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[Page 19]

For eternal memory

My brother, Chayim son of R'Mordekhay Chasid age 32

My brother, Shlome son of R'Mordekhay Chasid age 29

My sister, Dvore Tsizin of the Chasid family age 43

Perished in the year 5702 (1942)

May the Lord revenge their blood

Written by Avraham Chasid

Herut near Tel-Mond, Heshvan 5725 (1965)

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[Page 20]

For eternal memory

My brother, Yitschak Targovitski son of R'Chayim-Leyb,
age 46

His wife, Beyle daughter of R'Avraham Shlop, age 37

Their daughter, Rozale age 6

Perished in the year 5702 (1942)

May the Lord revenge their blood

Written by Avraham Targovitski

Kibbutz Aynat

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[Page 21]

For eternal memory

My wife, Rive Tshodnovski After, daughter of
Berl Tshodnovski, born in the city of Kremenets.

Died in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, 17 Heshvan 5733
(25 October 1972)

May her soul be bound in the bond of everlasting life

Written by her husband Shimon After
Buenos Aires

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