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A Poem – Memorial Monuments…

by Mikolai Gibs

Translated by Meir Holtzman z”l and Ada Holtzman z”l

Edited by Leon Zamosc


Memorial Monuments...

Not everyone can lay
flowers and wreaths
on the tombs of their fathers
and mothers...
brothers and sisters...
Not everyone knows
what fate befell them
in the years of that war.
In vain they search
through the sands of Treblinka
the ashes of Auschwitz,
the extinguished crematorium of Brzezinka...
They lay flowers and wreaths
on all the monuments
for the Anonymous Soldier,
the Godess of Victory,
the National Heroes,
the resistance fighters.
They lay the flowers there because,
so far, no memorial has been built
for the anonymous victims,
who fell with their eyes filled of hatred
against the Germans...
who fell with a last thought
for their lost children…
longing for revenge
because anonymous are their tombs
and the tombs of their fathers and mothers
their brothers and sisters...
You look at the monuments
and sometimes it seems to you,
that you see your loved ones there...
But you painfully realize
that no sculptor will ever cast
an image that captures
the torments of humanity.

Warsaw, November 1966


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