A Palace That Sank…
[The Schwabe Gymnasion of Kovno Lithuania Yizkor Book]
(Kaunas, Lithuania)

54°54' / 23°54'

Translation of
Heichal Sheshaka…

Edited by: Y[Israel]. Yablokovsky

Published in Tel Aviv 1962



Project Coordinator

Susan M. Goldsmith


This is a translation from: Heichal Sheshaka…
A Palace That Sank…, [The Schwabe Gymnasion of Kovno Lithuania Yizkor Book]
Editor: Y[Israel]. Yablokovsky, Tel Aviv 1962 (H)

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[Page 341]

TOC translated by Rabbi Shalom Bronstein

Part One – Unforgettable Memories…
5 On the Publication of the Book Dr. Jacob Robinson
5 A Word of Thanks
6 Preface
7 Elegy Y[Israel]. Yablokovsky
8 On the Origin of the Hebrew Gymnasium in Kovno Dr. A. Berman
20 A Link in the Chain Dr. L. Gorfinkle
24 The Older Sister of the Gymnasium Leah Reines [nee Shilansky]
28 The History of the Hebrew Gymnasion in Kovno A[lter]. Schneider z”l
36 The Pedagogic Council (1925)
42 Parents' Committee 1925
45 The Teacher and the Student Y[osef]. Levitan z”l
49 The Study of Latin Y[osef]. Levitan z”L
51 The Students’ Club Y[Julius]. Brutzkos z”l
54 Twenty Years Ago Sh[muel]. Kapit z”l
58 Drama and the Students Y[Israel]. Yablokovsky
64 One Who Puts His Hand in the Dish Vinogradov – translated from Russian by Y[israel]. Yablokovsky
67 Metamorphosis of Study Y[israel].Y[ablokovsky]
69 From the Knapsack of My Reminiscences Y[israel].Y[ablokovsky].
71 From Those Who Set the Foundation D. Cohen
78 Life in the Gymnasium Ya’akov Lubman-Haviv
80 From the Beginning A. Zimrani (Zingman)
8? The First Struggle Dr. Herzl Rosenblum
96 In Those Days Dr. Raphael Rabinowitz
100 Reminiscences Eliyahu Bils
115 Reminiscences Dr. L. Veitzstein
119 Reminiscences Aliza Hantka (Yadoavnitzky)
123 Reminiscences Yehudit Segal
124 Reminiscences Tzipora Kaplan-Vinitzki
126 Reminiscences Leah Goldberg
135 Tearing down Walls Yoel Zohn
136 The Tanach Classes Haya Kotler-Steinfeld
138 On the Maintenance of Education in Kovno Moshe Shamir (Shmarkovitz)
139 Reminiscences Levi Dror
144 The Old Beit Midrash A. Rabinowitz
146 Reminiscences Yechiel Kotz
149 From the Gymnasium to the Kibbutz Zvi Swirsky
152 Reminiscences Michael Shapira
157 Among the Kibbutznik Students Y[israel]. Yablokovsky

[Page 342]

159 Voices from the Recesses of the Soul Reuven Levitan
179 The Rebbe, the Gymnasia Niyusia Rubinstein-Holtzer
181 The Profile of a Class Dov Levin
188 Reminiscences Ya’akov Rabinowitz, Engineer
189 A Letter Professor Yoel Elkes
190 Reminiscences R. Berkman-Schiff
193 A Scroll [Megillah] of Separation Sh. Sandler
200 Sonia Segal-Varshaskis and the Sheep under Her Charge
201 The End of the Sentence A.A. Ben Shimon
206 The Liquidation of the Gymnasium Dr. Arieh Heselzohn
217 Glitters Dr. Yitzhak Peretz
219 Legend of the Temple that Sank Professor Meir Yoeli
220 The Calm before the Storm Dr. David Kuselewitz
223 The Initiative for the Reunion Y[Israel].Y[ablokovsky]
224 The Graduates’ Reunion N. Vardi (Yideot Aharonot)
227 Graduates around the World Dr. A. Rosenfeld
230 Reminiscences Dr. Meir Lichtenstein

Part Two – Tears That Have Not Been Wiped…
234 Yizkor 270 Marijampole
235 Reish Galuta 271 Shulamit Greenberg-Metz
250 Dr. Benyamin Berger 272 Kovrasky
251 The Wolf Family 273 The Cohen Family
252 Kopel Volotzky 274 Shoshana Rabani
253 Kopel Volotzky 275 Zvi Feinberg
253 Dr. Brutzkus 276 Yehezkel Deleon
254 Dr. Yitzhak Levitan 277 Yitzhak Alpern
255 Dr. A. Lapin 279 Yishayahu Shreier
256 Dr. Urbach 279 Kalman Breinen
257 Dr. Sophia Kamber 280 Hana Ravivi-Matosvitz
258 B. Goldfarb 282 Naomi Epstein
258 A.Kapit 283 The Hyman Family
259 The Architect Bloch 285 Abba Yitzhak Rosenthal
261 Dr. Yankelevitz 286 Yosef Levitan
262 Marusia Blumenthal 286 Moshe Zev Zohn
263 Neta Weitzman 287 Dr. A. Baruch
264 Change. Y. Luria 288 Zina Kavkar
265 Dr. Ch. Shapira 288 The Gavisky Family
267 Zev Rabinowitz 289 Pinchas Sheinson
268 Genia Friedman-Weiner 289 Dr. Kronson
269 Dr. Manfred Engel 290 Dr. Frumkin

[Page 343]

290 The Segal Family 309 Solomon
291 A. Shlondsky 309 Various
291 Yosef Cohen 310 Kurlandchik
292 David Brantson 311 Haim Tzvi
292 The Glazer Family 311 Avraham Yudelovitz
293 The Zondlovitz Family 311 Yitzhak Ligum
293 Meir Lifshit 312 Simcha Volotzky
293 Zundal Lifshis 312 Misha Levitan
294 The Ilgovsky Family 312 Yitzhakin
294 Markus Nahum 313 Kassel
295 Kalman Goldberg 315 The Yablokovksy Family
295 Yisrael London 316 Simcha Chertok
295 The Ginzberg Family 316 Bilsky
296 Dr. Shmuel Katz 316 Rappaport
296 The Kabors Family 317 Segalson
297 Arieh Yapo 317 Abba Katz
297 The Kotz Family 318 Abba Hazan
298 The Yashpan Family 318 Isaakovitz
299 The Bardash Family 318 Mordel
299 Dr. Labansky 319 Margovasky
299 The Svirsky Family 320 Epstein
300 The Hanoch Family 320 Klatchkin
300 Bluma Goldberg 321 Luria
300 The Mezricher Family 321 Chavtzkin
301 Meir Olimperl 322 A Memorial to Friends
301 The Dror Family 326 Frizman
301 Annaleh Marshak 327 Shalit
302 Apraimchik 327 Rozlasky
302 The Porath Family 327 Chaitin
303 Aharon Rosainsky 328 Zalkind
303 Avrahami 328 B.Y. Schmidt
303 Lipa Borstein 330 The Shapira Family
304 Shalkovsky 331 Yehoshua Shaifer
304 Gershon Dushnitzky 331 Goldbert
304 The Kaplan Family 332 The Marijampole Gymnasium
304 The Yatkonsky Brothers 333 Bobarovsky
305 Dosia Sandler 333 Epstein-Kopilovitz
305 Elchanan Rabinowitz 335 Borstein
305 Moshe Ushpiz 336 Hyman
306 Yitzhak Kaplan 336 Gurvitz
307 Lipman Shapira 336 Pitom
307 Ya’akov Rabinowitz 337 The Martyrs of Marijampole
308 Tripskin 338 Schochat
308 Shmarkovitz 339 Stein
309 Steinberg 339 Rozovsky


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