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Dina Johans
The Johans family left Gorlice in 1915 following the heavy battles in the area and settled in Jaslo. Shortly thereafter, the father of the family took ill and soon passed away. He was a god fearing man and a scholar.
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He left a wife, two sons and two daughters. Dina Johans was a modest and heart warming woman. She accepted her faith as a religious person. She did not complain for she did not want to gossip or indulge in idle talk.
She continued to manage the family with the limited resources at her disposal. She received great satisfaction from the studies of her son Eliyahu who was a student of the Rabbi Shmuel Fuhrer from Krosno. He was an excellent student and capable of absorbing vast knowledge. He was soon considerate one of the great upcoming Talmudic scholars.
Rabbi Eliyahu Johans |
Following his marriage to the daughter of the Rabbi of Luptin, he was appointed as Rabbi of Ozipoli ( he perished in the shoa with his family). Her second son Dow was also a student with Rabbi Shmuel Fuhrer of Korsno and was also
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an excellent Talmudic student familiar with Jewish law. He survived the war and reached Israel where he lives in Ramat Amidar in Ramat Gan.
Emallia Johans the oldest daughter married a yeshiva student named Chaim Zeew Kizelstein from Krosno. She, her husband and a daughter left for Palestine and settled in Tel Aviv. He is a clerk with the community council
The mother and the youngest daughter perished during the shoa.
Israel Just
He was the son of Dow Beril Just from Zmigrod. Nobody knew his family name in Jaslo and he was known as Israel the teacher. He was one of the first heder or Hebrew teachers in Jaslo with the development of the Jaslo community. Many of the old time residents of Jaslo were proud students of Israel Just who gave them the first elementary Jewish education.
He lived in the Targowica as did most of the early Jewish settlers near Jaslo. When he passed away, they sold the plot on which stood the shaky hut of Israel Just to Mandil. He built on it a residence and a prayer house.
Baruch Just
He was a fine and gentle spirit. He was born in Jaslo and was consider red as one of the scholars of the Jewish community. He was well read and familiar with the enlightened literature as well as with the early Zionist literature namely Mapu's book The Love of Zion and Smolensky's The Error in the Way of Life.
He grew with the community and frequently heard the complaints of the population against the actions of the community leaders. He joined the Zionist organization as soon as the first branch of the movement was opened in Jaslo. The blue collection box was always in his house. He was a jeweler and had a nice income. He lived all his life on Kosciuszko Street. He had three sons and four daughters who received a Jewish and national education.
His eldest son Berish organized the first Hebrew speaking club in town. He attended the Hebrew lectures given at the Yeshuron club. (He left Jaslo following his marriage)
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His second son Israel was the local reporter for the Hebrew press and organized the first Hebrew Dramatic group called the Anski group. He was an artist and had a sensitivity for artistic events and thus invited theater groups, artists and poets to the city to present their creations. He also took part in some of the theater presentations as an actor. He was the head of the United organization until he left. Following WWII, he reached Palestine after crossing the Hungarian forests. He settled in Jerusalem and later moved to Tel Aviv where he worked as a government clerk. His younger son Alter lives in Belgium.
Dawid Just
He was first son in law of Elimelech Freund and one of the leading religious intellectuals that were known to the community in Jaslo. He was the grand son of the ritual slaughterer of Tarnobrzeg and visited Palestine during the fourth Aliyah period. Following his engagement, he returned to Jaslo where he continued to support the building of a Jewish National Home.
Following his marriage he settled in Jaslo where he opened a shoe store and developed plans to settle in Palestine. Meanwhile he was very active in the Zionist movement and one of the most active in the Mizrahi movement and an active community leader.
In 1933 he left for Palestine again with his family and settled in Tel Aviv. He went into business and later became a builder.His only son Yaakow, born in Jaslo, was a very talented youngster who showed some writing abilities. He joined the Hagana or Jewish underground army prior to the establishment of Israel. He participated in several battles during the Independence War of Israel and distinguished himself in the military operation code named Dawid of clearing the approaches to Tel Aviv where he fell. He was killed on the third day of Adar, Tashah or the 13th of February 1948. He was still in the prime of his youth (see some of his writings).
A. Jortner
The family lived for many years on Iglena Street . All the neighbors knew old Jortkena who tried to earn a living by baking bread and cooking tcholent for people for Shabat
Her sons left Jaslo for the USA in the thirties and she died a lonely woman.
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Naphtali Imner
He was a serious and quiet person. He had modern and advanced views on life. He lived in the Targowica and his sons received a general education. His daughter was involved in the Zionist movement and left for Palestine as one of the early pioneers. She lives today at kibbutz Merchavia.
Elimelech Jawitz
He lived in one of the alleys of the Targowica, behind the Christian cemetery where he had a small house and a grocery.
He was a non talker and kept stayed clear of any involment. He went daily to the prayer house and participated in the mishnayot study group. He had no children, and no other interests.
Shmuel Jakubowicz
He was known in the city as Shmuel Hankowker since he came from the village of Hankowka. He was a typical country type of person but good natured. He brought daily his dairy produce to the city and distributed it to his customers.
On the day when his parents passed away he used to go to pray at the synagogue. He then wore a green velvet hat, a long old coat and a multicolored kerchief at the waist. He would drive his cart into the courtyard of the synagogue and enter to pray. He stood at his place and did not budge, he recited the Kaddish and frequently distributed cheese and schnapps for the sake of the soul. He uttered good morning in Yiddish with a heavy accented r and left the place.
Zalman Jakubowicz
He was a brother of Shmuel Jakubowicz and was called Zalman Koczerower for he came from the village of Koczerow that was beyond the Joselka river. He observed strictly the religious laws. He was a merchant and had three daughters two of whom are in America. His only son was killed in WWI.
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Mordechai Itzhakowicz
He was one of the first Jewish residents in Ulaszowica. He was a good natured person and was a Hassidic Jew who followed the path of the righteous. He was a butcher and thus earned his livelihood.
P. Jeroslawsky
He was of Russian origin and lived in Jaslo for a number of years. He helped to establish the Poalei Tzion movement in Jaslo. He then disappeared from Jaslo without a trace; some people said that he returned to Russia.
Moshe Yaakow Jermiash
He was born in Jasinic and settled in Jaslo following his marriage at the beginning of the present century. In the city he was known as Moshe Yekil. He had good intentions, friendly, vivacious and liked to please his customers.
He was adored by the intelligentsia and the students at the study center and had devoted customers. He had friendly face and was well disposed to listen.
He lived all his life on Nowa Street near the great synagogue. He had two sons who were active in the Zionist youth groups; Berl and Nachman. The daughter Hawa married Awraham Hoffert and in 1934 left for Palestine and settled in Tel Aviv. Following WWII, the youngest son of the family also reached Palestine and settled in Rishon Letzion
Mattityahu Katz
He belonged to the first group of Hassidim in the city. He was very close to the rabbi. He was tall and had large beard that gave him a splendid presentation He was a clerk at the spirit refinery from the days of Aleksandrowitch. He became ill in the twenties and soon passed away
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The family left for the USA. Simcha and Benyamin Katz, the sons of Mattityahu Katz, are strong supporters and contributors of the Zionists movement in the USA.
(Benyamin visited Israel two years ago.)
Shmuel Lehr
He was an old-timer in Jaslo and had his own house on Kazimierz Street. Later he acquired another house on Chajnochy Street that bordered the first house. He was a furrier and a hat maker who also sold hats. He had a nice income and three sons. One of them lived in Munich and another one Moshe Lehr lived in Krakow. The family took great pride in the fact that he was the beadle at the famous Rama Synagogue in Krakow.
Eliyahu Lehr
He was the third son of the family. He was jovial, liked to joke and listened to stories. He continued his father's trades. He was also very handy in creating velvet gloves that were very elegant. The study center and the yeshiva students liked these gloves.
He was also the due collector for all those people that used the market. Every vendor, stand and cart had to pay a certain money tax for the use of the place. Frequently, peasants refused to pay or tried to vanish that resulted in fights but the dues were collected.
He had four daughters and a son who received a general education. Two of the daughters survived the war and the son is in the USA.
P. Laufer
He was the son in law of Eli Hass and was very familiar with torah literature. He was a member of the Mizrahi movement and a timber merchant who lived on Florianska Street.
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Mordechai Leizer
He had a haberdashery store on Kosciuszko Street. He followed the mood of the community. Sometimes he dressed modern, still he attended all the lectures at the shtibel and at the study center where he delved into the study of the Talmud. Lately he gave up his business and became an agent for many firms in Krakow, Rzeszow and Lemberg. He handled the purchasing and shipping by railway of the ordered merchandise. He had a son and a daughter who received a high school education.
Yossef Licht
He was an old haberdashery store owner and a pleasant and moderate person. He liked to listen to torah discussions and rabbinical interpretations and customs. He was always neatly dressed. As a religious person he distanced himself from every scandal. He concerned himself primarily with his business. But since he lived amongst people, he was once nominated on a party list for the community board and was elected.
He had two daughters.
Dawid Lipczer
He led a saintly and simple life. His outside appearance gave the impression of a great rabbi with his white beard that covered his face that was full of holes caused by years of work as a baker. All his life he lived in Elimelech Goldstein's house. He had one daughter that married Yekil Hirshfeld and three sons.
Itchi Lipczer
He was the son of Dawid Lipczer and he devoted himself to the study of the torah. He served as cantor for many years at the synagogue of Yad Charutzim. Lately he received the job of collecting money for Tomchei Aniim or the poor people association. He had several sons that received a traditional religious education in the spirit of Bobow.
Moshe Hersh Lipczer
He was the second son of Dawid Lipczer . He was religious and a baker like his father. He also sold bagels. He was a sick person
Betzalel Lipczer
He was the third son of of Dawid Lipczer and the son in law of Meir Felderbrand. He was one of the first to join the
Poalei Tzion or Jewish workers union branch in Jaslo. He tried to be modern and worked as a baker. He was disappointed with his achievements and left for Germany where he also failed to settle down and returned to Jaslo. He had a nice voice, he was a baritone and assisted all the city cantors. He was a member of the dramatic club that was organized by the Zionist youth movement.
Yehoshua Lipczer
He was a younger brother of Dawid Lipczer and was also pious and modest. He was a tailor and later opened a grocery and soft drink place when his daughters were a bit older. They even managed for a while a haberdashery store.
His life was very difficult, first his oldest son who used to study at the study center died as a result of a disease contracted during the prolonged battle of Gorlice in 1914. An engaged daughter died from a prolonged disease that drained her. His oldest son in law died of tuberculosis at the age if thirty and left a wife and small children. He continued his life in spite of all of these tragedies.
One of his sons Meir was active in the Zionist youth group and worked as an electrician although he never studied the trade.
Eliezer Lambig
He was the beadle of the Yad Charutzim synagogue and tried through this job to provide his family with food but was not terribly successful since he had a large family.
With the outbreak of the WWI, he became ill. He lived in a basement flat of the house the belonged to Lehr next to the Talmud Torah. The disease progressed and the war prevented real treatment for the Russian occupied the city. He soon died and left a wife and several small sons.
Yehoshua Lempel
He was the son in law of Wolf Eintziger and came from old Sandz. He was a quiet and modest man. He was content with his lot and observed the religion. He prayed at the study venter.
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He was one of the first store owners to sell kitchen ware and later opened a haberdashery in Amer-Kornfeld's house.
His daughter who was a devoted member of the Zionist youth left for Palestine in the thirties and is a member of kibbutz Dan.
H. Langer, dr.
He was a doctor and settled in Jaslo in the thirties. He lived on Kosciuszko Street. Only his daughter managed to survive WWII. and reached Israel where she settled in Tel Aviv.
Yossef Lans, dr.
He was one of the old doctors in the city and an original member of the Zionist movement in Jaslo. He lived all his life on May 3rd Street. During the summer season he opened a medical office and a rest home for children in Iwonicz.
Gedalia Lefelholtz
He was from Dukla and the son in law of Elimelech Gutwin. He was a Hassid and familiar with the torah. He was a regular worshipper at the study center of Rabbi Mandil and also partook in the daily lessons given there. He was a merchant and lived in the Targowica square. He was honest and strait. He married Sara Gutwin and they had several daughters.
P. Mager
He was one of the senior clerks at the refinery in Niglowic. He was an intelligent person and religious. He had a large and trimmed beard. One day while crossing Kosciuszko Street he had a stroke and died on the spot. His son left Jaslo and settled in Haifa.
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Eisik Moldauer
He was the son in law of Leibish Winfeld and was considered a modern person. At first he started the bottling of seltzer water and then took over the business of his father in law that was located in the market square. He continued with the business until 1914 when the war started he left for Vienna.
Meir Moshel
He was the second son in law of Moshe Tzimet. He was a student of Rabbi Shapiro of Lublin and was an active and very pleasant. Community leader (See Moshe Tzimet)
Simon Mata, Dr.
He was one of the first doctors in the city. He was very respected and lived on Kosciuszko Street. He died in the twenties and had only daughters.
Yossef Mata
He was a very modern person and had modern ideas. He was a Zionist and prayed at the big synagogue where he was elected as beadle. He was the son in law of Wolf Wagshal and lived in the corner of of the square where the busses parked and had had an inn there. He was doing well and his children received a high school education. His oldest son left Jaslo with Polish Independence.
Zelig Miller
With the growth of the Jewish community in Ulaszowica, he was selected to be the religious representative of the Jewish community. He was appointed to organize the Hevra Kadisha and was also appointed as ritual slaughterer and performer of circumcisions.
He was a very popular figure in his time in Jaslo. He presented himself in a traditional pattern and was very scholarly. He devoted himself to piety and religious obligations. He was one of the first to arrive to serve G-d in the synagogue.
He lived in a wooden hut on Chajnochy Street near the house of the rabbi where he raised his family of nine children, six boys and three daughters. He contented himself with little and was very modest. One day he decided to abandon the slaughtering business and devoted himself to commerce.
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This was a very smart move to open a store in the market of Jaslo in spite of strong ant-Semitism. A liberal gentile named Brongliwicz rented him space to open the store. He managed the store for years with his son in law Eliezer Blum. The Polish noblemen of the area took a liking to him and spent hours talking to him about life and the purpose of life. He had excellent commercial contacts with the local gentry.
Zelig Miller |
He lived a long life and at age 80 still led the congregation in the afternoon Minha service of Yom Kippur that was dedicated to his wife that passed away on this holy day some years ago.
His daughters married yeshiva students of respected families. Five of his son in laws lived in Jaslo; Eliezer Blum, Dawid Seinwel, Moshe Kalb, Moshe Margulies, Naphtali Hoffert, the sixth Itzhak Goldberg left for the USA.
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Two of his sons Chaim and Pinhas were affected by the enlightenment and became highly educated yeshiva students. Both left Jaslo prior to WWI; the first one settled in Koln, Germany and the second moved to Holland.
He was very happy at the marriage of his grand daughter to Dawid Seinwel and showed it while dancing the traditional ceremonial group dance with a bottle of spirit in his hands. A rapid body count indicated that he had about 109 members in his family. He passed away at the age of 87.
Moshe Miller
He was the oldest son of Zelig Miller and a scholarly type who devoted himself to study and meditation. He was a weak person yet did a great deal of penance and fasting. He encouraged his son Shmuel to study in group studies until the early morning hours. The son passed away while the father was still alive.
He traveled to visit the Rabbi of Siniawa and when the latter died he continued to travel to see his follower. Suddenly he became ill and was diagnosed as having intestinal inflammation. The doctors recommended immediate surgery and on Saturday he left for Vienna where the operation was performed but the patient died. and was brought back to Jaslo to be buried.
He left a wife named Miszket, four sons and one daughter. Miszket Miller was a known merchant in the market and continued with the store until she passed away.
The daughter was married to Henech Adler who was a very pious and strictly observant yeshiva student. He participated in all the lectures at the shtibel synagogue and was a regular member of the study center of the rabbi. His flat was in the market and he sold goods. He had three sons who were raised in the Bobower Hassidic tradition and were students of the study center. He also had two daughters.
Gdelia Miller was the oldest son of Moshe Miller and he left Jaslo with the outbreak of the war and settled in Vienna. His son reached Palestine in the thirties and settled in Kfar Saba.
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The second son Yaakow, a member of the Mizrahi, settled in Tarnow following his marriage. Eliezer, the third son was a member of the Zionist movement and remained in Jaslo and helped his mother with the business. The fourth son Yehezkel was a lively fellow and loved in his youth to act as s a stand up comic. He left Jaslo with Polish Independence.
Moshe Mintz
He was a butcher and a very quiet person. His sons studied design and were excellent artists particularly artistic signs. One of his sons was killed by a co-worker while standing on a ladder at the work place. The other children left for Vienna.
Nute Maltz
He wa one of the first cattle merchants and also had a butcher store in Jaslo. He was very well known amongst the artisans and devoted himself to the association of Yad Charutzim and to this end he dedicated his second home. His first home was destroyed by the Russians in 1914.
He had a few sons and daughters. Following WWI, his daughters became very active social workers in the city on behalf of the American Joint. One of his daughters left for the USA in the twenties and while writing these lines I am informed that two of his daughters reached Israel and live in Haifa.
Zelig Maltz
He lived all his life in Tarnowica and was very religious. He strictly observed all the commandments and raised his sons in the same spirit. He brought a special teacher to provide his sons with a religious education. As a village Jew he also engaged in commerce and brought dairy products from the farm to the city. We are told that he observed the commandment of receiving graciously visitors and each visitor in the village found a place in his home. He also gave charity to the needy. One of his sons is in the USA.
Shlomo Maltz
He was the son of Zelig Maltz and settled in Jaslo behind the municipality. He was involved in many enterprises but basically devoted to visiting his Hassidic rabbi.
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He wore silk outfits and a shtreimel. He was the torah reader for years at the Yad Charutzim synagogue.
Mendel Meller
Everybody in Jaslo knew Mendel Meller and certainly heard of his sayings, jokes and innuendos. As a matter of fact, he was so popular that when people made a joke or stated a saying they would say that it is a quote from Mendel Meller.
I will be remiss if I did not mention some of his activities in Jaslo for he was a colorful and creative personality who enclosed contradictory characteristics in his personality.
Mendel Meller |
He was a follower of the Hassidic Rabbi of Bluzow and absorbed the Zionist theory of Hertzel and one of the first Zionist members in the city while studying a page of the Talmud daily. He wore a large silk capote with an overcoat that had a velvet collar and a silk waistband. He walked with enlightened and non-religious people. He told stories about the famous saintly rabbis and their way of life. The grand children devoured the stories. Yet he is also well connected to the Rabbi and to the Tzimet family that is very conservative and traditional. He dreams of Zion and the Palestinian colonists that live in the colonies and build the country. He admires them and sanctifies Zionism for this achievement in spite of the mistakes.
One day, Mendel Meller left Jaslo and headed to Palestine to see for himself what is happening there, what is the reality of the situation. He remained in Jerusalem for several days and then visited each settlement and met the young pioneers. He is impressed with the achievements and is very pleased with his experiences. He even participated in a film that was being made in Palestine about Jewish life there. Indeed he appeared in the movie next to the bronzed young pioneers with their large straw hats that drained the swamps, tended to e wine and orange orchards. He was very pleased in the movie. (The movie was shown in Jaslo in 1913)
He built a large house on Main Street of Jaslo, Third May Street that contained stores on the ground floor. The house had large balconies and large rooms but he himself had a small store of leather and shoe maker supplies. On the long table in the store were always displayed books; Talmuds, newspapers, Hatzfira edited by (Nahum Sokolow, a Zionist) next to a Mishnayot, Hamitzpe of Lazar on top of an open Talmud book, and Rabbi Mendel wearing a large skullcap looks from under the pile of reading material and smiles. He draws from here and from there, always reading material in his hand. He had a phenomenal memory and one word would start him reciting entire lines in the Talmud. Indeed, I personally witnessed one evening as we sat in the shtibel synagogue when Mendel Meller recited entire pages of the Talmud.
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He was always the spokesman of the group and always had brilliant opening lines for the appropriate group. He would start a conversation by asking where the word was mentioned in the torah and most of the answers would be wrong. He then stated where it appears and in what context, all of this was done orally without notes or books.
The Russians took him as a Jewish hostage in 1915 during WWI when they retreated from Galicia. He spent his time writing a book on Hebrew grammar. He was musically talented and composed Yiddish songs that he sung at various occasions, namely Nahmo, Nachmo Ami, Juden Bnei Rachmanim, Rishke.These songs were also sung at the Rabbi's Purim party. With his return from Russian captivity he wrote a song entitled Hayev Adam Lebsumi Beboriah with a special Purim tune.
He was sick as a child and his face remained marked with scars for the rest of his life. People asked him why he was punished in such manner. He answered as follows
You know that when a child is conceived it absorbs knowledge for nine months and prior to birth an angel taps the lips of the soon to be born child that erases all knowledge, thus the child is born without knowledge. When the angel came to me and tried to eliminate my knowledge I resisted. The angel stated that he must carry out the order.
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I refused to budge and covered my face with both hands so that the angel will not be able to touch my lips. I refused to abandon my torah knowledge. We struggled back and forth until the angel managed to push away my hands and slapped me. You can see the results. Of course I resisted as much as I could but the angel overpowered me. On occasion he would ask the worshippers to pick a line from the torah section that was read and build on it a funny story or pun. These stories and puns circulated throughout the community and were always attributed to the author namely Mendel Meller. He once stated that he will break the record of speed-reading the Mishne Torah and he did it in fifty-five minutes flat. He read without mistakes and with the special tune appropriate for the Holiday of Hoshana Rabba.
He was also a very serious person in spite of his comical approach to things. He devoted himself to public affairs. At the community board he represented the Zionist cause and at the municipality the merchants interests.
He had four sons and four daughters. One of the sons was the famous Hebrew writer Dow Kimchi who resides in Jerusalem for about forty years. The young son of Dow Kimchi, Igal Kimchi, relates facts about his father's work as a secretary for the late Chaim Weitzman. Another son, Hersh Elimelech left for the USA in the twenties. The youngest son, Israel is presently in Paris. His first son in law was Yossef Frumowicz, the second one was Meir Batman, the third son in law was Pinhas Raab the owner of the the photo shop Flora on Kosciuszko Street. One of the daughters, Chaya, left for Palestine and lives in Jerusalem.
The Germans caught him but he managed to wrap himself in his prayer shawl and destroyed all real cherished items so that they should not fall into the bloody hands of the Germans. Mendel Meller thus sanctified the heavenly body on this day of destruction.
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Awraham Meller
He was the second son of Mendel Meller and was well read and educated. He always had a friendly smile on his lips and was close to the ideals of the Mizrahi movement. He was an active member of the movement and was one of the founders of the Mizrahi School. He prayed regularly at the Mizrahi synagogue and was a merchant. His son Elimelech survived the war and recently, arrived in Israel where he settled in Haifa.
Yossef Meller
Prior to WWI he became known as a benefactor of the needy and a provider for those that needed a place to sleep for the night. He was known to welcome guests especially out of town people. He also invited poor guests and fed them. On occasions there were as many as ten to fifteen people at his table. He dealt with cattle.
He was one of the founders of the association of Hachnassat Kalah or helping poor girls marry. In order to raise funds towards this end, he created a special band that wore blue bands and copper buttons on the jackets, red stripes along the pants and special hats with shining feathers. This band appeared at various functions namely weddings and all receipts went to the association. The band was well known in the city and existed until the outbreak of WWII.
Hersh Meller
He originates from the area of Brzezow and settled in Jaslo in the twenties. He lived all his life in Hiclowka. He was a tailor and a quiet sensitive person. He was very observant and helpful to the needy. He prayed at the big synagogue.
Dawid Mandel
He was nicknamed the red teacher. He lived many years at the Targowica.. Lately he did nothing since he was sick. He had two sons, Yehezkel and Shlomo who were bakers and three daughters who married bakers
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Yehezkel Mandel
He leased the bakery from Zelig Korzenik. He was a working man and belonged to the Polei Tzion in his youth. His business picked up in later years.
Yossef Manashe
This was his German nickname from his younger days. He was actually from Tarnow and came to Jaslo as an assistant to the weaving store of Brandsdadter.
Following his marriage, having saved some money, he decided to open his own weaving store. With time his business expanded and he became one of the wealthiest Jews in town. He built a big house in the market facing Nowa Street opposite the mayors office. His was the largest store of this type in Jaslo. He was really a self made man and had a modern outlook on life but observed tradition and prayed daily at the Yad Charutzim synagogue. He was not interested in politics or public affairs. He devoted himself to his business and his clients that earned him the reputation of an honest man. Customers trusted him and relayed on him to obtain the best woolens at the best price.
All his four sons and three daughters received an academic education. One daughter Miriam was married to Dr. Emanuel Tzuker, a children's doctor, son of Alter Tzuker of Rzerzin who was the son in law of attorney Naphtali Manashe.
Awraham, Manashe, doctor
He was the oldest son of Yossef Manaashe who was called Dolik in his youth. He was an attorney in Jaslo and known as Adolph Manasse. He tended to assimilation and kept his distance from public affairs. He lived on Kosciuszko Street.
Naphtali Manashe, doctor
The second son of Yossef Manashe was called as a youngster Tulik. He was also an attorney and considered one of the best in town.
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He joined the Zionist movement while a student at high school. He was one of the founders of the Yeshuron club in Jaslo between 1905/1906 and a friend of Dr. Kornhauser and Dr. Stein. Together they were very active on behalf of Zionism and spread the idea amongst their clients and the Jewish population at large.
He was elected to the community board along the Zionist list and protected adamantly these interests. He was also elected to the municipality and defended the Jewish interests and honor in Jaslo.
He was very soft spoken, lax in religious matters but attended the synagogue on high holidays in order to listen to the rabbi's mussaf or second half of the service. His only son was raised along Zionist lines.
The family managed to reach Russia with the outbreak of WWII where he and his son became ill and passed away. His wife returned and reached Israel where she settled in Ramat Hayil.
Zigmunt Menashe
He was an engineer and worked for a Dutch company in Sumatra. With the outbreak of WWII he was caught by the Germans and brought to Poland where he perished.
Michael Menashe, doctor
He was the fourth son of Yossef Menashe. He was a lawyer and left Jaslo for Lodz where he established a flourishing legal practice. The Germans caught him and brought him to Jaslo where his traces disappeared.
Giselle Menashe-Kagan
She was the oldest daughter of Yossef Menashe and finished as doctor of pharmacology. She never practiced her profession since she became involved in social work. She worked with several social institutions and dedicated herself specifically with sick orphaned children.
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Hanka Menashe-Westreich
She was the second daughter of Yossef Menashe.and was also involved in social work and tried to help the needy.
She was married to attorney Westreich who was a Zionist and active in the community. He supported his wife's activities. He was very active and was elected to the municipality on behalf of the merchant's ticket where he defended their interests.
St. Westreich did not practice law but managed with his father in law the family business. The firm was known as Yossef Menashe and son in law. He managed to escape with his wife and is presently in Paris with his family. His son visited Israel and worked on a kibbutz but later returned to Paris.
Moshe Margolies
He was one of the influential Jews of the city. He was highly respected as an individual and scholar. He was very familiar with the surrounding milieu and a very pleasant speaker. He dressed neatly and radiated warmth. He was also known to discreetly administer assistance to the needy.
He was a wood merchant and his house was near the study center on Chajnochy Street near the river, opposite the house of Meir Berish the slaughterer. Prior to WWI, he fell ill while on a business trip. On returning home the disease progressed, he suffered for a while and died. He left a wife named Hawa Rachel, two sons, and two married daughters. His young un-married son Sender, a student at the study center, was infected by a contagious disease in 1914 and died.
Hersh Margolies
He was the second son of Moshe Margolies and a student at the study center. He was a quiet and shy student who continued in his father's footsteps and observed religion and tradition. He was also a wood merchant and married the daughter of Berish Altman. The couple lived in his house on Kosciuszko Street.
Moshe Margolies
He was the son in law of Zelig Miller and very religious. He was well acquainted with the Talmud and dressed neatly. He prayed at the study center and had a store in the
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Market. He had five daughters and a son named Hershel who left Jaslo for the USA. (According to rumors, his son did very well in the USA).
He did well and took the entire family to the USA following Polish Independence. Only one daughter remained in Jaslo.
Abba Margolies
They were three brothers that came from Trzycic. The oldest was called Abtcze Margolies and owned an inn in the market place. He did very well and led a Hassidic life. He had a seat along the eastern wall and loved to hear himself sing in his younger days. He loved to conduct services or sing the songs during meal time. On occasion he would also read the torah when the regular reader was absent. Lately he became very close to the rabbi. He never expressed his own views in public but was always involved with the big study center where he was the beadle.
He had three daughters and one son named Dawid who was tossed out of a speeding moving train by anti-Semitic Poles. This occurred in 1919 after Poland received its independence. The train was coming from Krakow.
Baruch Margolies
The second brother was the son in law of Kornreich and a wood merchant. He was a fair man and presented a nice picture of himself. He distanced himself from all public activities but was a Zionist. He was influenced by modern trends. His sons received a general education. Nathan his second son married his cousin, Abcze's daughter. One of his daughters left for Palestine and settled on a kibbutz where she lives presently. He also visited Israel twenty years ago and hoped to settle in the country.
When his house near the Ulaszowica Bridge burned down prior to WWI he moved to Karp's house. (His oldest son is in America)
Yoel Margolies
The third brother was the son in law of Feiwil Klinman. He observed tradition and prayed at the big study center. He had a store that sold writing materials in the market square before the tobacco store of Frankel. He made a nice living and had two daughters and a son. The oldest daughter was married to Shimshon Tudor.
With the outbreak of the war he managed to flee and following the WWII he reached Israel where he lives today in Pardess Hanah.
Adolph Margolies
He inherited his father's store on the death of his father Menashe Margolies. It was a big store that sold building materials, electrical supplies, machines and fine metals in the market square. Adolph Margolies was not related to the other Margolies families in town. He was an educated person and tended to follow assimilation. His wife was a devoted member of the Zionist women organization and Wizo and took a sincere interest in these societies.
She was killed on the train by Polish anti-Semites during the first days of WWII and he managed to escape but remained in Poland.
Moshe Margolies
He lived but a few years in Jaslo and with Polish Independence moved to Przedmiscze. He then left Poland for the USA. He was the son in law of Fass, the barber.
Lewi Markowicz
He was an excellent host and gave a great deal of charity. He was very popular, especially his wife who was considered a Sainte for she gave generously charity and made no pretensions about it. Their house was open to all poor and needy people in the city. The indigenous were received with open arms. Both husband and wife traveled to visit the Rabbi of Dukla prior to his moving to Jaslo. While waiting for his place to be finished, the Rabbi stayed at their house. As a sign of a good host, he displayed a picture of Awraham receiving the three angels in the desert before his tent.
He lived all his life in Eliezer Brenner's house and made a living by preparing the ingredients for the salami industry.
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