Amdur, my hometown
(Indura, Belarus)

53°27' / 23°53'

Translation of
Amdur, mayn geboyrn-shtetl

Published in Buenos Aires, 1973



Project Coordinator

Jim Yarin


Our sincere appreciation to Gabriela Efron for permission
to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

To Michael Bohnen – for his much needed editorial assistance
and for the translation of the religious content in several chapters.

All contributors of funds for the translation.

Don Yedidya Efron – for recognizing the need
to preserve the heart and soul of this Jewish town

This is a translation from: Amdur, mayn geboyrn-shtetl, (Amdur, my hometown(
Buenos Aires, 1973.

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: ?Indura

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JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material for verification.
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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.


The Life and Work of Yedidya Efron, by Professor Lazaro Schallman* 9
Our Shtetl Which is No More, by Avraham Zak 37
Yedidya Efron, the Chronicler of his Hometown, by Yitzchak Kaplan 42
Amdur – my Birth–Town 45
Geographical Location of Amdur 45
Amdur, an Important Locality in the Past 46
The Number of the Amdur Jewish Population 47
Amdur Streets 48
The Goyishe Gass 49
The Great Synagogue and the Batei Midrash 51
Rabbis, Learned Men , and Balabatim, by Yedidya Efron 54
Learned Balabatim [Men of Influence] of Amdur 64
My Parents (May They Rest in Peace), by Yedidya Efron 93
Religious Officials and Typical Figures of Amdur, by Yedidya Efron 111
Cantors and Shochets [Ritual Slaughterers] 111
Shamosim [Sextons] 118
Scribes 123
The Yeshiva of Amdur 127
Amdur Melamdim and Teachers 137
Amdur Russian Teachers 147
Amdur Kohanim 151
Hebrew Family Names 152
Amdur Doctors 154
Amdur Apothecary 157
Amdurer Wine House Keepers 162
Amdur Craftsmen 169
Simple People of Amdur 186
Jewish Soldiers of Czar Nicholas 192
Crazy People of Amdur 195
Drunkards of Amdur 199
Amdur Postal Service 200
Yishuvniks [Jews Living Outside of a Shtetl] of Amdur 202
Amdur Gentiles 207
Jewish Drunkards 212
Russian Protest Movement 215
Great Rabbis of Grodno, by Yedidya Efron 220
The History of Amdur, by Dr. Yitzhak Rivkind 245
Introduction - Life and Work(s) of Iedidio Efrón by Prof. Lázaro Schallman** 5


*   Yiddish version -- a Spanish Version appears at the end of book. Return
** Spanish version -- starts at end of book and proceeds towards the front. A Yiddish version appears at the beginning of the book.

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Contact person for this translation Jim Yarin
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