Kryvitsh Yizkor Book
(Krivichi, Belarus)

54°43' / 27°17'

Translation of
Ner tamid: yizkor le-Krevitsh

Edited by: Matityahu Bar-Ratzon

Published in Tel Aviv, 1977



Project Coordinator

Eilat Gordin Levitan


Our sincere appreciation to Mr. Yosef Shamir of the Krivitsh Society in Israel
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Ner tamid: yizkor le-Krevitsh; Kryvitsh yizkor book,
ed. Matityahu Bar-Ratzon, Tel Aviv, Krivitsh Societies in Israel and the Diaspora, 1977 (724 pages, H, Y)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Krivitsh

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner

Krzywicze until the First World War
With Ner Tamid [H]   5-8
At the open Ner Tamid [Y]   9-15
There once was a little town [Y] Yosef Shamir (Shimentchik) 18-21
Testament to Krzywicze from the depths of memories R'David Zakai 22-35
My hometown R'Yehoshua ben Arye Lieb 36-48
Old Kryvitsh lights up in my memory [Y] R'Yehoshua Katzovitch z”l 49-68
Krzywicze, my hometown [Y] R'Arye Lieb 69-79
My town and my home in the light of the memories Chaim Tauger 80-98
Reflections and memories of my ruined home [Y] Mendel Rabinovitz 99-103
The economic and socio-cultural life in town [Y] Yosef Shamir 104-131
A saga of torment and suffering David Kazhdan 132-154
The Holocaust
The Kadish (a poem) M. Bar-Ratzon 156-157
The memorial scroll and the list of the martyrs   158-165
On painful and destroyed roads [Y] R'Yehoshua ben Arye Lieb 166-194
In the shadow of the sickle and hammer R'Yeshayahu Katzovitz z”l 195-228
Under the wings of the impending disaster [Y] Mendel Rabinovitz 229-263
An ocean of blood and tears Rabbi Moshe Dreisin 264-307
Moments in Krzywicze and an elegy of the soul [Y] Shlomo Blacher 308-326
On the Sanctification of Life Eliezer Shod 327-372
Chapters on the struggles of life [Y] Klara Tauger-Shod 373-408
My shtetl, a look from afar Dov (Berl ) Katzovitz 409-425
Orphaned from my Kriviczy home [Y] Shalom Sitzkin z”l 426-435
Excerpts from my “The Valley of Tears” Rabbi Moshe Dreisin 435-441
Images and impressions Shlomo Blacher 442-454
From the days of darkness and horrors Zahava Slobodsky (Zlatka Shteingold) 455-467
Alone and deserted on the roads [Y] Michla Weisenholtz 468-511
Yizkor to the Krzywicze Community Mina and Reuven Finger 512-517
Extracts from “Under the shadow of the sickle and hammer” [Y] R'Yehoshua Katzovitch z”l 518-537
Living “by installments” [Y] David Kazhdan 538-597
In the Diaspora - isolation.and return to our land Yosef Shamir 598-617
Long was the road… [Y] Herzel Zukerman 618-632
On the roads of destruction and revenge [Y] Mariasha and Eliyahu Botwinik 632-669
A well in Krzywicze [Y] Matityahu Bar-Ratzon 670-673
A day in Dachau M. Bar-Ratzon 674-714
In memory of natives who passed away since the war   715-716
Siama Kaplan   717-719
A tree and its fruits Gesia Shmoglerski 720-722
A blessing of thanks at the completion of the book The Editor 723-724


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Eilat Gordin Levitan
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 07 Aug 2012 by JH

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