52°08' / 25°33'
Translation of
Janow al yad Pinsk; sefer zikaron
Edited by: Dr. Mordechai Nadav (Katzekovits), with the collaboration of Nachman Blumenthal;
Published in Jerusalem, 1969
Association of Former Residents of Janow near Pinsk in Israel
Project Coordinators
Debby Applegate and Smadar Gilboa
Iris B. Sitkin (emerita)
Our sincere appreciation to Dr. Mordechai Nadav for permission
This is a translation from: Janow al yad Pinsk; sefer zikaron; Yanow near Pinsk; memorial book;
ed: Dr. Mordechai Nadav (Katzekovits), with the collaboration of Nachman Blumenthal;
Jerusalem, 1969, Association of former residents of Janow near Pinsk in Israel
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Janow (Belarus)
JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of
the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Publication Committee members
Eiser Apelbaum, Asher Lifshitz, Mordekhai Nadav (Katzekovitz)
Nechemia Nadav (Katzekovitz), Ben-Zion Feinstein
Editorial Committee
Eiser Apelbaum, Mordekhai Nadav, Ben-Zion Feinstein
Printing Preparation
Meir Choviv
Printed in Israel by Hamerkaz Press, Tel Aviv
May they be remembered for good
Our fellow towns-folk in the diaspora
Portnoy Family in Mexico
Mr. Alter Reznik from New York
Mr. Joshua Feldman from New York
For their assistance in the publication of this book
Yanov Near Pinsk
Memorial Book
Edited and prepared for printing by
Dr. Mordekhai Nadav (Katzekovitz)
with the collaboration of Nakhman Blumenthal
Jerusalem 1969
Monument of Memorial
(Near Pinsk, Poland)
Who were incinerated and killed
by the Nazis, their names should be erased,
In the Years of the Holocaust (Shoah)
* * * * *
This book has been published
with the generous assistance
of our fellow townsman
and his wife NEDDI
Chicago, U.S.A.
Mordekhai Nadav: Words of Introduction | XIII |
Berel Pomerantz: Poems | 3 |
Mordekhai Nadav: Outline of the History of the Jewish Community in Janow | 12 |
Writings about Yanov from Ha'Meilitz | 26 |
Israel Tsvi Pisar: Letters about Janow from the 1890's | 35 |
Articles about Yanov from The Pinsker Shtime | 44 |
Khlavna Katzekovitz: My Home Town (Memories) | 52 |
Beila Feigan: Memories of my Childhood | 60 |
Pinkhas Katzekovitz: Memories | 63 |
Levi and Sheyne Levine: Various Items from 60-80 Years Ago | 66 |
Menakhem (Manya) Mednik: Memories from my Parents' Home | 68 |
Isser Apelbaum: Janow before the First World War | 73 |
Levi Feinstein: Education, Charitable Institutions and Credit Bureaus | 77 |
Eliyahou Chelenchuk: Synagogues and Societies | 79 |
Menakhem (Manya) Mednik: Customs in Yanov near Pinsk | 81 |
Menakhem (Manya) Mednik: Yanov Artisans | 83 |
Zvi Aviv: Rebellion of the Youth of Janow against the Tsar | 86 |
Sarah Mednik: A Collection of Memories | 88 |
Yerukham Arzi-Tannenbaum: Cheder Teachers in Yanov | 91 |
Levi Feinstein: My Immigration to Canada | 93 |
David Warshevsky: The Tarbut School | 95 |
David Warshevsky: The People's Cooperative Bank | 97 |
Tsemach Portnoy : Jewish Life in Yanov near Pinsk | 99 |
Miriam Cohen: Rifishtsas [a separate part of the town of Yanov -ed.] | 103 |
Eiser Apelbaum: Military Conscription in 1925 | 104 |
Ben-Zion Feinstein: The Zionist Movement Until 1939 | 106 |
Yona Kravetz: Yanov and its Jews | 111 |
S. Ernst: Yishai Adler | 119 |
S. Ernst: Concerning His Life | 119 |
Ezra Reichert: Businessman Extraordinaire | 122 |
ZD'K: About Yishai Adler | 125 |
About Yehuda Zvi Levin: | 127 |
Mordecai Levin: A Short Biography | 127 |
Menakhem Riblov: Yehuda Zvi Levin of Blessed Memory | 129 |
Asher Karni: Memories from Grandfather's House Rabbi Moshe'l Megidas | 130 |
Berel Divinsky: My Brother Alter | 133 |
About Nakhum Tishbei | 141 |
David Warshevsky: An Expensive Chess Game | 143 |
Aharon Rotblatt: The First Female Pioneer from Yanov who Emigrated to Palestine | 144 |
I. Eisenberg: Veilie Minsky | 146 |
About Berel Pomerantz (from the introduction by Noakh Peniel in his book of Poetry) | 148 |
Berel Pomerantz: Letter to Z. Weinberg | 152 |
Eiser Apelbaum: How does one please Berel Pomerantz | 156 |
Dr. M. A. Nahir: Zvi Avivi (Reznik) | 160 |
Eiser Apelbaum: Moishe Yeshaya the Klezmer | 161 |
Eiser Apelbaum: Berel Zarutzky the Chimneysweep | 162 |
Sarah Freidel Ruzh'ansky: Memories of my Father | 165 |
R. Avraham Yehuda Ha'koen of Blessed Memory | |
Pinkhas Katzekovitz: My Family | 168 |
In Memory of Levi Kuperstokh | 172 |
Eiser Apelbaum: In Memory of my Parents | 175 |
Yoel Shartok: The House of my Father, Reb Zalman Ts'rtok | 177 |
Rivka Yoselovitz-Cherniavsky and Chana Yoselovitz: My City and my Parents' House | 180 |
Chana Arzi-Tanenbaum: Memories of my Family | 182 |
Masha Epstein-Odrozinsky: Memories of my Family | 184 |
Miriam Strubinsky-Geladi: Memories of my Father's House R. Reuben Strubinsky | 186 |
Tsila Epstein: Memories of my Family | 187 |
Merel Kuper (PortnoyKuperstokh): My sister Nechome (Poem) | 190 |
Yona Kravitz: Pesakh Okroynitz | 192 |
Yona Kravitz: Avraham Kravitz | 193 |
About R. Yitzhak Khaim Pomerantz | 194 |
Bushes Family | 195 |
Avraham Epstein: My Letter | 199 |
Zalman Tz'rtok: Four Letters | 200 |
Khonan Valodovsky: A German Captive | 204 |
Ruchel Reznik: Memories of a Nurse's Life Inside and Outside the Ghetto, and in the Forests | 207 |
Mordecai Bezdesky: My Memories | 217 |
Shmuel Gerber: Memories of the Nazi Occupation and the Red Army | 264 |
Shmuel Aizenshtein: Memories of Days of the Nazi Occupation | 308 |
Ben-Zion Feinstein: Memories | 312 |
Daniel Sershtok: My Memories from the Period of Nazi Occupation | 320 |
Avraham Feinstein: Chapters of the those Days | 324 |
Eiser Apelbaum: From Days of Yanov | 328 |
Eleazer Portnoy: Memories of Bitter Times | 344 |
Aharon Pomerantz: World War II and the Holocaust | 349 |
Yitzhak Odrozinsky: The Sawmill and the Jewish Sawmill Workers | 358 |
Eiser Apelbaum: For the Love of a Bottle of Milk | 366 |
Eiser Apelbaum: The Last Kol Nidre | 367 |
Shabati Odrozinsky: Songs | 369 |
Eiser Apelbaum: The Bravery of Leizer Ratnowsky | 379 |
Ben-Zion Feinstein: The Fall of Heroes (Three Reznik Brothers) | 384 |
Chanan Wlodowsky: My Brother, Dr. Kotel (Mordechai Zvi) Wlodowsky | 385 |
Chanan Wlodowsky: Partisan Operation: The Tongue of a German | 388 |
Sheindel Faltshuk: A letter to a Partisan | 390 |
Shepsel Barzovsky: From History | 391 |
Collecting Communal Testimonies from Yanov Survivors | 392 |
Record of Victims Murdered at the Hands of the Nazis in Yanov | 409 |
Jews of Yanov who Died Serving in the Partisans | 419 |
Jews of Yanov who Died in World War Two in the Polish and Red Armies | 420 |
Jews of Yanov who Died in His Holy Name in the Woods around Yanov | 421 |
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