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A List of Names (cont.)

Family nameFirst name(s)CommentPage(s)
YOD   <Return>   
Yankl Hassid47, 177, 226, 227
Yankl Khayim Nissl's160
Yankl the bricklayer150
YanklTelehaner 49
YanklKhadliner 48, 49, 62, 63, 117, 118
YankeleMatye Itzik'sKastrinsky90, 103, 104
YanklShmulevitshcomment6, 23
Yassl Pineh's114
Yassl the driller151
YarmukZeydel 56
YashkeTepper 170
Yedidyah Zalman's39
Rabbi JoshuaJacob 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 42, 55, 77, 116
Joel the ritual slaughterer158, 160
Yudl the teacher56, 75, 124, 125, 186
Yudl Khaya Miriam's133
Yudl Zussman48, 139
Joseph Khayim Nissin's157
JosephLeybthe driller181
Jacob Itshe's49
Jacob also the Rabbi Doctor Jacob Basniak40
Jacob Simon Isaac's grandchild157
Rabbi JacobKhayim 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 224
Rabbi Yitzkhak  57
YitzkhakAaron 19, 51, 99, 100, 101, 178, 179, 227
Rabbi YitzkhakElkhanan 32, 71, 72
Yermiah  122
YermiahZerakh 71, 132
YermiahAaron Asher'sRodetzky87
YarmetzkyEliyahu 208
YarmetzkyHershel 208
YarmetzkyJacob Meyer 208
YarmetzkyEttl 208
YarmetzkyFeygl 208
YarmetzkyReyzl 93
YarmetzkySolomonJacob Meyer's161, 227
Yirbel  177
Joshua Alte Sheppe's145
Rabbi IsraelRabinowitz 25, 26, 94, 95, 96
Rabbi Israel comment26, 47, 49, 99, 107, 118, 126, 229
Israel Zussman48, 91, 139, 142, 148
IsraelLeybthe teacher47
IsraelMoshethe grave digger73, 74, 151, 158, 172
KAF   <Return>   
Khadlin  117, 162, 169
Khalazshin  83, 84
Khalazshinner  75, 83, 84
Khamsk  41, 84
Khandrikeveh  168
CohenZalman 221
CohenKhayim 224
KhvalsanProf. 96
LAMED <Return>   
LandanKhaya 208
LandanKhayim 208
LandanT. 208
LandanMalka 208
LandanSandr 93, 194, 208
LandanSheyne Liba 208
Lodz  85, 111, 194
Leah Alter's75
Leah Khayim Nissin's wife196
Lafi comment26
LakhavetzkyMashke 208
Loganzky  129
LudvigLouisGroshevsky214, 231
LikhavitzkyEliyahu 193
LikhavitzkyBerlAaron David's161, 204
LikhavitzkyGershonAaron David's161, 204
LikhavitzkyReyzl 208
LiberJacob'sPaliak92, 152
Liber the shoemaker75, 109, 156
Liberman-Veyner  42
Litta  3, 5, 60, 141, 160
LeybeIsrael'sthe writer59
Leyzer Varatinitcher214
Leyb Rabbi Joshua Jacob's son7
LimanI. 214, 231
LinBeyleh 209
LinNakhum 208
LinFeyvl 209
LilienthalDr. 95
Lifshitz, ItzilLiman 106
LifshitzEsther Deborah 106
LifshitzBenjamin 106
LifshitzMeyer 106
LifshitzMikhlehKhaya Deborah's207
LifshitzMoshe 106
LifshitzTzirl 106
Lifsheh Mikhal the tailor's114
LifshitzRabbi Jacobcomment25
LevinzanYitzkhak Ber 95
LevenzohnRabbi Elia MordekhaiKhalazshinner83
Lekhevitsh comment194
MEM   <Return>   
Mazarsky  98, 99, 132, 185, 224
MazarskyBenjamin 98
MazarskyIsrael Yassl 54
Matye Itzik's59, 66, 103, 104, 228
Matye the Rabbi's150, 151
MatyeHillel'salso Matye Karlinsky47. 49. 56, 86, 88, 99, 103, 224
Mattel Khayim Nissin's149
Mattel Khanna Leah's160
Muttl the Jew186, 187
Mattes Piltshik22, 195
MahlerDe. Raphaelcomment 623
MantakYussl 93, 154, 227
Max Greblovsky215
Marian Bram Kilisseh's194
Mokhavetz  6
MolyarAbraham Jacob 209
MolyarYussl 209
MolyarJacob Berl 209
MolyarTzvia 209
MoshkeLeah 181
Mikhla Khaya Deborah's130, 148
MeyteSimon Isaac'sGratzer86
Mikhl the tailor114
Mindl Babbe66, 178, 181, 182, 183
Mindl Aunt106
Minsk  12, 25
Minye Itzikl's145, 148, 149
MisanHaranavitz 5
MisanYatzkevitsh 4
MelamedEsther 209
MelamedBen-Tzion 209
MelamedKhayim 209
MelamedSnedr 204
MelamedSheyne 204
Menashe Rodetzky145
Menashe  37
Makhvedevitsh  17, 180, 194
MelnikShalom 216
Mendl the miller59
Mendl the bricklayer158
MendelsonMoshe 95, 122, 189
Rabbi MordekhaiLekhevitshercomment51
Rabbi Mordekhai'le  80, 83
Rabbi Mordekhai'le Khayim Tzemerinsky84, 116
Miriam the Rabbi's wife132
Moshe Alter's75
Moshe Khaya Deborah's65, 130, 131
Moshe the Large One12, 53, 177
Moshe the Small One177
Moshe Kazak177
Moshe the musician51
Moshe Samuel's44
Moshe Khantshe's48
MosheBerthe tailor213, 214
MosheDovthe miller193
Rabbi MosheHirshRabbi Moshe Tzvi25, 94
Rabbi MosheKabrinner VIII, 7, 51, 52, 72
MosheMeyerthe ritural slughterer72
MosheMordekhai 43, 44
Rabbi MosheTzvi 25, 26, 56, 77, 94, 228
Matetyahu Piltshik215
Matetyahu the Cohen65
NUN   <Return>   
NadritznyAbraham Ezra 209
NadritznyBreyneh 209
NadritznyKhayim 209
NadritznyKhayakeh 209
NadritznyJacobAbraham Ezra's161
NadritznyMoshe 209
NadritznyFreyde 209
NadritznyRukhama 209
NatanzonMoshe VIII, 52
NathanMorris 231
Natek  129
Noah Rishe's163
Nakhum the shoemaker74
Noah Aaron Leyb's23, 52
Rabbi NoahNaphtalycomment51
Niamke Benjamin Solomon Zussman48, 145
NissenboimMordekhai Aryehcomment82
Nikolai Tshinik, the barber-surgeon's nephew160
Naphtaly the doctor12, 134, 135, 136, 178
Naphtaly Moshe Aaron's145
Naphtaly the shoemaker160
Nathan Yitzkhak Hersh's213
Sabiesky King168
SavitzkyRabbi David Moshe 148
SavitzkyRebecca 205
SavitzkySheyne 205
SalaveytzikRabbi Khayim 79
Sakaleh comment26
Saratav  197
Sarne Valin229
SverdiukVanya 86
SverdiukMaxim 86, 105
SofeynA. 231
StavskyMendl 205
StavskymTzvia 106, 205
Stalinsky Rabbi Asher David126
StanislavOygust 36
Sibir  188
SirataHirsh Leyb 5
SirataAkiva 214, 231
Sirke Khayim Leyb's mother182
Sirke Simon Isaac's148
Slonim  81, 83
Sendr the teacher10, 44, 112, 113, 183, 216
Sender Khayim Sender's158
Sedya  44
SkavelavEva VIII
AYIN  <Return>   
Ovadia the baker44
EzraKastrinsky 122
ElzetYehudathe Rabbi I. L. Zlatnik167
ElmanAlter VIII, 19, 54
ElmanYeshiyahu 142, 222
EppelboimIda 223
EppelboimHillel 204
EppelboimYekhezkelfrom Kaman206
EppelboimMiriam 209
EppelboimMoshe 221
ErterYitzkhak 95
ErlikhH. 221
ErlikhMoshe 221, 223
ErlikhSarah 223
PEH   <Return>   
PadalevskyEsther 205
PadalevskyKhayim Itshe 205
PadalevskyYudl 93, 205
PadalevskyLiber 205
PadalevskyMoshe 205
PadalevskyRabbi Shalom VIII, 108, 155, 230
PadalevskySolomon VIII,142, 230
PadvaRabbi Jacob Meyer 79
PalyakEsther 209
PalyakJacob 5, 21, 111, 150, 209
PalyakLiberKhaviv ben Jacob90, 152, 153, 154, 205
PalyakNoah 148
Polesia  5
PalevskyBenny 221
Pomerantz Hershl130, 133
PomerantzKhaya 176
PomerantzKhayakeh 189
PomerantzTzvia 209
PomerantzSarah 209
PomerantzSheyne 209
Pina  6
PoniatavskyAugust 6
Parzava comment26
FarberI. Dr. VIII, 222, 223, 230, 231
FarberJoseph 223
PornoySimon 219, 220, 221
Pogatshav comment88
Porbishtze  42
Pozmen  17
Poizen  145
Pua  182
FiorisJoseph 231
Feygil  181
Feygl Yedidyah's mother40
FeinshteinBilhaMoshe the blacksmith's152
Peyshe Yankele's85, 86
Rabbi PinkhasMikhal 32, 78, 79, 81, 82, 228
Rabbi Pininke Shik27, 28
Pinye the butcher43, 51, 71
Pinsk  3, 4, 6, 12, 19, 22, 71, 83, 85, 86, 113, 127, 145, 185, 226
PeersJan 178, 216, 231
Pesakh Liber's grandchild158
Pelte Simon Isaac's227
PelteMikhlaItzik Khayim's182
Fefferberg  209
PekovskyAbraham 209
PelovskyBrakhaKatrinsky, Brakha209
Perl Benjamin the doctor's51
PermutterLevy 216
PerlmutterHenye 216
Perekhreshtsh  6, 121, 122
Pruzhana  3, 5, 78, 180, 181, 222
ProskinPesakhthe Rabbi159
PetrushkaAbraham 206
PetrushkaItke 206
FridmanMenakhem 206
FridmanEstherKhaya Deborah's206
FridmanPatye 206
PrilotzkyNoah 167
Prishikhadsky  3
TZADIK <Return>   
Tzvia Khaya Deborah's130
TzunzerElyakum 20, 189
Tzadok  16, 18
Tzelishtzevitsh  193
KOF   <Return>   
Kobrin  3, 4, 6, 7, 17, 20, 21, 22, 27, 51, 55, 75, 91, 92, 94, 101, 102, 103, 110, 111, 119, 120, 153, 154, 159, 163, 179, 180, 194
KaganDave 209
KaganMoshe Shayeh 209
KavalKhayim 194
Kotsky  87
Kovneh  45
KazikValadia 194
Katavitz  97
KaminskyFrumeh 93, 227
KaminskySarah 209
Kamenetz-Litovsk  141
KamenetzkyZalmancomment 621
Kastrinsky  103, 104, 133, 178, 224
KastrinskyAbraham Khayim 148
KastrinskyAsher VIII
KastrinskyBrakha 158
KastrinskyKhanna 206
KastrinskyJacob 228
KastrinskyYeshayahu VIII, 230
KastrinskyMattl 221
KastrinskyMordekhai 56
KastrinskyEzra VIII
KastrinskyShalom 54, 56, 59, 63, 130, 212
KaplanDavid VIII, 223, 230, 231
KaplanHillel 98
KaplanM. 221
KaplanBessy 231
KaplanskyDavidDavid Kaplan145
KaplanskyJacob Hersh 221
Kartun-Berezeh  160, 193, 194
Karlin  7, 83
KarlinskyAaron 19, 86, 88, 89
Karlinsky Matye12, 51, 66, 98, 99, 110, 121
Karelitz  81
Kova  8
CooperMikhal 220
KoprianskyAlterthe blacksmith209
KoprianskyBeyltshe 227
KoprianskyBetzalel 195
KoprianskyKhaya 153, 227
KoprianskyJoseph 209
KoprianskyIsrael Tzadok 195
KoprianskyMoshe Ber 154, 156, 159, 193, 209
KoprianskyMiriam 209
KoprianskyKalman 156, 159, 206, 209
KoprianskyRiva 93, 206
KoprianskySarah Leah 209
KorinJoseph 221
Kiveh Tzeytl's90, 91, 120
KilmanKhaya BeyleLiber's207
KilmanYente 207
KralevskyKanal 6
Krinsky comment89
KritKhayim 227
RESH <Return>   
RabinovitzA.comment78, 79
RabinovitzDr. Israel Mikhal 7, 27, 94, 97, 222
RavinskyBreyna 204
RavinskyEsther RakhelShammai's207
RavinskyHenye 209
RavinskyShammai 7, 21, 193, 194, 209
RavitshAbraham 106
RavitshGittl 106
RavitshKalman 106
RozenboimJoseph 221
Rozenblatt  122
Romanowv  5, 18, 113
RomanovOlga 3
RubinshteinAbraham 209
RubinshteinAaron 209
RubinshteinHashke 207
RubinshteinJudith 153
RubinshteinM. VIII, 207, 221, 230, 231
RubinshteinSamuel 209
RadinMenashe 223
RadinSarah 22, 223
Rodetz  5, 104
RodetzkyAbraham'l 106
RodetzkyAsron Asher 106
RodetzkyDavid 153
RocetzkyKhayakeh 106
RodetzkyJudith 106
RodetzkyJeremiahAaron Asher's106
RodetzkyMenashe 106
RodetzkySanye 106
RodetzkyFreydl 106
RodetzkyTziril 106
RodetzkyShakhna 106
Rozental comment188
Rukhama Alyah Yankl's227
RukhamaIsaacl'sIsrael86, 227
RoitkopHenye 209
RoitkopKhayaHenye's grandchild207
RoitkopJoseph 106
RoitkopLeybe 146
RoitkiopLeyblHenye's grandchild207
Ruth Rakhel Zussman148
Rekhovot  228
Rakhel  115
Rakhel Zavil's181
RakhelHadassShalom's101, 102
Reyzl comment34
Reyzl Yitzkhak Aaron's101
RikhterBlumeh 93, 229
RikhterBerlLiakhover161, 209
RikhterFeyge 209
RikhterM. 209
ReznikAsron 221
ReznikJoshua 215, 223
Renna  227
Retzitzeh  71
SHIN   <Return>   
Rabbi SaulKarlinnercomment25
Shayeh  179, 180
Shakhnav Uriadnik6, 17, 74, 129
ShuvBashke 160
ShuvKhaya Tziril 106
ShuvJeremiah 106, 141
ShuvEttye 106
ShuvLeybe 106
ShvartzRabbi David 27
ShvartzMenashe 22, 223
ShulmanL. 231
ShulrofI. A.comment5, 4
ShukovitzkyKhanna Leah 209
ShukovitzkyMottl 209
ShumanWalter 216, 222
ShumanSidney 216
ShoreJoshua Heshil 96
ShtshopakBeyle 106
ShtshopakSendr 106
Shter  6, 18, 105, 107
SheyneLeahAaron Leyb's177
SheyneNavaselker 106
ShikEliyahu Rabbi 27
Sheyke Shayeh188
SheykunVelvel 214
Rabbi ShalomItzik'sKastrinsky47, 49, 101, 102
Rabbi JosephShlofer 81
SolomonLiber'sPodolovsky91, 145
SolomonMoshethe Large One's (Borshtein)87, 160
Solomon the bricklayer162
SolomonJacob rabbicomment26
Solomon Volinietz197
Shammai Rabinsky111
Shammai the stitcher160
Samuel kaliker41, 72, 74, 186, 226
Samuel the ritual slaughterer71
Samuel the shoemaker44, 113, 114
SamuelKhayimSirata53, 119, 224
Samuel Hoizman194
Samuel Leybe Hersh's162, 163
ShmuklerDr. Sidney 218
SimkhaYudl 49, 146, 150, 162
SimonIsaacGlatzer10, 12, 49, 120, 121, 122, 146, 148, 150, 151
Rabbi Simon the doctor134
Simon Greblovsky215
Shimonke  44
Shmerl   the driller52, 213
Shimshon Alter Vissotzky181
Shnishke the landowner from Rodetz181
ShneyderBetzalel 127
ShekhterS. Z. 216
Shement the landowner181
Shekhsl the Stolliner150, 157, 160
Shekhsl Shavtiel Greblovsky215
Shefeh  47
Shershev  78
Shifra Aaron Yussl's42, 122, 140
Shifgra  182
Shifra Tshernik218
Sarah Shayeh's188
SarahBeyleYudl's75, 125
TAV   <Return>   
Tamar  169
TankhumBer 114

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