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[Page 31]

For eternal memory

Members of the Spektor family who perished in the city of Kremenets in the year 5702 (1942}

My father, Tsvi son of R'Simche-Bunim Spektor, age 60
My mother, Hale daughter of R'Yosef Kitay, age 58
My sister, Rivke Perel, age 38
Her husband, Arye son of R'Ben Tsion Perel, age 38
  their son Ben Tsion, age 12
their son Yosef, age 6
My brother, Moshe son of R'Tsvi Spektor, age 36
His wife, Sore daughter of Arye Pochuvnik, age 34
their son Yosef, age 9
My mother's sister, Kreyne Borak daughter of R'Yosef Kitay, age 60
her son Yitschak son of R'Ben Tsion Borak, age 39
My father's sister, Yente Perel of the Spektor family, age 57
her sons

May the Lord revenge their blood

Written by Simche (Bunim) Spektor

Petach-Tikva, Shevat 5726 (Jan-Feb 1966)
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[Page 32]

For eternal memory

My mother, Feyge-Fenya Port of the Fleyshman family, age 59

My brother, Chayim known as Munye son of R'Yosef Port, age 38

My brother's wife, Golde daughter of R'Eliezer Finkelshteyn, age 36

Their son, Yosef age 4

Perished in the year 5702 (1942)
May the Lord revenge their blood

Written by Yitschak (Izi) Port

Haifa, 30 Pevzner St.

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[Page 33]

For eternal memory

My father, Aleksander son of R'Herts Frishberg, age 65
My mother, Chaye daughter of R'Elchanan Goldgart, age 62
My brother, Shimon known Sanye, age 42
His wife, Zyote of the Shefes family, age 38
their son Choltchik age 9
My brother, Nachman known as Munye, age 39
His wife, age 35
their young son age 4
My brother, Chanan, age 22

Perished in the city of Kremenets in the year 5702 (1942)
May the Lord revenge their blood

Written by Franye Frishberg-Negrin

Paris, Elul 5727 (Sep-Oct 1967)

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