A Short History of the Jewish Communities
of Kralovsky Chlemc, Kiralyhelmec,
and the Bodrog District

(Královský Chlmec, Slovakia)

48°25' / 21°59'

Edited by Aaron Ehrman

Published in Bnei-Brak


Project Coordinator

Charles R. Mandelbaum

This is from: A Short History of the Jewish Communities of Kralovsky Chlemc, Kiralyhelmec,
and the Bodrog District. ed. Aaron Ehrman; Printed Friedman Lipe, Bnei-Brak, 1997

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Inside Cover
[Click here to enlarge the pictures]

Aaron Ehrman

A Short Story
of the Jewish Communities
of Kralovsky Chlmec
and the Bodrog District


Printed Friedmann Lipe, Bne-Brak
106, Rabbi Akiva, P.O.B. 3051,
Phone 03-6195550


Map of the District 6
Preface 7
Foreword 8
Map of Kralovsky Chlmec – Kiralyhelmec 12
Helmec and Bodrog District Jewry 13
Before the Deportations 25
Post-Holocaust Helmec 26
The Second Generation Holocaust Survivors Message 28
The Bodrog District under Hungarian Rule 30
Accusations as a Consequence of Hymns 30
Firewood Action 32
Catholic Clerical Conscience 33
Memorial Gathering at Satoraljaujhely (Address by its Mayor) 34
Kiralyhelmec in the Magyar Zsido Lexion, 1929 35
Data on Helmec and Leslesz 36
Kiralyhelmec-Auschwitz in the Words of a Helmec Poet 40
Kiralyhelmec 43
Pictorial Supplement 45/80
Yahrzeits for our Helmec and District Martyrs 91
List of our Dear Ones Who Perished in the Holocaust 56/93

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