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The Local Zionist Committee in 1919, at a farewell party for
Leib Jaffe as he was about to make Aliya to the Land of Israel
From right, sitting on the floor: Moshe Zandman, Dov Rabin;
Sitting in first row: P. Matus, Yehoshua Lewin, Wishniak,
Dr. M. Boroditzki, Leib Jaffe, Hillel Isser Janowski, Tzvi
Soloveitchik, Eliahu Hurwitz, Mordechai Rebiakov;
Standing: Meir Belko, Hillel Panowka, Abba Brustin,
A. Tarlovski, A. Goldshmid-Gad, Yitzchak Yezerski,
Y. Lewinstein, Yehoshua Pomerantz, the artist Marc Lev,
I. Kulik, Tovia Zamkow, Yaakov Shereshevski, Rabinowicz.

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At the conference in Grodno, December 31, 1919 gro237.gif [2 KB]
Jeshayahu Fainsod
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Seated from right, in the first row from the bottom: 1) Aharon Goldshmid, 2) Itzkowitz; Second row: 4), Tzvi Belko,
6) Shlomo Jokowski, 7) Mordechai Tzafnat, 8) Yaakov Janowski; Standing in the third row: 1) Shapira, 3) Topolanski,
4) Moshe Marder, 6) Elimelech Gornitzki-Goren, 7) Zbar, 8) Adin, 9) Peretz Sandler, 11) Kimhi, 12) Chaim Jablonik (Jablokof);
Fourth row: 2) Lutenberg, 3) S. Weinstein 5) Etrog, 6) Yosef Zandman, 7) Shlomo Kimhi, 8) Novak.

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