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[Pages 315-335]

A List of the Martyrs

For these I weep …


Transliterated by Shalom Bronstein and Haim Sidor


Family name(s) First name(s) Gender Marital status Father's name Mother's name Name of spouse Remarks Page
TOROV Leib Ya'akov M married Chaya Fruma [1] 321
TOROV Chaya Fruma F married Leib Ya'akov [1] 321
TOROV Sarah F Leib Ya'akov Chaya Fruma [1] 321
TOROV Moshe Eliezer M Leib Ya'akov Chaya Fruma He perished in the forest 321
RABONSKY Yitzhak M married Leah [1] 321
RABONSKY Leah F married Yitzhak [1] 321
RABONSKY Shmuel M Yitzhak Leah He perished in Wilejka 321
RABONSKY Chaya F Yitzhak Leah She perished in Wilejka 321
FIEDLER Mina F Yitzhak She is the daughter of Yitzhak FIEDLER; she perished in Wilejka 321
FIEDLER M Yitzhak It is not known where the unnamed son of Yitzhak FIEDLER was murdered. 321
ALPEROVICH Cheina F [1] Maiden name TUROV 321
ALPEROVICH Devushal F Cheina [1] 321
ALPEROVICH Teibel F Cheina [1] 321
ALPEROVICH Elka F Cheina [1] 321
ALPEROVICH Ya'akov M Cheina [1] 321
ALPEROVICH Arka M married Reuven Nechama he attacked the policeman arresting him and was killed while attempting to escape[3] 321
ALPEROVICH Nechama F married Arka [1] 321
ALPEROVICH Zelda F Arka Nechama [1] 321
CHERES Sheina Liba F She perished in the forest Maiden name TUROV 321
ROITSTEIN Avraham M married He, his wife & their 3 children, all unnamed[1] 321
ROITSTEIN F married Avraham She, her husband Avraham & their 3 children, all unnamed[1] 321
SHULMAN Eliezer Shlomo M married He, his wife, 2 sons & their daughter, all unnamed[1] 321
SHULMAN F married Eliezer Shlomo [1] 321
SHULMAN M Eliezer Shlomo The first of 2 sons of Eliezer Shlomo SHULMAN[1] 321
SHULMAN M Eliezer Shlomo The second son of 2 of Eliezer Shlomo SHULMAN[1] 321
SHULMAN F Eliezer Shlomo [1] 321
SHULMAN Feibush M married Henya He perished in the forest 321
SHULMAN Henya F married Feibush She & her unnamed mother perished in the forest 321
SHULMAN Chanan M Feibush Henya He perished in the forest 321
SHULMAN Rivka F Feibush Henya She perished in the forest 321
SHULMAN Sonia F Feibush Henya She perished in Wilejka 321
ZIMMERMAN Aidela F [1] 321
ZIMMERMAN Yosef M He was one of the 32[3] 321
GELBERSTEIN Ita F She was noted as an outstanding partisan and perished in the forest 321
GELBERSTEIN Zev M He died in battle 321
ZUKOVSKY Chaim M married Pesia Yenta Shifra [3] 321
ZUKOVSKY Pesia Yenta F [3] 321
ZUKOVSKY Shifra F married Chaim [1] 321
ZUKOVSKY F Chaim Shifra [1] 321
ZUKOVSKY Devushal F married She, her husband and daughter, both unnamed[1] Maiden name ZUKOVSKY 321
ZIMMERMAN Nuta M married Devushel Elka He, his wife and unnamed granddaughter[1] 321
ZIMMERMAN Elka F married Neta She, her husband and unnamed granddaughter[1] 321
ZIMMERMAN Yirmiyahu F married Nuta Chasia [1] 321
ZIMMERMAN Chasia F married Yirmiyahu [1] 321
ZIMMERMAN Shimon M Yirmiyahu Chasia He was one of the first two victims to perish in the town (cf. Yizkor Book) 321
ZIMMERMAN Chaika F Yirmiyahu Chasia She perished in Wilejka 321
ZIMMERMAN Etel F Yirmiyahu Chasia She perished in Wilejka 321
ZIMMERMAN Elka F Yirmiyahu Chasia She perished in the forest 321
ZIMMERMAN Hillel M married Nuta Freidel He perished in the forest 321
ZIMMERMAN Fraidel F married Hillel She perished in the forest 321
SHMUKLER Nechama Racha F [1] 321
SHMUKLER Yishayahu M married He, his wife and daughter (both unnamed)[1] 321
SHMUKLER F married Yishayahu [1] 321
SHMUKLER M Yishayahu [1] 321
SHMUKLER F Yishayahu [1] 321
SHMUKLER Chaya Sara F married Berel [1] Maiden name SHMUKLER 321
Berel M married Chaya Sara Wifes' maiden name SHMUKLER[1] 321
F Berel Chaya Sarah The first of two unnamed daughters of Berel & Chaya Sarah (nee SHMUKLER) [1] 321
F Berel Chaya Sarah The second of two unnamed daughters of Berel & Chaya Sarah (nee SHMUKLER);[1] 321
ZIMMERMAN Yosef M [1] 322
ZIMMERMAN Leah F Yosef [1] 322
ZIMMERMAN Shimon M Yosef He was one of the first 2 Jews murdered by the Germans in June 1941 322
ALPEROVICH Chaim M married Hevess Mariashka The son of Hevess[1] 322
ALPEROVICH Mariashka F married Chaim [1] 322
ALPEROVICH Ya'akov M Chaim Mariashka [1] 322
PEIKON Menucha F She perished in the forest 322
HADASH Barka M He perished in the forest 322
HADASH Sarah F [1] 322
HADASH Itka F She perished in Wilejka 322
FEIGELSON Yitzhak M married The grandfather of Nisan RAIZ[1] 322
FEIGELSON F married Yitzhak The unnamed grandmother of Nisan RAIZ[1] 322
RAIZ Nisan M The grandson of Yitzhak FEIGELSON[1] 322
FEIGELSON Moshe Chaim (Fima) M married Duba The name Fima in parenthesis appears after his personal name; it is not known where he perished 322
FEIGELSON Duba F married Moshe Chaim Fima [1] Maiden name MATOSOV 322
FEIGELSON Miriam F Moshe Chaim Fima Duba [1] 322
FEIGELSON Sarah F Moshe Chaim Fima Duba [1] 322
ALPEROVICH Moshe M [1] 322
ALPEROVICH Rashka F Moshe [1] 322
ALPEROVICH Dishka F Moshe [1] 322
ALPEROVICH Yitzhak M Moshe He perished in the forest 322
ALPEROVICH Batya F Moshe It is not known where she died 322
ZAMOSHCHIK Lipa M married Elka He, his wife and their 4 unnamed children[1] 322
ZAMOSHCHIK Elka F married Lipa She was killed with her husband and 4 unnamed children[1] 322
ZEIF Shlomo M married Duba He perished in Szarkowszczyzna Nowa. 4 children 322
ZEIF Duba F married Shlomo She and her 4 unnamed children perished in Wiliejka 322
KRAMER Menachem Mendel M married Chana He was one of the 32[3] 322
KRAMER Chana F married Menachem Mendel She perished in the forest 322
KRAMER Mosheka M Menachem Mendel Chana [1] 322
KRAMER Gershon M Menachem Mendel Chana [1] 322
KRAMER Henya F Menachem Mendel Chana [1] 322
KRAMER Yishayahu M Menachem Mendel Chana He perished in the forest 322
KRAMER Baruch M married [4] 322
KRAMER F married Baruch She perished in Maladzyechna 322
MEKLER Meir Shmuel M married Pesia He, his wife and unnamed daughter[1] 322
MEKLER Pesia F married Meir Shmuel She, her husband and unnamed daughter[1] 322
MEKLER F Meir Shmuel Pesia Their unnamed daughter[1] 322
MEKLER Hillel M Meir Shmuel Pesia It is not known where he perished 322
ZISKAND David M married Nechama He and two of his unnamed daughters[1] 322
ZISKAND Nechama F married David She and one of her unnamed daughters [3] 322
ZISKAND F David Nechama [1] 322
ZISKAND F David Nechama [1] 322
ZISKAND F David Nechama She was one of the 32[3] 322
ALPEROVICH Reuven Zishka M married Marka He perished in the forest 322
ALPEROVICH Marka F married Reuven Zishka She perished in the forest 322
ALPEROVICH Eliyahu M Reuven Zishka Marka He perished in the forest 322
ALPEROVICH Mordecai M Reuven Zishka Marka He perished in the forest 322
ALPEROVICH Avraham M Reuven Zishka Marka He perished in the forest 322
SHKOLNIK Meir M He perished in the forest 322
ROITSTEIN Eliezer M married He, his wife, 2 sons and 1 daughter (all unnamed) [1] 322
ROITSTEIN F married Eliezer [1] 322
ROITSTEIN F Eliezer [1] 322
ROITSTEIN M Eliezer [1] 322
ROITSTEIN M Eliezer [1] 322
ZIMMERMAN Rivka F [1] 322
ZIMMERMAN Chaim Yitzhak M Rivka [1] 322
ZIMMERMAN Sheina Chaya F married She & her unnamed son [3] 322
ZIMMERMAN M married Sheina Chaya It is not known where he perished 322
ZIMMERMAN M Sheina Chaya He was one of the 32[3] 322
ZIMMERMAN Nechamka F married She, her husband and son (both unnamed) [3] 322
ZIMMERMAN M married Nechamka [3] 322
SHULMAN Sarah F [1] 322
SHULMAN F Sarah The unnamed daughter of Sarah SHULMAN perished in Wilejka 322
ALPEROVICH Pesach M married Rivka [1] 322
ALPEROVICH Rivka F married Pesach [1] 322
ALPEROVICH F Pesach Rivka The unnamed daughter of Pesach & Rivka ALPEROVICH[1] 322
FRIEDMAN Chana F She perished in the forest Maiden name TUROV 322
Yoel M married He and his wife[1][1]; it is not known where his son died; neither his wife nor his son are named 322
TOROV Avraham Shimon M He, his daughter and unnamed grandson [1] 322
Sarah Shifra F Avraham Shimon She and her unnamed son [1] Maiden name TUROV 322
TOROV Chaim Ben Zion M married It is not known where he or his unnamed wife perished 323
TOROV F married Chaim Ben Zion It is not known where she or her husband perished 323
KRAMER Ya'akov M He and his family, number and names not given, perished in the town of Swir 323
DINERSTEIN Yehuda Leib M married Sarah Wrapped in a Talit he jumped into the fire before he could be shot[1] 323
DINERSTEIN Sarah F married Yehuda Leib [1] 323
DINERSTEIN Moshe M Yehuda Leib Sarah He perished in Lublin 323
DINERSTEIN Ya'akov M Yehuda Leib Sarah He disappeared 323
BLINDER Avraham M married Bluma [1] 323
BLINDER Bluma F married Avraham [1] 323
BLINDER F Avraham Bluma The unnamed daughter of Avraham & Bluma[1] 323
TAUBES Moshe M He perished in Wilejka 323
TAUBES Ya'akov M He and 6 of his unnamed children perished[1]; it is not known where another unnamed son perished 323
TAUBES M Ya'akov It is not known where he perished 323
ALPEROVICH Zvi M [1] 323
ALPEROVICH Zev M Zvi [1] 323
ALPEROVICH Moshe M Zvi [1] 323
ALPEROVICH Yisrael M Zvi [1] 323
Chana F married Zvi Mordecai [1] Maiden name ALPEROVICH 323
Mordecai M married Chana Wife's maiden name ALPEROVICH[1] 323
Shifra F Mordecai Chana Maiden name ALPEROVICH [1] 323
TOROV Chalvina M married Rivka Hinda He perished in the forest; his wife & 2 children perished[1] 323
TOROV Rivka Hinda F married Chaloina She and their 2 unnamed children[1] 323
SUTZKOVER Chaim M married Sarah Ashka [1] It is told that he jumped the soldier who came to take him and began to choke him; soldiers came to the rescue of the policeman and murdered him 323
SUTZKOVER Sarah Ashka F married Shasha Raiza Chaim She, her mother, her husband and their unnamed son[1] 323
Shasha Raiza F The mother of Sarah Ashka SUTZKOVER; [1] 323
SUTZKOVER M Chaim Sarah Ashka [1] 323
TZIROLNIK Chaim M married Chaya Itka [1] 323
TZIROLNIK Chaya Itka F married Chaim She and her unnamed daughter perished in the forest 323
TZIROLNIK F Chaim Chaya Itka She perished in the forest 323
ALPEROVICH Moshe Binyamin M [1] 323
ALPEROVICH Malka F Moshe Binyamin [1] 323
ALPEROVICH Zalman M married Moshe Binyamin Chana Tzipa He perished in Wilejka 323
ALPEROVICH Chana Tzipa F married Zalman She perished in Wilejka 323
ALPEROVICH Reuven M Zalman Chana Tzipa He perished in Wilejka 323
ZIMMERMAN Tanchum M [1] 323
ZIMMERMAN Sarah F Tanchum [1] 323
RODNITSKY Nuta M married Riva Zlata He, his wife and their 2 unnamed children[1] 323
RODNITSKY Riva Zlata F married Nuta She, her husband and their 2 unnamed children[1] 323
KATZOVITZ Shalom M married He, his wife, 2 childen and his sister, ALL unnamed, perished in Wilejka 323
KATZOVITZ F married Shalom She perished in Wilejka 323
KATZOVITZ F The sister of Shalom KATZOVITZ, she perished in Wilejka 323
Ben Zion M married Sarah Gitel He, his wife and 2 unnamed children perished[1], surname not given 323
Sarah Gitel F married Ben Zion [1] 323
FRIEDMAN Yehezkel M married Hinda He, his wife and their 3 unnamed children[1] 323
FRIEDMAN Hinda F married Yehezkel She, her husband and their 3 unnamed children[1] 323
ALPEROVICH Bila F married Moshe [1] 323
ALPEROVICH Chaya Stirel F Moshe Bila She perished in Szczucyn 323
SOSNESKY Fruma F The grandmother of Chayala, she[1] 323
Chayala F The granddaughter of Fruma Sosneski; she scratched the faces of the Germans who came to murder her predicting that they would have a very bitter day; she was brutally tortured before they murdered her[1] 323
KOZNIETZ Mordecai M married Leah He, his wife, 2 unnamed sons and a daughter perished[1], one son perished in the forest 323
KOZNIETZ Leah F married Mordecai She, her husband, 2 unnamed sons and daughter[1], one son perished in the forest 323
KOZNIETZ M Mordecai Leah First of 3 unnamed sons of Mordecai & Leah KOZNIETZ 323
KOZNIETZ M Mordecai Leah Second of 3 unnamed sons of Mordecai & Leah KOZNIETZ 323
KOZNIETZ F Mordecai Leah [1] 323
KOZNIETZ M Mordecai Leah Third of 3 unnamed sons of Mordecai & Leah KOZNIETZ; he perished in the forest 323
KOZNIETZ Yeizha M married He perished in the forest 323
KOZNIETZ F married Yeizha She perished in Dalhinov 323
RACHA-RASHA'S Eliezer M married Racha Rasha He perished in the mass murder[1]. His wife and child (both unnamed) perished in Dalhinov 323
ZIMMERMAN Yitzhak M [4] 323
ZIMMERMAN Shimshon M Yitzhak It is not known where he perished 323
ZIMMERMAN Feiga F She perished in Wilejka 323
ZIMMERMAN Yosef M married Leah He, his wife and their 2 unnamed children [1] 324
ZIMMERMAN Leah F married Yosef She, her husband and 2 unnamed children [1] 324
Mirka F married Eliezer She (nee ZIMMERMAN), her husband and their unnamed child perished in Glebokie Maiden name ZIMMERMAN 324
Eliezer M married Mirka He, his wife and unnamed child perished in Glebokie 324
GORDON Shmuel M married Chasia [1] 324
GORDON Chasia F married Shmuel [1] 324
GORDON Ya'akov M Shmuel Chasia [1] 324
FORMAN Avraham Moshe M married Chana [1] 324
FORMAN Chana F married Avraham Moshe [1] 324
FORMAN Levi Yitzhak M Avraham Moshe Chana [1] 324
FORMAN Liba F Avraham Moshe Chana [1] 324
FORMAN Tzipa F Avraham Moshe Chana [1] 324
ALPEROVICH Chana F married Elchanan Elchanan The wife of ElcChanan the butcher; she[1] 324
ALPEROVICH Chaim M married Elchanan Mariashka He, his wife and unnamed daughter perished in the forest 324
ALPEROVICH Mariashka F married Chaim She, her husband and unnamed caughter perished in the forest 324
ALPEROVICH F Chaim Mariashka She perished in the forest with her father & mother 324
ALPEROVICH Hershel M married Elchanan Dishka [1] 324
ALPEROVICH Dishka F married Hershel [1] 324
BENIS Zusia M married Leah [1]; they set their own house on fire and hanged themselves in the attic 324
BENIS Leah F married Zusia [1]; they set their own house on fire and hanged themselves in the attic 324
ZISKIND Mordecai M The brother of Itka; he perished in the forest 324
ZISKIND Itka F She is the sister of Mordecai ZISKIND; she perished in Wilejka 324
GURVITZ Chaim Yisrael M married He and his unnamed wife perished[1]; their daughter Sonia, her husband and 3 children (all unnamed) perished in Dalhinov 324
GURVITZ F married Chaim Yisrael She and her husband perished[1]; their daughter Sonia, her husband and 3 children (all unnamed) perished in Dalhinov 324
Sonia F married Chaim Yisrael She, her husband and 3 children (all unnamed) perished in Dalhinov Maiden name GURVITZ 324
M married Sonia The wife of Feivish the Shochet, their son and daughter perished[1]; one son perished in the forest and a daughter perished when she returned from the forest; none of their names are recorded. 324
ALPEROVICH Yisrael M married Chaya He perished in the forest 324
ALPEROVICH Chaya F married Yisrael She perished in the forest 324
ALPEROVICH Zundel M Yisrael Chaya He perished in the forest 324
ALPEROVICH Yossel M Yisrael Chaya He perished in the forest 324
ALPEROVICH Chana F Yisrael Chaya She perished in the forest 324
ALPEROVICH Itka F Yisrael Chaya She perished in the forest 324
F Feivish The wife of Feivish the Shochet, their son and daughter[1]; one son perished in the forest and a daughter perished when she returned from the forest; none of their names are recorded 324
ALPEROVICH Shmaryahu M married Yisrael The son of Yisrael the butcher[1]; his wife and 2 children perished in the forest 324
ALPEROVICH F married Shmaryahu She and her 2 children perished in the forest (all unnamed) 324
DUBIN Yosef M married He, his wife & unnamed daughter[1] 324
DUBIN Malka F married She, her husband & unnamed daughter perished[1] 324
DUBIN F The daughter of Yosef & Malka DUBIN[1] 324
KOPILOVITZ Gedalyahu M married Freida [1] 324
KOPILOVITZ Freida F married Gedalyahu [1] 324
KOPILOVITZ Yosef M Gedalyahu Fraida [1] 324
KOPILOVITZ Tevel M Gedalyahu Fraida He perished in the forest 324
KOPILOVITZ Devosha F Gedalyahu Fraida She perished in Wilejka 324
KOPILOVITZ Baruch M married Frumka He, his wife and their two unnamed children perished in Wilejka 324
KOPILOVITZ Frumka F married Baruch She, her husband and their two unnamed children perished in Wilejka 324
ASHKENAZI Tzipa F [1] 324
ASHKENAZI Avraham M Tzipa [1] 324
BAT NOACH Liba F Noach (?) She, her husband and son perished in the forest 324
BAT NOACH Shifra F Liba She perished in Wilejka 324
ALPEROVICH Nechama F married Itza Michael [1] 324
ALPEROVICH Tzirel F Itza Michael Nechama [1] 324
ALPEROVICH Liba F Itza Michael Nechama She perished in Wilejka 324
ALPEROVICH Herzl M He was killed escaping from Wilejka 324
ALPEROVICH M Herzl He was killed escaping from Wilejka 324
ALPEROVICH M Herzl He was killed escaping from Wilejka 324
ISAK Shmuel Yitzhak M married Shosha [1] 324
ISAK Shosha F married Shmuel Yitzhak [1] 324
Fraidel F Shmuel Yitzhak Shosha She and her 2 unnamed children[1] Maiden name ISAK 324
Chaya Racha F married Shmuel Yitzhak Shosha Nachum She, her husband and 2 chidren (unnamed)[1] Maiden name ISAK 324
Nachum M married Chaya Racha He, his wife and 2 children[1] 324
ISAK Eliyahu M married He, his wife and 2 daughters (unnamed)[1] 324
ISAK F married Eliyahu She, her husband and 2 daughters (unnamed)[1] 324
ISAK F Eliyahu The first of 2 unnamed daughters of Eliyahu ISAK; [1] 324
ISAK F Eliyahu The second of 2 unnamed daughters of Eliyahu ISAK; [1] 324
BERGER Feiga F The words di Lioviker (from Liov) appear in parenthesis after her name; her daughter Chaya and her husband[1] 324
Chaya F married Feiga The daughter of Feiga BERGER; she, her mother and her husband[1] Maiden name BERGER 324
M married Chaya The husband of Chaya nee BERGER[1] with his wife and mother-in-law 324
BERGER Isser M married He, his wife and unnamed children perished in the town of Dokszyce 324
BERGER F married Isser She, her husband and unnamed children perished in the town of Dokszyce 324
BERGER Zev M married He, his wife and children (all unnamed) perished in Smorgonie 324
BERGER F married Zev She, her husband and children (unnamed) perished in Smorgonie 324
DINERSTEIN Aharon M married Esther He perished in the forest 325
DINERSTEIN Esther F married Aharon [1]along with her children Yosef & Yenta 325
DINERSTEIN Yosef M Aharon Esther [1]with his mother & sister 325
DINERSTEIN Yenta F Aharon Esther [1]with her mother & brother 325
BRATZ Mina F Nuta The daughter of Nuta ZIMMERMAN, she and her infant daughter were tortured to death in Wilejka Maiden name ZIMMERMAN 325
BRATZ F Mina The infant daughter of Mina ZIMMERMAN BRATZ, she perished in Wilejka 325
ZIMMERMAN Nachum M married Sheina He perished in Wilejka 325
ZIMMERMAN Sheina F married Nuta Nachum She perished in Wilejka Maiden name ZIMMERMAN 325
ZIMMERMAN F Nachum Sheina The unnamed daughter of Nachum & Shina ZIMMERMAN; she perished in Wilejka 325
GEVELMAN Chaim M married Gita He, his wife and their 3 unnamed daughters[1] 325
GEVELMAN Gita F married Chaim [1] 325
GEVELMAN F Chaim Gita The first of the 3 daughters of Chaim GEVELMAN[1] 325
GEVELMAN F Chaim Gita The second of the 3 daughters of Chaim GEVELMAN[1] 325
GEVELMAN F Chaim Gita The third of the 3 daughters of Chaim GEVELMAN[1] 325
ALPEROVICH Zisha F Abba [4] 325
ALPEROVICH Malka F Abba The sister of Zisha; she perished in Troki 325
ALPEROVICH Nuta M married Yitzhak Elchanan Chaika [1] 325
ALPEROVICH Chaika F married Nuta [1] 325
ALPEROVICH Sima F Nuta Chaika [1] 325
ALPEROVICH Yisrael M Nuta Chaika He perished in the forest 325
ALPEROVICH Yocheved F Nuta Chaika She perished in the forest 325
ALPEROVICH Rivka F Nuta Chaika She perished in Wilejka 325
ALPEROVICH Zalman Mendel M Yitzhak Meir [1] 325
TZIROLNIK Zev M married Leah He, his wife and their 2 unnamed children perished in Krasna 325
TZIROLNIK Leah F married Zev She, her husband and their 2 unnamed children perished in Krasna 325
ZIMMERMAN Uri M married Braina [1] 325
ZIMMERMAN Braina F married Uri [1] 325
ZIMMERMAN Nachum M Uri Braina [1] 325
ZIMMERMAN Nechama F Uri Braina [1] 325
STOLIER Hirsh Mendel M married He, his unnamed wife and 3 unnamed children [1] 325
STOLIER F married Hersh Mendel [1] 325
TZIROLNIK Zalman Moshe M married [1] 325
TZIROLNIK F married Zalman Moshe She perished in the forest 325
ALPEROVICH Chaya Leah F She perished in the forest 325
PERETZ Yisrael M married Baila Itka [1] 325
PERETZ Baila Itka F married Yisrael [1] 325
PERETZ Moshe Mordecai M Yisrael Baila Itka [1] 325
PERETZ Chaim Zevulun M Yisrael Baila Itka [1] 325
PERETZ Reuven David M Yisrael Baila Itka [1] 325
PERETZ Raicha Devorah F Yisrael Baila Itka [1] 325
ALPEROVICH Esther Mariasha F [1] 325
WEISENHOLTZ David M He was one of the 32[3] 325
NAROTZKI Ya'akov M married Leah [2] 325
NAROTZKI Leah F married Ya'akov [2] 325
NAROTZKI Shimon M Ya'akov Leah He perished in Wilejka 325
NAROTZKI Sarah F Ya'akov Leah She perished in Wilejka 325
HASID Mendel M married Sarah [1] 325
HASID Sarah F married Mendel [1] 325
BLINDER Sheina Dova F [1] 325
Tzipa F married Sheina Duba [1] Maiden name BLINDER 325
M married Tzipa Wife's maiden name BLINDER [1] 325
M Tzipa Maiden name BLINDER [1] 325
F Tzipa Maiden name BLINDER [1] 325
DINERSTEIN Chanan M married Serel He perished in Wilejka 325
DINERSTEIN Serel F married Chaim Berel Chanan She perished in Wilejka 325
DINERSTEIN M Chanan Serel He perished in Wilejka 325
TILLIS Rivka F [1] 325
TILLIS Dov M Rivka [1] 325
TILLIS Zalman M Rivka [1] 325
TILLIS Shimon M Rivka He perished in the forest 325
ALPEROVICH Reuven M Chaim Berel The brother of Chana, he perished in Dalhinov 325
ALPEROVICH Chana F Chaim Berel The sister of Reuven[1] 325
FRIEDMAN Leib M married Tirtza It is not known where he perished 325
FRIEDMAN Tirtza F married Leib [1] 325
FRIEDMAN Berel M Leib Tirtza [1] 325
FRIEDMAN Velvel M Leib Tirtza [1] 325
FRIEDMAN Yosef M Leib Tirtza [1] 325
ZIMMERMAN Yitzhak M married Chatzi Feiga He was known as Itche Chachis and was one of the 32[3] 325
ZIMMERMAN Feiga F married Yitzhak Itza [1] 325
ZIMMERMAN Etel F Yitzhak Itza She was one of the 32[3] 325
ZIMMERMAN Sarah F Yitzhak Itza Feiga She perished in Wolozyn 325
SPECTOR Mina F Yitzhak She was one of the 32[3] Maiden name ZIMMERMAN 325
SPECTOR Shimshon M Mina The infant son of Mina SPECTOR [1] 325
DIMNETSTEIN Reuven M married Marka [1] 326
DIMNETSTEIN Marka F married Reuven [1] 326
HADASH Henya F Reuven She perished in Postawy with her 2 unnamed sons Maiden name DIMNETSTEIN 326
HADASH M Henya The first of 2 unnamed sons of Henya HADASH; he perished in Postawy 326
HADASH M Henya The second of 2 unnamed sons of Henya HADASH; he perished in Postawy 326
DIMNETSTEIN Tzira F [1] 326
DIMNETSTEIN Sarah Malka F [1] 326
DIMNETSTEIN Relka F Sarah Malka [1] 326
SHAFFER Yisrael M married Etel He perished in Postawy 326
SHAFFER Etel F married Yisrael [1] 326
SHAFFER Yoel M Yisrael Etel He perished in the forest 326
SHAFFER Michael M Yisrael Etel He perished in the forest 326
MEIROWITZ Ben Zion M [1] 326
MEIROWITZ Michael M Ben Zion He perished in Postawy 326
VARFMAN Fruma F [1] Maiden name MEIROWITZ 326
VARFMAN Beshinka F Fruma [1] 326
VARFMAN Perla F Fruma [1] 326
LEVIN Yosef Leib M married Gitel It is not known where he perished 326
LEVIN Gitel F married Yosef Leib She and her unnamed son[1] 326
LEVIN M Yosef Leib Gitel [1] 326
BECKER Nachum M married Perla He perished in the forest 326
BECKER Perla F married Nachum She perished in the forest 326
BECKER Zelig M Nachum Perla He perished in the forest 326
BECKER Etel F Nachum Perla She perished in Wilejka 326
KOPILOVITZ David M He perished in Dokszyce 326
KOPILOVITZ Yehoshua M David It is not known where he perished 326
Fraidel F married David Ya'akov [2] Maiden name KOPILOVITZ 326
Ya'akov M married Freidel Wife's maiden name KOPILOVITZ[2] 326
M Ya'akov Fraidel Maiden name KOPILOVITZ [2] 326
F Ya'akov Fraidel Maiden name KOPILOVITZ [2] 326
Chaya Sarah F married David It is not known where she and her family (names & number not given) perished Maiden name KOPILOVITZ 326
KOPILOVITZ Arieh M married David He and his family (names & number not given) perished in Smorgonie 326
MATOSOV Leib M On the day of the mass slaughter of the town, wrapped in his Talit he jumped into the fire before the murderers' bullet struck him 326
KRAMER Chaim Zalman M married He, his unnamed wife and their unnamed children[1] 326
KRAMER F married Chaim Zalman She, her husband and their unnamed children[1] 326
KRAMER Yechiel M He perished in the forest 326
KRAMER David M [1] 326
KRAMER Avraham M It is not known where he perished 326
MARKMAN Yehezkel M married Nechama Racha He, his wife and their 4 unnamed children perished in Parafjanowo 326
MARKMAN Nechama Racha F married Yehezkel She, her husband and their 4 unnamed children perished in Parafjanowo Maiden name KRAMER 326
EISHISKY Mordecai M married Musia It is not known where he perished 326
EISHISKY Musia F married Mordecai It is not known where she perished 326
EISHISKY Yehoshua M Mordecai Busia It is not known where he perished 326
EISHISKY Cheina F Mordecai Busia It is not known where she perished 326
RABONSKY Alta F [1] 326
RABONSKY Ya'akov M Alta It is not known where he perished 326
RABONSKY Chana F Alta She perished in Wilejka 326
BENIS Chaim Zev M married Feiga He, his wife and daughter (both unnamed)[1] 326
BENIS Feiga F married Chaim Zev [1] 326
BENIS Chaya Hoda F Chaim Zev Feiga [1] 326
GEVINT Zalman M [1] 326
SVIRSKY Devora F married Yona Chaim David Yona She perished in Ponary Maiden name SVIRSKY 326
David Yona M married Devora He perished in Ponary 326
ALPEROVICH Mendel M married Shimon Golda [1] 326
ALPEROVICH Golda F married Mendel She perished in Wolozyn 326
ALPEROVICH Shimon M Mendel Golda He perished in Wolozyn 326
ALPEROVICH Ziskind M married Shimon Batya Chana He perished in the forest 326
ALPEROVICH Batya Chana F married Ziskind She perished in the forest 326
ALPEROVICH Shimon M Ziskind Batya Chana He perished in the forest 326
ALPEROVICH Yechiel M Ziskind Batya Chana He perished in the forest 326
RODNITSKY Velvel M [2] 326
RODNITSKY Zalman M Zalman The infant son of Velvel RODNITSKY[1] 326
CHARNEY Shmuel M married Chana He, his wife and their 3 unnamed children perished in the forest 326
CHARNEY Chana F married Asher Shmuel She, her husband and their 3 unnamed children perished in the forest Maiden name RODNITSKY 326
ALPEROVICH Shmuel M married Taiva Hinda He, his wife and their unnamed son and daughter[2] 326
ALPEROVICH Hinda F married Shmuel She, her husband and unnamed son and daughter [2] 326
ALPEROVICH M Shmuel Hinda [2] 326
ALPEROVICH F Shmuel Hinda [2] 326
MEIZEL Shlomo M married Chana Chaya [1] 327
MEIZEL Chana Chaya F married Shlomo [1] 327
SOLOMINSKY Yisrael M married Esther He, his wife and 2 unnamed children [3]; their 2 other innamed children[1] 327
SOLOMINSKY Esther F married Yisrael She, her husband and 2 unnamed children [3]; their 2 other unnamed children[1] Maiden name MEIZEL 327
MEIZEL Shmuel M married It is not known where he perished 327
MEIZEL F married Shmuel It is not known where she perished 327
GEVELMAN Henya F married Zelig [1] 327
GEVELMAN Faigla F Henya [1] 327
GORDON Meir M married He, his wife, 4 daughters and one son (all unnamed)[1] 327
GORDON F married Meir [1] 327
GORDON F Meir [1] 327
GORDON F Meir [1] 327
GORDON F Meir [1] 327
GORDON F Meir [1] 327
GORDON M Meir [1] 327
TZINSTANG Yitzhak M married Rachel He perished in Wilejka 327
TZINSTANG Rachel F married Yitzhak She perished in Wilejka 327
Hinda F The sister of Rachel[1] 327
Chana F The sister of Rachel, she & her 2 unnamed daughters[1] 327
CHARNES Leib M married Asna He perished in Krivitch 327
CHARNES Asna F married Leib [1] 327
CHARNES Avraham M married Racha Batya He perished in Krivitch 327
CHARNES Racha Batya F married Avraham She perished in Krivitch 327
CHARNES Eliezer M He and his family (names & number not given) perished in Troki 327
CHARNES Menachem M married Rachel He, his wife, son & daughter[1] 327
CHARNES Rachel F married Mendel [1] 327
CHARNES Chaya F Menachem Rachel [1] 327
CHARNES Moshe M Menachem Rachel [1] 327
ALPEROVICH Daniel M Chaim Avraham He was caught in the forest & was tortured to death 327
ALPEROVICH Tzertel F Chaim Avraham She perished in Wilejka 327
Chaya F Chaim Avraham It is not known where she & her family (number & names not given) perished Maiden name ALPEROVICH 327
ALPEROVICH Menachem Mendel M married Yehezkel Gitel He, his wfe & their son[1] 327
ALPEROVICH Gitel F married Menachem Mendel [1] 327
ALPEROVICH Aharon M Menachem Mendel Gitel [1] 327
PIASTONOVITZ Arieh Leibchik M married Necha He perished in Wilejka 327
PIASTONOVITZ Necha F married Mendel Arieh Leibchik [1] Maiden name ALPEROVICH 327
PIASTONOVITZ Mina F Arieh Leibchik Necha She perished in Wilejka 327
PIASTONOVITZ Pesia F Arieh Leibchik Necha [1] 327
PIASTONOVITZ Yehezkel M Arieh Leibchik Necha [1] 327
PIASTONOVITZ Zalman M Arieh Leibchik Necha [1] 327
ALPEROVICH Yosef M married Mendel Leah He perished in the forest 327
ALPEROVICH Leah F married Yosef She perished two days after the mass murder of the town Maiden name MEIZEL 327
ALPEROVICH Shimon Motel M Yosef Leah He perished two days after the mass murder of the town 327
ALPEROVICH Rashka F married Zalman She perished in the forest 327
ALPEROVICH Meir M Rashka He perished in Wilejka 327
Zalman M The grandson of Rashka, [1] 327
Moshe M The grandson of Rashka, [1] 327
RUBIN Pia F married Rashka Shimshon He, his wife and 2 of their children perished in Dalhinov Maiden name ALPEROVICH 327
RUBIN Shimshon M married Pia Perished in Dalhinov. Wife's maiden name ALPEROVICH 327
RUBIN Zalman M Shimon Pia He perished in Dalhinov 327
RUBIN Ya'akov M Shimon Pia He perished in Dalhinov 327
ALPEROVICH Pesia F married Moshe [2] 327
ALPEROVICH Binyamin M Pesia [2] 327
Rachel F married Pesia Eliezer She and her unnamed son[1] Maiden name ALPEROVICH 327
Eliezer M married Rachel The husband of Rachel (maiden name ALPEROVICH), it is not known where he perished 327
SHULMAN Frada F married Aharon She and her unnamed daughter[1] 327
SHULMAN F Aharon Frada [1] 327
SHULMAN Binyamin Niomka M A Partisan, he perished in the forest 327
Batya Raiza F The grandmother of Binyamin [1] 327
SANDLER Yosef Zev M married Rachel After the mass murder of the town, they hid in the attic of the synagogue, they were caught and tied to a wagon that dragged them to the cemetery 327
SANDLER Rachel F married Yosef Zev After the mass murder of the town, they hid in the attic of the synagogue, they were caught and tied to a wagon that dragged them to the cemetery 327
SANDLER Osnat F Yosef Zev Rachel Leah Malka After the mass murder of the town, they hid in the attic of the synagogue, they were caught and tied to a wagon that dragged them to the cemetery 327
ALPEROVICH Zalman Mendel M married Haikel Velvel Zalman Mendel It is not known where he perished 328
ALPEROVICH Leah Malka F married She was murdered in Pokan the day after the mass murder of the town[1] 328
ALPEROVICH Hanoch M Zalman Mendel Leah Malka He was murdered in Pokan the day after the mass murder of the town[1] 328
ALPEROVICH Haikel M Zalman Mendel Leah Malka He was murdered in Pokan the day after the mass murder of the town[1] 328
ALPEROVICH Rachel F Zalman Mendel Leah Malka She was murdered in Pokan the day after the mass murder of the town[1] 328
LEVIN Mendel M [4] 328
LEVIN Elimelech M Mendel [1] 328
LEVIN Chaim M Mendel He perished in Wilejka 328
LIMON Yehoshua M married [4] 328
LIMON F married Yehoshua [1] 328
LIMON F Yehoshua [1] 328
LIMON M Yehoshua He perished in the forest 328
LIMON Osna F She perished in Kobylnik 328
LIMON Asher M married Chaya Ashka It is not known where he perished 328
LIMON Chaya Ashka F married Asher It is not known where she perished 328
LIMON Shlomo M Asher Chaya Ashka It is not known where he perished 328
LIMON Batya F Asher Chaya Ashka It is not known where she perished 328
LIMON Chana Rivka F Asna [1] 328
COOPERSTOCK Mordecai Leib M married Chana Esther [1] 328
COOPERSTOCK Chana Esther F married Mordecai Leib [1] 328
COOPERSTOCK Yosef M married Rachel [1] 328
COOPERSTOCK Rachel F married Yosef [1] 328
COOPERSTOCK Avramel M Yosef Rachel [1] 328
COOPERSTOCK Raizel F Yosef Rachel [1] 328
COOPERSTOCK Zev M married Sheina He was tortured and perished in Wilejka 328
COOPERSTOCK Sheina F married Zev [1] 328
GORDON Shabtai M married Sonia [1] 328
GORDON Sonia F married Shabtai [1] 328
GORDON Aharon M Shabtai Sonia [1] 328
GORDON Zalman M Shabtai Sonia [1] 328
GORDON Chaim M Shabtai Sonia [1] 328
GORDON Golda F Shabtai Sonia [1] 328
Rivka F married Mordecai The sister of Shabtai GORDON, she her husband and their 2 unnamed children[1] Maiden name GORDON 328
Mordecai M married Rivka He, his wife and their 2 unnamed children [1]. Wife's maiden name GORDON 328
SHULMAN Natan M married Sarah [1] 328
SHULMAN Sarah F married Natan [1] 328
SHULMAN F Natan Sarah [1] 328
SHULMAN Zalman M Natan Sarah He perished on the way to Wilejka 328
TZEPLEVITZ Tzipa F The sister of Zalman Mendel TZEPLEVITZ[1] 328
BRONSTEIN Pesia F married Zalman Asher The wife of Zalman Asher[1] 328
SHULMAN Zalman M married Rivka [1] 328
SHULMAN Rivka F married Zalman [1] 328
SHULMAN Ya'akov M married It is not known where he perished 328
SHULMAN F married Ya'akov [1] 328
SHULMAN M Ya'akov [1] 328
SHULMAN Zvi M married [1] 328
SHULMAN F married Zvi [1] 328
SCHNEORSON M married A pharmacist, he was murdered in Kurenets ten months after the mass murder of the town[1]with his wife (both unnamed), their son, his wife and his daughter 328
SCHNEORSON F married She was murdered in Kurenets ten months after the mass murder of the town[1]with her husband (both unnamed), his son, his wife and his daughter 328
SCHNEORSON Lyona M married He was murdered in Kurenets ten months after the mass murder of the town[1] 328
SCHNEORSON Riva F married She was murdered in Kurenets ten months after the mass murder of the town[1] Maiden name ANTZILVITZ 328
SCHNEORSON F Lyona Riva She was murdered in Kurenets ten months after the mass murder of the town[1] 328
TZEPLEVITZ Shmuel M [4] 328
TZEPLEVITZ Duba F married Moshe [1] 328
TZEPLEVITZ Chaim M Duba [1] 328
MELTZER Rachel Leah F [1] 328
SUTZKEVER Ya'akov M married Sarah [1] 328
SUTZKEVER Sarah F married Rachel Leah Ya'akov [1] 328
SUTZKEVER Binyamin M Ya'akov Sarah [1] 328
SUTZKEVER Avraham M Ya'akov Sarah [1] 328
FELDSHER Ya'akov Mendel M He perished in Lida 328
GURVITZ Shmuel M married Henya It is not known where he perished 328
GURVITZ Henya F married Shmuel [1] Maiden name MATOSOV 328
GURVITZ Avraham M Shmuel Henya [1] 328
GURVITZ Yitzhak M Shmuel Henya [1] 328
GURVITZ Meir M Shmuel Henya [1] 328
GURVITZ Sarah F Shmuel Henya [1] 328
EINBINDER Chaya F [1] Maiden name MATOSOV 329
EINBINDER Zev M Chaya [1] 329
EINBINDER Rachel F Chaya [1] 329
EINBINDER Mendel M Chaya He was murdered on the way to Wilejka 329
ALPEROVICH Sarah F [1] Maiden name ZUCKERMAN 329
ALPEROVICH Bluma F married Yisrael Monis She and her 3 grandchildren Shifra, Isser & Neta[1] Maiden name ALPEROVICH 329
Shifra F [1] 329
Isser M [1] 329
Yenta F [1] 329
ALPEROVICH Rivka F married Reuven Nathan Zalmans [1] 329
ALPEROVICH M Reuven Nathan Zalmans Rivka The unnamed son of Reuven Natan Zalmans [4] 329
ALPEROVICH F Reuven Nathan Zalmans Rivka The unnamed daughter of Reuven Natan Zalmans perished in Wilejka 329
KOPILOVITZ Zvi M married Feigel He perished in the town 329
KOPILOVITZ Feigel F married Zvi Feigel was alive in the forest; she was severely tortured but did not reveal that the villagers gave the Jews food; she perished in the forest 329
KOPILOVITZ Ya'akov M Zvi Feigel He perished in the forest 329
KOPILOVITZ Leah F Zvi Feigel She perished in the forest 329
KASHDAN Zalman M married Chaya Tzertel [2] 329
KASHDAN Chaya Tzertel F married Zalman [1] 329
KASHDAN Ya'akov M Zalman Chaya Tzertel [1] 329
KASHDAN Leah F Zalman Chaya Tzertel She perished in the forest 329
SHEFFER Shalom M married Leah [1] 329
SHEFFER Leah F married Shalom The sister of Menucha PEIKON[1] 329
ALPEROVICH Menachem Mendel M married Zalman Nechama Risha [1] 329
ALPEROVICH Nechama Risha F married Menachem Mendel [1] 329
ALPEROVICH Eliyahu Chaim M married Menachem Mendel Dvusha It is not known where he perished 329
ALPEROVICH Devushal F married Eliyahu Chaim She perished in Wilejka 329
ALPEROVICH Michael M married Pesia [1] 329
ALPEROVICH Pesia F married Michal [1] 329
ALPEROVICH Rashka F Michael Pesia [1] 329
ALPEROVICH Henya F Michael Pesia She perished in Wilejka 329
ALPEROVICH Rachel F Michael Pesia She perished in Wilejka 329
MELTZER Yitzhak Moshe M married Tzirel He perished in Wilejka 329
MELTZER Tzirel F married Yitzhak Moshe She perished in Wilejka 329
MELTZER Akiva M Yitzhak Moshe Tzirel He perished in Wilejka 329
MELTZER Chaya F Yitzhak Moshe Tzirel She perished in Wilejka 329
CHAYIT Shasha Minia F [1] 329
COHEN Rafael M married Esther Gitel He was a Shochet (ritual slaughterer)[1] 329
COHEN Esther Gitel F married Rafael [1] 329
COHEN Avraham Meir M Rafael Esther Gitel [1] 329
COHEN Shoshana F Rafael Esther Gitel [1] 329
COHEN Yosef M Rafael Esther Gitel He perished in Estonia 329
WEXLER Zalman Nuta M [1] 329
WEXLER Yisrael Leib M He perished when he returned from the forest 329
CARMAN Zvi M married Sarah [1] 329
CARMAN Sarah F married Zvi [1] 329
CARMAN Bracha F Zvi Sarah [1] 329
ZIMMERMAN Shimon Leib M married Leah [2] 329
ZIMMERMAN Leah F married Shimon Leib [1] 329
ZIMMERMAN Moshe M Shimon Leib Leah [2] 329
ZIMMERMAN Rasha F Shimon Leib Leah [1] 329
ZIMMERMAN Gitala F Shimon Leib Leah [1] 329
ZIMMERMAN Avraham M Shimon Leib Leah [1] 329
KREMNIK Baruch M married Gitel [2] 329
KREMNIK Gitel F married Baruch [2] 329
KREMNIK Itka F Baruch Gitel [2] 329
KREMNIK Yisrael Michel M Baruch Gitel [2] 329
KREMNIK Rachel F Baruch Gitel She perished in Wilejka 329
DINERSTEIN Moshe Mordecai M married Rasha It is not known where he perished 329
DINERSTEIN Rasha F married Moshe Mordecai She & her 2 unnamed sons[2] 329
DINERSTEIN Yochka F married Mendel The wife of Mendel the miller[1] 329
SHEVETZ Tzadok M married Rashka He perished in the forest 329
SHEVETZ Rashka F married Tzadok She perished in the forest 329
SHEVETZ Perla F Tzadok Rashka She perished in the forest 329
SHEVETZ Sarah F Tzadok Rashka She perished in the forest 329
HADASH Shifra F [3] 330
HADASH Yehuda M Shifra It is not known where he perished 330
HADASH Ya'akov M Shifra It is not known where he perished 330
HADASH Yishayahu M married Frumka It is not known where he perished 330
HADASH Frumka F married Yishayahu She was one of the 32[3] 330
HADASH M Yishayahu Frumka He was one of the 32[3] 330
HADASH F Yishayahu Frumka She was one of the 32[3] 330
ALPEROVICH Naftali M [1] 330
ALPEROVICH Raicha F Naftali She perished in the forest 330
ALPEROVICH Relka F Naftali She perished in the forest 330
ALPEROVICH Zvi M married Naftali Rivka He perished in Postawy 330
ALPEROVICH Rivka F married Zvi She perished in Postawy 330
ALPEROVICH Mina F Zvi Rivka She perished in Postawy 330
GORDON Shaul M married Mina He, his wife and their 3 unnamed daughters perished in the forest 330
GORDON Mina F married Shaul She, her husband and their 3 unnamed daughters perished in the forest 330
GORDON F Shaul Mina The first of 3 daughters of Shaul and Mina GORDON; she perished in the forest 330
GORDON F Shaul Mina The second of 3 daughters of Shaul & Mina GORDON; she perished in the forest 330
GORDON F Shaul Mina The third of 3 daughters of Shaul & Mina GORDON; she perished in the forest 330
ROITSTEIN Shifra Hinda F She perished in the forest 330
MINDEL Gershon M married Nechama He, his wife and their son perished in Dunilowicze 330
MINDEL Nechama F married Gershon She perished in Dunilowicze 330
MINDEL Avraham Aharon M Gershon Nechama He perished in Dunilowicze 330
MINDEL Batya F married It is not known where she, her husband & their 2 children (all unnamed) perished 330
MINDEL Paya F She and her family (names & number not given) perished in Dunilowicze 330
SPERBER Yisrael M married Feigel He perished in Wilejka 330
SPERBER Feigel F married Gershon Yisrael She & her 5 children[1] Maiden name MINDEL 330
SPERBER Chaya F Yisrael Feigel [1] 330
SPERBER Rachel F Yisrael Feigel [1] 330
SPERBER Henya F Yisrael Feigel [1] 330
SPERBER Tzipa F Yisrael Feigel [1] 330
SPERBER Yosef M Yisrael Feigel [1] 330
TOROV Nachum M married Devora He, his wife and 3 of their children[1], an additional daughter perished in the forest 330
TOROV Devora F married Nachum She, her husband and 3 of their children(unnamed) [1]an additional (unnamed) daughter perished in the forest 330
TOROV F Nachum Devorah She perished in the forest 330
TZEPLEVITZ Zalman Mendel M [1] 330
TZEPLEVITZ Aharon M Zalman Mendel It is not known where he perished 330
RAIZ Yocheved F Zalman Mendel She and her 2 children [1] Maiden name TZEPLEVITZ 330
RAIZ Pinchas M Yocheved [1] 330
RAIZ Feigela F Yocheved [1] 330
EISHISKY Gershon M married Esther Henya He, his wife, son & daughter perished in Wilejka 330
EISHISKY Esther Henya F married Gershon She, her husband, son & daughter perished in Wilejka 330
EISHISKY Devora F Gershon Esther Henya She perished in Wilejka 330
EISHISKY Moshe M Gershon Esther Henya He perished in Wilejka 330
FELDMAN Moshe Aharon M married The rabbi [Harav Hagaon][4] 330
FELDMAN F married Moshe Aharon The rabbi's unnamed wife[1] 330
LEVINSON Pesach M married Malka He, his wife & their 3 children[1] 330
LEVINSON Malka F married Pesach She, her husband & their 3 children[1] 330
LEVINSON Ya'akov M Pesach Malka [1] 330
LEVINSON Devora F Pesach Malka [1] 330
LEVINSON Rivka F Pesach Malka [1] 330
FIEDLER Freida F Isser She & her brother perished in Opsa 330
FIEDLER Reuven M Isser He & his sister perished in Opsa 330
KANTOR Yosef M married Sheina Chaya He, his wife & 3 of their sons (2 unnamed) perished in Wilejka 330
KANTOR Sheina Chaya F married Yosef She, her husband & 3 of their sons (2 unnamed) perished in Wilejka 330
KANTOR Binyamin M Yosef Sheina Chaya He perished in Wilejka 330
KANTOR M Yosef Sheina Chaya He perished in Wilejka 330
KANTOR M Yosef Sheina Chaya He perished in Wilejka 330
SEKLIAR Chaya Itka F [1] 330
CHAYIT Nachman M married He, his unnamed wife & their 3 of their sons (unnamed) [1] 330
CHAYIT F married Nachman She (unnamed), her husband & their 3 their sons (unnamed) [1] 330
CHAYIT M Nachman [1] 330
CHAYIT M Nachman [1] 330
CHAYIT M Nachman [1] 330
CHAYIT Bezalel M It is not known where he and his family (number & names not given) perished 330
MEKLER Malka Feiga F She and her sister[1] 330
MEKLER Raina F She and her sister[1] 330
MEKLER Mordecai M married It is not known where he, his wife and children (all unnamed) perished 330
MEKLER F married Mordecai It is not known where she, her husband and children (all unnamed) perished 330
F Baruch Itsche Gedaliahs Identified only as the wife of Baruch Itsche Gedaliahs[1]; it is not known where her 3 sons perished 330
Alta F Identified only Alta together in listing above[1] 330
FIEDLER Avraham M [1] 330
FIEDLER Masha Menucha F Avraham [1] 330
FIEDLER Zev M Avraham He excelled as a partisan and perished in the forest 330
FIEDLER Chaim Beinush M married Rachel Leah He, his wife and unnamed daughter perished in Molodeczno 331
FIEDLER Rachel Leah F married Chaim Beinush She, her husband and unnamed daughter perished in Molodeczno 331
FIEDLER F Chaim Beinush Rachel Leah She perished in Molodeczno 331
MARKMAN Zev M married Chana Eta He perished in Wilejka 331
MARKMAN Chana Eta F married Zev She perished in Wilejka 331
MARKMAN Yosef M Zev Chana Eta It is not known where he perished 331
MARKMAN Moshe M married Rachel He, his wife and their unnamed son perished in Wilejka 331
MARKMAN Rachel F married Moshe She, her husband and their unnamed son perished in Wilejka 331
MARKMAN M Moshe Rachel He perished in Wilejka 331
ASHKENAZI Rasha F She, her son & daughter, both unnamed, perished in Wilejka Maiden name MARKMAN 331
ASHKENAZI M Rasha He perished in Wilejka 331
ASHKENAZI F Rasha She perished in Wilejka 331
ZENDEL Yitzhak M married Rivka [1] 331
ZENDEL Rivka F married Yitzhak [1] 331
ZENDEL Meir M Yitzhak Rivka He perished in battle 331
ZIMMERMAN Masha F married Alter The wife of R' Alter, she perished in Vilna 331
ZIMMERMAN Sima F Alter Masha She perished in Vilna 331
ZIMMERMAN Eliyahu M Alter Masha He perished in Vilna 331
FIEDLER Leiba M married He, his wife & their 2 children (all 3 unnamed) perished in Ilja 331
FIEDLER F married Leiba She (unnamed), her husband & their 2 children (unnamed) perished in Ilja 331
KANTROWITZ Mendel M married Feiga Rivka He perished in Wilejka 331
KANTROWITZ Feiga Rivka F married Mendel She perished in Wilejka 331
KANTROWITZ Shlomo M married It is not known where he perished 331
KANTROWITZ F married Shlomo She with her 2 children (all 3 unnamed) perished in Dokszyce 331
KANTROWITZ Reuven M He and his family (names & number not given) perished in Glebokie 331
WEINER Dov M married Rachel He perished in the forest 331
WEINER Rachel F married Dov She perished in the forest Maiden name KANTROWITZ 331
KOPILOVITZ David M married Gitel He, his wife & their 4 unnamed children perished in Wilejka 331
KOPILOVITZ Gitel F married David She, her husband & their 4 unnamed children perished in Wilejka 331
ALPEROVICH Moshe M married Chaim Zalman Sonia He perished in the forest 331
ALPEROVICH Sonia F married Moshe She perished in the forest 331
ALPEROVICH Zalman M Moshe Sonia He perished in the Red Army 331
EINBINDER Dov M married Perla He perished two days after the mass murder of the town[1] 331
EINBINDER Perla F married Dov She perished two days after the mass murder of the town[1] 331
EINBINDER Nechama F Dov Perla She perished two days after the mass murder of the town[1] 331
EINBINDER Sima F Dov Perla She perished two days after the mass murder of the town[1] 331
EINBINDER Zalman M Dov Perla He perished two days after the mass murder of the town[1] 331
EINBINDER Yitzhak M Dov Perla He perished as a Partisan and after his death he received extraordinary recognition for his daring activities and outstanding service 331
SOSNASKY Mara Shosha F married She is listed by her maiden name; she, her unnamed husband and their son[1] Maiden name SOSNASKY 331
M married Mara Shosha He (unnamed), his wife (maiden name SOSNASKY) and their son[1] 331
Dudel M Mara Shosha Maiden name SOSNASKY [1] 331
ALPEROVICH Yehoshua M married Zalman Noach Rivka [2] 331
ALPEROVICH Rivka F married Yehoshua [2] 331
ALPEROVICH Asher M Yehoshua Rivka [2] 331
ALPEROVICH F married Shmuel The unnamed wife of Shmuel, she and their 2 unnamed children perished in the forest 331
KRAMER Yishayahu Zev M married Sarah Hinda [1] 331
KRAMER Sarah Hinda F married Yishayahu Zev [1] 331
KRAMER Rivka F Yishayahu Zev Sarah Hinda [1] 331
ALPEROVICH Musia F Yitzhak Moshe [1] 331
ALPEROVICH Mirel F married Ortzik The wife of Ortchik, she perished with an unnamed son & daughter & a named son[4] 331
ALPEROVICH F Ortzik Mirel [1] 331
ALPEROVICH Chaim Isser M Ortzik Mirel [1] 331
ALPEROVICH M Ortzik Mirel [1] 331
SHMUKLER Feiga Michla F Meir Aharon She and her unnamed daughter[1] 331
SHMUKLER F Feiga Michla [1] 331
ALPEROVICH Shlomo M Meir Aharon He perished in captivity 331
NORMAN Rashka F Meir Aharon Zusman Listed by her maiden name, she, her husband and daughter perished in Wilejka Maiden name NORMAN 331
Zusman M Rashka He perished in Wilejka 331
Nechama Itka F Zusman Rashka She perished in Wilejka 331
ALPEROVICH Yirmiyahu M married Meir Aharon Chaya Sarah He perished in the Wilejka Ghetto 331
ALPEROVICH Chaya Sarah F married Yirmiyahu She and her unnamed son and daughter perished 2 weeks after the mass murder of the town[1] in the synagogue's attic Maiden name BEVINER 331
ALPEROVICH F Yirmiyahu Chaya Sarah He perished 2 weeks after the mass murder of the town[1] in the synagogue's attic 331
ALPEROVICH M Yirmiyahu Chaya Sarah She perished 2 weeks after the mass murder of the town[1] in synagogue's attic 331
ALPEROVICH Michael M married Gita He & his wife were in hiding with a non-Jew in the village of Klyn who turned him over to the Germans who murdered them 331
ALPEROVICH Gita F married Michael She & her husband were in hiding with a non-Jew in the village of Klyn who turned him over to the Germans who murdered them 331
FREDKIN Zelda F married She and her unnamed son[1]; her unnamed husband perished in the forest 332
FREDKIN M married Zelda He perished in the forest 332
FREDKIN M Zelda [1] 332
WEISENHOLTZ Mina F Chaim Michael [1] 332
RODINSKY Tzipa F [1] 332
WEINSTEIN Sarah F The sister of Hinda, Shosha & Bluma; [1] 332
Hinda F The sister of Sarah, Shosha & Bluma; [1] 332
Shosha F The sister of Sarah, Hinda & Bluma; [1] 332
Bluma F The sister of Sarah, Hinda & Shosha; [1] 332
TZIROLNIK Yitzhak M married [2] 332
TZIROLNIK F married Yitzhak [2] 332
TZIROLNIK M Yitzhak [2] 332
TZIROLNIK Shimon M Yitzhak It is not known where he perished 332
TZIROLNIK Meir M married He, his unnamed wife and their 3 children (unnamed) perished a few days after the mass murder of the town[1] 332
TZIROLNIK F married Meir She, her husband and their 3 children (unnamed) perished a few days after the mass murder of the town[1] 332
ALPEROVICH Rachel Leah F [1] 332
ALPEROVICH Avramel M Rachel Leah [4] 332
ALPEROVICH Shifra F Rachel Leah She was one of the 32[3] 332
ALPEROVICH Charna F Rachel Leah She was one of the 32[3] 332
ALPEROVICH Mordecai M married Abba He, his wife & their 3 children (all unnamed) perished in Wilejka on the day the town was liberated; he left a note where he wrote "They are taking us out to be killed, I hear the Russian tanks, say Kaddish for us" 332
ALPEROVICH F married Mordecai She perished in Wilejka on the day it was liberated 332
ALPEROVICH Yisrael M married Zelig Batsheva He, his wife & their 3 daughters[1] 332
ALPEROVICH Batsheva F married Yisrael [1] 332
ALPEROVICH Rachel F Yisrael Batsheva [1] 332
ALPEROVICH Devora F Yisrael Batsheva [1] 332
ALPEROVICH Zelda F Yisrael Batsheva [1] 332
KUSHNIR Ya'akov Moshe M married Huda [1] 332
KUSHNIR Huda F married Ya'akov Moshe [1] 332
CHESLER Reuven M married Chaya Sarah [2] 332
CHESLER Chaya Sara F married Reuven [2] 332
CHESLER Malka F Reuven Chaya Sarah [2] 332
BEVINER Arieh Leib M married Rachel He, his wife & daughter were killed in the synagogue attic after the mass murder of the town[1] 332
BEVINER Rachel F married Arieh Leib She was killed in the synagogue attic after the mass murder of the town[1] 332
BEVINER Rivka F Arieh Leib Rachel She was killed in the synagogue attic after the mass murder of the town[1] 332
GELMAN Shimon M married Gita [4] 332
GELMAN Gita F married Shimon [4] 332
GELMAN Chana F Shimon Gita [4] 332
GELMESON David M married Sarah He, his wife, 2 daughters & an unnamed son[1] 332
GELMESON Sarah F married David [1] 332
GELMESON Esther F David Sarah [1] 332
GELMESON Masha F David Sarah [1] 332
GELMESON M David Sarah [1] 332
ALPEROVICH Pinchas M married Yitzhak Shoshana He perished in the forest 332
ALPEROVICH Shoshana F married Pinchas She was one of the 32[3] 332
ALPEROVICH Tuvia M Pesach Shoshana [2] 332
ALPEROVICH Pesach M Pesach Shoshana [2] 332
ALPEROVICH Fruma F Pesach Shoshana [1] 332
ALPEROVICH Chaim M Pesach Shoshana [1] 332
ALPEROVICH Bella F Pesach Shoshana [1] 332
ALPEROVICH Chaya F Pesach Shoshana [1] 332
RAIDER Avraham Chaim M married Marisha [1] 332
RAIDER Mariasha F married Avraham Chaim [1] 332
RAIDER Dov M Avraham Chaim Mariasha It is not known where she perished 332
RAIDER Yitzhak M Avraham Chaim Mariasha It is not known where he perished 332
RAIDER Yishayahu M Avraham Chaim Mariasha It is not known where he perished 332
Rachel F Avraham Chaim Mariasha It is not known where she and her family (names & number not given) perished Maiden name RAIDER 332
VINIK Avraham M married Rachel He, his wife & their 5 children[1] 332
VINIK Rachel F married Avraham [1] 332
VINIK Michael M Avraham Rachel [1] 332
VINIK Chaya F Avraham Rachel [1] 332
VINIK Eliyahu M Avraham Rachel [1] 332
VINIK Meir M Avraham Rachel [1] 332
VINIK Tzipora F Avraham Rachel [1] 332
Leah F Zelig [1] Maiden name ALPEROVICH 332
KRAVITZ Zev M married Chana Sarah [1] 332
KRAVITZ Chana Sarah F married Zev [1] 332
KRAVITZ Liba F Zev Chana Sarah [1] 332
CHESLER Zalman M married Chana It is not known where he perished 332
CHESLER Chana F married Zalman She and her unnamed son[1] 332
CHESLER Perla F [1] 332
CHESLER Bila F Perla [1] 332
VINIK Noach Nuta M [1] 332
KRAMER Devora F [1] 332
KRAMER Chaim M married Malka [1] 332
KRAMER Malka F married Chaim [1] 332
KRAMER Sima F Chaim Malka [1] 332
KOPILOVITZ Elka F She and her 2 sons[1] 333
KOPILOVITZ Yehuda M Elka [1] 333
KOPILOVITZ Yerachmiel M Elka [1] 333
ELISHKAVITZ Mordechai Motka M Known as "Motke the Katler - the Coppersmith," [1] 333
ELISHKAVITZ Yerachmiel M married Shoshana [1] 333
ELISHKAVITZ Shoshana F married Yerachmiel [1] 333
ELISHKAVITZ Meir M Yerachmiel Shoshana [1] 333
SPECTOR Natan M married Rivka [1] 333
SPECTOR Rivka F married Natan [1] 333
SPECTOR Esther F Natan Rivka [1] 333
SPECTOR Sarah F Natan Rivka [1] 333
SPECTOR Koppel M Natan Rivka He perished in Wilejka 333
SPECTOR Eliyahu M Natan Rivka He perished in Wilejka 333
SHULMAN Hinda F [1] 333
SHULMAN Aharon M married Meir Shalom Chana [1] 333
SHULMAN Chana F married Aharon [1] 333
SHULMAN Elka F Aharon Chana [1] 333
GORFINKEL Michael M The brother of Batya Rivka, he perished in the forest 333
GORFINKEL Batya Rivka F The sister of Michael GORFINKEL[1] 333
GELMAN Zalman M married Sheina [1] 333
GELMAN Sheina F married Zalman [1] 333
GELMAN Yitzhak Moshe M Zalman Sheina [1] 333
BLINDER Shmuel M married Feigel He perished in Wilejka 333
BLINDER Feigel F married Shmuel She perished in the forest 333
BLINDER Pesia F Shmuel Feigel She perished in the forest 333
GELMAN Velvel M married Chasia He, his wife and their 2 unnamed children[1] 333
GELMAN Chasia F married Velvel She, her husband and their 2 unnamed children[1] 333
GELMAN Zalman M married Michal He, his wife, his son Dov and an additional unnamed son[1] 333
GELMAN Michla F married Zalman [1] 333
GELMAN Dov M Zalman Michla [1] 333
RUBIN Shimka Dina F married Moshe Leib The daughter of Rabbi Moshe Leib LANDA and her unnamed husband perished in Dalhinov Maiden name LANDA 333
RUBIN M married Shimka Dina He perished in Dalhinov 333
LANDA Meir M The grandson of Rabbi Moshe Leib LANDA and his family (names & number not given) perished in Wilejka 333
Peshka F Moshe Leib The daughter of Rabbi Moshe Lieb LANDA and her unnamed daughter perished in Kojdanowo Maiden name LANDA 333
F Peshka The unnamed daughter of Peshka perished in Kojdanowo. Maiden name LANDA 333
LANDA F widow Avraham Zalman The unnamed widow of Avraham Zalman LANDA perished in Wilejka with her unnamed daughter 333
LANDA F Avraham Zalman She perished in Wilejka 333
Devora F Elyakim [1] Maiden name DINERSTEIN 333
Sarah Pesia F Devorah [1] 333
SOSNESKY Leib M married Yenta He perished in Sosenka 333
SOSNESKY Yenta F married Leib She perished in Sosenka Maiden name TAUBES 333
SOSNESKY Chaya F Leib Yenta She perished in Sosenka 333
SOSNESKY Chana F Leib Yenta She perished in Sosenka 333
DINERSTEIN Masha F married Ya'akov She, her husband & their 3 unnamed children perished in the forest Maiden name DINERSTEIN 333
Ya'akov M married Masha He, his wife (maiden name DINERSTEIN) & their 3 unnamed children perished in the forest 333
EINBINDER Yehoshua M married Devora He perished in Postawy 333
EINBINDER Devora F married Yehoshua She perished in Postawy 333
EINBINDER Leah F Yehoshua Devorah She perished in Postawy 333
SOKOLINSKY Zisel M married Rishka He perished in Postawy 333
SOKOLINSKY Rishka F married Zisel She perished in Postawy 333
SOKOLINSKY Avramel M Zissel Rishka He perished in Postawy 333
SOKOLINSKY Sarah F Zissel Rishka She perished in Postawy 333
SEKLIAR Chaya Itka F [1] Maiden name FIEDLER 333
Shoshana F married She, her unnamed husband and their family (names & number not given) perished in Swir Maiden name FIEDLER 333
M married Shoshana He perished in Swir. Wife's maiden name FIEDLER 333
Esther F married Hirsh Getzel She, her husband and their family (names & number not given) perished in the forest Maiden name FIEDLER 333
Hirsh Getzel M married Esther He perished in the forest. Wife's maiden name FIEDLER 333
KREMNIK Yosef Shimon M married Slava He perished in Wilejka 333
KREMNIK Slava F married Yosef Shimon She perished in Wilejka 333
KREMNIK Pira F Yosef Shimon Slava She perished in Wilejka 333
ZUCKERMAN Risha F Meir Rafael She & her daughter were killed in a hiding place in the synagogue several days after the mass murder of the town[1] 333
ZUCKERMAN Badana F Risha She was killed in a hiding place in the synagogue several days after the mass murder of the town[1] 333
ZUCKERMAN Elchanan Shimon M Risha He perished in Wilejka 333
ZIMMERMAN Hinda F Yitzhak She was burned alive in the Wilejka Ghetto 333
ALPEROVICH Feiga Leah F She was killed in Wilejka 3 or 4 days before liberation 333
BERGSTEIN Rachel Leah F [1] 334
BERGSTEIN Sarah Bluma F Rachel Leah [1] 334
OSHPOL Shlomo Eli' M married Listed as 'Harav Hagaon' - Rabbi & Scholar - he perished in Swieciany 334
OSHPOL F married Shlomo Eli' The unnamed wife of the Rabbi, she perished in Swieciany 334
OSHPOL Mordecai M Shlomo Eli' He perished in Swieciany 334
OSHPOL Dina F Shlomo Eli' She perished in Swieciany 334
OSHPOL Batya F Shlomo Eli' She perished in Swieciany 334
OSHPOL Mina F Shlomo Eli' She perished in Swieciany 334
ALPEROVICH Zev M married The brother of Bentcha Haminagen (the musician), he perished in the forest 334
ALPEROVICH F married Zev His unnamed wife & their 2 unnamed children perished in Ilja 334
TUNIK Avraham M married Teibel He, his wife and their 2 unnamed daughters perished in Wilejka 334
TUNIK Teibel F married Avraham She, her husband and their 2 unnamed daughters perished in Wilejka Maiden name MARKON 334
TUNIK F Avraham Teibel She perished in Wilejka 334
TUNIK F Avraham Teibel She perished in Wilejka 334
MARKON Mordecai M He perished in the forest 334
MARKON Sonia F Mordecai She perished in Riga 334
MARKON Cheina F Mordecai She perished in Bialystok 334
SHAPIRA Sarah Frada F She perished in Wilejka 334
Batsheva F married Sarah Frada Moshe The daughter of Sarah Frada, she and her son[1] 334
Moshe M married Batsheva He perished in Wilejka 334
Eliyahu M Moshe Batsheva [1] 334
WEISENHOLTZ Mordecai M married Ita Rachel He perished in Wilejka 334
WEISENHOLTZ Ita Rachel F married Mordecai She perished in Wilejka 334
LAPKIN Yosef Eliyahu M He perished in Smorgonie 334
LAPKIN Baruch M Yosef Eliyahu He perished in Smorgonie 334
LAPKIN Natan M Yosef Eliyahu He perished in Smorgonie 334
LAPKIN Marka F Yosef Eliyahu She perished in Smorgonie 334
GEVELMAN Rasia F Zelig [1] 334
GEVELMAN Gensia F Zelig [1] 334
TZODIKOV Zalman M married He and his unnamed wife[1] 334
TZODIKOV F married Zalman [1] 334
TZODIKOV Gutel M Zalman It is not known where he perished 334
AIDELMAN Manya F Yishayahu [3] 334
AIDELMAN F Manya The first of 2 unnamed daughters of Manya AIDELMAN, she perished a few days after the mass murder of the town[1] 334
AIDELMAN F Manya The second of 2 unnamed daughters of Manya AIDELMAN, she perished a few days after the mass murder of the town[1] 334
RABONSKY Rachel F She & her 2 unnamed daughters[1] 334
RABONSKY F Rachel The first of 2 unnamed daughters of Rachel RABONSKY[1] 334
RABONSKY F Rachel The second of 2 unnamed daughters of Rachel RABONSKY[1] 334
GURVITZ Batya F She perished in Zdzieciol Maiden name EISHISKY 334
ALPEROVICH Sarah F She perished with her 2 unnamed sons in the mass murder of the town Maiden name EISHISKY 334
ALPEROVICH M Sarah Maiden name EISHISKY [1] 334
ALPEROVICH M Sarah Maiden name EISHISKY [1] 334
ALPEROVICH Hershel M married Avraham He, his unnamed wife and their 2 children (unnamed)[1] 334
ALPEROVICH F married Hershel [1] 334
ALPEROVICH Sarah F married Uri The wife of Rabbi Uri, she perished in Wilejka 334
ALPEROVICH Rivka F Uri Sarah She perished in Wilejka 334
TZIRINSKY Fanny F She, her unnamed mother-in-law and two children (unnamed) perished in Wilejka 334
TZIRINSKY F She perished in Wilejka 334
EINBINDER Zalman M married Miriam Perished, date and place not given 334
EINBINDER Miriam F married Zalman Perished, date and place not given 334
ZIRTZIS Pinchas M [2] 334
COOPER M Originally from Smorgonie, the father of Grisha, he perished in the forest 334
COOPER Grisha M Originally from Smorgonie, he perished in the forest 334
SCHNITZER Shmuel M married Chana [1] 334
SCHNITZER Chana F married Shmuel [1] 334
SHUGOL Anna F Originally from Vilna, she was caught in the first roundup in the forest, brutally tortured & died while being tortured Maiden name KRONIK 334
GREEN Adzia F [1] 334
GROSSBEIN F Two unnamed sisters, perished in Pokan on the day after the mass murder of the town[1] 334
KAGAN Arieh M Eliyahu He perished in Sol with his family, names and number not given 334
KATZ Yenta Chaya F She and her two unnamed children perished in Dokszyce 335
KATZ Alter M [1] 335
KATZ Avraham M [1] 335
SESENSKY Tamar F She and her infant daughter[1] 335
SESENSKY Golda F Tamar An infant [1] 335
LIFSHITZ M married He and his unnamed wife[1] 335
LIFSHITZ F married She and her unnamed husband[1] 335
STOLER Shachna M married Malka He, his wife and their 3 unnamed children[1] 335
STOLER Malka F married Shachna She, her husband and their 3 unnamed children[1] 335
ROGOVIN M married He, his unnamed wife and their 2 (unnamed) children perished in the forest 335
ROGOVIN F married She, her unnamed husband and their 2 children (unnamed) perished in the forest 335
LANDA M married Originally from Wilejka[3] 335
LANDA F married The unnamed wife of LANDA from Wilejka[1] 335
LANDA F The unnamed daughter-in-law of LANDA from Wilejka; she and her son [3] 335
ZIMMERMAN Mosheka M It is not known where he and his unnamed daughter perished 335
ZIMMERMAN F Mosheka Perished, date and place not given 335
BARON M married Esther He (unnamed), his wife and their 4 unnamed children perished, date and place not given 335
BARON Esther F married She, her (unnamed) husband and their 4 unnamed children perished, date and place not given 335
REITSTEIN Elia Meir M married It is not known where he, his unnamed wife and their 2 sons (all unnamed) perished 335
REITSTEIN F married Elia Meir It is not known where she, her husband and their 2 sons (all unnamed) perished 335
REITSTEIN M Elia Meir The first of two sons of Elia Meir REITSTEIN, it is not known where he perished 335
REITSTEIN M Elia Meir The second of two sons of Elia Meir REITSTEIN, it is not known where he perished 335
LIEBERMAN Avraham M married Chaya He, his wife and their 2 unnamed children [2] 335
LIEBERMAN Chaya F married Zelig Avraham She (the daughter of Zelig), her husband and their 2 unnamed children[2] 335


  1. Perished in the mass murder of the town 27 Elul 5702/Wednesday, 9 September 1942
  2. One of the 54 killed by the Gestapo round-up on Simchat Torah 5702/Tuesday 14 October 1941
  3. One of the 32 killed in the random murder in Adar 5702/27 March 1942
  4. One of the 13 murdered by Gestapo in Shevat 5702/15 March 1942

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