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Tzadok Weber
The family was a very colorful family. Tzadok Weber was a butcher. Due to a disease he lost his hair and had no beard. He died prior to WWI and left a wife and five sons; Lipcze, Motil, Itzik, Hershel, Yekil and four daughters.
With regards to charity, the Weber house took the first row in town. The house was open to every poor person in the city and the widow treated them with respect and helped them. She dressed in old style rabbanit clothing. She did an excellent job of hosting the poor and the down trodden people in the city
Leib Weber
He was nicknamed Lipcze Weber in his youth while a student at the study center. Later he joined the workers association named Poalei Tzion that was established in Jaslo at the time. He delved into the activities of the association and became very politically very active.
He was busy in the butcher shop but still read a great deal and there were always books in the store as well as newspapers and magazines. In effect he was acquiring an education.
The political situation in Poland following WWI. was in turmoil. In Russia the communist party seized power and turmoil prevailed in many other places. All these events influenced Leib Weber who was already familiar with the writings of La Salle, Luxemburg and Lenin. He was looking forward to the future, to the fulfillment of the social objective of the Jewish working masses together with other workers. Hunger and lack of work embittered the general population as well as the Jewish population. Thus he received the opportunity to speak everywhere on behalf of the Jewish worker. The various community officials that presented reports about the need for more help from the Joint Organization usually met Lipcze who criticized them for their behavior and demanded their immediate resignation.
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The electoral campaign for community leadership began and . Lipcze appeared everywhere and spoke on behalf of the Jewish working masses. His words are like sparks of fire directed at the leaders of the community that tried to hide behind the veneer of respectability. They have no right to speak on behalf of the community for they do not represent it. The elections to the community board were finished then came the elections for the Polish parliament. Again the speeches and rallies . Almost every Sunday there were mass rallies at the big study center where the speakers were Hoffman, Dr. Korhauser, Mendel Meller, Dr. Naphtali Menashe etc But Lipcze Weber attacked them all and addressed himself to the audience Jewish brothers, the united Jewish masses can not permit themselves to be led by these people We are from the masses that have a clear conscience shaped by the Jewish proletariat that will only vote for this list And I suggest these candidates and only these candidates are fit.
Mendel Meller replied to Lipcze's oratory and managed to silence him by referring to a particular personal incident in which he was involved.
We must admit that Lipcze Weber was an honest man that truly represented the worker and their interests. He personally had no gains. He was a good speaker and used a great deal of reason and persuasion. Even the opponents admitted that he was a fine speaker.
He was elected to the community board as representative of the Yad Harutzim Society. He also represented this organization in other social institutions in the city.
All the members of this family used a particular manner of speech to distinguish themselves from each other whether in the speech pattern of the guttural letters or in the rolling of the letter R to create the impression of a Russian accent.
In the thirties, he was already an elderly and sickly man who decided to get married and ceased all political work.
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Motil Weber
He was the main bread winner of the family. He traded cattle and was also a butcher. He was assisted by Lipcze and Yekil. He was a religious fellow with a trimmed beard and was also known to be a charitable person. He was not known to be involved in politics and rarely expressed his opinions. He was a bachelor.
Itzik Weber
He resided many years in Germany. On returning to Jaslo in the twenties he married the daughter of Awraham Schecht. In the evenings he used to sing German, Yiddish and Polish folk songs.
Hershel Weber
He was a gifted child and showed great promise at an early age. The teachers predicted a great future for him. There was no subject that Hershel did not master. Students were jealous and envious of his great ability. There were no difficult problems for this student who was also very helpful to other students by explaining them the problem and the solution.
He graduated school with honors and prepared to enter high school as an extern. He continued his studies and also continued his Talmudic studies. He once encountered a serious problem that was beyond his comprehension. He went to the Rabbi's study center and met Ephraim Rubin who was a great Talmudic scholar and he explained him the question and the answer. He graduated with honors from the University of Krakow and the Academy of Arts in the same city. His vast knowledge of literature, mathematics, physics, astronomy, philosophy and art did not enable him to get a befitting position in the country. He wrote articles and literary reviews in Polish newspapers but nothing concrete.
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Only in 1940, with the occupation of Lemberg by the Russians was he appointed to the chair of mathematics at the University of Lemberg. The appointments lasted for a short time since he decided to visit his family in Jaslo. On his return trip he was stopped and shot by the Germans. They kept firing until he collapsed to the ground. Thus was lost a fine and distinguished soul in this period of chaos in the twentieth century.
Yekil Weber
He was the youngest son of the family. He was tall and large boned. Like his brothers he also song Yiddish and Polish folk songs. He had a beautiful tenor voice. At first he started as a supporter of Yiddish and soon joined the ranks of the communist party and became a very active member. He also enlisted his sisters in these efforts.
The Polish authorities soon received information about them and they were all arrested for illegal activities. The communist party was forbidden in Poland. Yekil and his sisters went to jail where they remained for several years.
Brili Weber
He was a short person with a sparse yellowish beard. He lived all his life at the Targowica. He was a simple tailor and lately began to sell ready made clothing.
He was modest and quiet. He prayed at the study center of Rabbi Mandil. He had two daughters and a son named Hershel. They all worked earning a living
Zeew Wagshal
He had an estate in Worzic near Jaslo. His brother, Moti Wagshal was the dayan- or religious judge of the city of Biecz. Zeew Wagshal was a very pious and honest person.
He moved to Jaslo and settled in Ulaszowica near the bridge where he opened a store. He had four sons and four daughters. He had three sons in laws namely Michael Platner, Yossef Mate, and Yehoshua Guttman. They all resided in Jaslo. One of his sons, Israel married to the daughter of Awraham Schecht and opened the transportation
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line from Jaslo to Tarnow. First by cab and later by bus. The line continued to operate until WWII. The second son Leibish was a businessman.
Moshe Wolf
Everybody knew Moshe Wolf in Jaslo if not by his name then by his nickname from the Targowica. He was a very intelligent and a highly rational thinker that could tackle difficult problems and solve them for people.
He was very familiar with the law especially the financial aspect of laws. He could interpret every new financial regulation or law and was also called the iron head. He was referred to as the lawyer when it came to financial laws.
Jews with serious problems or dilemmas would frequently come to Moshe Wolf for help and he would drop whatever he did and sit with the party to help. He checked and on occasion criticized the community leadership when they tried to pull a fast one. He was always reading or checking references. As soon as he reached the study center he would pull out the book Questions and Answers or a similar books and browse standing with one foot on the bench. He also a had a peculiar habit when someone talked to him, he always reached for his beard and then dropped his arm. This habit repeated itself constantly in the conversation. He lived all his life at the Targowica. He had a grocery store. He had no sons.
Eisik Wolf
He was the first son in law of Yudel Budner. He was a yeshiva student and very religious. Lately lived at the Targowica. He had a nice income as a merchant.
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Eliezer Wiser
He was a modest and quiet person. He observed his religion and tradition. He produced vinegar and made a nice living from it. He lived in his brother in law's house, Yehiel Rosner, in the market. He had a son Pinhas and a daughter. The son was also a quiet person and kept his distance from activities. He worked with his father.
Chaim Wechselbaum
He settled in Jaslo with the outbreak of WWI and was known in the city as Chaim Trzcicer since he came from the shtetl of Trzcicer.
He was a god fearing Jew and a follower of the Rabbi of Bluzow. Subsequently he traveled to visit his son, Rabbi of Bribitic. He also owed allegiance to the Hassidic court of Trzcicer since Rabbi Shlomo Libli of Tyczyn was his uncle. On Saturdays and Holidays he would hardly talk except to murmur short Hebrew words. He prayed with a great deal of devotion, crying, begging and asking for mercy.
Friday nights he prayed at the big study center near the northern wall facing the wall and on Saturday he used to pray at the study center of the Rabbi.
He was a Hebrew teacher and had between 10 to 15 students. This provided his income. He lived all his life in the court yard of Yaakow Bruder where he had two dark rooms. His three sons were businessman and also studied at the study center . The oldest Yehoshua left Jaslo for Lejansk following his marriage. The second son Reuven left for Belgium in the twenties. The third son Shlomo was very active in the mizrahi youth movement. He then married and settled in Jaslo. He also had two daughters. One of them was Mirele active in the Zionist youth organization. She married Yehezkel Pnichel on his return from Palestine. The second daughter Chaya was also involved in the Zionist youth movement.
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Yaakow Wechselbaum
He was the son in law of Wolf Stillman. He was traditional and a member of the Zionist movement. He worshipped at the great synagogue where he had a seat in front to the holy arc. He had a haberdashery in his father in laws house on Kosciuszko Street. His son left for Palestine after WWII and received a job as a clerk but soon left to be independent.
Yaakow Weil
He had a friendly facial disposition to people. His friends loved him. He was known as a Zionist and a religious Jew. He prayed at the big synagogue. When the Mizrahi organization established itself in the city, they rented a big room in his house that was used as a meeting and assembly hall for the party. He dealt all his life with animal skins and lived on Nowa Street. He had two sons and several daughters. One daughter married Moshe Meir Freifeld and they left Jaslo prior to WWI. The second daughter married a yeshiva student named Rubel, the couple resided in Jaslo.
Awraham Weitz
He was originally from Koloczyc and settled in Jaslo during WWI. He was a Hassidic Jew and thanked the creator for everything that was bestowed on him. In conversation, he always had a smile as if he really enjoyed small talk. He also kidded with the youngsters on occasion.
He dealt with animal skins and had a house on Iglena Street. He had three sons; Yaakow, Asher, and Dawid and two daughters. The youngest son settled in Stryzow following his marriage.
Yenkil Weitz
He was the oldest son of Awraham Weitz. He was very religious and attached to the Rabbi of Bobow. He also dealt in animal skins and lived at the Targowica.
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Lately he took ill and recovered but only temporarily. He became ill again and soon passed away.
Hershel, the oldest son that was raised at the yeshiva in Bobow was familiar with all the Bobower Hassidic tunes and spread them through Jaslo. Following his marriage, he left for Stryzow then for Krakow . Another son named Asher managed to survive WWII and resided in Silesia Poland. One daughter managed to reach Palestine and settled in Hertzlia.
Asher Weitz
He was the second son of Awraham Weitz and made a nice living as an expediter of goods. He was a quiet person and followed the community. He had three sons and three daughters. One son Mendel Reached Palestine following WWII and settled in Tel Aviv.
Mendel Weitz
He lived all his life in Worzic ( I have little information about him). As I am writing these lines i am informed that he returned to Jaslo after WWII and lived in Wagshal's house near the bridge. He is the only Jew to live in the city following WWII.
Eliezer Weitzman
He was originally from the small hamlet of Flanch. The was the third son in law of of Nahum Schochet and was recognized as a scholar by the local leadership. He was capable of explaining very difficult passages in in the halacha. He also had a very good tenor's voice and the news spread through the city. He followed the traditional frame of cantorial music but kept musical time.
Lately he began to travel each year to Czenstochowa for the High Holidays where he conducted the mussaf service at the study center of the Rabbi of Trisk ( a grandson of the famous pulpit speaker of Trisk) who lived in the city. As cantorial understudies he took with him Simche Ruthfeld and Betzalell Lipczer. The Hassidim that came to the rabbi's court for the holidays loved his spirituality in the services. ( I met in Israel with some of the Czenstochowa residents that heard him pray and they had nothing but the highest praise for the cantor from Jaslo.
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He was also an excellent torah reader and knew where to place the stress and was extremely familiar with the cantilation of the reading.( He read all the years at the study center and when he was absent, I, the author. assumed the role).
He lived on a small street named Karmelicka near the market where he had a grocery. His children received a very religious education. One of them was named Chaim and the kids nicknamed him Chaim Weitzman number two An allusion to Chaim Weitzman who was president of the World Zionist Organization.
He also tried his hand at medicine as did his father in law. He read up some material and acquired some rudimentary medical knowledge but he never made a go of it. He barely made a living.
Awraham Wildstein
He was the owner of a butcher store in P. Klinman's house in the market and also dealt with animals. He was very traditional and observed strictly the commandments. He was a member of Yad Harutzim.
Yudel Wildstein
A very religious Jew. He had a long black beard and sidecurls. He dealt with animals and lived in Feiwil Klinman's house. He suddenly fell ill in the prime of his life and never managed to recover. He passed away a few months later and left a wife and several small children.
( According to rumors, his son is today a leading military figure in the Red Army)
Awigdor Wildstein
He was the brother of Yudel Wildstein and was also involved in cattle trading. He was a religious and active in Yad Harutzim. Loved to hear himself talk especially prior to election times, regardless of what elections were to be held. He lived on Nowa Street next to the synagogue. He had a son and a daughter that received a high school education and continued their studies.
Shmuel Wildenstein
He was a small individual and his bent skinny body made him even shorter. He was nicknamed Cilkala after his wife who name was Cilka. He hand his wife sold fruits at he market all their life. Their economic situation was rather poor. In the twenties, he became ill and passed away leaving several sons.
Itzhak Wildenstein
He was the son of Shmuel Wildenstein and was nicknamed Itzikel. He was also skinny with an unkempt yellowish beard. He was always in hurry, always angry, always involved in many activities namely selling fruits, waiting at weddings and official dinners thus the nickname Itzikel the waiter, he also sold religious items, assited sick people, slept at the home of deceased people, collected contributions at funerals and many more chores. But from all these activities he barely earned his daily bread. He lived at the hill top behind the municipality.
Dawid Wilchfort
He was one of the fairest people in town. He was kind and a gentle person. He was a Bobower Hassid and sold wholesale chocolates, candies and tropical fruits. On the eve of Rosh Hashana, he used to provide the Jews of Jaslo and vicinity with fresh Palestinian fruits namely, grapes, figs, dates, and boxers to make the blessing of the new fruit for the new year.
He was known as a man of charity but avoided publicity. He did not look for special honors but his influence was felt in the Jewish community as well as in the general society in the city. I remember a particular incident that occurred in Jaslo. The draft comminssion appeared in Jaslo on Saturday and had ordered many Jews to appear before it. The commission was known to be very strict and drafted every body including people that were border line cases and even below the usual medical standard. When the news reached Dawid Wilchfort. He changed his Shabbath clothing on coming home from the synagogue and put on his
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regular clothing and went to visit Dr. Tzol, the mayor of the city, regarding the strict line adopted by the commission. His intervention bore fruit, the commission began to behave in a more human manner with regards to Jewish draftees. He had four sons and two daughters. His oldest son Aaron drowned during a summer when he went to the river to wash on Friday. He was swept away by a river wave past the Agazacirka park. The tragic news upset the entire Jewish community. The second son Awraham studied for a while at the study center and also Hebrew and finished high school.( He is presently in Germany). The daughter Leah ( Lonka) is in Paris and the youngest son Hanoch managed to reach the USA according to rumors
Israel Wilner
He had a store of animal skins and all kinds of materials for shoemakers. His store was located in M. Karp's house. He was a Sadigore Hassid and well versed in the Torah. When he had the time, he sat with his pipe and read the mishnayot book or the Irin Kedishin book written by the saintly Rabbi of Rezin. From his first marriage, he had two daughters. The oldest daughter married a yeshiva student named Nathanel Klinman who lived in the house of Eliyahu Lehrer. Rather early in life he became ill and passed away. The second daughter lived in Lisko and had a son named Dawid who drowned in the mikvah on the eve of the Shabbath. The entire community was shocked by the tragic evenyt. The daughter Mindel married a yeshiva student. They managed to flee from the Germans and survived the war. They reached Israel and settled in Ness Tziona.
Leibish Weinberger
He lived all his life along Korlowski Street. He was a wine and spirit merchant. He was the son in law of Leibish Hess and was well read and expressed often his opinions regarding public matters. He inherited a seat at the eastern wall in the study center when his father in law stopped praying there.
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His two sons dealt with timber and later left Jaslo in the early twenties.
Shmuel Weinberger
He was a quiet person. He was a tailor and had a small house opposite the synagogue. He left for the USA prior to WWI and left his wife and son in Jaslo.
With Polish Indepenedence he returned to Jaslo with several thousand dollars in his pocket and began several business ventures. First he started a business with Moshe reb Mandili's and Moshe Wolf to import sugar and sell it wholesale. But the partnership soon dissolved. Then he went into partnership with Leib Shperling to sell ready made clothing. This venture also finished rapidly and Shmuel Weinberger sold his properties and returned to the USA with his family.
Shlomo Weingarten
He settled in Jaslo following WWI. When he sold his estate near Biecz. He was always involved in the sale of timber. However he started out as a manufacturer of bone flour, glue and organic manure in Gorlice. He also owned a saw mill and a flour mill in Biecz that provided Jaslo, Gorlice, and Biecz with flour for matzot on Peassah.
He was known as an observant person and gave lots of charity. He was known to distribute potatoes and dairy products to the poor people of Biecz. The reputation followed him to Jaslo for here he continued to provide charity for the needy. He imposed himself on the people and was elected to be beadle of the synagogue and remained at the post until he left the city. He was known to give praise to people for their work or suggestions. When his daughter came to the study center on Rosh Hashana and saw the women section she was appalled. The place was of course devastated by the Russian in 1914. There was no roof and there was not much of a floor. She was wondering whether this was indeed a place of God. When her father heard the daughter's complaints he stated that he will provide all the lumber to fix he place. Indeed, the materials were provided and the women section wasrestored.
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He had four daughters and two sons. One daughter married a yeshiva student that was already ordained to become a rabbi. He was from Rzeszow and belonged to the Yaari family. A second daughter married the son of M.A. Werner of Jaslo.
Shlomo Weingarten has been living in Tel Aviv for 18 years. He opened a weaving place and succeeded. He built himself a nice house in Ramat Gan. Life has been good to him. One son married the daughter of Lipa Tzimet and two daughters live in Paris and one daughter lives in Israel.
Dawid Weintraub
He was a person with a modern outlook on life and worked for a living. Lately he rented a big place in Iwonic and rented rooms to the people that came for spa treatments to Iwonicz. He lived all his life at the house of Weinberger opposite the synagogue . He had several sons that left Jaslo after they graduated from school.
Leibish Winfeld
He was the first Jew to step on the ground in Jaslo. He also opened the first Jewish store in the city. The store sold retail and wholesale goods. The Jaslo gentiles resented the store and did everything in their power to close the place but they failed. They rightfully saw in him the gate crasher for the Jews. The store windows were smashed time and again but this did not stop Leibish Winfeld. He was determined to continue his business and so he did.
He came from Zmigrod. He was a Hassidic Jew and a very respectable person. He was a doer and was very involved in the community. He recited the first prayers on opening the holy arc on the eve of the Simchat Torah Holiday. This tradition continued for life. He greatly influenced and shaped the Jaslo Jewish community. He helped the needy and forwarded loans to those that needed a bit of a push.
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Awraham Meir Orenstein and and Eisik Moldauer were his first son in laws. The first one dealt with wines. The second received the store that he run with his brother in law Shadel ( that died as a young person) until 1914. Both families left Jaslo with the outbreak of WWI.
Pinhas Winfeld
He was born in Zmigrod and settled in Jaslo in the twenties. He lived in A. Goldstein's house and was nicknamed Pinale. He was a very fanataical religious person. He was active in the Agudah Israel party and volunteered for all kinds of jobs on behalf of the party. He pushed himself into all kinds of activities and was always involved with the extreme religious group. He bitterly contested Zionism and did everything in his power to annoy them. The Zionists paid him back when they became the majority in the community. He was always appealing the voting results in order to cancel the elections.
He had some very religious friends but they distanced themselves from him when the tide turned. He had no sons but daughters that received a Beit Yaakow education. Some years later, he left Jaslo and bought a house in Krakow where he settled.
Moshe Winkler
He stems from eastern Galicia and settled in Jaslo following WWI. He lived on Florianska Street He was a builder and continued the work of Israel Haber when the later died. He did not work steadily at the job.
He run the bath house for many years and tried to please the public. He received a small salary but contented himself with the sum.
He later left the bath house and Jaslo to try his lock elsewhere.
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D. Winkler, engineer
He was a devoted, loyal and hard working Zionist. He lived all his life on Kosciuszko Street and his office was in Altman's house.
He took his Zionism seriously and decided to implement his beliefs. He made alyiah and left Jaslo in the thirties. He settled in Haifa.
Yossef Elazar Wiener
He lived in the market square until the outbreak of WWI. He had a store that sold elegant ready to wear clothes.
He was an educated person, well mannered with a certain personal charm. He dressed in a Hassidic manner.
When he left Jaslo, his store remained empty for a number of years until his brother in law, Moshe Warsher, took it over. He had four sons and a daughter. All received an academic education in Vienna. His oldest son, Dr, Michael Wiener left for Palestine in the thirties and settled in Haifa. His daughter lived in Tel Aviv.
When the Germans entered Vienna, Yossef Elazar Wiener left Austria for the USA and settled in Brooklyn
Menashe Weinstein
He was something special in Jaslo. He was well educated and behaved in an aristocratic manner. He was well read in classical German literature and was interested in international politics. He frequently quoted Die Neue Frie Press newspaper. He had an excellent hand writing and was a good accountant, draftsman andartist. He designed the two posters in the synagogue and the study center that faced the leader of the services. He worshipped every morning in the kahal stibel and participated every evening at the mishnayaot sessions but was also a Zionist and highly enlightened individual
With the establishment of Polish independence, he headed the grocery cooperative Oscino at the house of Man Eintziger. The venture soon collapsed.
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He lived all his live on the Targowica in the house of his father in law Skowlewski and was a copper welder by trade. His sons received a high school education . His oldest son continued his studies and was about to be appointed judge in the city but an unfortunate accident occurred that affected his vision and finished his legal career.
Chaim Weinstein
He was one of the refugees of Gorlice during WWI that decided to settle in Jaslo. He was nicknamed Chaim Schochet since he started out as a ritual slaughterer in the city. He was a Hassidic Jew but moderate n his behavior and pleasant to talk to. He worshipped at the study center of the rabbi and participate daily in his lectures.
He had two sons and several daughters. The oldest son Yehezkel who lost an arm during the war left for Vienna where he studied at the teacher seminary and obtained a teaching post following his graduation in the capital. The second son Heshil who studied at the study center and was a Bobower Hassid,was a businessman. He was very active in the young mizrahi movement.
He lived all his life in . Zanwil's house on Iglene Street. Lately he opened a store in the market square,
Hersh Weinstein
He settled in Jaslo during the twenties. Hersh Hacohen Weinstein was a well to do Jew who left Zmigrod for Jaslo. His beard and side curls gave him the look of a great rabbi or scholar. He was one of the great merchants but with his arrival to Jaslo he withdrew from commerce. He had views and frequently expressed it. He liked to tell stories of the past that he himself witnessed or experience. They were told in a pleasant manner.
He had two son in laws in Jaslo namely; Yeshayahu Cylinder and Hersh Elimelech Stein.
Eliezer Weinstein
He was one of the older residents in the city but was hardly known. He was a simple and quiet person. He revolved around his family and business. He lived in Podzamce where he had a grocery and an inn.
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Nathan Weinstein
He was the son in law of Moshe Margolies that left for America. He was a scholarly type and familiar with books. He represented many manufacturers . He lived in Podzamce ( according to rumors, his son managed to save himself from the Germans).
Eliezer Weiss
He resided but a few years in Jaslo but made a name for himself amongst the yeshiva students. In spite of the fact that he was busy with his daily work, he managed to find time for the various Zionist organizations namely the Mizrahi movement. He decided to leave Poland and settle in Palestine with the young pioneers.
He fulfilled his dream and joined an illegal ship that carried illegal immigrants to Palestine for the British severely curtailed the number of certificates given to Jewish immigrants.
For many weeks they traveled aboard the illegal ship Velos but had to return to Greece and then to Poland. He later managed to get a certificate and settled in Haifa. His parents Leibish and Bat Sheva remained in Jaslo and shared the fate of the Jewish community of the city.
Shlomo Zalman Weistreich
He stems from Zmigrod. He had a modern outlook on life. In his youth he studied at the study center and wore a kolpack- a special shtreimel - on Saturdays and Holidays.
His home was a very religious and traditional. Still, the atmosphere was one where Zionism penetrated. He had four sons and two daughters that received a modern religious education and a high general education. He was considered one of the well to do people in the city. He contributed heavily to Zionist causes. He dealt in timber, real estate, and owned a saw mill near the railway station and a flour mill.
Two of his sons that were members of the Maccabi sport club helped him run the business.
Dawid Gutwein worked as an accountant for him and when he moved to Krakow so did the accountant who remained there until the outbreak of theWWII.
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S. Westreich
He was the son in law of Yossef Manshe. He was an attorney and very involved in the Zionist movement.
Mendel Westreich
He was a very quiet and modest person. He was familiar with the surroundings and was also familiar with literature. He distanced himself from the public in spite of the fact that he lived near the center of political life in the city on the Iglena Kosciuszko Streets. A place where there was always people discussing political events.
He was a wine and spirit merchant. His wife Esther was a sisterof Tzwi Shtoyar.
Mrs Weistreich ( the widow)
She lived in Hiclowka and was a middleman. She was nicknamed Jentchowa. Following the death of her husband she raised three daughters and two sons.
The oldest son Monek distinguished himself as an excellent student and later worked as a clerk at the refinery in Niglowic. He hoped to reach Palestine. He studied Hebrew and waited for a certificate that never came since the war put an end to his dream.
Dr. Philip Wachtel
The only Jew to serve in Jaslo as a district judge. He hade practically no contact with the Jewish population of Jaslo. He had a small circle of friends that consisted of assimilated Jews. He showed up once at year at the synagogue to partake in the recital of Yizkor for the death.
Yossef Wachner
Few people knew him by that name in the city. He was well known as Yossele Apfel. Apfel was the last name of the wife who was the daughter of Nahum Apfel ( the slaughterer) and the sign above the house still carried the name of Gitele Apfel. The previous store owner was also Apfel, thus the nickname remained with him.
He was also the son of a slaughterer from from a place I believe to be Nardimo or that area. He followed the Hassidic world and always attended the study center for prayers.
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His business succeeded well, he sold writing material, toys and gifts. He had the biggest store in town. As things began to improve financially he shortened his religious garb and began to dress as a member of the enlightenment. He spoke gently and had manners. He gave charity and had twin daughters.
Dawid Waldhorn
He was an old Sadigora Hassid, a bit naïve but very familiar with Torah scholarship. He studied daily at home and was not interested in public affairs but helped out people in his own way. He was a merchant and had a store on Kosciuszko Street but in general his wife handled the business. He suddenly became sick and passed away in 1920 and left a wife, named Braindil, four daughters and three sons. ( His wife was the sister of the Teller brothers, she died ten years later in 1930)
The children received a general education and continued their studies. The oldest daughter Rachel left for Palestine and settled in Tel Aviv. The son of the second daughter, Sarah Pearlberg also reached Palestine and settled in Tel Aviv. Two daughters Chaya and Yetta and three sons Yossef, Eliezer that were married and Israel the bachelor perished in the shoa .
Naphtali Walfeld
He was an old-timer at Jaslo and was one of the oldest activists in the community. One can say that he laid the foundation for the Jewish community in Jaslo and was the official head of the community for many years.
He was one of the undertakers to build the great synagogue after so many failed in this effort to acquire the hill from the owner of the building. Thanks to his persistence and stubbornness was the building completed.
Naphtali earned the right that his name be remembered with respect by the Jewish community in Jaslo and indeed his name has always been remembered with reverence.
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As a sign of recognition and honor a portrait of him was hung in the community hall of Jaslo. The portrait was two meters tall and rather artistic.
Even the authorities entrusted him with all kinds of public works as a builder and supplier. His sons received a high technical education. One of his sons became the head of the railway station in Rzeszow.
Fishel Waldfeld, Dr.
He was the nephew of Naphtali Walfeld. He lived all his life along May 3rd Street. For a short period of time he involved himself in public life but soon gave it up and devoted himself to law.
His wife was devoted member of the PPS or Polish labor party. She was very active and on May the first paraded with the red flag.
Their daughter reached Israel following the war and settled in Holon
Shmuel Walfeld
He was a brother of Fishel Waldfeld. He was an educated person and served as a Hebrew teacher in the regular public schools in the 19th century. His predecessors were Diller and Hoffman. When he passed away, his wife became the secretary of the community. They had two daughters; one of them was a doctor and lived on Railway Street.
Eliezer Walker
He was the brother in law of Leibish Hess and lived on Florianska Street. He was a quiet person and revolved around his business as an inn keeper and the owner of a grocery. He had three sons, one of them worked at the refinery at Niglowic. The second one, the son in law of Wolf Stillman, lived in Jerusalem and worked at the potash plant at the Dead Sea ( Writing these lines, I am told that he passed away while still relatively young)
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Shmuel Walker
He comes originally from Frysztak. He was a very gentle and friendly man. He dressed well and was very active in various communal social institutions namely Tomchei Aniim - or help the poor association, Bikur Cholim or assist medically the needy and others. He was selected to be the beadle at the great study center for a while. He was a devoted follower of the Rabbi of Dukla and spent a great deal of time in his courtyard. He was a merchant.
Dow Walker Hero of the War of Independence |
His son Dow reached Palestine and was drafted. He fell in the battle for Tarshicha in the Upper Galilee fell on the 29th of October 1948
Leibish Wax
He lived on Florianska Street in Shpringer's house and was the only Jewish locksmith in town
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He had three daughters and one son. With the German entry to Jaslo, he escaped with his family to the area of Sambor where he and one of his daughters were killed by the Germans
Shmuel Wrocenker
(See Shmuel Jakubowic)
Mordechai Werzicer (Fichter)
He was known in the city as Mordechai Werzicer. His family name was unknown but he came from the village of Werzitch. He settled in Jaslo somewhere between 1917/1918.
He was a very religious Jew but was also involved in social work. He collected money for all kinds of social assistance programs. He himself was a legless person yet he attended every function, winter and summer, where he could expect to collect some pennies for the various charities in the city. He even managed to reach villages if he knew there was money to be had. After a prolonged illness he passed away on the eight day of Shemini Atzeret. He had no sons. We have to admit that little was done for him for all the services that he did for the city. May he be recompensed in the heavenly world.
Lipcze Werner
Like his predecessor Naphtali Walfeld also Lipcze was a central personality in Jaslo He also headed the community for many years.
He was one of the first Jewish settlers in Jaslo. He stems from Lapigus near Sowiniow. During his administration the Jewish community expanded and he became a well known leader. He devoted a great deal of energy to the well being of the community. He had a successful inn and was later the owner of quarries in the vicinity of Rzeszow. He was also a builder. He had five daughters and a son. The latter was named Awraham Chaim (Omek).
While still a student, the son was already affected by Zionism that began to make its appearance in Jaslo through the efforts of the Jewish intelligentia. He laid the foundations for the Zionist Jewish Youth and also played a role in the creation of the Yeshuron club in the city. He was selected as a representative to the Zionist congress and was a Zionist delegate to Zionist Congresses.
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He was drafted during WWI and reached the rank of officer. During the bloody battles of 1916 he fell on the battlefield. His body was brought to be buried in Jaslo. Almost the entire city participated at the funeral and Dr. Thon from Karkow arrived to eulogize him.
He was engaged to marry Dawid Hersh Kornfeld's daughter.
Moshe Aaron Werner
He was the brother in law of Lipce Werner. He was a traditional Jew and wore a shtreimel on Shabat and Holidays. He was a quiet person with a set mind. He lived first in Noah Melink's place and then in Podzamce. He had an inn in his private garden. He was not seen often in the city, thus he was not familiar to the population especially to the newcomers.
He had four daughters and three sons. One daughter married Moshe Weingarten's son who was a dentist and lived in Jaslo. Another daughter named lady Rip lived in Tel Aviv.
Moshe Warsher
He was the brother in law of Yossef Eliezer Wiener. He settled in Jaslo about 1919-1920. He was originally from Lesko. He was considered one of the great scholars of the city and was a real Hassid that followed the Baluzer Hassidic court. He traveled often to visit his rabbi regardless of the business consequences.
I still remember that in 1932 or 1933 the Baluzr Rabbi passed Jaslo on his way to Kroscenko. He remained standing at the railway station due to a train delay. He was the happiest man that he could stand in the company of the rabbi for a few more moments until the Rabbi was escorted to Tarnowci.
Moshe was also known as leader of services and prayed in the traditional manner without missing a note. He led the services regularly at the study center of the rabbi and during the high holidays he led the mussaf services.
He lived all his life at the market and sold ready made clothing. He later opened a grocery. He had a few sons. His oldest son Yossef was a member of the study center and devoted his time to torah study and the Talmud The second son Mendel left Jaslo and settled in Holland in the twenties. In 1952 he came to Israel with his family.
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