The new sub-committee for education carried out a survey of all children between the ages of 7 to 13 in order to estimate the possibility of establishing a reasonable school in Kibart. Parents were asked where their children were learning at present and whether they would agree to admit them into the Hebrew "Tarbuth" elementary school. 95 children of the above mentioned ages were interviewed, of whom 18 studied in Eydtkuhnen, 13 in the Hebrew High School and the remainder in the existing school or privately. 55 parents agreed to enroll their children into the new school, whereas the remainder answered negatively or did not give a definite answer (see tables 7, 8, 9, and 10 below)
Table 7 | |
Table 8 | |
Table 9 | |
Table 10 |
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Updated 15 Mar 2003 by LA