Board of directors of the Folks-Bank, 1925 Sitting from right, bottom row: 1) Yosef Marmer, 2) Kaplan, 3) Asher Szurawski, 4) Yosef Rubinroit chairman of the board of directors, 5) A. Chomul, 6) David Lewin, 7) Noach Bas. Second row: 2) Moshe Adin-Lipnik, 3) David Widricki, 4) Yaakov Burda, 5) Yosef Slip, 6) Orman, 8) Nisan Fein director. Standing in top row: 1) Limoni, 2) Zelig Mifleb-Mifali, 3) Rivka Marmer, 4) David Manski, 5) Pinia Kaplan, 6) Manski, 7) Kobrinski, 8) Moshe Plotkin. |
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