The family members of Yitschak and Sore Shkurnik
who perished in the city of Kremenets in the year 5702 (1942)
My mother, |
Sore daughter of Aharon Shkurnik from the Kuperman family, age 63
[Translation Editor's Note: Identification of Sore's father as Aharon Shkurnik
probably is an error. It looks like the surname should be Kuperman.] |
My brother, |
Shmuel son of R'Yitschak Shkurnik, age 37 |
His wife, |
Fride of the Katz family, age 37 |
Their son, Aharon, age 13 |
My brother, |
Yakov, son of R'Yitschak Shkurnik, age 33 |
His wife, |
Mine daughter of Mendel Malis, age 30 |
Their daughter Yafe age 5 |
Their son Yitschak age 3 |
My brother, |
Mordekhay son of R'Yitschak Shkurnik, age 31 |
My sister, |
Leye daughter of R'Yitschak Shkurnik, age 28 |
My cousin, |
Shalom Goltsman, age 46 |
His wife, |
Sore daughter of Leybush Hekht, age 42 |
Their daughter Chane, age 14 |
May the Lord revenge their blood
Written by
Tcharne Milgrom of the Shkurnik family |
Haifa, Elul 5726 (Aug-Sep 1966) |