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We will always hold dear the holy memory of our beloved
who were murdered by Hitler's Nazi beasts


Mother Zisl Wolman (in the center) brothers Shloime Wolman
with his wife and child, Chava Wolman with her husband Leiser

Morris and Bracha Wolman,


Our Grandfather Aaron Wolman


In memory of my deceased parents in Gombin

Bezalel and Chana Wolman

* * *

With deep sorrow and pain I remember my late husband

Sylvia Surry, California

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We will always mourn those who were closest to us. May their names be sanctified.


Deceased from the Adler family

Rivka Adler's father: Chaim Yitzhak Rothbart, of blessed memory, passed away the 22nd of Adar, March 24th 1918 in Gombin Poland. Rivka's mother Sarah Rothbart, of blessed memory, passed away the 11th of Shevat, February 6th 1936 in Montreal, Canada. Rivka's son Jacob Adler, of blessed memory passed away the 25th of Tammuz, July 20th 1951 in Montreal, Canada. Rivka's husband, Shloime Leib Adler, of blessed memory, passed away the 16th of Nissan, April 17th 1965, in Montreal, Canada. Part of this family were murdered by the German Nazi murderers, may their names be blotted out, in the years between 1939 and 1944.

Mrs. Rivka Adler, children and grandchildren

My father Chaim Yosef, of blessed memory, passed away February 28th 1934 in Gombin. My mother Rokhl, of blessed memory, passed away February 22nd 1931 in Gombin.

Yitzhak Eily and family,
Montreal, Canada

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We will cherish the memory of our parents, sisters and brothers
who were murdered in 1942 together with their families

My sister Chaia with her child

My mother and father Shayna Bine and Moishe Leib Celemensky with the family. My sister Leah and my brother Yosef with his wife Chana and their daughter.

My sister Beila

My brother Abraham

My sister Feige
We will always carry them in our memory

Jacob, Pola, and Velvl Celemensky,

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We will forever carry the sadness in our hearts for our beloved parents and family who were cruelly exterminated in the death camp Chelmno

Our mother and father Beile and Wolf Zolna of blessed memory, sisters Dvorah, Rachl, Leah, Sarah and Dena, killed in 1943


Our mother and father Beile and Wolf Zolna of blessed memory, sisters Dvorah, Rachl, Leah, Sarah and Dena, killed in 1943



My unforgettable wife Sarah (maiden name Schwartz) with our son Aaron Wolf

Israel Zolna,
Melbourne, Australia

Our beloved parents Rochl and Yidel Mokotov, murdered in Treblinka with our brother Moishe


In their memory

Families Hershl, Reuven, and Tzeshe Mokotov–Nisenboym
Melbourne, Australia

The surviving brothers
Kasriel, Israel Yitzhak, Russia Israel, Melbourne

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With pain in our hearts we remember our closest and dearest
who were exterminated by the Nazi beasts

Our mother and father, Chaia Ita and Baruch Ozer Rusak.

Our brother Yankl, his wife Ita Miriam and their children Chanele, Eliezer and Aaron David. Our brother Yehuda, his wife Chaia and their two children. Our brother Shmuel, his wife Neche and their child. Our sister Neche and brother Mendel.

The ones who remained to mourn: Chana and Chaim Rusak, and their children Baruch and Feigele

We will hold dear our murdered mother and father, Leah and Aaron David Yarlicht.

Our brother Yacob Yosef, his wife Gitele and their children Hershl and Rivche. Our sister Ita Miriam, her husband Yankl and their children Chanele, Eliezer, Aaron David. Our sisters Neche and Mindl.

Our tragically murdered brother Yitzhak, also Hershl and Moishe.

Mourning survivors: Yehuda Yarlicht family and the orphaned wife Malka Yarlicht, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

To the eternal memory of our beloved mother and family who were killed in Chelmno.

Yosef and David Blawat, Paris


Our mother Frimet and brothers
Hershl, Lipe and Shloime

My wife Fradel Wrubel
with her mother and child

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In memory of our beloved parents Yosef and Miriam Opatowski

Sisters, brothers and their families who were killed by the Nazi murderers


In the centre is our mother Miriam, left, our sister Sarah with her husband Lipe


From this group only two survived



Our brother Rafel with his wife
Kuczynski and their two children


Our sister Libe
and our brothers Moishe, Zishe and Yankl
  Chaim and Natan Opatowski, New York
Mordechai Opatowski and family, Mexico
Melech Kuczynski and Mrs. Fradel Opatowski , Mexico

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May these lines serve as a tombstone on the unknown graves of my closest and dearest

Sorke Yeshon-Zilberman and her son
The Sochatczewski family

My unforgettable town of Gombin, fate would have it that I would be the only one left to mourn the tragic extermination of the entire Sochatczewski family by the Nazi murderers. In my dreams I see my father with his silver-white beard being led to death by the murderers. Who can forget my brother Jonathan who stood up to an S.S. officer to protect his daughter and paid it with his life.

Let this Gombin chronicle serve as a monument for the scattered ashes of my parents Miriam and Abraham Eli Sochatczewski, my sister Tovah and my seven brothers Reuven, Shloime, Jonathan, Rabbi Moishe, Yankele, and Pesach. I will carry the light of their memory deep in my heart.

Balka Sochatczewski-Yeshin, Chicago

May these lines serve as a tombstone on the unknown graves of my closest and dearest

My unforgettable sister Esther Manczyk, born 17th January 1917 in Gombin, daughter of Hersh and Hodes Skurka. Murdered March 1942 in Chelmno by Hitler's barbarians.

Her brother Wolf

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We will forever mourn our dearest and closest who were cruelly exterminated

My father Yosef Wolman, my sister Tovah and her husband Mendel Shapiro,
my brother Moishe his wife Rochl and their four children

My brother Lozer
who died in the Red Army
My sister Brandl
My brother Wolf

Leiser Wolman, Toronto, Canada

In sanctified memory of my parents, my brother Leib and my sister Chaia Sarah.
They were among the six million martyrs.


My father Abraham Moishe

My mother Roize

Yitzkhak Schigel, wife and children, Winnipeg, Canada

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With pain and sorrow we will carry the sanctified memory of my parents, sisters, brothers
and my child who were exterminated by the Nazi barbarians

My father Fishl Jonah Finkelstein
who died a martyr's death
My sister Frida Hinda
with my son Yerachmiel
and my sister-in-law Ruth Lichtenstein

With pain and sorrow we will carry the sanctified memory of my parents, sisters, brothers and my child who were exterminated by the Nazi barbarians.

My father was the head of the “Agudah” orthodox part and active in various Jewish institutions. His house was devoted to the study of the Torah, with a school for children. He was respected by the Jews of Gombin.

With respect and love I remember my mother Miriam, daughter of Moishe and Rivka; my father Fishl Jonah, son of Ezriel Zeev Finkelstein, my sisters Frida, Hinda and Rachel; my small son Yerachmiel; and my brothers Shmuel, Wolf and Israel.

Ezriel Moishe Finkelstein , Israel


My father Wolf Grzywacz,
murdered in Chelmno

Reb Yitzhak Shachar,
distinguished orthodox leader,
died a martyr's death

Abraham Grzywacz, Montreal


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