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Beloved and Unforgettable Kurenets (cont.)

Hashomer Ha'Zair spread to us a wonderful external light and also awoke in us some deep, internal commitment. The activities were filled with the liveliness of youth but it was also tempered by some internal yearning. We had fundraisers and educational meetings about Hebrew literature and geography. We would go on journeys into nature. We would sail on the river. We would put together exhibits of our handcrafts. Once in a while a new tune would reach town and everyone would sing together, and every activity would be done with excitement, as if there was some holiday approaching. It was as if we were in a circle of miracles, a circle that was dancing the hora and a circle that could not be broken. Still, there were moments of good-natured humor that never hurt anyone, but at the same time it sharpened your wits.

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I remember that at one time, one of the girls attempted to embroider a swan for one of the shows, but it turned out looking more like a foal [young horse?]. Aronchik Meirovich, who later became a poet, took the piece of art and started singing to a tune of “I hat affafya”:

Var hat das gazen
Und var hat das garet
Aza katchka zol oizen vi afrad?

The highlight of our activities was sailing on Lake Narutz, which was 40 km from our town. After this sailing I decided that it was time for me to go to Israel. I again went through preparations, leaving the town her youth came back. Not after a long time I returned from the preparations with my skin all tanned and my body peeling. And my friends from Hashomer Ha'Zair were very proud of me, as if I had gotten the suntan in Jerusalem. A short time later, at an evening hour, the entire unit of Hashomer Ha'Zair walked with me amongst the cedars on Dolhinov Street, and walked me to the train station on my way to Israel. From the departing train I heard their singing, and that was the last sense I received from the town.

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Members of Hashomer Hatzair youth movement
on top of the “famous” bolder
Standing on the rock from right to left: Shlomo son of Meir Aharon Alperovitz, Michal son of Ben Zion Meirovitch, Leizer son of Chaim Velvel Benes. On the far right Yitzhak Gurfinkel hugging Eiyahu son of Alter Zimerman. Between the standing boys sitting Nechamia Alperovich and linning on his shoulder Dov the son of Avraham Chaim Reyder the chimney sweeper. Holding the flag is Yosef Markman, to his top left, Luba nee Gurevich Bardan, to her left Chaya Sara Shmukler and sitting on her Henya Dimenstein the daughter of Merka de bakerke. Sitting at bottom right: Sara Eisak, Zlata Zimerman, ?, ?, . Sheina the daughter of Neta Zimerman, Chana Alperovitz and Freydale Zimerman. Above them standing Chaya Altman from Dolhinov Street, sitting far left Bela Meltzer and Menuchka Kupelovitz.

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