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Voice of Kremenets Emigrants in Israel and the Diaspora, Booklet 16 (cont.)


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In Memoriam


Avraham Chasid

Manus Goldenberg


One evening this year, in the month of Shevat[7], Avraham Chasid, of blessed memory, died in his sleep. My last childhood friend disappeared with him. When the bitter message reached me, I felt as if I had become an orphan. As I was sitting down to write these lines, his photo arrived in the mail. And here in front of me is Avraham the way I had seen him lately. His eyes and his smile radiate his warmth, honesty, and good heart together with his wise personality. This is the same facial expression that he had in his youth. I was emotional to the point of tears, and my inner soul carried me far far from here …

I can see those sun-filled years. We studied together at our town's first Hebrew school and later on at the Russian high school. Those years, at the beginning of this century, were full of enormous events that changed the face of the world. Those events, whose echoes reached our town, carved deep impressions in our hearts. They were beautifully expressed in the articles Avraham published in Voice of Kremenets Emigrants, booklets 12, 14, and 15.

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You read them and you wonder at how his eye was blessed with such a sense of observation and how strong his memory was. We sat for hour upon hour during my rare visits to his home in Herut, bringing up rich, dramatic memories of the events of which we were a part, our days in the Jewish and Russian schools, and the trips we took with our classmates to the surrounding hills during our summer vacation. We laughed out loud when we remembered the wild pranks we played during our stormy adolescence.

There were two homes in our town in which, already at the beginning of the 20th century, the only spoken language was Hebrew. It was a typical sign of their Zionism. But the home of Avraham's father, R' Mordekhay Chasid, of blessed memory, was a different type of Zionist home. It was a spacious home that stood inside an orchard on the town's outskirts. There was a vegetable garden by the entrance to the yard, and a milk cow stood in the cowshed on the other side. It was an exceptional thing in our town at that time. The family members had brought the cow from the farm where they had previously lived. From the minute you entered their home, you felt as if you were in the country. You were welcomed with a sweet-smelling glass of milk that Avraham's mother, Shprintse, of blessed memory, had milked. You tasted fresh black bread, coated with honey, that she had baked that same day, and you and your friends were welcome to the loaded fruit trees that stood in their garden. You could climb on them and eat to your heart's content.

Inside the house, on bookshelves, were Russian encyclopedias, various science books, classic Russian and Hebrew literature, volumes of HaShiloach[8], bound copies of Hatsefira, and more. Beautiful drawings by their oldest son, Zev, of blessed memory, hung on the walls. Later, he became a professor of biochemistry and a member of the National Academy of Science in the United States (the reader will find interesting information about him and his parents in Voice of Kremenets Emigrants, booklets 3, 5, and 12). In the background of all that, in the peaceful country atmosphere and the family members' relaxed manner, was the pleasant, soothing sound of the daughters playing the piano. Every once in a while, illegal meetings of the first members of the Zionist party took place there. And from there, from that house, R' Mordekhay's sons arrived in the Land, full of pioneer spirit and love for the Land that they did not abandon until the end of their days.

After immigrating in 1921, Avraham worked in the Petach Tikva orchards for some time. Later, he moved to Tel Mond, where he was a founder of Herut, the prosperous farming community. With his dedicated wife, Etya, a graduate of the agricultural school in Petach Tikva, he built a blooming farm.

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R' Mordekhay, who had dreamed about immigrating to Israel all his life, joined his sons with Shprintse. They were fortunate enough to see their sons engaged in farming and the Torah, Avraham in Herut and Yakov, of blessed memory, in Kibbutz Kineret.

Avraham was greatly interested in the Organization of Kremenets Emigrants. At each meeting, in each telephone conversation, and in each letter, he dedicated a great deal of space to questions about our organization's events and was very happy with each project we undertook to memorialize our martyrs and our old home.

Avraham was a well-read man. He took special care of his books and read them in every spare moment.

During his last year, he was hospitalized a number of times as a result of a number of heart attacks. The last heart attack subdued him. Shortly before his death, he finished some important research on the “Secret of Creation,” which he had worked on for a long time.

His research was published after his death in the periodical Chavatselet Hasharon, which is published twice a year by the district rabbinical office with the cooperation of the District Council of Hadar Hasharon. The magazine's editor is the regional rabbi, Rabbi Asher Zemel.

Avraham's mother died in 1942 from a stroke she suffered after learning about the destruction of Kremenets' Jews, among them her two sons, her daughter, and their families. His father died in 1949.

May the memory of the three be blessed!

A few weeks after Avraham's death, we read in the newspapers that his youngest son, Nechemya, a farm owner in Herut, had been chosen by the defense minister as the economic adviser to the defense ministry. It is a shame that Avraham did not have the pleasure of seeing it.

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Images of Pesach Lerner,
of Blessed Memory

Mordekhay Gurvits


Young and full of principles, he left his parents' home in the Diaspora and arrived in the Land in 1921 with one purpose: to build the Land.

His way in the Land was not a bed of roses – like many of his fellow pioneers, he was forced to work and suffer in the difficult conditions that existed in the Land. He did not always eat his fill, and malaria did not spare him, but he coped with everything.

We have to say that, to his credit, his main concern was to help others, and he always put himself last. He was innocent in his ways, simple and modest in his manner, and easygoing with people. In a way, he was quite rich in good deeds and activities.

He did a great deal to help Holocaust survivors who arrived penniless. He never stopped working, and his pockets were always open – so much so that he neglected his own family at times, choosing instead to help others.

With his father-in-law, Yisrael Sudman, of blessed memory, he was a founder of the Organization of Shumsk Emigrants in Israel. He established a charitable fund that lent a helping hand to those who were in need, mostly new emigrants from Shumsk.

As the organization's chairman, he took the load on himself. Thanks to his dedicated, tireless work, the organization continued to exist. His hard labor yielded fruit, and he was rewarded by seeing the publication of a memorial book for Shumsk martyrs, the planting of trees in the Martyrs' Forest in the Jerusalem Corridor, the hanging of a memorial plaque for Shumsk martyrs in the basement of the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem, the creation of a scholarship fund, and the adoption of a school in Or Akiva (near Hadera), which dedicated a special corner and small library to the town of Shumsk in which students can learn about Shumsk.

As one of the board members (secretary) who had worked with him since 1948, I appreciated his energy and his activities for the organization – even during his last year, when his health deteriorated. He surprised us during the last memorial service for the martyrs of Shumsk when he suddenly stood up and announced his resignation from the board.

Those who attended the memorial service unanimously elected him honorary president of the organization.

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With his death, the nation of Israel, especially people from Shumsk, has lost a beloved man with a delicate soul who dedicated his life to helping others.

His actions and activities will stand for him in the next world, and his memory will stay with us.

May his pure soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life.

May his memory be blessed.

Aharon (Munye) Mandelblat,
of blessed memory

Manus Goldenberg


After a long and difficult illness, Munye passed away on January 29, 1979, at age 71. His whole life was lived under the sign of war. His father Aharon, of blessed memory, died several months before Munye's birth, leaving his mother, Reyzel, may she rest in peace, a 20-year-old widow with a child, Munye's one-year-old brother.

It is hard to say, according to the reports of the time, how the young widow managed alone to support herself and two small children, with various relief organizations (government and community) and without any savings.

The World War I years and the bloody civil war were especially hard. Her family could barely help her.

I remember how hard she worked in her little grocery from early morning until late at night, carrying heavy sacks with frozen fingers in the frightful cold.

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In this way she enabled her children to get a primary education.

My dear Reyzel was a heroic mother. She was one of the Jewish mothers of that time, among whom were my mother and the other mothers of our many-branched family. They worked, along with many other Jewish mothers, and our literary writing should give them an honored place.

After primary school, Munye and Pesach, his older brother, helped their mother. And with great effort, they managed to be financially secure.

Pesach devoted all his time and energy to the store. Munye, for his part, quickly developed his skill as a stitcher and worked at that. He was very active in the professional union leadership in Kremenets.

At that time they lived in the Baran home. Their apartment, which was next to their shop, was right at the sidewalk of Sheroka Street (the main road) and served for a long time as a headquarters, an open house, for some of the best workers and apprentices of that time. Almost all of them belonged to Youth Guard [Hashomer Hatsair] and were the most active members.

With a glass of tea from the large samovar and Reyzel's fresh, tasty baked goods, the friends would have long, often heated discussions on various subjects: political, literary, and others. We should mention the noted visitors in our journal. Among them were Sunye Keselman and Avraham Margolis (who fell in the Spanish Civil War), Yonye Berenshteyn (who fell as a partisan leader in the battle with the Nazis), Misha Rabinovitsh, who fell in the ranks of the Red Army at the beginning of the war, and others. We will devote a prominent place to them in our next journal.

Before the arrival of the Soviets in Kremenets in 1939, the number of visitors to the Mandelblats decreased markedly.

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Some of them immigrated to the Land of Israel, and some to Argentina. When the Soviets arrived, the Mandelblats' store was shut down, like all private businesses, and for understandable reasons the remaining friends ceased meeting there.

Munye began to work as a clerk in the nationalized Merchant's Bank, and his brother Pesach was forced to work in the coal mines, newly opened after 10 years of neglect. Along with his mother and all the Jews of Kremenets, he was shot in the mass grave near the mine.

Munye appears to have fled to White Russia. The last leg of his wandering took him to Uzbekistan. There he met his future wife, his true and dedicated companion until his last days.

At the beginning of the War of Independence, he immigrated to Israel with his wife and three-year-old son from a camp in Germany. After a three-week stay in a facility, he and his wife, with their great ambition, energy, and strength, and with help from relatives, undertook their own absorption. After years of strenuous work, he as a postman and then as a clerk and she as a seamstress, they succeeded in achieving an honored place in life, and they provided their son and daughter with a higher education.

Even in their first difficult years in Israel, Munye was quite happy. He rejoiced at every accomplishment of the state and sharply rejected usual rumors. Almost three years ago he became partially paralyzed and lost the power of speech.

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His condition grew worse and worse. It was difficult to see his physical ills (though until the end he never lost his understanding).

Aside from a few months, he spent the entire time at home, under the tender care of his faithful wife with help from his devoted children.

In addition to his wife, daughter, and son, Munye left behind three grandchildren.

May his memory be blessed!

Nachman Deser,
May He Rest in Peace

Yitschak Vakman and Manus Goldenberg


Such a Jew, such a friend, one of the few remaining emigrants from Kremenets, went to his eternal rest in December 1978.

Nachman was the only son of Beyla-Rachel and Yoel Deser, the manufacturer. In his youth he was my future wife's devoted friend.

We met for the first time as grown men in Lisbon (Portugal), where I lived with my family from 1932 until 1953. He was among those who had fled France, where he had lived, on his way to America. This was in 1941. With him were his wife Manye, from Rovno, and his eight-year-old son, Stanley.

We rejoiced to see them among those who had escaped the Nazis. The Portuguese police sent them, along with other refugees, to live in a town far from Lisbon.

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A year later they left for America, to an aunt in Cleveland. It was difficult there for Nachman to situate himself in his profession as a doctor of chemistry, so his family went to New York. There he opened a chemical products factory. In time he sold the factory and went to work in the stock market, where he was successful.

In 1966 he had prostate surgery, but sadly, the operation did not go well, and he suffered until his final days.

Meanwhile, his only son, Stanley, became known as one of the greatest physicists in America and Europe. By the age of 18, he was known as “professor.” He lectured at the well-known Harvard University and then went to Brandeis University in Massachusetts, where he still works.

Ten years ago Nachman and Manye went to England, not far from where their son was working, to be near him and his family.

We received the sad news from Nachman's son, who had upheld the commandment of honoring his father and mother with extraordinary faithfulness.

May Nachman's whole family be consoled in their homes.

May his soul be bound up in the bonds of life.–Yitschak Vakman, New York, December 16, 1978

Bound up with Nachman Deser are memories of our easy childhood years. Then a student in the High School of Commerce, he used to come often to his sister's in the well-known, large Alterman's courtyard.

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These were the children of Fayvish and Leyeki Rozenblit, who struggled to give them more than an ordinary education. They learned Hebrew, music, and painting with private tutors. The grown-up students from the men's and women's middle schools used to come to them. During the summers one would hear their violin and piano playing as well as the singing of Yiddish and Russian songs through the open windows. Nachman, while enjoying himself there, impressed people with his sense of humor and his activism. Later, during the civil war, one could see him playing chess from morning until evening at the Zionist Organization, near Alterman's courtyard.

Later he entered the Jagellonian University in Krakow. In one of the Kol Yotsei Kremenets booklets, he nicely described how he gave brotherly aid to young men from Kremenets who were serving in the military in Krakow. He did further study in France, where he remained until the German occupation.

I met him and his wife, Manye, during their two visits to Israel. In them I saw two Israel patriots, and in Nachman someone who strongly yearned for Kremenets. This he also showed in his beautiful letters to me, especially after he had received a new issue of Kol Yotsei Kremenets.

Here is what Nachman wrote, among other things, in his beautiful Russian in his last letter to me after receiving Kol Yotsei Kremenets 15.

“… For me, your journal is not only a journal like the others I received–Time, Newsweek, Business Week, The New Yorker, and others. Your journal is my childhood and youth. Even more to me, it is the life of my dear departed parents and grandparents–my friends–acquaintances–all Kremenetsers–my school, the mountains, streets, and byways–

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Everything that I loved and still love. I have always thought about and remembered them ….”

And he complains about how much it pains him when he can only understand 50% of what is written, because every detail that we print is precious and interesting.

And how sad is the following: a few days after receiving this letter, I responded to him and decided to mail the letter. But meanwhile, the mailman brought me a letter from Vakman. When I opened it, Nachman's picture fell out. I immediately understood what had happened…. My letter to him remains orphaned on the table.

With Nachman's death, we have lost one of the most devoted readers of Kol Yotsei Kremenets. He will be deeply, very deeply missed.

Nachman leaves behind his wife, Miryam (Manye), a son, Stanley, and three bright granddaughters.

May his memory be a blessing!

Shortly before his death, he had the pleasure of hearing and reading about the celebration in Stockholm in the presence of the Swedish king, in which his son received the title Doctor of Philosophy for his important achievement in the area of gravitation.–Manus Goldenberg

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Pola Krayzelman,
of Blessed Memory

Mara Krayzelman


Pola Krayzelman, of blessed memory, was a member of the Basis family, which lived in the Dubno suburb. The sister of Barukh Basis and Bela Grinberg, of blessed memory, she passed away on January 6, 1979.

She was one of the few graduates of the Russian girls' high school, Aleksina, to survive.

During World War II, she was left alone with her two children in Russia. Her husband, Liova, of blessed memory, a native of Shumsk, was then serving in the Russian army and fighting on a distant battlefield.

After her husband died in 1967, Pola moved in with her daughter, Mara, and lived there until her death. She was a wise, goodhearted woman. Her family and friends valued and loved her very much.

Because she had been ill for the past few years, she did not mix with people except for relatives and a few Kremenetsers. However, she always took a great interest in her fellow townspeople.

Pola left a married daughter and son, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

Shmuel Tsizin,
of Blessed Memory

Manus Goldenberg


Shmuel died on June 25, 1979. His father, R' Lipa Tsizin, was an observant Jew with a curly beard that was as black as tar. He was one of those Jews who knew how to stand on their own with strength and pride. He owned a flourmill in our area and served God with joy and dedication.

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His sons followed in his footsteps, according to the demands of the time, and were active members of the Zionist movement. During World War I, three of them fought in different battlefronts in the ranks of the Russian army. When this army crumbled with the October Revolution, they returned home with their guns in their hands, guarding them until the day when the order would come. Shmuel, who was 18 at that time, obtained a gun that never left his side. When the self-defense force was established in our town, he joined it, bringing his weapon. He traveled between the towns in the surrounding area for his father's business. At that time, the roads were very dangerous, and many paid with their lives and their possessions for daring to travel. More than once, when he arrived in a certain town that was under threat of a pogrom, he joined the local youth self-defense group and helped push the rioters back. So it happened in Yampol, Teofipol (Chan), Bilotserkov[9], and other places. In the Land, he was an active member of the Haganah in his place of residency.

Shmuel immigrated to the Land in 1925. At first, he worked in the Petach Tikva orchards. There he met his wife, Chana, may she live long. She was one of the first coordinators of the Organization for Working Mothers in their town. She and Shmuel were active members of the Mapai political party there.

In 1936, they moved to Ramat Gan. There they built a spacious home and raised a daughter and a son, Avshalom, of blessed memory, who fell in the War of Independence. We wrote about him in booklet 2. In Ramat Gan, he did not abandon his agricultural work. At first, he worked in the area's citrus groves as a contractor and, later on, as a foreman in a large farm on the shores of the Yarkon River. At the age of 60, he retired, and together with Chana, he continued to take care of their garden.

During his life, he never complained about his failing health. His only son's death was the only thing that subdued him. He did not lose his lucidity until his death, a matter that eased his suffering.

He was 80 at the time of his death. He left behind his wife, Chana; a daughter and her two daughters; a grandson and a granddaughter from his son, of blessed memory; and a brother, Yehoshue, who owns a farm in a farming community in the Taanakh region.

May his memory be blessed!

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Yitschak Biberman,
of Blessed Memory

Y. Rokhel


The Biberman family was known in Kremenets as an outstanding Zionist family. Their home on Slovatski Street and the spacious garden beside it served as a gathering place for members of the Zionist youth movement. There were eight sons and four daughters in the Biberman family. Two of them died as children. The rest immigrated to the Land, including the mother (the father, Shimon, died before then). The first to immigrate, long before World War I, was the oldest son, Moshe, who worked as a farmer in Rechovot. Sometime later, he returned to Kremenets and lived there for a number of years. He was active in the Zionist Federation and later moved to Moscow, where he currently lives. His brothers Avraham and Yitschak immigrated in February 1921 with the first group of pioneers from Kremenets. Later, the remaining members of the family immigrated to the Land. They settled in the Land and worked at construction, farming, and other jobs.

Yitschak Biberman was born in Shevat 5659. He immigrated to Land in Adar 5661 and died after a long illness in 5738[10].

We can read about his first years in the Land in the article “The First Group of Pioneers from Kremenets” in Pinkas Kremenets, page 115. With the group, Yitschak joined the Labor Battalion named after Yosef Trumpeldor, the Rosh HaAyin platoon, which paved the railroad from Rosh HaAyin to Petach Tikva. The Kremenets group, the Biberman brothers (Avraham and Yitschak) included, held an important place in Platoon A in both their work and their social life. Because of ideological disagreements, they stayed there for only half a year. Most members of the Kremenets group belonged to the Young Worker[11] political party, while most battalion members belonged to Unity of Labor.

Due to a difference of opinion, the members of the Kremenets group left the brigade and scattered. Some moved to Tel Aviv, where they joined the Binyan construction company, which built the “homeless” subdivision (today's Bugrashov Street), the Rotenberg power station, and other buildings in various locations.

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The Biberman brothers moved to Jenin, where they built barracks for British officers and paved a road. From there, the Biberman brothers and other Kremenetsers moved to Tiberias. They stayed there for a number of years and established the construction group Bazelet. They lived in a commune there and built the housing complex Kiryat Shmuel, named after Herbert Samuel, the British-Jewish high commissioner. This group earned a good reputation for the organization and the quality of their work.

Later, Yitschak lived for some time in Haifa, where he worked in construction and studied at the Technion. A short time later, the two Biberman brothers moved to Jerusalem with two of their brothers who had just arrived in the Land. The four brothers participated in the building of Hebrew University. Avraham settled in Jerusalem permanently and worked as a building contractor. One of Jerusalem's subdivisions is named after him, and he was crowned a Worthy Citizen of Jerusalem by the city. In 1928, Yitschak moved to Tel Aviv, raised a family, and established an independent group of construction contractors in which he worked for many years. But his age caught up with him, and construction work became too difficult. He joined Hamegaper[12] as the director of the Tel Aviv branch, where he worked until his retirement.

This is the life story of Yitschak Biberman, an exceptionally wholehearted pioneer. His last years were not good, and he was sick most of the time. On 19 Av 5738[13], he passed away at the age of 79.

May his memory be blessed.

He left a wife, Riva, and a son, Shimon, who is a colonel in the regular army and has three children. His daughter, Noa, is a graduate of Tel Aviv University, where she works as a secretary for the rector. She has three children.

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Yitschak (Izi) Zalmanovits,
of blessed memory

Yitschak Zalmanovits passed away recently in New York. He was a founder and lifelong activist. From World War I, he and his wife, Klara, of blessed memory, had a small restaurant in the Bronx where the Kremenets Relief Committee held meetings in the evenings. They were both good, generous people and were always ready to help those in need in Kremenets.

In 1944, when the American army invaded Italy, their 19-year-old son, Stanley, fell. The American government repatriated his body, and he was buried in the Kremenets cemetery. Yitschak Zalmanovits was 83 years old. The Zalmanovitses left behind a daughter and a son, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

Honor their memories!

Chana Landsberg,
of Blessed Memory

Yehoshue Golberg


Chana Landsberg passed away on May 6 of this year. Her father, Menachem Medler, was a well-known wheat merchant in the Dubna suburb. He was an honest, well-respected man. From the beginning of her teen years, she was a member of the Pioneer movement in Kremenets. She received her pioneer training first in Dubrovitsa[14] and later in Poytshe near Dubna. In 1933, immigration to the Land was halted, and she returned to Kremenets. Later, she returned to a pioneer training kibbutz in Klosova, and in 1934, with her husband, may live long, she immigrated to the Land.

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In 1937, Chana and Avraham sent immigration certificates to Chana's parents in Kremenets and brought them and her sister, Miryam, may she live long, to the Land.

Chana's father, R' Menachem, died in the Land in 1948. Her mother, Tsiril, died in 1956. Chana and Avraham's home was always open to fellow townspeople who arrived in the Land. Each one of us received encouragement and an open ear to all our problems. Chana's glowing, beautiful face and her constant smile radiated warmth.

With her death, the noble soul of a daughter of our town has disappeared. She was the symbol of a real “Jewish mother”: a wife, a mother, and a devoted, loyal grandmother. She left a husband, Avraham; a son and daughter, both married; grandchildren; and a sister.

Her image will remain among our fellow townspeople for eternity.

May her soul be bound up in the bond of eternal life.

Leontyne Gorin (Gorinshteyn),
of Blessed Memory


Several months ago, after a long illness, Leontyne, the wife of Azriel Gorinshteyn (Andre Gorin) passed away in Paris.

Leontyne was born in 1904 in Turkey, where her parents had immigrated from Bulgaria. Her father had won a position as a doctor in the International Health Organization. Thanks to his efforts, he was sent to the Land of Israel, where his job was to oversee the health of Arab pilgrims to Mecca. His clinic was in Petach Tikva, where he had close and friendly relationships with the Jewish residents.

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At the end of World War I, the health organization was refashioned under the Turk Ataturk's rule, and the doctor and his family were sent to France.

When I visited Paris in 1949, I met the elderly doctor at the Gorins' home. He was happy about the newly established Jewish state and was prepared to tell me stories and curiosities about his time in the Land of Israel.

Leontyne was an exemplary wife, devoted to her husband and his relatives, who made felt shoes in their home.

She leaves behind her husband, two sons, and five grandchildren in deep sorrow.

May her memory be a blessing!

A few months after her death, Azriel and Leontyne's sister and her husband visited Israel. They were excited about everyone they met and amazed at our state's great accomplishments.

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In Memory of Our Fellow Townsman (Shumsk) and Friend,
Arye (Leyb) Landau, of Blessed Memory

Shraga Vaysman

August 2, 1979, marked the 30th anniversary of the day Arye (Leyb) Landau was killed in a tragic work accident.

On July 1, 1941, Arye and I and a few friends left Shumsk for Yampol to stay for a week or two until the German occupiers were pushed back (as we were told), and then we were to return home.

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When we arrived in Yampol, we saw that a lot of people were fleeing. We continued to walk until July 3, when we arrived in Starokonstantinov[15]. With a number of people from Shumsk, we moved to Sara Fuks's sister's home. We were planning to stay there until we could return home, but we saw the panic in the town, heard gunfire from Shepetovka, and saw the panicked retreat of the Red Army. A Jewish officer we met in the street told us that the situation was very bad. When he passed through the Lemberg area with the army, the Ukrainians shouted at them from the windows, and he managed to survive only through a miracle. At the same time, we found out that the Germans had taken over a large area, and we also heard Stalin's famous speech calling for a full retreat. We saw that all the organizations were leaving town. We hurried to the train station with all of our friends, including Arye. Two days into the journey, we were heavily bombed at night. The train stopped, and all the passengers climbed out and lay on the ground. When we returned to the train, we could not find each other, and for the duration of the war, we did not know if Arye was still alive.

In 1949, when I was already in the Land, I arrived home from my military base for a holiday. My wife, Tsipora, told me that Arye had arrived from Poland with his wife, received an apartment in an Arab home in Jaffa, and begun working for Solel Boneh in sewer construction. Arye visited our home every once in a while, and we received him warmly and made him feel at home. We talked a lot about the old days. He was happy in the Land and did not have special demands. He wanted to work and build a home in the Land. A few weeks later, he was appointed foreman of a group that was digging ditches on Neve Shanan Street in Tel Aviv.

On the eve of Tisha B'Av, we went to visit him. We did not find Arye at home, and his wife told us he was probably working overtime. Worried, we returned home, but we did not want to assume that something bad had happened to him. But early the next day, we learned about the tragedy: two workers had been buried in a landslide. Arye had rushed to save them, and after he pulled them out, there was a second landslide, and he was killed. This incident hit us like a thunderclap on a clear day. We lost a good friend and one of Shumsk's best sons. It is sad that after all the hardship he experienced during the war, he was able to live in Israel for only two months.

The state of Israel lost a good citizen, and we, his fellow townspeople, lost a very good friend. We will always remember him.

Arye was buried in Kiryat Shaul Cemetery, and his grave is one of the first there.

His wife, Tsipora, and I visit his grave every year. May his memory be blessed.

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Yehoshue Golberg


Visit by Mrs. Chernotska of Kremenets

From May 17 to May 22 of this year, Mrs. Alina Chernotska, wife of the last district governor of Kremenets, visited the Land as a tourist.

We held a reception in her honor at our club, and she told us about the activities of the Organization of Polish Kremenets Emigrants in England, called Biesiada Kreshmienitska.

She brought us greetings and blessings from the survivors of Cavalry Battalion 12, which was stationed in Bialokrenitsa[16] in Kremenets for the last four years before the war broke out. She was the director of Kremenets' social services department and looked after the Talmud Torah School, the orphanage, and the Jewish hospital in our town. Now, at the age of 79, she is managing the archive and collecting historical documents on the Polish underground war against the Nazi oppressors. She visited Yad Vashem, the Museum of the Diaspora, Hebrew University, and a number of kibbutzim.

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Tsipora and Mordekhay Katz in Israel

Manus Goldenberg

A few weeks ago, our fellow townspeople Tsipora and Mordekhay Katz came to Israel for a visit. They were welcomed warmly by fellow townspeople in Israel; the management of the Jewish National Fund, of which Tsipora is an active member in Buenos Aires; and the World Congress of Polish Jews, in which Mordekhay Katz represents Argentinean Jews. At the end of their visit, a successful reception was given in their honor at the college. An article about the Katz family's visit is published in Yiddish in this booklet.

Mrs. Pesis nee Makagon and her family immigrated to Israel several months ago from Kremenets.

They are currently at the absorption center in Yavne. We wish them an easy absorption.

[Page 38]

President Yitschak Navon invited a group of veterans who fought in the ranks of the Polish Army and the Red Army at the end of World War II to speak about their activities. In the picture, the president shakes Yehoshue's hand after being presented with a copy of the Voice of Kremenets Emigrants booklet, telling him about the activities of our organization in the Land and abroad.

[Page 39]


To Vera and Boris Shtern on the marriage of their daughter, Ava, to Dr. Amrik Frolik, of Rumania, and on the marriage of their second daughter, Miryam, to Moshe Fayman, a medical student, Tel Aviv.

To Berta and Shlome Pundik on the marriage of their son, Arye, to his fiancée, Shula, of the Rozen family.

To Dvora (née Pesis) and her husband, Chmerinski, on the marriage of their youngest daughter, Leya, to her fiancé, Boris.

To the Fred Byk family in the United States on the marriage of their daughter, Veynes, to her fiancé,Yoram Sofrin, Jerusalem, and on the birth of their grandson, Yoav, to their daughter, Eitana, and her husband, Shlome Shvartsberg.

To Chana and Manus Goldenberg on the birth of their granddaughter, Maya, to their daughter, Odeda, and Ruven Amiel.

To Dina and Avraham Argaman on the marriage of their son, Amichay, to his fiancée, Ani, in the United States.

To Lusi and Shlome Skolski on the marriage of their daughter, Edya, to her fiancé, Yisrael Giladi.

[Page 40]

To Yitschak Goltsberg on his 80th birthday and on the birth of his eighth great-grandson, Amir, to his daughter, Tali, and Alon Vermus, Holon.

To Riva Zeyger on the marriage of her grandson, Uri, and on the bar mitzvah of her grandson, Atar, son of Tsila and Amos Godovits.

To Shoshana and Avraham Gokun on their birth of their grandson, Gil, to their daughter, Mira, and her husband, Tsvi.

To Rut Katz (widow of Munik Katz, of blessed memory) on the birth of her grandson, Arnon, to her son, Yosef, and his wife, Shlomit.

To Chana Tsizin (widow of Shmuel, of blessed memory) on the bar mitzvah of her grandson, Oded, son of Miryam and Avshalom Tsizin, of blessed memory (who fell in the Six-Day War).

To Leya and Fishil Teper on the bar mitzvah of their grandson, HadarEzra, son of their daughter, Chana, and Eliyahu Ichilov.

To Batya and Moshe Leviten on the birth of their grandson, Shachar, to their daughter, Ilana, and Moti, Kibbutz Tseelim.

To Avraham Landsberg on the marriage of his granddaughter, Tsila, daughter of his daughter, Tsipora, and her husband, Avraham Geva.

[Page 41]

Argentina Section

With Kremenets Landsmen in Argentina

Iser Kaminski

After an absence of over six years, since we immigrated to Israel, we met with a group of Kremenetsers in Buenos Aires in Velvel and Branye Oks' home at a reception to honor fellow citizen Feyge Roytblat Kaminski. Feyge, the daughter of Hersh Volf and Risel Roytblat, who lived on Sheroka Street, opposite Tkatshinski's pharmacy, left Kremenets in 1924. Because of the decree on certification by the Palestinian government, they emigrated to Argentina. There they were among the first founders of the Kremenets Landsman's Organization, which disappeared after a short time.

[Page 42]

But later, in the 30s, with a new stream of immigrants, the organization was revived. People would often attend various undertakings and spend time together. A new immigrant from Kremenets would find a warm, outstretched, brotherly hand in the organization. Later, when an envoy from Israel would come to Argentina and was a fellow citizen, people would arrange a nice reception. This was done to honor our landsman Yosef Avidar when he was the ambassador to Argentina. It was also done for the envoy from Pioneer, Yisrael Otiker, of blessed memory, and when Henekh Hochgelernter visited Argentina.

With the arrival of the terrible news about the Holocaust in our old home, the Kremenetsers memorialized their martyrs with a plaque by the monument for Holocaust martyrs in the Buenos Aires cemetery. The Kremenets landsmen hold an annual memorial service there.

Refugees have been taken in by those already settled here with the greatest attention and understanding.

With Mordekhay and Tsipe Katz's arrival in Argentina, a new spirit was breathed into the organization, as they gave their hearts and souls to it. Their activities, in a large way, included the Organization of Emigrants in Israel, as if the two organizations were one.

Tsipe and Mordekhay Katz, with whom we have had a long friendship, were the instigators of the aforementioned reception, to which such a fine group of people came. The gathering was led by Mordekhay Katz, who gave an overview of Fanye and Iser Kaminski's community work in the years when they lived in Argentina, until they immigrated to Israel.

[Page 43]

Kaminski brought greetings from the Kremenets landsmen in Israel and talked about their activities, which took many forms. He also described his and his wife's experiences at the reception for Tsipe and Mordekhay Katz that the Kremenetsers arranged in their honor at the Kibbutzim College in Israel.

Both Katz and Kaminski talked much about Israel. The Kremenets landsmen were grateful. The evening closed with good wishes from the Argentinians to the whole Kremenets family.–Ester Kaminski, Kiryat Nordau, Netanya

[Page 44]

In Memoriam

Chayim Mordish, May He Rest in Peace

On February 14, 1979, the life of our former longtime president of the Kremenets organization in Buenos Aires, Chayim Mordish, came to an end. He was a Kremenets patriot (if one can say that). One could see this in every conversation with him. He never said a bad word about Kremenets, because in his eyes, his city was bigger and more beautiful than any city in the world. During his presidency, he greatly contributed to and supported the organization. In the last couple of years he was not active, due to his poor health. He leaves behind in sorrow his wife Shoshana, his daughters Gitel and Rut, his son Arye, his brothers Shalom and Avraham (in Israel), son-in-law Shimon, sister-in-law Mia, brother-in-law Bernardo, grandchildren, and many relatives and friends.

Honor his memory!

[Page 45]

Lusi Garber de Vaynshteyn


With deep sorrow we recall the premature death of our daughter Lusi Reznik Vaynshteyn.

We will always remember her.

Fani Reznik nee Garber

* * *


Pinchas Tshudnovski's daughter


The daughter of Pinchas Tshudnovski, of blessed memory

Passed away 28 Sivan 5733, June 28, 1973.

Remember her.

The Bereft Family

* * *



On the 22nd anniversary of her death, the Organizations of Kremenets Emigrants in Argentina and Israel express their deep sorrow on Menya's (Manya's) untimely death. She was the daughter of Sheyndil, daughter of Mordekhay Bleykh, and Barukh Moshe, son of Asher Zeylik Libman. She was 53 at the time of her death on May 25, 1967. She left a 20-year-old daughter, a 17-year-old son, and a 14-year-old daughter. She was an accountant and an English-Spanish translator.

[Page 46]


The Board of the Kremenets Landsmen's Organization heartily congratulates board members Nuta and Chayke Kiperman on the birth of their new grandchild Silfia Lorena. We hope that they and the parents, Sore and Chayim Nudel, live to have much nachas and joy.

* * *

The Board and Women's Committee of the Kremenets Landsmen's Organization in Buenos Aires (Argentina) heartily congratulate committee member Gitel Kotkovnik on the marriage of her beloved grandson Ruven to Roksana in Israel, and we wish her and the parents, Natalio and Felisa Kitelevski, much nachas and joy–and to the young couple, a happy future.

* * *

The Board and Women's Committee of the Kremenets Landsmen's Organization in Buenos Aires (Argentina) heartily congratulate board members Chayim and Feyge Nudel on the birth of their new grandchild Elchanan and wish them much nachas and joy, and to the mother and father we hope that they may see him grow into a proud Jew in a peaceful world.

[Page 47]


The Board of the Kremenets Landsmen's Organization in Buenos Aires expresses its deepest sympathy to wife Shoshana and children, to brothers Shalom and Avraham, and to the whole family on the great loss of their father, husband, and brother Chayim Mordish, may he rest in peace, and we wish them no more sorrow.

To Mrs. Gun and her daughter on the death of their husband and father, Shmuel Gun.

To the Shnayder family on the death of their sister, Reya, in Poland. She left a husband and a son.

To the Atsmon and Leviton families on the death of Dora Leviton. She left a husband, a brother, and a sister.

To the Portsya family, Kibbutz Yagur, on the death of wife, mother, and grandmother Monya (Leviton). She left a husband, a brother, a sister, children, and grandchildren.

To the Giterman family on the death of their mother and grandmother, Rusya Giterman (Fishman). She was 82 at the time of her death and left a son and grandchildren. Her son is a professor at Bar Ilan University.

Passed away in Poland after the war:

Hadasa Fridman
Pola (Akiva) Katsner
Rachel Gurvits née Fridman
Reya Shnayder

[Page 48]

Following are the names of those who sent payments for Booklet 15.

Bernshteyn Bume Collected by Tsipa Katz
Garber, Reznik Fani
Zaytler Barukh
Yadishliver Yasha
Katz Tsipa, Mordekhay
Libman Yakov
Pak Moshe
Shikhman Rekhes Chana
Shikhman Royt Mani
Aks V. Chayim Fayer
Tshudnovski Katia
Yergis A.
Libman Moshe
Fayer Chayim
Barushek Yenti Nuta Kiperman
Nudel Chayim
Segal Beyla
Kiperman Nuta
Shpak Yitschak
Shvartsman David
Shnayder Tsipe
Getsig, Tshudnovski Feyga Yisrael Laybel
Laybel Yisrael
Peker Moshe
Peker Meir
Sher Ester
Sher Reyzel

[Page 49]

Financial Report

Income and Expenses from the Memorial Service, August 14, 1978

Yehoshue Golberg



Membership and admission according to the attached lists, I£4,995 I£4,995
Voice of Kremenets Emigrants 4,450
Miscellaneous: Donation for the remodeling of our hall by Mrs. Zinger Shifra 100
By Shmuel Taytelman in memory of his sister, Chava Taytelman/Tamri, of blessed memory 150
By Betsalel Grinberg in memory of his father, Nachum Grinberg, of blessed memory 250
Total I£9,945


Cold drinks, hall setup, chairs, microphone, paid to Yosef I£950  
Cantor 150  
Announcement in Yiddish by Manus 145  
Taxi 45 I£1,290

The amount above was deposited into Bank Hapoalim according to the attached receipts:

Receipt 5614, 8/15/78, for the amount of I£8,000
Receipt 43559,8/20/78, for the amount of 655

[Page 50]

Funds Received from Abroad

Yehoshue Golberg

The following is a list of funds donated by Kremenetsers abroad, continuing the previous list in booklet 15, page 65.

For the Voice of Kremenets Emigrants
5/5/78 David Rapoport, New York $ 25  
5/5/78 Pesach Gorenshteyn, Paris 20  
10/5/78 Shmuel Bieluz, New Jersy 25  
10/5/78 Mordekhay Katz, Argentina 100  
10/5/78 Morris Medler, America 100  
10/5/78 Mrs. Udya Tshatski 25  
10/5/78 Leonard and Mrs. Lina Kerdon, America 25  
10/5/78 Emanuel Brunfeld, America 3  
10/9/78 Yitschak Vakman, America 50  
11/8/78 Yosef Margolis, Winnipeg 100 $ 473
7/3/79 Efraim Byk, America   100
For aid to members in need, maot chitin
8/14/78 Avraham, Freyda, Argentina, to inscribe the name of their daughter, Brokhe/Porota, in the Memorial Book   100
8/14/78 Mrs. Gitel Kotkovnik, Argentina, to inscribe the name of her beloved husband, Idel, in the Memorial Book   100
8/14/78 Fanya Reznik de Garber, to inscribe the name of her parents and sister, Luiza, in the Memorial Book   100
10/5/78 Mrs. Reyzel Sher, Argentina, on account, to inscribe the name of her husband in the Memorial Book   25
10/5/78 Libman, Argentina, for the obituary in memory of their beloved daughter   100
2/14/79 Liten Roykh, Argentina, to inscribe the name of their father, Yisrael Roykh   300
2/14/79 Katia Tshudnovski, Argentina, to inscribe the name of her husband and daughter   50
4/12/79 Tsipora and Mordekhay Katz, Argentina, to inscribe the name of parents who perished in the Holocaust and a sister who passed away in Argentina   100
Maot chitin for Passover
4/27/79 Yitschak Vakman, America   100
  Total   $1,598
7/15/79 Yosef Margolis, for the benefit of Kremenets emigrants   100
Total   $1,698

[Page 51]

Income from Obituaries in Booklets 14 and 15

Yehoshue Golberg

8/3/78 Mrs. Pnina Geva – Neve Rom, Ramat Hasharon, in memory of the late Tsipora Litvak-Bar-Chana 500  
10/9/78 The Shafir family in memory of the late Yakov Shafir, of blessed memory 1,000  
10/9/78 Mrs. Pola Litev in memory of her late son, Dr. Mikhael Litev 500  
6/10/79 Reviv Shimon, Rishon Letsion, in memory of his father, Yitschak Biberman, of blessed memory 500  
6/20/79 Mrs. Mara Amburski in memory of her mother, Pola Krayzelman, of blessed memory 300  
6/20/79 Mordekhay Chasid, Tel Mond, in memory of his late father, Avraham Chasid, of blessed memory 2,000  
For Voice of Kremenets Emigrants
8/10/78 From board members while packing the booklet for shipping $450  
8/14/78 Kaplan Mole family, United States 200  
8/14/78 Katsman Chana, Ramat Gan 100  
8/14/78 Leviten-Kitur, Bat-Sheva 100  
  Moshe Leviten 100  
8/24/78 Dvora Berger, Givat Brener 100  
9/3/78 Avraham Chasid, Tel Mond 100  
10/14/78 Arye Leviten, Haifa 100  
11/22/78 Mrs. Sekel/Krivin/Ester, Haifa 100  
3/25/79 Avraham Dagim, Haifa 100  
  Yitschak Goltsberg 100  
  Kreymer Avraham, Kiryat Bialik 100  
  Azriel Gorenshteyn, Paris (Gorin) 600  
4/16/79 Nachman Likht, USA 1,000  
  Har-Tsion, Ein Harod 50  
  Mrs. Osovski/Galperin/Haifa 50  
  Rozenberg Yonatan, Haifa 50  
  Bronya Barshap 50  
  Hadasa Goldenberg, Givat Hashlosha 50  
  Mrs. Beba Rokhel by Yitschak Rokhel 50  
  Sale of recordings of Cantor Mordekhay Katz, by Tsvi Bernshteyn 50  
  Dozya Federman-Rubinfayn, Bnei Brak   500
  Mendel Amburski, Bnei Brak   200
  Total   I£8,950

[Page 52]

Money Deposited by Fellow Townspeople
to Our Post Office Bank Account, No. 4-27491

For Voice of Kremenets Emigrants, 1978

Yehoshue Golberg

Sara Harari-Berger, Givat Brener I£200 Mrs. Munya Liviatan, Kibbutz Yagur 50
Pikhovits Yurek, Haifa 200 Mrs. Sosya Berger, Kibbutz Yagur 50
Spektor Naomi, Petach Tikva 200 Pundek Moshe, Kibbutz Yagur 50
Hinda-Shavit-Shufman, Kfar Saba 200 Fishman Dvora, Kibbutz Yagur 25
Aharon Gintsburg, Jerusalem 150 Sima Yaron-Krementsuski, Ein Hashofet 50
Golcher, Kfar Masarik 100 Leybush Kucher, Ein Hashofet 50
Dora Atsmon- Liviatan, Haifa 100 Miler Chayim, Afula 50
Bodeker Avraham, Haifa 100 Kopika Moshe, Afula 50
Ana Gorenfeld-Rotenberg, Haifa 100 Gluzman Eliezer, Afula 50
Yosef Stoler, Haifa 100 Vender Ronya, Afula 50
Atara Sietsuk, Givat Brener 100 Shekhterman Chasya, Netanya 50
Yehudit Kedem, Kiryat Motskin 100 Ayzenferser, Netanya 50
Egozi Bela, Petach Tikva 100 Shur-Biberman, Netanya 50
Chulio Kufman, Tel Aviv 100 Rachel Kohen-Kligman, Jerusalem 50
Kornits Shraga, Tel Aviv 100 Fanya Ish-Tov, Jerusalem 50
Tsukerman David, Haifa 100 Yosef Avidar, Jerusalem 50
Sara Shnayder, Hadera 100 Zev Kligman Jerusalem 50
Fishman, Tel Aviv 50 Gokun Yosef, Hadera 50
Mrs. Hofshteyn-Biberman, Tel Aviv 50 Manusovits, Shmuel, Hadera 50
Kolten Dov, Tel Aviv 50 Bakimer David, Kiryat Tivon 50
Kesler Yitschak, Tel Aviv 50 Pesach Vishniv, Kiryat Tivon 50
Biberman Riva, Tel Aviv 50 Barshap Yitschak, Lod 50
Bronya Shteynberg, Tel Aviv 50 Nusman Aleksander, Rechasim 50
Pola Vakin, Tel Aviv 50 Barshap Masha, Holon 50
Vinston Yitschak, Tel Aviv 50 Eilat Yakov, Rishon Letsion 50
S. Poltorek, Tel Aviv 50 Engelman-Nudel Babe, Givatayim 50
S. Poltorek, Tel Aviv 50 Otiker Shalom, Galil Yam 50
Nachman Shnitser, Haifa 50 Barmor Sara, Neve Magen 50
Miryam Diment, Haifa 50 Kagan Netanel, Petach Tikva 50
Kozin Moshe, Ganei Hadar 50 Tsvi Horovits, Hertseliya 50
Avraham Fridel, Makor Barukh 50 Bernshteyn Aleksander, Ashdod 50
Feldman Godel, Kiryat Ata 50 Hofman Malka, Ramat Gan 50
Fisher Chaya, Tel Aviv 50 Bina Vered, Kibbutz Ayalon 50
Shmitenka Masha, Ramat Aviv 50 Epshteyn Yakov, Bat Yam 50
    Toker David, Kiryat Ata 20
Total I£3,000 Total I£1,695

+ 1,695
Total in Post Office Bank I£4,695

[Page 53]

Organization of Kremenets Emigrants: Foreign Currency Report, 1978

Shraga Vaysman and Arye Mordish

No. Description Amount
1. Balance on 1/1/78   3,337.73
2. Donations 1,538.00  
3. Interest from the above 220.70 1,758.70
4. Exchange   1,643.13
5. Bank balance on 12/31/78   3,453.30
  Canadian dollars    
  Received   150.00
  Bank balance on 12/31/78   150.00

[Page 54]

Organization of Kremenets Emigrants: Balance Sheet

Expense and Income Report for 1978

No. Description Amount
No. Description Amount
  Expenses   Income
1. Voice of Kremenets Emigrants booklet   17,347 1. Balance, 12/31/77    
2. Kibbutzim College (renovations)   13,000   Bank Hapoalim 2,627  
3. Assistance to the needy for the holidays 2,000     Post Office Bank 382 3,009
  and donation to Poland 382 2,382   Collected during the memorial service and miscellaneous listed donations 10,041  
4. Memorial scrolls   850 2. Voice of Kremenets Emigrants booklet 11,000 21,041
5. Sale of 1977 balance   700   Exchange of $1,643   29.162
6. Postage, telephone, travel, receptions, etc. 3,657   3. Total income   53,212
  Bank expenses 112     Less the above expenses   40,414
  Envelopes 462     Treasury status    
  Organization of memorial service and others 1,199 5,430   Balance in Bank Hapoalim   12,254
7. Books for the RYB”L Library   705   Balance in Post Office Bank   544
  Total expenses   40,414   Balance for 12/31/78   12,798


Translator's and Editor's Notes:
  1. Shevat corresponds to January-February. [Ed.] Return
  2. Hashiloach was a Hebrew magazine, and Hatsefira (The Siren) was one of the first Hebrew newspapers of the 19th century. [Ed.] Return
  3. These towns, their current names, and their locations relative to Kremenets are Yampil', 49°58' N 26°15' E, 25.4 miles ESE; Teofipol', 49°50' N 26°25' E, 36.1 miles ESE; and Belozërka, 49°46' N 26°11' E, 31.0 miles SE. [Ed.] Return
  4. The years 5659, 5661, and 5738 correspond to 1899, 1921, and 1978. [Ed.] Return
  5. The Young Worker (in Hebrew, Hapoel Hatsair) and Unity of Labor (in Hebrew, Achdut HaAvoda) were socialist Zionist parties. [Ed.] Return
  6. Hamegaper is a rubber manufacturing cooperative. [Trans.] Return
  7. 19 Av 5738 corresponds to August 22, 1978. [Ed.] Return
  8. Dubrovitsa, now known as Dubrovytsya, is at 51°34' N 26°34' E, 107.8 miles NNE of Kremenets. Poyetshe may be the town of Pticha, at 50°18' N 25°37' E, 14.5 miles NNW of Kremenets. [Ed.] Return
  9. Starokonstantinov, now called Starokostyantyniv, is at 49°45' N 27°13' E, 70.9 miles ESE of Kremenets. [Ed.] Return
  10. Bialokrenitsa, now known as Belaya Krinitsa, is at 50°09' N 25°45' E, 3.8 miles NNE of Kremenets. [Ed.] Return
  11. The Yiddish text here is in memory of Lusi Garber de Vaynshteyn, by Fani Reznik de Garber. [Ed.] Return
  12. The Yiddish text here is in memory of the daughter of Pinchas Tshudnovski, of blessed memory. [Ed.] Return
  13. Untranslated Yiddish text here mentions the deceased, Chayim Mordish; his wife, Shoshana; and his brothers, Shalom and Avraham. [Ed.] Return


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