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Teachers of the Hebrew Gymnasium Am HaSefer |
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Graduates of Am HaSefer together with new classes (1932) |
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Elementary school (Powszechna) #4 - The pupils and the teachers |
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A classroom in Am HaSefer (1932) |
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State public school (Powszechna) - 1930 |
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Trip of Am HaSefer to Zakopane |
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Staff of the Bank Kupiecki in Kutno. Sitting at center - the Rabbi Trunk |
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Bank of Commerce (Kupiecki - 1929) |
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Bank Kupiecki in Kutno, financial report |
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Sportsmen of Maccabi (1918) |
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Association Maccabi |
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Mazik, first sports coach of Maccabi (1915) |
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Children group from Maccabi (1922) |
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Sports-club HaGvura (Courage) (1926) |
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Soccer group Bar-Kochba (1923) |
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Jutrznia Morgensztern - 1928 |
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Maccabi Jewish Association for Sports and Gymnastics (member card of Abraham Lustigman) |
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Soccer players of Maccabi (1932) |
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Gwiazda-Sztern (1930) |
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Pelek Falc zl |
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Dramatic circle with theatre director Jakob Wajslic (1919?) |
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Maccabi orchestra (1916) |
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Kopel Kirszbaum zl |
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German document of Kopel Kirszbaum of 21 September 1939 |
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Jutrznia-Morgensztern |
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Sportsmen of Jutrznia-Morgensztern |
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Letter of appreciation from community leaders for the immigration of Icchak Majranc to Eretz Israel |
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Program of celebrations for the opening of Hebrew school in Kutno, under German authority (1918) |
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Memorial picture for the immigration of Mr. Icchak Majranc to Eretz Israel |
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Regional assembly in Kutno of the professional union of trade workers and cooperatives in Poland |
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The patrons of the training course |
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Association of Jewish Secondary Schools in Kutno |
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Letter from YIVO to Mr. Jakob Fernbach |
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The late Rabbi Israel Jehoszua Trunk |
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Cover sefer Yeshuot Malko, of Israel Jehoszua Trunk |
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Cover sefer Yeshuot Israel, of Israel Jehoszua Trunk |