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Part One - Hebrew


Write those memories in a book
(Exodus, 14,17)

An eternal I would give him
And everlasting name.
(Isaiah 56,5)


The Editors

With sacred trembling and deep feeling, because of the holy task that lie upon us to perpetuate the memory of the Lancut Community, about their lives and destruction, we are giving the landsleit of Lancut in Israel and abroad, this memorial book about our community which was destroyed during the great tragedy of the European Jewry.

We did not have to our disposal all the archival resources and needed materials, in order to be able to tell fully and devoutly about the Jewish life of our town throughout generations. The meaningful and multicoloured material that we published in this book was collected during many years by a small group of natives of Lancut City. It was gathered stubbornly piecemeal, item-by-item, with devotion, perseverance and extraordinary effort, hardship and with minimal means at our disposal.

The pages of this book contain the story of the Lancut Jewish Community, about its praiseworthy past and its bitter and rapid end. Our desire was to illuminate with love and mercifulness Jewish life in Lancut, in all its reincarnations and manifestations, in everything that took place in our community during the march of generations.

With the publication of this book, we are erecting a monument on the unknown to us graves of our community and are lighting a candle for the perished of our town that was known for its Rabbis, scribes and Talmudic scholars. An eternal memorial to her leaders, devoted activists, public figures and simple folks-people. It is also about the prolific youth and fiery Zionist pioneers who extended their helping hands to rebuild the Holy Land and sacrificed their lives for the revival of life in Israel.

It will also be an unforgettable monument for its institutions, social societies for the national, cultural, religious and economic life.

* * *

We express our gratitude to all organizations and personalities that helped us publishing this book.

Blessed are all the natives of Lancut, wherever they are, who encouraged us and participated with their advice and deed to publish the book of Lancut to perpetuate the memory of our holy community.

The book was published with the financial help of Lancut landsmen in Israel, America and Europe.


Map of the town of Lancut

  1. The big Synagogue
  2. The Big Beit Hamidrash
  3. The Beit Hamidrash of Belz Hassidim
  4. The Beit Hamidrash of the Mizrachi and Jewish Community Council
  5. The Post Office
  6. The Casino
  7. The Bathhouse
  8. Bait Am, (Community Centre)
  9. Shelter for the indigent
  10. Catholic Church
  11. The Old Palace
  12. Hospital (Dominican Monastery)
  13. Cheders and “Teachers” (One classroom religious schools)
  14. Catholic Social Club
  15. The New Cemetery
  16. The movie house “Sokol”
  17. Club house of “Poaley Zion”
  18. Hebrew school “Tarbut”
  19. Horse Riding school
  20. The Palace
  21. The old cemetery on the Sonino Road
  22. The Black Garden (The post with cross)
  23. The old cemetery
  24. The garden of the District Administration
  25. Public school
  26. The Sienkewich Government Gymnasium
  27. The electric station
  28. House of the “Agudat Hashachar” and “Ahavat Zion”
  29. Club house of “Hashome Hatzair”
  30. Railroad station
  31. “Dembnik” Oak Grove


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