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Translation of
Sefer Iwieniec, Kamien ve-ha-seviva; sefer zikaron
Published in Tel Aviv, 1973
Project Coordinators
Ellen J. Eisner
Judy Prigal
Joseph Rubinstein
This is a translation from Sefer Iwieniec, Kamien ve-ha-seviva; sefer zikaron
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Ivenets
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the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Translated by Yocheved Klausner
[Y] = Yiddish | ||
Introduction | 7 | |
Foreword [Y] | 13 | |
The town until September 1939 | ||
History of Ivenets (Iwieniec) | Shimon Oshrowitz | 17 |
Ivenets, My Hometown, at the End of the 19th Century | Shlomo Bar Tzvi Milikovsky | 18 |
Our town in the last century - from the newspapers Hamelitz and Hatzefira | Shimon Osherowitz | 62 |
The Taxa [tax collector] | Shimon Osherowitz | 72 |
I was the first Oleh [immigrant to Eretz Israel] from Ivenets | Mordechai Silber | 74 |
Memories | Michael Rubinstein | 76 |
The Zionists in Ivenets [Y] | Michael Rubinstein | 78 |
Jewish livelihoods, institutions and parties in Ivenets [Y] | Meir Perski | 82 |
The Bund [Y] | S. Osherowitz | 86 |
There once was a town… [Y] | Moshe-David Zak | 88 |
Memories from mu youth [Y] | Melech Zisl Parent | 127 |
The way of life in Ivenets [Y] | Avraham Milikovski | 129 |
The Eliezer Katz family [Y] | Reuven Katz | 143 |
The history of one family | Shaul Frentchik | 145 |
Memories from the years of my youth [Y] | Shaul Frentchik | 147 |
Ivenets [Y[ | Yakov Funt | 152 |
Hashomer Hatza'ir in Ivenets | Avraham Rogov | 158 |
BEITAR in Ivenets | Reuven Katz | 169 |
The Grosmanist movement in Ivenets | Zlata Farbstein-Reichman | 173 |
Days of long ago | Mordechai Ben-Yehuda, Reuven Katz | 175 |
A wedding in Ivenets [Y] | Yitzhak Kuznietz | 179 |
The dispute about the new rabbi [Y] | Mordechai Ben Yehuda | 181 |
A town with two rabbis [Y] | Avraham Kalatzik | 182 |
My visit in Ivenets in 1938 [Y] | Zlata Farbstein-Reichman | 183 |
Memories from childhood and adolescence [Y] | Wolke Reznik | 185 |
The destruction of a community [Y] | Rav Zev Gordon | 194 |
My home | Eidele Sirotkin-Dekel | 199 |
My town Ivenets | Rachel Katz-Gringer | 201 |
History of a family [Y] | Dvora Sabinik | 203 |
The history of a family | Nechemia Akon | 206 |
My home | Rachel Kovalski-Reznik | 209 |
Childhood memories | Shimon ben Michael Luski | 212 |
Ivenets, my origin | Reuven Katz | 213 |
A single one - from the entire family [Y] | Miriam Nir Sabinik | 214 |
The fate of a family [Y] | Tzila Schuman Berkman | 215 |
Velma and Ivenets | Bella Germaiza-Weinberger | 217 |
Ivenets [Y] | Avraham Baranowitz | 217 |
Ivenets Personalities | ||
Personalities and rabbis in Ivenets | Meir Aran (Arnovski) | 225 |
Izjik | Rabbi Zev Gordon | 242 |
Rav Michael Gronitzki | Rabbi Zev Gordon | 243 |
Rav Yechezkel Simcha Rabinowitz | Moshe-David Zak | 244 |
In memory of my brother Yosek Zak | Moshe-David Zak | 245 |
R'Hirschel Klemens | Moshe-David Zak | 246 |
R'Mordechai Luski | Moshe-David Zak | 248 |
The convert to Judaism Avraham Vazjniak | Moshe-David Zak | 248 |
In memory of my friend Yochanan Rubinstein | Moshe-David Zak | 249 |
Zelig Tzernin | Moshe-David Zak | 251 |
R' Zev Leder, the cantor | Moshe-David Zak | 252 |
Noah Zwiniatch | Moshe-David Zak | 252 |
Shayel the barber [Y] | Moshe-David Zak | 255 |
My father, the shochet (slaughterer) R'Mordechao Luski | Chaim Luski | 256 |
Our father R'Avraham Schieff | Nyonia Aberment-Schieff | 258 |
In memory of our brother Herzke Schieff | Salva Binder-Schieff | 261 |
Leibel Darer | Rachel Katz-Gringer | 262 |
In memory of my brother Leibel Katz [Y] | Sonia Katz-Farentzik | 263 |
My three war medals [Y] | Meir Perski | 264 |
Leibel Katz | Yosef Rolnik | 265 |
In memory of Aharon Debinik [Y] | Zusia Debinik | 265 |
Defending the Homeland and Building the Country | ||
Rolnik Arie, Rolnik Yitzhak, Doa Yitzhak Aizik | 268 | |
Shimon Luski, Arie Luski, Yosef Sirotkin | 269 | |
The Town Kamin | ||
History of the town Kamin | S. Osherowitz | 273 |
My town Kamin | Shulamit Steif-Osherowitz | 274 |
My sister Shulamit Steif-Osherowitz | Rivka Ferber | 276 |
Kamin and its Jews | Shimon Osherowiyz | 277 |
Holocaust and Struggle | ||
Holocaust dates in Ivenets and surroundings | 282 | |
My town Ivenets | Moshe-David Zak | 283 |
From Ivenets to Varkota [Y] | Hirshel Rolnik | 284 |
Six years in the Communist Paradise [Y] | Sara Rolnik | 296 |
We flee to Russia [Y] | Hirshel Segalowitz | 302 |
I was a refugee in Russia | Nechemia Akon | 307 |
I traveled to visit my family | Arie Karp | 308 |
From Ivenets to Shanghai [Y] | Rabbi Zev Gordon | 313 |
The battle for life [Y] | Avraham Baranowitz | 318 |
The great camp | 320 | |
The road of affliction [Y] | Avraham Oshers | 322 |
Years of suffering and heroism [Y] | Mordechai Rolnik | 335 |
Destruction of a Jewish community [Y] | Dvora Sabinik | 355 |
Memories from a Jewish community [Y] | Eliezer Gurion | 373 |
Times of horror [Y] | Yakov Ushman | 377 |
On the way to Eretz Israel | Yakov Ushman | 392 |
We remained a few… | Rachel Katz-Gringer | 394 |
The beginning of destruction [Y] | Hatzkel Pozniak | 395 |
In the hands of fate [Y] | Mordechai Morduchowitz | 397 |
With the Partisans [Y] | Reuven Segalowitz | 399 |
Two years in the pit of death | Shmuel Slutzki | 401 |
Memories from the time of the Holocaust | Zvi Leder | 408 |
Ivenets in 1956 [Y] | Israel Magaday | 409 |
The first Jewish partisans [Y] | Yehoshua Yafe | 411 |
In memory of the Ivenets martyrs | Mordechai Ben Yehuda | 415 |
The fallen among the fighters against the Nazis | 416 | |
Ivenets Jews deported to Siberia | 421 | |
Ivenets Jews who fled to Russia at the outbreak of the German-Russian war | 422 | |
Memorial Pages | ||
Ivenets and Kamin former residents who died in Israel | 424 | |
List of Martyrs from Ivenets, Kamen' and Environs | 425 | |
Obituaries | 439 | |
Ivenets Landsleit (former residents) in Israel | 482 |
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