(Kremenets', Ukraine)
50°06' / 25°43'
Translation of
Kol yotsei Kremenits beYisrael ve'batfutsot, Booklet 12
Published in Tel Aviv, June 1975
Edited by: M. Goldenberg, A. Argaman, Y. Golberg, and Y. Rokhel
Project Editor
Thia Persoff and Theodore Steinberg
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List of Illustrations | |
Name Index | |
A Word from the Editorial Board [Hebrew] | 1 |
From the Editors [Yiddish] | 2 |
The Chasid Family M. Goldenberg | 3 |
Mordekhay Chasid, of Blessed Memory Avraham | 8 |
My Brother, Zev Chasid, of Blessed Memory Avraham Chasid | 10 |
Memories of the Kremenets Ghetto Ruth Klug | 13 |
Young Kremenetsers in the Polish Army Manus | 16 |
The Publication of Yisrael Otiker's Pioneer in Poland, 1932-1935 Y. R. | 20 |
Dr. Yisrael Tsinberg: 100th Anniversary of His Birth Y. Rokhel | 23 |
A Visit to Yakov Shafir M.G. | 26 |
Our Fellow Townsman, Yurik Pikhovits Manus | 28 |
Mosaic, Community and Individual Collected by Y. Rokhel Suggestion to Widen the Organization's Scope; Quick Fundraiser to Benefit Voice of Kremenets Emigrants; RYBL Library; Kremenetsers among the Builders of Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Financial Report; Legacy of Professor Zev Chasid, of Blessed Memory; Visit by a Polish Guest from Kremenets Exiles in London (Yehoshue Golberg) | 34 |
Toward the Completion of the Scholarship Fund Pesach Litev (of Blessed Memory) | 38 |
With Kremenetsers in Israel Duvid Rapaport, New York | 39 |
The RYBL Library Uzi Shavit, Head of the Katz Faculty at Tel Aviv University | 43 |
Congratulations | 44 |
Congratulations to Kremenetsers in the United States | 45 |
Miscellaneous Y.R. and M.G. The Pochayevers Co-opted: A Special Appeal for Funds for Kol Yotsei Kremenets: RYBL Library at Tel Aviv University, Founded by the Kremenets Landsmanshaft: Kremenetsers among the Builders of Jerusalem University: An Accounting of the Kremenets Organization's Funds: Kremenets Poles' Nostalgia: A Reception in Honor of our Fellow Citizen Yosef Sofer at the College: A Memorable Encounter with Our Landsman Avraham Yardenski (Shikhman) from Russia; Reception for Our Landsmen, Guests from Argentina | 46 |
In Memoriam | |
Pesach Litev, of Blessed Memory Y. Rokhel | 54 |
Arye Bedolach, of Blessed Memory Dafna Y. R. | 57 |
A Few Lines about David Katz, of Blessed Memory Shayka Goldberg | 58 |
Mordekhay Goldenberg, of Blessed Memory, Akko Yosef Zalts | 60 |
Leyb Apelboym, of Blessed Memory, Beersheba Pesach Koler | 61 |
Condolences | 62 |
Argentina Section Mordekhay Katz | 63 |
Financial Report | |
Donations from Abroad Yehoshue Golberg | 65 |
Fundraising Drive to Benefit the RYBL Scholarship Fund Pesach Litev (of Blessed Memory) | 66 |
Organization Balance Sheet for 1972-1973 | 67 |
Editorial Board: M. Goldenberg, A. Argaman, Yehoshue Golberg, Y. Rokhel
Graphic Design: A. Argaman; Yiddish translation: Chana Goldenberg Booklet price: In the Land I£10; abroad $3 Address: Organization of Kremenets Emigrants, 67 LaGuardia St., Tel Aviv 67221 Overseas Distribution: William Kogan, 6828 Juno St., Forest Hills, NY 11375 United States Marcos Katz, Ciudad de la paz 1465, I.D. Buenos Aires, Argentina Max Desser, 158 Anderson Ave., Winnipeg 4, Manitoba, Canada |
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