: Our sister Sara, our sister Sheindl and her baby

Who perished in Lenin on 1 Elul 5702 (1942)

And our brother Yitzhak, who was declared missing in action in WWII in the Russian Army.

May their memory be blessed

Mordechai and Vitya and their families

[Page 390]

In memory of our parents R'Mordechai and Esther Mishelov and our brothers and sisters Shmuel, Shekhna, Pesia and Malka who were murdered by the Nazis, and, may they be inscribed for a long life: Lea and Shoshana in Israel and Lipa in the USA, who mourn their memory.
In memory of my father R'Yitzhak Danenberg and my mother Esther, who perished by the hands of the Nazis.

Mourning their memory – their only daughter Chava

[Page 391]

R'Chaim Slutzki   Yosef, son of R'Chaim Slutzki
Perished in Mikshewitch and with them – Fanny, Michael and Yehudit Slutzki
Aharon Migdalowitz and his wife Malka – perished in Mikshewitch and with them: Israel, Yehudit and Sheindl Migdalowitz

Mourning them:
their son Herzl and his family

[Page 392]

Frada Singalovski   R'Avraham-Zelig Singalovski
In memory of our dear parents and sister

My father Eliezer-Chaim son of R'Kalman Lilienberg
My mother Nechama daughter of R'Baruch (nee Zhorbalov)
My sister Beile daughter of Eliezer-Chaim

Perished by the hands of the murderers in 1942 in Lenin and in Hantzewitz

Their son and her brother
Avraham Lilienberg

[Page 393]

The memory of our parents and our sisters will remain in our hearts forever
Masha daughter of R'Shekhna nee Feinstein from Slutzk, died in Lenin on Thursday, 16 Menachem-Av 5688 (2.8.1928)   R'Chaim son of R'Elyakim Slutzki, died in Lenin, on Tuesday 2nd day of Rosh Chodesh Tamuz, 5695 (2.7.1935)
Vitya Tennenbaum, daughter of R'Chaim Slutzki, perished in the Pinsk Ghetto, 1942   Chaia-Feiga Segal, daughter of R'Chaim Slutzki, died in Warsaw, the 3rd day of Chanuka, 27 Kislev 5694

S. Slutzki – Moscow
I. Slutzki – Tel Aviv

[Page 394]

Dr. Yitzhak (Isac) Gitler, born in Kamenetz-Podolsk, graduate of the faculty of Natural Sciences and School of Medicine at the University of Kiev. Over thirty years served as doctor in Lenin.

His wife Chana (Anna), born in Muzir, a pharmacist, beautiful and gentle. Devotedly supported the needy of the town.

Aged sixty when they fell by the hands of the murderers

Their eldest son Dr. Tuvia-Tima, graduate of the School of Medicine at Warsaw University. He worked in the Jewish Hospital “Tchista” as assistant to prof. Dr. Filisok, worked on his post until he fell.

May their memories be for a blessing
  Their son
Dr. Nachum Gitler, Tel Aviv

[Page 395]

R'Yakov Shklyar

Former resident of Lakhva. A friend of A. I. Slutzki and his family. One of the leaders of the joint organization Lenin-Lakhva. Was very active – and activated others – in helping the needy. Had a warm heart and was always willing to listen.

Twice visited Israel and in 1954 took part in a memorial assembly in honor of the martyrs of our town; on this occasion our townspeople had the opportunity to get to know him and appreciate him.

His life ended on 6 June 1955. It was a great loss.

His memory will remain with us forever and his soul is bound in the bonds of our lives

[Page 396]

In memory of my parents Israel-Aharon and Nechama-Sara, my brother Yitzhak, my brother Efraim, my sisters Nishka and Chaia, who fell by the hands of murderers, may their name be erased.

May God avenge their blood.

When our father fell by the hands of the murderers, we remained seven young orphans, and my mother z”l raised us with devotion and great efforts, and was mother and father for us.

  Mourning them
Their daughter and sister Devora Isseres (Kisselowitz)

[Page 397]

The family of R'Yitzhak Reingold, perished in the Lenin Ghetto,
except R'Yitzhak who is living in Israel and his son who is living in Russia.
R'Hirsh-Leib Gorodetzki (deceased) and his three children (perished in the Holocaust)

[Page 398]

In memory of my uncle Yeshaya Slutzki and his wife Lea z”l – at the tombstone of my father,
may he rest in peace, in the cemetery of the Lenin Community,Avraham Yitzhak Slutzki


The inscription on the tombstone:

Here is buried
A righteous and honest man

Moshe Yakov

Son of R'Yitzhak
Died 29 Adar I, 5687

May his soul be bound in the bond of life

[Page 399]

R'Dov ber Vinik and his wife Doba (Dobka), died in Lenin
In memory of
Nechama daughter of Shlomo Tzukerowitz z”l

[Page 400]

R'Avraham Ozer and his wife Itka z”l
R'Moshe Valitzkin and his wife Devora z”l
(“Moshe the Shteblewitzer”)

[Page 401]

Risha, wife of R'Yeshaya Tziklig

Perished in the Holocaust
Second day of Rosh Hodesh Elul 5702


Mordechai son of Yosef Tziklig

He was known in our tows by the name “Motl Yoshke's.” He was careful in keeping all mitzvoth [comandments], one of the first to get up early in the morning and go to the synagogue to pray. He was one of the esteemed people in town, and his place in the Old Synagogue was at the Eastern Wall. He prayed with enthusiasm and devotion. For many years, he was the one to blow the Shofar during the High Holy Days.

He was a scholar. He always found time to look into a book. Since his childhood he was a friend of my father z'l. He was the only Jew in our town who worked for many years as an employee in the Agrekov Estate, and thus enjoyed special privileges.

His home was a meeting place for culture lovers. He gave his sons a good education – his son and his daughter are medical doctors, they live in Moscow.

May his memory be blessed

M. Zeitchik

[Page 402]

Mordechai son of R'Yosef Zeitchik

Mordechai was born in 1919 in Lenin to Yosef and Yachna Zeitchik. His father worked in a plywood factory in Mikshewitz and before WWI he moved there.

Mordechai was given a Jewish and Zionist education; when he grew up he learned carpentry and began to help his father in the sustenance of the family.

When the Russians occupied the town, he began to work in the factory in Mikshewitz and in 1940 he was drafted to the Russian army and was sent to serve at the Finland border. When the Russian-German war broke out, he served in the Red Army and was one of the first to fight the German invaders. He excelled in his service and reached the rank of First Sergeant and received medals as a tank commander.

His family was murdered in Mikshewitz, with the local Jewish population. Mordechai was spared during the entire war, but one month before the end of the war the fate caught up with him; in 1945 his death was reported to the family.


His cousin
Yehosua Lichtenstein,
from Lakhva


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