Rabka Police School


Written and contributed by:

Dr Robin O'Neil

Salisbury, England - 17th February 2004

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Part 1 - The School of the Commander-in-Chief of the Security Police and Security Services
Rabka's SS “School for Murder”
Prelude and Establishment of School
The SD School moves to Rabka
Accomodations for Jewish Workers
The General Operation of the Murder Actions in School
The Jews of Jordanow
Profile of SS-Untersturmführer Wilhelm Rosenbaum
Profile and End Game – Rosenbaum
Profile: SS Hauptsturmführer Hans Kruger
Profile: SS Brigaderführer Dr. Karl Eberhard Schongarth

Biography of the Author

Robin O'Neil

The Author: Honorary
Research Fellow UCL,
Salisbury UK Dr Robin O'Neil

Dr. Robin O'Neil is a former police major crimes investigator who worked at the cutting edge of major criminal investigations in the United Kingdom and Central Europe. Formerly of Scotland Yard, the Metropolitan and Home Counties Police. service, he then took up the challenge of academia. After obtaining his Master’s and Doctorate with University College London, he now specializes in the investigation of Nazi war crimes and the destruction of the European Jewish communities 1933-1945. He is a regular lecturer at Universities in the United Kingdom, United States, Israel and Eastern Europe

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Contact person for this translation Dr Robin O'Neil
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