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[Page 383]

I n  M e m o r y

My Little Son


Taken from me and murdered by the Nazis

  The grieving suffering mother

Sarah Koslovski-Baron

[Page 384]

I n  E t e r n a l  R e m e m b r a n c e
The innocent victims of the Nazi murders

My niece

F e i g e l e

Daughter of Chana-Tzipa and Bruch Koslovski

Murdered in the Kinder Aktion in Kovno

Jacob Koslovski

I n  L u m i n o u s  M e m o r y

With great pain and misery in heart

I mourn my unforgettable

Daughter Shulamit

son Reuben

(Children of Ester and Simon Gurvitch)

Killed by the Fascist enemies
in the Kinder Aktion in Kovno

I will always bear them in my broken heart

The Grieving Mother Ester

[Page 385]

I n s t e a d  o f  a  G r a v e

For a grave that is not here, for my unforgettable


Son: Reuben

Daughter: Mirele

and Feigele

(child of Taneh and Bruch-Hirsh Gurvitch)

Killed in the Kinder Aktion in Kovne.

They will forever remain in my broken heart

a sad surviving mother: Chana Baran (from the Baran home)

[Page 386]

M e m o r i a l   L i g h t s

to the eternal memory of our dearest
killed by the Germans


Isaac Yerush

His wife:


Their daughter:


We will never forget them!

Benjamin Yerush and Chania Gurvitch (Israel)

[Page 387]

A  M e m o r i a l  L i g h t

On an absent grave
of my dearest and closest
tortured by the Germans
in the dark years of
our people's fate

My father

Mordechai-Nathan Shuster

Killed in Klage, Estonia 9/19/44

My mother Rachel
shot in Zelianke, spring 1943

My brother Alilu
Killed in Panor (Vilna)

My sister Bath-Sheba and her little daughter Lala
killed in Klage 9/19/44

My sister Miriam and her husband Pesach Safra
with their children Berele and Yehudith
Killed in the Voloshin slaughter in 1942

I will always remember you

In sad survival Aaron Shuster and family

a sad surviving mother: Chana Baran (from the Baran home)

[Page 390]

M e m o r i a l   L i g h t

To our unforgettable

dear parents:



Killed by the German enemies

in Panor (Vilna) in 1942



Killed by the Nazis in the

extermination camp

Estonia 1943

With great sorrow we'll remember you always
and carry you in our hearts

Rivka Shkop and family (America)
Ziml Abramovitch and family (Israel)

[Page 391]

I n s t e a d  o f  a  G r a v e s t o n e

To our unforgettable
two and a half year little son


Who was torn away from us and killed by the bestial
murderers in Vilna 3/27/1944

  Sad survivors

Rivka and Laveh Shkop

[Page 392]

I n  B r i g h t  M e m o r y


The first victim of the Nazis
in Olshan

His wife


Their children


with her husband

Moshe Benkel and

daughter Etel

all killed by the Nazi beasts

Your figures will remain forever in our eyes

and in our hearts

The family

In Israel and America


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