Submitted by Anna Brune
Galina Sorochinski is mentioned in Pinkas Kremenets on pages 253 and 262. On page 262, the writer mistakenly says that she died of typhus while serving in the Polish army. Her daughter, who was nine years old at the time, received the death notice below while in an orphanage in Lublin:
Regional Command of Supplements, Lublin City, L. Dz. 6946/L. 45. Lublin, 11 June 1945
To: Citizen Natalia Soroczynska, Lublin, Domonikanska Street No. 5
I hereby notify you that your mother, Ms. Halina Soroczynska, faithful to her military oath, exhibiting bravery and courage in the fight for the Fatherland, was wounded and died from wounds on 16 May 1945. She was buried with military honors in the city of Poznan in the cemetery at 35 Ksiedza Skorupki Street, in tomb No. 14 – 20 meters from the main entrance.
Regional Commander of Supplements, Lublin City, Lieutenant Colonel Putrament
[Stamp: Polish Army, R.K.U. Lublin-City]
We thank Anna Brune, Galina Sorochinski's granddaughter, for the information about her grandmother, for translating the notice, and for allowing us to reprint it here.
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Kremenets, Ukraine
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