53°04' / 26°39'
Translation of Pinkas Kletsk
Edited by E.S. Stein
Published in Tel Aviv, Former Residents of Kletzk in Israel, 1959
This is a translation from: Pinkas Kletsk, Kletzk Memorial Book;
A memorial to the Jewish community of Kletzk-Poland,
Ed. E.S. Stein, Tel Aviv: former residents of Kletzk in Israel, 1959
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the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
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Translated by Danny Rubinoff
First Section | |
A) Chapters Of Nostalgia | |
From The Publishers | 4 |
As An Eternal Light-The Editors | 7 |
Scenes From The Destruction (A Drawing) | 9 |
Historical Sources For The Town Of Kletzk | 9 |
Blood Libel | 9 |
Cemetery | 10 |
Number Of Jews In Kletzk | 10 |
Reformation Movement In Kletzk | 10 |
Reb Yoel From Kletzk (Pusher For The Redemption) | 11 |
Information On Kletzk Culled From Encyclopedias | 11 |
The Informer-Binyamin Goldberg (Brafman) | 12 |
The Milkman From Kletzk In The Old City Of Jerusalem | 12 |
A Letter To The Magid Of Kamenitz | 12 |
Kletzk Notations | 13 |
The Light That Was Extinguished On Kol Nidrey | 14 |
An Incident From The Days Of The Swedish War | 14 |
Excerpts From The Enlightenment Press | 15 |
A Letter To The Editors Of The Hamelitz Newspaper | 16 |
Mendele Mocher-Sforim and His Connection to Kletzk | 17 |
From The Memoirs Of A Veteran Zionist In Europe | 18 |
Letter Of Commendation From Rabbi Isser Zalman Meltzer | 19 |
B) Rabbis And Torah In Kletzk | 21 |
1. M. Tsinovitz -The Rabbis Of Kletz | |
The First Rabbi; Rabbi Menachem Eizenstadt; Rabbi Moshe Eizenstadt; Rabbi Michael Eizenstadt (The Second); Rabbi Meir Eizenstadt And His Descendants; R' Nachman 'The Reciter Of Psalms'; The Rabbis: R' Gershon And R' Aharon; Rabbi Moshe Yaakov; Rabbi Yehoshua Rabinovitz (Ragoler); Rabbi Eliyahu Feinstein; Rabbi Zev Wolf Torbovitz; Rabbi Eliezer Strashon; Rabbi Tsvi Hirsh Tiktin; Rabbi Shal-Om Ber Herenzon, Rabbi Eliezer Yazgur; Rabbi Chaim Shimon Herenzon; Rabbi R' Moshe Feinstein; Rabbi Pesach Horovitz. | |
2. Rabbis From Kletzk In Various Communities | 29 |
The Genius R' Dovid Head Of The Rabbinical Court Of Novordik; Rabbi Eliyahu Goldberg; Rabbi Eliyahu Yaakov Lesser; The Genius R' Yehuda Meshel Hakohen Tsirkel; Rabbi Yoseph Adler; The Genius R' Yitschak Isaak Veller; Rabbi Reuven Levinbook; Rabbi Eliezer Zalman Greyevsky; Rabbi Shimon Chaim Greyevsky; Rabbi Meir Berlin. | |
3. The Rabbinical Judges And Torah Scholars Of Kletzk | 33 |
R' Yehuda Lieb The Son Of Shmuel; R' Yoseph; R' Chaikel; R' Eliyahu Feinberg; Rabbi Aharon Sinai Halevy Dovidzon; Rabbi Duber Halevi Dovidizon; Rabbi Noson Nota Handelsman; Rabbi Mordechai Kulkovsky; R' Shalo-M Tsvi Lampert; R' Yaakov Asher Greyevsky; R' Simcha Leib Izralite; Rabbi Chaim Pimstein. | |
C) The Kletzk Yeshiva | |
Rabbi Tsvi Yehuda Meltzer Bastion Of Torah | 37 |
Simcha Gordon The Growth And Influence Of The Yeshiva | 39 |
Rabbi Y. Halevi Epstein The Yeshiva And It's Personalities | 41 |
Rabbi Elchanon Sorotzkin Even Haezel | 44 |
M. Tsinovitz Greatness And Depth In Torah Study | 45 |
Rabbi Yisroel Leib Kessler Tifferes Bachurim | 46 |
Yehoshua Chaim Levin Dedication Of The New Yeshiva Building | 47 |
D) The Jews Of Kletzk And Their Contribution To The Development Of The Land Of Israel | |
N.G. Miller First Buds | 48 |
Sh. A. The Love Of Zion In Kletzk And Surrounding Villages | 48 |
Nechemia Izralite The Izralite Family | 51 |
Y. Kantorovitz First Families Of The Soil | 54 |
Tsiporah Zeltser From Luebenitz Until Rechovot | 56 |
Y. N. Adler In The Zeltser Household In The Days Of The Second Aliya | 57 |
Y. Ohliynik The Pioneers Of The Third Aliyah | 58 |
Eliyahu Herenzon The 'Hitachdut' And Its Workings | 59 |
N. Katzenelson At The Dawn Of Zionism In Kletzk | 60 |
Eliyahu Goldberg Action In The Underground | 61 |
Chayuta Monument To Lipa Gavza | 62 |
Tsvi Lis In The Days Of The October Revolution | 63 |
E) Figures And Personalities | |
Yehoshua Barzilai Autobiography | 64 |
A.R. Malachi From His Last Correspondence | 65 |
M. M. Ussishkin Dreamer And Fighter | 65 |
Sh. A. His Life And Works | 66 |
Sh. A. R' Ben Zion Eizenstadt | 67 |
R' Noach Eizenstadt | 68 |
R' Yoseph Meir Fish | 68 |
R' Moshe Eizenstadt | 68 |
Yaakov Mazal-Activist And Writer | 69 |
Moshe Hakohen | 69 |
R' Kalman | 69 |
Michael Tsvi Kamenetzky | 69 |
Shal-Om Tsvi Halevi Lampert | 69 |
Moshe Zalman Zatoransky | 69 |
Chaim Yonah Gurland And His Father | 70 |
Dr. Yehudah Leib Dovidzon | 71 |
Rozenkrantz And Shriftzetzer | 71 |
Y. Greenbaum Avraham Pudlishevsky | 71 |
Yosef Adler The Genius From Slonim | 73 |
F) Types From The Previous Generation | |
A. L. Shvartz Grandfather's Character | 74 |
Y. N. Adler My Brother Avraham Shlomo | 74 |
Dr. A. Greenspan R. Berel Dovidzon, the Judge from Kletzk | 75 |
Dr. A. Greenspan R' A. L. Shvartz | 75 |
Dr. A. Greenspan R' Moshe Br' Tsvi Cohen (Moshe Hirshkes) | 75 |
Dr. A. Greenspan R' Moshe Tsvi The Shochet | 76 |
Dr. A. Greenspan R' Leib Br' Yaakov Yoel | 76 |
Dr. A. Greenspan R' Shmuel Yosef ShuB | 77 |
Dr. A. Greenspan The Head Shamash | 77 |
Y. N. Adler My 'Melamids' And Teachers | 78 |
G) Between The Two World Wars | |
Aharon Hakohen Economic Life | 79 |
Shal-Om Herenzon Municipal Institutions | 81 |
Yosef Frankel Kletzk Under Soviet Occupation | 84 |
Dr. M. Kotsiak-Gur Education And Way Of Life Under The Soviet Regime | 91 |
Life In The 1930's | 94 |
H) Youth Movements | |
A. Fish The Pioneer Movement | 95 |
Esther Lev Girls In The Pioneer Movement | 97 |
Sarah Slivovsky An Outstanding Figure | 97 |
Chiyuta Busel As An Emissary | 98 |
Sarah And Yitschak Menaker The Shomer Hatsair Movement | 100 |
Elimelech Ben Ari Description Of The Youth Group | 101 |
Moshe Kornus (Elezri) Charm Of A Movement | 101 |
Moshe Vilentchik (Mexico) The Betar Branch | 102 |
I) Education | |
Yosef Frankel From 'Cheder' To The 'Tarbut' School | 103 |
Rachel Alperovitz-Berzinsky Bais Yaakov Legacy | 106 |
Tsvi Liss In Such A Way Was A School Established | 107 |
Malka Kessler-Movshovitz Celebration Of 'Siyum' On Chumash | 108 |
The Guard Over The Reizin Home | 108 |
J) Communal Leaders | |
Ch. Y. Kreizer R' Michael Torbovitz | 109 |
Yosef Frankel Zev Torbovitz | 109 |
Yosef Frankel Avraham Breslov | 110 |
Yosef Frankel Isaac Katzav And Boruch Dlugatch | 110 |
Yosef Frankel Isaac Levenbook, Ginzburg And Friedkes | 111 |
Yosef Frankel Yitschok Tserkovitz | 112 |
Yitschok Menaker Meir Chaim Kulkovsky | 112 |
A. Fish Michael Liberman | 113 |
K) Kletzk And It's Surrounding Area | |
Yehoshua Eizenstadt (Barzilai) Incident With Four Brothers | 112 |
Aryeh Neimark Character Of Siniawke | 116 |
Binyamin Eilan (Neimark) Small Town On The Crossroads | 117 |
Sarah Denenburg The Struggle To Keep The Pasture Land | 118 |
Shimon Shkolir The Kaplan Family | 119 |
Noson Hochberg Not One Soul Survived The Massacre | 121 |
L) Memories Of The Way It Used To Be | |
Yehoshu Eizenstadt (Barzilai) An Incident With Four Brothers | 122 |
Rabbi Y. K. Goldbloom Visits To Kletzk | 123 |
A.L. Shvartz The Old Way Of Life | 124 |
Y. N. Adler Childhood Memories | 125 |
Boruch Noson Shamushkovitch Spirit Of The Holidays | 128 |
Y. Ch. Levin Sabbath In The Town | 129 |
A. Aharoni Four Roads | 130 |
Rabbi Yitschok Halevi Epstein Father's Household | 132 |
Menachem Breslov Memories Of My Youth | 138 |
M. Tabatchnik Archangelsk | 139 |
Yerachmiel Itzkovitz Superstitions | 140 |
Yitschok Torbovitz Father's 'Business' | 141 |
Golda Luria (Lampert) A World Destroyed | 143 |
Shulamit Drama Club In Kletzk | 144 |
A. Kam On The River | 144 |
M) Kletzk In The Diaspora | |
Yehoshua Hochstein In The House Of Immigrants In America | 145 |
Moshe Kleinman Rabbi Y. K. Goldbloom | 148 |
Sh. A. The Yiddish Poet-Yosef Greenspan | 149 |
Morris Tadrov (Moshe Taravor) Kletzk Immigrants In America | 150 |
Organization Of Kletzk Immigrants In Argentina | 151 |
N) The Destruction Of Kletzk | |
The Ghetto In Flames-A Drawing By A. Finichal | 153 |
Yoseph Rice-Rabinovitz To Their Memory…(A Poem) | 154 |
Tuvia Kirzner September-1939 | 155 |
Yeshayahu Kashetzky So Came Upon Us The Destroyer | 156 |
Leah Fish-Meirovitz Life In The Ghetto | 160 |
Alter Meirovitz Battle Of The Partisans | 162 |
Nisan Izralovitz Destruction And Revenge | 167 |
Eliyah Glazer In The Forests | 168 |
Rochel Yonah-Dzsehntchelsky My Joining The Partisans | 171 |
Rochel Kleinman-Kaz How I Was Saved | 172 |
Second Section | |
Kletzk In Pictures | |
Third Section (Yiddish) | |
As An Eternal Light-The Editors | 175 |
A) Chapters Of The Past | 177 |
Sources For The History Of Kletzk; The Founding Of The Community; | |
Earliest Sources On Kletzk; Information From Various Sources; The Old Cemetery In Kletzk; Blood Libel On Kletzker Jews; Reb Yosel-Pusher Of The Redemption; The Reformation Movement In Kletzk; Jewish Informers In Olden Times; The Number Of Jews In Kletzk; Historical Sources For The History Of Kletzk Dr. M. Vishnitzer; The Light That Was Extinguished On Kol Nidrey Moshe Feinkind; The Milkman From Kletzk In The Old City Of Jerusalem. |
Excerpts From The Enlightenment Press | 182 |
Mendele Mocher Seforim's Connections With Kletzk | 186 |
B) Rabbinical Dynasties In Kletzk M. Tsinovitz | 188 |
The First Rabbi In Kletzk; Rabbi Michael Eizenstadt; Rabbi Moshe Eizenstadt; Rabbi Michael Eizenstadt; Rabbi Moshe Yaakov Eizenstadt; R' Nachman The Psalm Reciter; Rabbi Yehoshua Rabinovitz (Ragoler); Rabbi Eliyahu Feinstein; Rabbi Zev Wolf Torbovitz; Rabbi Eliezer Strashon; Rabbi Ts. H. Tiktin; Dr. A. Greenspan-Rabbi Sh. B. Herenzon; Rabbi Eliezer Yazgur; Rabbi Yitschok Epstein; Rabbi Ch. Sh. Herenzon; Rabbi Moshe Epstein; Rabbi Pesach Horovitz; Rabbi Meir Berlin; Rabbi And Shochet Sh. Y. Veller. | |
C) Kletzk A 'Home' For Torah | |
Simcha Gordon The Growth And Influence Of The Yeshiva | 193 |
Rabbi Ts. Y. Meltzer Impressions And Memories | 196 |
Ch. Y. Kreizer A Student Of The Kletzk Yeshiva Reminisces | 200 |
Rabbi Y. L. Kessler Tiferes Bachurim | 201 |
Yosef Adler The Slonimer Iliuy In Kletzk | 202 |
Sh. Teitz-Molier A Brick For The Building | 203 |
Eliezer Feinstein Learned Blacksmiths | 204 |
D) Zionism | |
N. G. Miller The First Buds | 205 |
Y. Kantorovitz Kletzker Pioneers In The Land Of Israel | 206 |
Sh. Ernst Kletzkers' Contributions To The Development Of The Land | 209 |
Tsiporah Zeltser From Lubenietz Until Rechovot | 213 |
Ts. Shimshi A Jew From Kletzk Works For Eretz Yisroel | 215 |
Nechemia Izralite The Izralite Family | 215 |
Eliyahu Herenzon The 'Hitachdut' And Its Workings | 217 |
Eliyahu Goldberg Illegal Zionist Activities | 220 |
Eliyahu Fish Pioneer Youth Movement | 223 |
Esther Lev Daughters Of The Chalutz | 224 |
Chayuta Busel As An Emmissary | 225 |
Mashe Kornus My Way In The Shomer Hatsair | 226 |
Elimelech Ben Uri The Shomer Hatsair In Kletzk | 227 |
Sarah And Yitschok Menaker There Was Once A N Adolescence | 227 |
Moshe Vilentchik Betar | 228 |
E) Between The Two World Wars | |
Aharon Cohen Economic Life | 230 |
Tsvi Lis Echoes Of The October Revolution | 232 |
Sh. Herenzon Municipal And Social Institutions | 233 |
Kletzk In The 1930's | 236 |
M. Taravor A Visit In Kletzk (1928) | 236 |
F) Culture And Education | |
Yoseph Frankel From Cheder To Tarbut School | 240 |
Tsvi Lis The Tarbut School | 242 |
Y. N. Adler The Talmud Torah | 243 |
Rochel Alperovitch The Spiritual Inheritance From Bais Yaakov | 244 |
M. Tabatchnik Shulamit | 245 |
Golda Luria The 'Atmosphere' Of Kletzk | 246 |
G) Surrounding Villages | |
A. Cohen The 'Yishuvniks' Around Kletzk | 247 |
A. Neimark Origins And Development | 248 |
N. Hochberg My Native Shtetel | 251 |
Sh. Shkolier Our Shtetel | 252 |
B. Ilan (Neimark) Between Field And Forest | 254 |
Sarah Denenberg Siniawke Memoirs | 255 |
M. Veinger A Family Of A 'Yishuvnik' | 257 |
Y. Frankel The Jews Around Kletzk And Their Destruction | 258 |
H) Ways And Memories | |
Y. Eizenstadt Four Brothers | 261 |
A. L. Shvartz The Old Fashion Way Of Life | 262 |
Y. N. Adler A Young Boy Goes To Yeshivah | 263 |
Rabbi Y. K. Goldbloom Ways Of Long Ago | 264 |
M. Tabachnik Archangelsk; My Family; Breaking The Board | 265 |
Sh. Kreizer In The Redzimenter Kloizel-Fragments | 270 |
A. Aharoni Four Ways | 273 |
A. N. Shamushkovitch Old Time Shabbos And Yontov | 274 |
Y. Ch. Levin Shabbos In Shtetel | 276 |
N. Epstein During The First World War | 276 |
Y. Torbovitz My Fathers' Feat | 277 |
M. Breslov From My Kletzker Memories | 279 |
Rabbi Y. Halevi Epstein My Father's Home | 281 |
A. Kam On The River | 287 |
Y. Menaker The Wood Knocker | 288 |
M. Taravor Kletzk In Our Childhood Years - A Poem | 289 |
I) Personalities | |
Sh. E Yehoshua Eizenstadt | 291 |
Sh. E. Ben Zion Eizenstadt | 292 |
Chaim Yonah Gurland | 293 |
M. Lias Reb Nachum Yitschok Shiff | 293 |
Sarah Malin-Gelfand Personalities | 294 |
A. Kolakovsky My Brother, Meir Chaim | 295 |
Y. Menaker M. Ch. Kulkovsky And The Younger Generation | 296 |
Y. Frenkel The Director Of The Way | 296 |
N. Epstein Preachers; Medical Men; A Melamid | 301 |
M. Tabachnik Moshe Galush & The Bund; Die Hushekes; Chatshe & Hetshe; Unusual Characters | 301 |
A. Cohen Folks Mentchen | 308 |
J) On The Eve Of Destruction | |
Y. Frankel Kletzk In The Years 1932-1943 | 310 |
Dr. M. Kotsiak-Gur Under Soviet Occupation | 326 |
Sarah Fish-Shmukler Esau's Real Face | 329 |
A Voice From The Bund | 330 |
K) Kletzk And The Diaspora | |
Y. Hochstein In An Immigrant Home | 331 |
A. Alperin The Most Veteran Zionist In Europe | 337 |
P. Berg I Travel To America | 338 |
Unforgettable-Frume Kam-Kulkovsky | 339 |
Herzl Gelfand An Episode | 339 |
Sh. Ernst The Poet Yoseph Greenspan | 340 |
M. Tarover Kletzkers In America | 341 |
The Kletzk 'Landsmanshaft' In Argentina | 343 |
Y. Greenspan A Poem | 347 |
L. Shmukler Amongst Kletzkers In Buenos Aires | 347 |
M. B. Taraver To My Unforgettable Kletzk (Poem) | 348 |
L) Destruction And Struggle | |
Map Of The Ghetto | 348 |
Y. Rice-Rabinovitz My Heart Trembles With Your Memory | 349 |
Tuvia Kirzner September-1939 | 352 |
Leah Fish-Meirovitz The Liquidation | 352 |
Alter Meirovitz Holocaust And Revenge | 356 |
Aryeh Glazer Struggle In The Ghetto | 362 |
Nisan Izralovitz With The Partisans | 367 |
Yeshayahu Kashetzky So It Happened… | 368 |
Eliyahu Bontshtchik One Family's Tally | 375 |
Rochel Yocha-Dzshentshelsky My Way To The Partisans | 376 |
Rochel Kleinman-Kaz How I Escaped | 378 |
Yitschok Garfinkel We Will Not Forget | 379 |
Dr. Avigdor Greenspan Memorial (A Poem) | 380 |
Grisha Goldberg The Bloody Total | 381 |
List Of Names | 382 |
Name Index | |
List Of Kletsk Rabbis |
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