The first group of Hechalutz Olim from Grodno with the regional Aliya
committee, May 1920
From the right, on the bottom: Aryeh Payes, Zecharya
Kimhi. Sitting Efraim Payes, Yedidya Janowski, Leibel Goldshmid(from the Aliya committee), Isser Kulik, Gershon Hepner. Standing: Tzvi Klempner, David Payes, Binyamin Dashut, Yitzchak Lewinstein (of the Aliya Committee), Aryeh Geshri-Mostowski, Dov Rabin (of the Aliya Committee), Chaim Pasmanik. |
From left: 1) Yehuda
Stolarski, 2) Boiarskit, 3) Shmuel Zaionc, 5) Yosef Eisenstein, 7) Yehoshua Shulkes, 9) Yaakov Shereshevski, 12) Leib Rubinov (the gardner). First from right: Yehoshua Belitzki. |
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