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Transliterated by Dr. Morton Lang

The record of our martyrs was assembed from memory of people, who have been away from the town for a period of decades. Because of this there are possibly errors or omission of names. We apologise for that to our townites.

Those who wish to include a certain name enter it, each letter separately (printed?) each in their own book.

[Pages 389-407]

Memorial Prayer

To the people of Chorostkow – men, women and children – who were tortured and murdered for the sanctification of God's name by the German Nazi enemies and their Ukrainian and Polish collaborators.

May God remember them for good, and may their souls be bound up in the bond of life, together with all the other martyrs of Israel.

For he demands that their blood shall be remembered. He has not forgotten the cry of the tortured.

And these are the names of the residents of our town who were slaughtered, burned and suffocated for the sanctification of God's name during the Second World War.


ADELMAN   Aharon & his wife
Davia & Shmuel
David & his wife
Leib & his wife
AKER Israel, Yashayahu
Rusia & children
ALENBERG Pinchas, Shimeon
Baruch & his wife
Meir, his wife & children
Reisi & daughter
ALTNAI Joseph, Devorah, Beila
ALTSHILLER Muni & his wife
Elimelech & children
ASHENFARB Michael & his wife
Rachel, Yitzchak
Leah & her loved ones
ASHKENAZ Teiva & children
Rachel & children
Benjamin, Sarah, Jacob, Zvi
Israel & his wife
Zusia, Beila, Zvi, Leib, Feivel
Kunie, his wife & children
Beila, Feige, Beirsih, Zvi
Abrasha & his wife
Abraham & his wife
AVIL (?) Joseph & his children
Gugi & children
BARD  return Shlomo, his wife & children
Shantze & children
David, Chavah, Leib, Sarah, Muncie
BARTEL Aharon & his wife Chanah
BARZIONER David, his wife & children
BATTIZER Shlorno, Bobci, Motis, Shimeon
BAZNER (?) Umek, Fiti
BERCOVITZ Moshe, Efrairn
BERGER Moshe, Rachel
BINDER Michal, his wife & children
BLAT Julius, Etah, Yitzchak, Rivkah
BLEICH Yechiel, Kreina, Perl, Feigelah
Yechiel & his wife
Chaim & son Meilech (?),
Zalrnan & his wife Malcia,
Joseph, Ziesel, Elkana, Efroirn,
Toncia, Ruzia, Kalman
Yehudit, Clara
Zalman, his wife & children
BLOTBIL (?) Mirov and his wife
BLOUTAL Meier, Sarah
Asher & his wife
BLUMENTHAL Chaim, Cham, Two sisters
BOKFEIN (?) Moshe & his wife
BOMZAH Chaim Yisroel, Batia, Shlomo
BORMAN Hisi wife & children
Jacob & Rachel
BRANDEIS Aba, Suni, Leib
BRAUNSTEIN Malkah, Freda, Ruzi, David, Ethel
Abraham & his loved ones
BREYER Shmuel, Malkah, Zalman, Reitzer
Zeiv & Chavah
Choron (?) Leib, Ziuni
Elchsneder (?)
Mordechai & his wife

Lufa & his wife
Shmuel, his wife & children

BUCHOLTZ Yeshayahu & children
Sosia & children
Zvi & children
Shprintze & children
Shalom, Rivkah,
Shmeirel & children
Frumah & children
Beirish, Moshe Yitzchak
Shimeon, Yitzchak, Simcha , Shlomo
CHARAV(?)  return Zalman, his wife & children
COHEN Mordechai, Sarah, Clara, Dov
Ruzia, Jacob, Dvora
DANKBERG   return Michal, David
Yitzchak, his wife & children
Abraham, his wife & children
DERBLICH(?) Moshe & children
DEUTCH Natan, Chavah
Pinchas, his wife & children
DIAMANT Alter, Yetta, Zeilig, Babcie
Abraham-David, his wife & children
DIK Chaya-Sarah, Mordechai, Oso
DINER Yytzchak & his wife
Aaron, his wife & children
DLUGACH Bella, Rivka
DRESLER Getziel, Reizie & children
Berl, Esther, Jacob, Moshe
Efroim & his wife
Mordechai, his wife & chiidren
Chinuch, his wife & children
Mir, his wife & children
Yehoshua-Zisie, his wife & children
ELBERGER   return Jacob, his wife & loved ones
His wife & children
Baruch, his wife & children
ENGEL Gittel, Chaya, Uhancie (?)
ENTNER Shlomo, Golda, Malka, Sarah, Zvi
EPSHTEIN Moshe, his wife & children
Yitchak, Sabina, Sarah
Balcie (?)
ERD Mordechai & his wife
Feivel & his wife
Berl, Eliezer
ESSING Itzchak-Ezik, his wife & children
FADEN   return Beila, Abraham, Eilmelech
Bat Sheva, Shimon, Leah
Sarah & loved ones
FARBER Moshe, Golda, Abraham
Sarah, Gedaliahu
FEFFER Chaim, Chanah, Jacob, Moshe
Charni, Josef, Abraham, Sarah
FEIERSHTEIN Peretz, Toba, Mina
FEINER Menasha, Reizel
Leib, his wife & children
Jacob, Chaim-Leib, Eliliezer
FEINGOLD Sholom, Zvi, Roza, Frieda, Dubi
Goga, Chana
Yitzchak, his wife & children
FEINSHTEIN Zvi, Pesach, Arie
Rachel & children
Sarah & children, Feige
Mordechai & his wife
Shalom, his wife & children
FELDMAN Yisroel-Yehuda & his wife
FIAKER Abraham-Reuven & his wife
FINK David, Fufe, Feige, Muni, Zisie
Gedalya, Feivish, Sheincie
Yachezkiel, Gedalya, Blima
Ruzie, Etka, Mordechai
Yitzchak, his wife & children
David, his wife & children
FINKEL Nachum, his wife & children
Josef, Berel, Abrahain, Chuki
FISHER Chaim-Yisroel, Rivka
Yeshayahu & his wife
Yitzchak & his wife
FLEISHMAN Jacob, Leah, Chaiah, Pinchas
FOGEL Alchasneder, his wife & children
Shimshon, his wife & children
Shmuel-Zvi & his wife
Shlomo & his wife
Zvi, his wife & children
Aaron & wife
Yisroel, Zunie, Abraham, Soshi
Zeiv, Gitel, Aharon, Batia, Zvi
Eliezer, Malka, Breina, Arieh
Moshe-Yitzchak, Eizik, Pesia
Musie & children
FRAK Abraham, wife & children
FRANZ Yitzchak, Feige, Rikle
Chaim, Ruzie
FRIED Shmuel, Gitel, Shlomo, Minci
FRIEDMAN Kopel & his wife Feige
Guga, Gedalia, Devorah
Moshe & Brania
FREIDMAN Jacob-Mordechai, Hinda
FRISH Yacov-Moshe, Babe, Malke, Eliezer
Aharon & his wife
FRISHWASSER Israel, his wife & children
FUKS Nucha (?), Jacob, Koppel, Golda
Guge, Gedalya
Israel & his wife
Zvi, his wife & children
David, Sholom & their mother
GANS   return Abraham, Esther, Shifra
GELBART Baruch, Leah, Muni
GELMAN Meir, his wife & children Mendel, Batiah, Itkah, Maniah
GERSHTENBLIT Aharon, Tovah Zvi & his wife Abraham & children Reize
GLASNER Yehudah, Dr. Sholem
GLAZER Jacob, Munie, Isser, Beila Meir, Golda
Josef & his brothers Moishe-Eliezer & children
GLICK Son, Leah & Beilah
GLUGER Josef, his wife & children
GOLD Josef, Chaim-Leib, Zvi
GOLDBERG Israel, his wife & children
Brucha, Chaike, Chana, Zvi
Abraham & children
Feige & children
Berl & his wife
Mordechai & his wife
Nasia, Yechezkiel, Joisie Israel-Isser, his wife & children Moshe & his family
Meir, Chunki, Brochah, Simcha Mendel & his wife
Israel & his wife
GOLDFLIES David, Chavah-Sarah, Cilia,
Rosa, Abraham
GOLDRICH Chanzel(?), Psicha(?) , Pesie Josef, Batsheva Eliezer & children Sheindel & children
Itmar, his wife & children
GOLDTIFER (?) Benzion & children Beilah
GOLOSTOFITZ Gedalia, his wife & daughters
GOTFRIED Oscar & children
Jacob, Rachel, Nachman, Arie, Sarah
Chanah & children
Efroim & his wife
Yitzchak, his wife & children
Josef, his wife & children
Kalman, his wife & children
GREENSPAN Mordechai, Toviah
GRIAH (?) Jacob, Zeiv, Tovah, Moshe
Sarah, Yehoshuah
GROSS Shifrah, Mordechai Israel & his wife Meir & his wife
GRUBER Mordecha-WoIf, Tziporah, Moshe Aba
Asher, Chanah & children
GURTMAN Aharon, Reizie, Tzvi, Etty-Sarah Reizie, Chayah, David, Yehudit
Aharon ben Yitzachak, Efroim, Esther
Miriam, Chancia, Mordechai, Arie
Chancie, Dov
HAKER   return Abraham & Reuven
HALERHAN Dr. Zelv & his wife
HALPERIN Feivish, Moshe, David, Moishe
Chanah, Mordechai, Beirish
Chaike, Sarah, Beiiah
Fruma & children
Efroim & children
HARKUS(?) Eli~Wolf & his wife
HAYMAN Ezriel, wife & children
David, his wife & children
HELER Asher, Moshe, Dinah, Reizil
Yitzchak, Chaim, Gittel ,Yechezkiel
Shlomo, Eliezer, Zusie
Natan & his wife
Chaim-Yisroel & his wife
Leib & his wife
Reuven & his wife
HELMAN David, Feige & children
Moshe, Miriam & children
Josef & his wife
HOCHMAN Pinchas, Paye, Josef, Esther, Pearl
KAHANE(?)   return Abraham
Ruzia & children
KAHANAH Jacob & his wife Sarah
Yitzchak & his wife Chava
KANFER (?) Wolf, his wife & daughters
KARMEN Yitzchak & wife
KASTMAN(?) Efroim & his wife
Abraham, his wife & children
KATZ Mordechai, Abraham, Rachel
Abraham (Bumik), Chaim, Ruzie
Frieda, Tzirel, Gitel, Mordecahai
Pesil. Abraham
Frieda & children
Zvi & his daughters
Nahum, his wife & children
KESSLER Moshe, Charna, Batka
Leah, Beilah, Buzik
KIMEL Chaim & children
Moshe, Shmuel, Rochel
Isaac (Izio), Ruzie
KLAR Asher-Baruch, Chaim
Chanah, Clara
KLEINER Breina, Devora, Pinchas, Kuni
Breina, Yiedel, Yehudah, Chayah
KLESNER Josef, wife & children
KLINGER Zvi & his wife
Leah & Beila
Ettie & Beila
KOBLING (?) Mordechai
KOFFLER Chaim-Hirsh, his wife & children
Bezalel & his wife
Beila, Moshe, Mordechai, Efroim
KOHLENBERG Shimeon, Feige, Nachum
Dr. Leib, Yehudah, Muncie
KOHRMAN Ben-Zion, his wife & children
KOOK Nachum, his wife & children
KORN Abraham
Dosia & son
KORNBLAU Jacob, Bela, Aaharon, Malka
Chaim, Devora, Moshe, Ruzie
KORNSHTEIN Yitzchak, Ruzie
KRAFT Yoyne, Roza
Perel& children
KREMPAF(?) Chaim-Hersch, Pesia
Dov & his wife
Motle & 7 sons
KRENKEL Gitel, Benzion, Abrahan, Chasie
Chaim & children
KUNIN Gabriel & his wife Sara
Yisroel, Abraham, Baruch,
Shalom, ~Ruzie, Ettie, David
Yisroel, Shlomo-Yacov
KUNITZ Abraham, Yechiel, Feige
Yitzchak, Breine
Moshe-Yehoshuah, his wife &children
KURTIN(?) Chaim
Chana & son
KURZ Shlomo
LALKER   return Zvi
LANDS Abraham, Rivka
Breina & children
Gugi & her loved ones
Tzvi, his wife & children
LANG Josef, Yehoshuah, Pesie
Henie, Fancie, Yisroel
Chana, Ben Zion, Tzirel
Pinchas, David, Michali
Abraham-Leib, his wife & others
Rachel & children
Jacob, his wife & children
Elikum & his wife
LAVNER Sarah, Yehudit, Isser, Shmuel
LAX Chasriel, Rivka
Zvi & his wife
Josef & his wife
Reizie & son
Feigeh & her children
LIBERMAN Morcechai
LIBSTER Ezriel, Maurice, Ita & Beila
LINDMAN ;Naftali, Chayah, Ruzie
Muncie, Dvorah, Sabina
LUTVAK Beila, Elia
Chaim & his wife
Leah & children,
Jonah, his wife & children
Yenta & children
MAIMAN   return Josef, Rachel, Chaim-Leib
Chuli, Tzvi, Misi, Yitzchak
MARCUS Shmuel-Yitzchak, Sarah, Ita
Esther, Michal, Mordechai, Malcie
Shimson & his wife
MARGOLIS Yitzchak, Rivka, Sarah, David
Ruzie, Friedl, Beirish
Dov, Avraham-Hersh
Israel-Abraham & his wife Beila
Batia & loved ones
MARMOR Nechama & loved ones
Chaim, his wife & children
Shmerel & hi wife
Zelig & his wife
Devorah & children
Yitzchak, Tamar, Baruch
Monah, Bertha, Shimuch, Toba
Yeti, Ben-Zion, Yehoshuah
MESUTAH Mordechai & his wife
Munie & his wife
Zalman, Chana, Baile, Clara
Itka & Beilah
MILGROM Ben-Zion, Ruzie
Shimeon, his wife & children
MOLDOWSKI Ben-Zion, his wife & children
MORGENSTERN Patchia, Feivish, Feige
Tova & loved ones
Moshe, his wife Chaika & children
NAIMAN   return Nesie, Rachel, Tova, Ezriel
Moshe-Yitchak, Moshe, Breina
Shaya, Zvi, Mordechai
Shmoel, Eliezar, Shlomo
Yehoshiah & his family
David & his wife
NEGLER Eliezer, Rivka, Moshe
Zeiv & his brothers
Fradel & son
NUSBAUM Zelig, his wife & children
PASTERNAK   return Eliezer, Chava, Abraham
Shulamit, Beila & children
PEK(?) Wovcie, Chaim
PEREL Aba, Feige, Ozer, Golda,
Josef, Clara, Kuki
PERELMUTTER Pesia, Abraham
PEREZ Mendel, Josef, Chayah, Josef
Shmuel & his wife
Chaya-Leah & her children
Moshe, his wife & children
PLOIN(?) Yoina, Feiga, Aharon
Moshe & his wife
Yitzchak & children
PODHORITZER Freida & Kalman
POLAK Simcha, Shmuel, Moshe, Chana
Levi-Yitzchak & his wife
Berel & wife
Eliezer & wife
Mendel & his wife
Mendel, his wife & children
Yisroel, his wife & children
Zoltana & children
RAPAPORT   return Rabbi & his wife
Beirish & his daughters
Gitel, David
REICH Abrahaim, Perel, Jacob
Sheindel & her children
Matel & children
Aidel, his wife & children
REINISH Moshe & his wife
Moshe, his wife & children
Bronie, Ben-Zion, Esther, Reisie
REITMAN Gershon & family
Hersh, Henrik
ROSEN Yitzchak, Golda-Hinda, Gedalia
ROTHAUS(?) Shulkie, Yitzchak
Batia & son
ROTMAN Yitzchak, Efroim, Chana, Leah, Leib
Ethel & children
RUBIN Shmuel, Soba
RUBINOVITZ Bavcie & her daughters
Obadia, Chana (Gotsfeld)
RUTTENBERG Ziesel, Shlomo, Clara, Efroim
Ruzie, Shmuel, Zunie
Jacob, his wife & children
SCHECHTER   return Chaiah, Shimeon, Sarah, Rabbi, Morcdechai
SCHWARTZ Josef, Nesia, Ziesel, Chavah
Nunie, Benjamin, Bila
Ruzie, Isie (Isaac)
SHELEG(?) Liba, Moshe, Mordechai, Sheva, Moshe
Zeev, son & daughter
Ben-Zion, Beila, Aharon, Zisie
Shimeon, wife & children
SHIFTER (?) Moshe, his mother & sisters
SHINDERMAN Moshe, his wife & children
SHKULNIK Malka, Yoshiyahu, Reizie, Feige
Chaiah, Chanah, Alter
SHNEIDER Yisroel, his wife & childre
Shmuel, his wife & children
Yehudah, his wife & children
Reuven, his wife & children
Benjamin, Chucie, Shula, Shmuel
Breina, Yitzchak, Yisroel, Rivka
Rezel, Mordechai-Josef, Beilah-Sarah
Reizel, Shrnuel-David, Veivel
Chani (Lufshi}?, Sarah, Feiga-Beila
Leah & Beilah Hersh Greenshpan
Abraham, Ezriel, Chanina, Chana
Mordechai, Chava, Breina, Yitzchak
SHOCFELD (?) Yitzchak, Sarah, Reuven, Nachamiah
SHOCHMAN (?) Mirel, Abraham, Cilia, Shusha, Essther
Wolf, Shovia, Regina, Feige, Yente
SHOCHNER (?) Sisters, Shmuel
SHORE Reiza & children
Moshe, Asher, Yeshyahu, Zusie, Feige
Miriarn, Meir-Leib, Moshe, Yehudit
SHORLAG (?) Mendel & his wife
SHPIGEL Sicha, his wiife & children
Abrahani Chairn, Chaika, Freida
Nusia, Gabriel, Jacob
SHPITZER Shimeon, Rachel, Eili
Shmuel, his wife & children
SHTEIN Shmuel, Liba, Gitel, Baruch
Buni(?), Henie, Dowrish
Fruma & children
SHTERN Chaiah & daughter
SHTOKMAN Mendel & his wife
Chaia & children
Zorah, Benjamin, Abraham
SIPERLING Moshe, Chanah, Elezer & Gittel
Pinchas & his wife
Chaim & his wife
Leah & son
Leah & children
Perel & Beila
Devorah, Gitel, Miriam
Josef, Zeiv, Leah
SOCHER Ioincie, his wife & children
TEICHMAN   return Chana, Lavit(?), Weisbrot
TELER Chaim-Zvi, Chanie
TENENBAUM Jacob, Yechiel, Elkkanah, Fufe
Adela, Feida, Abraham, Toba
Rivka, Tema, Yikotiel, Clara
Yitzchak, Zvi, Tina, Lusia
Moshe, Braina, Josef, Chaim,Sosia
David & his wife
TILS(?) Zeiv & his wife
Dov, Chanah, Feigeh
TIRINGER Josef, Berel
Chasia & children
Becalal & loved ones
WALACH   return Rivka, Yisroel, Charna, Moshe
Ruzie, Josef, Chayah, Sarah
Yitzchak, his wife & children
Yisroel, Tovah & children
Odel & Beila, Yechezkiel
Sarah, Tuvia
Moshe & his wife
Yitzchak ben David-Eli & wife
WALTUCH Yitzchak, Malkah & children
WALZER Zvi, Shamariyahu
WASSER Aaron, Chana, Mina-Rachel
Shula, David
WEBER Moshe, Pravda, Abraham Zvi
Chaim, Devorah, Yuni, Blimah
Leah, Chaim, Ita, Alisha, Moshe
Beila-Yente, Sarah, Abraham
Josef, Sheincie, Moshe, Freida
Jacob & his wife
Yoshayahu & his wife
WEICH Miriam, Moshe, Keilah
WEINRIB Zelv, Blimah, Kalman, Tzvi,
Abraham, Zvi Dov, Esther
Sarah, Michal
Leibush & his wife
WEISBROT Pinchas & his wife
Chaim & his wife
Shmuel, Chana, Zvi, Falcie, Walki
Moshe & his wife
WEISMAN Zvi, Chanah
WEISS Jacob & his wife
WEISSLBERG Pinchas & his wife
Jacob & his wife
WEISSMAN Avner, Chaicie & children
Elezer & his wife
Beirish, Zvi, Zvi ben Naftali
WEIZMAN Yitzchak, Rivka & children
WEXLER Fishel & his wife
Racel, Abraham, Zvi, Abraham, Chaim
WIDERORN Shaul, Leah
WIEDERMAN Bcalal & his wife
WINIKER David & his wife
Mordechai, Ethel, Chana, Yisroel
WINKLER Shmuel, Rachel & children
WINTER Feige, Ruzie, Moshe, Perl
Mendel ,Yente, Zusie, Rachel
David, Eliezer, Rivka, Yisroel
Frumah, Chanah, Arie-Leib
Clara, David
Yisroel, wife & children
WINTERFELD David ,Chaiah & children
WISZNOWITZ Dr. Josef & his wife
WITOW Zisel, Berel, Efroim
WOHL Miriam, Chanah, Sheindel, Beila
Moshe, his wife & father
Eli, Chanah & children
WUGELMAN Zalman, Musia, Vuatie, Gustie, Dozie
YARZOVER  return Tzipora, Meir, Fruma, Pesia
Joel, Malka, Itka, Gitie
Moshe & his wife
Yitzchak & his wife
Chunie(?) & his wife
Sheva & her children
YEVETZ(?) Simcha & his wife
ZALTZBERG  return Jacob, Gitel
ZALTZMAN Josef, his wife and children
Baruch & his wife
ZEIDEN Abraham Shevah, Mordechai
Itzik, Vitia, Blumah
ZELTZER Kalman & his wife
Binah, Gitel, Moshe
ZIES Michal, Hinda
ZIMMERSHTEIN Shlomo, his wife & children
ZINGER Roisia, Beila
ZONENZOV(?) Abraham & his wife

[Page 408]

List of Society Members Who Died in Israel

EPSHTEIN Gershon & his wife
Golda, Shmuel
GOLIK Naftali, Rivka
KLAR Dr. Efroim
RATH Rabbi Mesholem
SHTEIN Yitzchak, Lifshach, Feige
WERBER Fishel, Rtivka, Alter, Alter
Sarah (Malcia), Naftali, Mordechai

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